Israel Is Number 1

Haredi men? Israeli is majority secular country, dumbkoff. Anybody who goes to Israel realizes how similar it is to a European / Western country.
Meanwhile, this is how the animals treat their women:

Islamism in the Gaza Strip

Islamism in the Gaza Strip refers to the efforts to impose Islamic laws and traditions in the Gaza Strip. The influence of Islamic groups in the Gaza Strip has grown since the 1980s. Following Hamas' victory in the 2006 Palestinian elections and a conflict with supporters of the rival Fatah party, Hamas took complete control of the Gaza Strip,[1][2][3] and declared the “end of secularism and heresy in the Gaza Strip.”[4] For the first time since the Sudanese coup of 1989 that brought Omar al-Bashir to power, a Muslim Brotherhood group ruled a significant geographic territory.[5] Gaza human rights groups accuse Hamas of restricting many freedoms in the course of these attempts.[2]

Jonathan Schanzer writes that in the two years since the 2007 coup, the Gaza Strip has exhibited the characteristics of Talibanization,[5] a process whereby the Hamas government has imposed strict rules on women, discouraged activities commonly associated with Western or Christian culture, oppressed non-Muslim minorities, imposed sharia law, and deployed religious police to enforce these laws.[5]

According to a Human Rights Watch researcher, the Hamas-controlled government of Gaza stepped up its efforts to "Islamize" Gaza in 2010, efforts that included the "repression" of civil society and "severe violations of personal freedom."[6]Israeli journalist, Khaled Abu Toameh, wrote in 2009 that "Hamas is gradually turning the Gaza Strip into a Taliban-style Islamic entity".[7] According to Mkhaimar Abusada, a political science professor at Gaza's Al-Azhar University, "Ruling by itself, Hamas can stamp its ideas on everyone (...) Islamizing society has always been part of Hamas strategy."[8]

Restrictions on women
Music and Internet

Beginning in October 2006, during the Fatah-Hamas conflict, and continuing into mid-2007, dozens of Internet cafes and music shops in Gaza were attacked by unknown assailants who detonated small bombs outside businesses at night. Ramzi Shaheen, the Gaza police spokesman told Ha'aretz in 2007, that the method of operation was always the same but that they had no hard proof as to who was behind the attacks and had yet to make arrests. Ramzi Abu Hilao, a pool hall owner whose establishment was blown up said he had received no prior warning but that, "I received a written message after the bombing from a group called 'The Swords of Truth' that began with a verse from the Koran and said they wanted to correct the bad behavior in Palestinian society." Police said that no credible claims of responsibility had been made for the attacks, dismissing a statement that appeared on a news Web site in December from an unknown group with alleged links to Al-Qaida. Ha'aretz noted that, "There has been no conclusive proof that Al-Qaida has established a Gaza branch. Observers believe the vice squad is most likely homegrown."

In 2007, the Gaza Strip's Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, which at the time claimed to be independent of the Hamas government, beat up a local singer in Gaza after he gave a concert in Khan Younis, according to the London-based newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi.

The Islamist group Swords of Truth claimed responsibility for bombing Internet cafes, music shops and pool halls, which they considered places of vice. The assailants used to detonate small bombs outside businesses at night, causing damage but no injuries. Hamas spokesman Ismail Ridwan denied any connection with the group.

In April 2010, Hamas sent police to break up the Gaza Strip's first major hip-hopconcert, which it viewed as immoral conduct. It said organizers failed to get a permit.

In 2013, Islamic religious leaders were critical of the Arab Idol singing contest, describing voting for songs as immoral, evil, sinful and a "crime against the cause of our people".

Book banning

There is widespread banning of books in the Gaza Strip. In 2007, the banning of a book of Palestinian folk-tales, "Speak, Bird, Speak Again", which is a collection of 45 Palestinian folk tales, because of some supposedly lewd content, caused an outcry. The Palestinian novelist Zakariya Mohammed warned that Hamas' decision to ban the book was "only the beginning" and he urged intellectuals to take action. He said: "If we don't stand up to the Islamists now, they won't stop confiscating books, songs and folklore".

Children's summer camps

In May 2010, a previously unknown militant group calling itself "The Free of the Homeland" issued a statement criticizing the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), for running camps in the Gaza Strip "teaching schoolgirls fitness, dancing and immorality". Two days later, about 20 men armed with assault rifles attacked a UNRWA-run summer camp. The assailants tore up large plastic tents and burned storage facilities at the site, according to an eyewitness. John Ging, UNRWA's director of operations in Gaza, called the incident "an attack on the happiness of children". A Hamas spokesman condemned the attack and pledged authorities "will track down the perpetrators".

