Israel Is Number 1

fanger, et al,

This is true. In fact, Saudi Arabia is in the Top 10 of countries with the With The Strictest Laws In The World.

But then, so is Japan.

Countries like Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iran, Yemen, Somalia and some states in Nigeria still have some of the harshest punishments.

The fact of the matter is that in Muslim countries women can't drive, can't go places unaccompanied by males, are subject to child marriages and genital mutilations,
Some of those things apply to Saudi Arabia, Not Palestine or any other Muslim country

But strict laws do not always involve brutal and inhuman punishments. Just recently we've heard of several cases if radicalized Islamic Law practitioners burning people to death; including a young women for witchcraft and a captured military pilot. And we've all heard of radicalized Islamic Law practitioners carrying out honor killings, beheadings, mutilations, stoning, and amputations.

We all have heard how insensitive and disrespectful Islamic law is towards women. But the one that I thought was really representative of the Arab Palestinians was:

The Palestinian Authority Sunday reaffirmed the death penalty for any Palestinian found guilty of selling land to Israelis.

The decision came in response to a ruling by a Palestinian court according to which such acts were only a “minor offense.” SOURCE: The Jerusalem Post 04.03.2016 | 24 Adar II, 5776
Every time I hear the Arab Palestinians complain about casualties; I fall back on incidents like this and reafirm, that the Palestinians have very little regard for law and human life.

There is definitely differences between the human development of the Western Cultures and those of the Islamic world. The UK is now struggling over this issue.

LONDON (AP) — The Crown Prosecution Service successfully presented their case and a jury at London’s Kingston Crown Court found Junead Khan guilty of preparing an act of terrorism. HM's Security Service (MI-5) discovered a plan to attack on US Service Personnel.

Junead Khan and his 23-year-old uncle, Shazib Khan, enter the sentencing phase on sentenced May 13. Junead Khan faces a maximum sentence of life in prison.


LONDON (AP): A man was handed a two year jail sentence today after becoming the first in England to be convicted of keeping his wife "in domestic servitude".

In what the Crown Prosecution Service said was the first case of its kind in England, London's Woolwich Crown Court heard that Safraz Ahmed, 34, imprisoned and beat his wife after an arranged marriage in Pakistan.

Sentencing Ahmed to two years in prison for holding a person in domestic servitude, Judge Christopher Hehir told him: "She was bullied and controlled by you, given little money and expected to cook, clean and look after your family as if she was a skivvy.

The Western World holds differing view and was is ethical and proper. The next decade or so will be interesting.

Most Respectfully,
The fact of the matter is that in Muslim countries women can't drive, can't go places unaccompanied by males, are subject to child marriages and genital mutilations,
Some of those things apply to Saudi Arabia, Not Palestine or any other Muslim country

Please read the entire link (article) in the OP that you yourself posted.
Saudi Arabia is the only country that bans women from driving, so don´t Lie
Saudi Arabia is the only country that bans women from driving, so don´t Lie

SA is the only country in which it is illegal for women to drive. There are a number of other countries where social custom and religious attitudes make it nearly impossible for a woman to drive. (Afghanistan, Sudan, Morocco, Yemen, etc).

Required accompaniment by a male guardian, female child marriage and genital mutilation are common in many countries.

I didn't say it WAS impossible. I said that the social customs and religious attitudes made it nearly impossible. Two pictures of women in cars does not equality make.
Ruddy posts cartoons after I post a link to a scholarly article proving that the Jewish women introduced the veil in Arabia. Go figure.

Those ancient paintings of Jews and how people dressed during biblical times. So historically they are far more accurate than an antisemtic propagandist's lies. Did Jesus' mother Mary wear an Islamic veil? Obviously not.
What do women taxi drivers have to do with a headscarve?
Who cares about women taxi drivers. Are you now claiming that Muslim countries aren't the most repressive chauvinistic societies on earth?

“Ultra orthodox men who wear covers on their faces to avoid seeing woman
2 Men of God- Pic
Guy´s looking is OK but no touching, and hey live the children alone

Better that than massive gang-rapes in Europe.