In a separate incident in June 2010, a group of about two dozen armed and masked men attacked a UNRWA summer camp in Gaza. The assailants tied up an unarmed guard, then tried to set fire to two tents and a perimeter fence. They also used knives, slashing a plastic swimming pool, blow-up slide and toys. John Ging called it a "cowardly and despicable" attack. Hamas condemned the attack and said it was investigating.

Water park

In 2010, Human rights activists said that Hamas stepped up its efforts to impose strict Islamic teachings in the Gaza Strip. Crazy Water Park, one of the Gaza Strip's most popular entertainment sites, was closed down by Hamas for allowing mixed bathing. Two weeks later, the site was set on fire by a group of unknown gunmen. The Hamas government issued a strong condemnation and promised to pursue the perpetrators.

Although it is not clear which Islamist group was behind the action, Islamist militants who objected to mixed-gender socializing destroyed Gaza's water park.

Other prohibitions

The "Islamic Endowment Ministry" created by the Hamas administration has deployed Virtue Committee members to warn people of the dangers of dating, card playing and immodest dress. The government has also imposed temporary closures on facilities like the cafes of the Crazy Water Park and the Faisal Equestrian Club where men and women were mingling socially.

It was reported that young Palestinians in Gaza were being targeted by Islamist gunmen and Hamas security forces for wearing hair gel, with some of them being beaten and shaved against their will.

In 2008, Hamas instructed the main Palestinian telecoms company, Paltel to block access to pornographic internet sites. "Palestinian society suffers because of such immoral sites. We have therefore taken the decision to protect morality, and this remains our policy," said Hamas telecommunications minister Yussef al-Mansi.

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Haredi men? Israeli is majority secular country, dumbkoff. Anybody who goes to Israel realizes how similar it is to a European / Western country.

That's the problem right there. All of these people have never been to Israel.
Haredi men? Israeli is majority secular country, dumbkoff. Anybody who goes to Israel realizes how similar it is to a European / Western country.

How can a Jewish State be secular. LOL
LOL because it is. Majority of Israelis are indeed secular Jews, and it is a secular parliamentary democratic govt. which accepts atheists, Muslims, Jews, Christians, gays, and straights, as Israeli citizens.
Haredi men? Israeli is majority secular country, dumbkoff. Anybody who goes to Israel realizes how similar it is to a European / Western country.

How can a Jewish State be secular. LOL

So you lied when you said that you've been to Israel. Because most Israelis spend Saturday at the beach, not in synagogue.
Wearing bikinis and speedos playing beach paddle ball. Most Israelis don't even hold shabat.
Haredi men? Israeli is majority secular country, dumbkoff. Anybody who goes to Israel realizes how similar it is to a European / Western country.

How can a Jewish State be secular. LOL

So you lied when you said that you've been to Israel. Because most Israelis spend Saturday at the beach, not in synagogue.

The most recent survey confirms that non-secular Jewish Israelis now outnumber secular Jewish Israelis and the number of non-secular Israeli Jews is increasing.


Israel’s Religiously Divided Society
Point? The number of evangelicals is also increasing. Does that make the US a non secular country? Duh.
Playing word games won't hide the fact that most Israelis are secular, and the Israeli is a secular, democratic parliamentary form of of govt. where people of all faiths and ethnicities are accepted as Israeli citizens viewed as equal under the eyes of the law. More futile attempts by antisemites of demonizing Israel and the Jewish people.
Playing word games won't hide the fact that most Israelis are secular, and the Israeli is a secular, democratic parliamentary form of of govt. where people of all faiths and ethnicities are accepted as Israeli citizens viewed as equal under the eyes of the law. More futile attempts by antisemites of demonizing Israel and the Jewish people.

It is a democracy for the Jews and a few non-Jews under Israeli rule that they allow to vote. Much like Apartheid South Africa allowed a few non-whites under their rule to vote. Who do you think you are fooling?
Nope, more lies and hate....there are almost two million Muslim Arabs and over 250,000 Christians that call themselves Israeli citizens and enjoy the same exact rights as other Israeli citizens.
The non-Jews do not have the same rights as Jews under Israeli law.

"The most important immigration laws—including the Law of Return {1950}1 and the Citizenship Law {1952}20,- privilege Jews and Jewish immigration over non-Jews. Jews are granted the right to immigrate and become Israeli citizens even if they have no connection to Israel, while 750,000 Palestinians and their descendants expelled in 1948 have no such right. It is nearly impossible for Palestinians outside Israel to become Israeli citizens.

Population Registry Law {1965}1 –Requires all residents of Israel to register their nationality [i.e., Jewish, Arab, Druze] with the Population Registry and obtain an identity card carrying this information. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Says: “a dual system of law discriminates between Jewish Israelis and indigenous Palestinians based on a constructed status of 'Jewish nationality'. This prejudicial application of law is apparent in all processes of the legal system, from the rights to information and fair trial to detention and prison treatment.”

Identity Certificate [Possession and Presentation] Law {1982}1 –Residents must carry identity cards at all times and present them to "senior police officers,” to the heads of local authorities, or to police officers or soldiers on duty when requested to do so. Jewish citizens are seldom asked to present their cards, while Palestinians often are.

Family Unification {2003}5,22– Under the 2003 policy for "family unification" non-citizen spouses and children of Arab Israeli citizens are prohibited from entering Israel [and living with their spouse/parent]. This means if you are a Palestinian from outside Israel, married to an Israeli, you are barred from living with your spouse in Israel. This does not apply to any other nationality beside Arabs. This “interim” provision has been regularly extended, most recently in January, 2011.

The Citizenship Law{2008} 20 -Several attempts have been made in recent years to make it possible to strip Israeli citizenship for various reasons related to alleged “disloyalty” to the state or “breach of trust.” All of these attempts have indirectly targeted the citizenship rights of Palestinian citizens. This law allows the citizenship of an Israeli citizen to be revoked on the grounds of “breach of trust or disloyalty to the state.” “Breach of trust” is broadly defined.

Laws pertaining to acquisition and ownership of land

Absentee Property Law {No. 20, March 1950}1,6,20 -A law to confiscate property from Palestinians inside the state of Israel. It confiscated land from 750,000 refugees ethnically cleansed from Palestine in 1947-49 and “internally displaced" Palestinians who remained in Israel. Before 1948, Palestinians owned 90% of the land in Palestine; in 1952 they owned 3%; today, they are a mostly a landless people. The law classifies the personal property of Palestinians forced to flee (or internally displaced) as "absentee property" and places it under the authority of the Custodian of Absentee Property.

Development Authority [Transfer of Property Law] {July 1950}1 ,8,10,19-Transfers confiscated Palestinian villages and private property to the Jewish National Fund –Jewish Agency [Status] Law {1952} 8,18 and Jewish National Fund Law {1953}9 -Establishes the World Zionist Organization, the Jewish Agency and the Jewish National Fund as organizations with governmental status in fulfilling Zionist objectives - the immigration and settlement of Jews in Palestine. Under a complicated interplay of Israel’s Basic Law, bestowing quasi governmental status and the transfer of “public land” to these agencies whose charters restrict the sale, transfer or lease of land to non-Jews, Israel has managed to prohibit non-Jewish [i.e., Palestinian] citizens from acquiring land or leasing land, including land taken from them under various statutes [see above].3 93% of the land in Israel has this prohibition.

Land Acquisition [Validity of Acts and Compensation] {Law No. 25, 1953}11 –Confiscated the land of more than 400 Palestinian villages; "validates" retroactively their use for military purposes and for Jewish settlements.

National Planning and Building Law {1965}12-Creates a system of discriminatory zoning and freezes existing Arab villages while allowing expansion of Jewish settlements. It also re-classifies many Arab villages as "non-residential," thereby creating "unrecognized villages" – villages that do not receive basic municipal services such as water and electricity; all buildings are threatened with demolition orders.

Land Acquisition in the Negev [Peace Treaty with Egypt Law] {1980}13 -Seizes thousands of dunums from Bedouins in order to expand Jewish settlements. Palestinian property is confiscated to this day: these complicated property laws and local ordinances are used to continually take Palestinian Israeli land, in recent years, most notable in Jaffa.

Bill on Admission Committees16,22 {2011} -This bill allows admission committees in 300 Jewish-majority communities to reject applicants for residency who do not meet vague "social suitability" criteria. The measure anchors in law a practice that has been the basis for unjustly rejecting applications by Palestinian Arabs. While Israeli planning authorities have established hundreds of Jewish towns and villages, Israel has not allowed Arab citizens to establish any new towns since 1948. Today Palestinian citizens of Israel are in practice blocked from purchasing or leasing land on around 80% of the land in Israel on the basis of their national belonging.101 As a result, the vast majority of state land consists of segregated, Jewish-only areas.

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The non-Jews do not have the same rights as Jews under Israeli law.