And why should we care about those men? who do they hurt in their choice to cover themselves up? last I checked, being weird isn't a crime
BECAUSE FEY,makes a point of Muslim women dressing the same way.............DUH
So these Jewish women are waiting for the festival to start and they are also making fun of Muslim women? You people are so pathetic. LOL You make fools of yourselves trying to defend just about anything a Jew does.

What makes you think they are Jewish women? This may surprise you but it's a common sight in Israel to see Jews and Arabs/Muslims next to each other. Perhaps they're waiting at a bus-stop. You don't provide any context for the photo and just tell us they're Jewish women, when Jewish women don't dress that way.
Stop being seem totally ignorant of parts of your own culture...NOT GOOD ENOUGH

I'm not ignorant of my culture. That's not my culture, idiot. It's the Muslim culture.
Whoooha.......wrong again

The 100 fanatic Jewish women in Israel who cover their whole bodies also don't show their eyes. In this picture the eyes are shown. So they are Muslim women who happen to be standing next to a Jewish man.
Your Argument is fraught with inaccuracy
Shushi made the assertion, ask him.
Then quote the person and subject you are addressing.

You as usual have driven this thread off topic first by making false allegations about attire, and now treatment of women in Muslim countries, both of which have nothing to do with the original.

“Ultra orthodox men who wear covers on their faces to avoid seeing woman
2 Men of God- Pic
Guy´s looking is OK but no touching, and hey live the children alone

Better that than massive gang-rapes in Europe.

And why should we care about those men? who do they hurt in their choice to cover themselves up? last I checked, being weird isn't a crime
BECAUSE FEY,makes a point of Muslim women dressing the same way.............DUH

Again the content of this thread just proves the ridiculousness of those whose primary purpose is to demonize Israel, rather than to take an objective look at the behaviour of different nations throughout the world. In their rush to blame Israel for the ills of the world they focus on Israel instead of focusing on problems.

This subject is a vividly clear, indisputable situation of one country being unfairly vilified in an international and public arena for behavior which is significantly less egregious than behaviour in other nations.

The morally correct response is: "Yes, Israel needs to improve the status of her women (and she does), just as countries such as Canada and the US and Sweden and the UK need to make improvements still, HOWEVER if we are examining the worst behaviour towards women on an international scale -- there are dozens of countries which need to either be ALSO addressed or addressed as a priority to countries which are getting it mostly right."

...and I'm a "she" and prefer to be addressed that way.

“Ultra orthodox men who wear covers on their faces to avoid seeing woman
2 Men of God- Pic
Guy´s looking is OK but no touching, and hey live the children alone

Better that than massive gang-rapes in Europe.

And why should we care about those men? who do they hurt in their choice to cover themselves up? last I checked, being weird isn't a crime
BECAUSE FEY,makes a point of Muslim women dressing the same way.............DUH

So there you go
Again the content of this thread just proves the ridiculousness of those whose primary purpose is to demonize Israel, rather than to take an objective look at the behaviour of different nations throughout the world. In their rush to blame Israel for the ills of the world they focus on Israel instead of focusing on problems.

This subject is a vividly clear, indisputable situation of one country being unfairly vilified in an international and public arena for behavior which is significantly less egregious than behaviour in other nations.

The morally correct response is: "Yes, Israel needs to improve the status of her women (and she does), just as countries such as Canada and the US and Sweden and the UK need to make improvements still, HOWEVER if we are examining the worst behaviour towards women on an international scale -- there are dozens of countries which need to either be ALSO addressed or addressed as a priority to countries which are getting it mostly right."

...and I'm a "she" and prefer to be addressed that way.
What this comes down to is Muslims accusing others of things they are most guilty of. It's called Turnspeak, a technique they learned from the Nazis. It's absolutely ridiculous to discuss Israeli treatment of women, when most Muslim societies treat women like cattle and private property of the men. Anybody who's been to Israel realizes the freedom and equality between men and women.

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