"The most important immigration laws—including the Law of Return {1950}1 and the Citizenship Law {1952}20,- privilege Jews and Jewish immigration over non-Jews. Jews are granted the right to immigrate and become Israeli citizens even if they have no connection to Israel, while 750,000 Palestinians and their descendants expelled in 1948 have no such right. It is nearly impossible for Palestinians outside Israel to become Israeli citizens.

Population Registry Law {1965}1 –Requires all residents of Israel to register their nationality [i.e., Jewish, Arab, Druze] with the Population Registry and obtain an identity card carrying this information. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Says: “a dual system of law discriminates between Jewish Israelis and indigenous Palestinians based on a constructed status of 'Jewish nationality'. This prejudicial application of law is apparent in all processes of the legal system, from the rights to information and fair trial to detention and prison treatment.”

Identity Certificate [Possession and Presentation] Law {1982}1 –Residents must carry identity cards at all times and present them to "senior police officers,” to the heads of local authorities, or to police officers or soldiers on duty when requested to do so. Jewish citizens are seldom asked to present their cards, while Palestinians often are.

Family Unification {2003}5,22– Under the 2003 policy for "family unification" non-citizen spouses and children of Arab Israeli citizens are prohibited from entering Israel [and living with their spouse/parent]. This means if you are a Palestinian from outside Israel, married to an Israeli, you are barred from living with your spouse in Israel. This does not apply to any other nationality beside Arabs. This “interim” provision has been regularly extended, most recently in January, 2011.

The Citizenship Law{2008} 20 -Several attempts have been made in recent years to make it possible to strip Israeli citizenship for various reasons related to alleged “disloyalty” to the state or “breach of trust.” All of these attempts have indirectly targeted the citizenship rights of Palestinian citizens. This law allows the citizenship of an Israeli citizen to be revoked on the grounds of “breach of trust or disloyalty to the state.” “Breach of trust” is broadly defined.

Laws pertaining to acquisition and ownership of land

Absentee Property Law {No. 20, March 1950}1,6,20 -A law to confiscate property from Palestinians inside the state of Israel. It confiscated land from 750,000 refugees ethnically cleansed from Palestine in 1947-49 and “internally displaced" Palestinians who remained in Israel. Before 1948, Palestinians owned 90% of the land in Palestine; in 1952 they owned 3%; today, they are a mostly a landless people. The law classifies the personal property of Palestinians forced to flee (or internally displaced) as "absentee property" and places it under the authority of the Custodian of Absentee Property.

Development Authority [Transfer of Property Law] {July 1950}1 ,8,10,19-Transfers confiscated Palestinian villages and private property to the Jewish National Fund –Jewish Agency [Status] Law {1952} 8,18 and Jewish National Fund Law {1953}9 -Establishes the World Zionist Organization, the Jewish Agency and the Jewish National Fund as organizations with governmental status in fulfilling Zionist objectives - the immigration and settlement of Jews in Palestine. Under a complicated interplay of Israel’s Basic Law, bestowing quasi governmental status and the transfer of “public land” to these agencies whose charters restrict the sale, transfer or lease of land to non-Jews, Israel has managed to prohibit non-Jewish [i.e., Palestinian] citizens from acquiring land or leasing land, including land taken from them under various statutes [see above].3 93% of the land in Israel has this prohibition.

Land Acquisition [Validity of Acts and Compensation] {Law No. 25, 1953}11 –Confiscated the land of more than 400 Palestinian villages; "validates" retroactively their use for military purposes and for Jewish settlements.

National Planning and Building Law {1965}12-Creates a system of discriminatory zoning and freezes existing Arab villages while allowing expansion of Jewish settlements. It also re-classifies many Arab villages as "non-residential," thereby creating "unrecognized villages" – villages that do not receive basic municipal services such as water and electricity; all buildings are threatened with demolition orders.

Land Acquisition in the Negev [Peace Treaty with Egypt Law] {1980}13 -Seizes thousands of dunums from Bedouins in order to expand Jewish settlements. Palestinian property is confiscated to this day: these complicated property laws and local ordinances are used to continually take Palestinian Israeli land, in recent years, most notable in Jaffa.

Bill on Admission Committees16,22 {2011} -This bill allows admission committees in 300 Jewish-majority communities to reject applicants for residency who do not meet vague "social suitability" criteria. The measure anchors in law a practice that has been the basis for unjustly rejecting applications by Palestinian Arabs. While Israeli planning authorities have established hundreds of Jewish towns and villages, Israel has not allowed Arab citizens to establish any new towns since 1948. Today Palestinian citizens of Israel are in practice blocked from purchasing or leasing land on around 80% of the land in Israel on the basis of their national belonging.101 As a result, the vast majority of state land consists of segregated, Jewish-only areas.

Laws pertaining to political participation14

Section 7A(1) of the Basic Law: The Knesset {1958, passed in 1985}15-Bars a list of candidates from participation in elections to the Knesset “if its aims or actions, expressly or by implication” deny “the existence of the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people.

The Law of Political Parties {1982} -Bars the Registrar of Political Parties from registering a political party if it denies “the existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic State.” In 2002 both Section 7A(1) of the Basic Law and Knesset and the Law of Political Parties were amended further to bar those whose goals or actions, directly or indirectly, “support armed struggle of an enemy state or of a terror organization, against the State of Israel.” These amendments were added expressly to curtail the political participation of Palestinian Arabs within Israel – such as Azmi Bishara – who have expressed solidarity with Palestinians resisting military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza.

Many Appointments to Government25 positions and regional councils have positions statutorily set aside of spots for Zionist organizations, thereby discriminating against Palestinians in their rulings of group composition.

No Equal Legal Protection1,20- The Israeli courts – guided by the Supreme Court – have consistently decided that discrimination between Arabs and Jews is legitimate based on the founding principles of Israel as a state for the Jewish people; “nationality” is a legitimate basis for discrimination. In the State of Israel vs. Ashgoyev (1988), an Israeli settler was convicted by the Tel Aviv District Court of shooting a Palestinian child. His sentence was a suspended jail term of six months and community service. When challenged, the judge, Uri Shtruzman, said: “It is wrong to demand in the name of equality, equal bearing and equal sentences to two offenders who have different nationalities who break the laws of the State. The sentence that deters the one and his audience does not deter the other and his community.”

The Nakba Bill{2011}16,22 - Persons marking Nakba Day as a day of mourning for the establishment of the State of Israel will be sentenced to prison. In the wake of public protests, its wording was changed to state that persons marking Nakba Day shall be denied public funds.

The Emergency Powers (Detention) Law23,24 {1979} and the Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance {1948} - have been used to detain Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel without benefit of trial and without permitting contact with lawyers. The Criminal Procedure (Powers of Enforcement, Detentions) Law {1996} has been used to target Palestinian protests and make mass arrests to stifle political decent.
Aww, poor, angry, self-hating Monty. While you were feverishly scouring the web in furtherance of your Insenstae Jooooooo hating tirades, you probably missed that many of the laws you cut and pasted were of mid 1950's vintage.

You will find laws in many nations that are still on the books but not enforced.

Tell us about he laws in Hamas'istan affecting their Jewish citizens.
There is way too much in Monte's most recent post to deal with effectively. But a few broad points:

1. There is a difference between discriminatory laws and discriminatory practice. Discriminatory laws are unacceptable, discrimination in practice, especially during a conflict is much harder to deal with and eliminate.

2. Are these laws he brings up laws acceptable for other countries? Is Israel being unfairly singled out? For example, privileged immigration is common throughout the world.

3. Why is it that some members here, in their rush to demonize Israel, just exactly as the UN has done as the topic of this thread, still fail to address the FAR more egregious discrimination of women in other countries such as:

There are women in the world -- girls -- who are being held and kept as SEXUAL SLAVES.

There are women in the world who are being physically punished and KILLED because they "caused" themselves to get raped.

There are women in the world who are BURNED with acid or with gasoline and then set alight because they "dishonored" their husbands. Perhaps by looking at a man in public.

There are women in the world who can not leave their homes without a MALE ESCORT.

There are girls in the world who are BRUTALLY MURDERED for going to school.

There are girls in the world (133 million of them) who have their sexual organs sliced off so that they can feel no pleasure and have their LABIA SEWN CLOSED and then brutally RIPPED OPEN during their first sexual encounter.

There are infant girls in the world -- less than a year old -- who are RAPED by men in an effort to cure them of disease.

There are women and children in the world who are IMPRISONED for their "own protection" because their husbands or families want to kill them for dishonor.

Do you all not see that you are doing exactly what the UN is doing? Demonizing Israel while turning a blind eye, not just to discrimination, but to the truly horrifying mistreatment, cruelty and murder of women all over the globe. (Nearly all of it, excepting India, in Muslim countries).

How can you possibly justify this blindness? The world has gone mad.
This is the Israel/Palestine section. No one is turning a blind eye to discrimination, mistreatment, cruelty and murder elsewhere. It is discussed in the appropriate forum section(s). Why would one start a thread about Saudi Arabia's treatment of women here?

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