Israel issues green-badge-israels-covid-19-vaccination-certificate-opens-fast-track-to-normal-life

I don't normally extol the virtues of Israeli government policy, on this though I think they have got it spot on.
No government mandate to tell people to take the vaccine buy a Green badge you can download proving you've been vaccinated. This leaves it to businesses to decide whether they will accept those without a badge from either working for them or entering their premises as customers.

It should be remembered that an employer may not have much choice. If he allows those without the badge to work and a colleague contracts the virus from them, the employer could then be sued.
I think insurance companies will demand employers only allow Green badge holders on their premises.

Other governments should follow suit.
How about a yellow star? You could stick it right on the front of your jacket.
That's a good idea and we could go and daub 'R' for Refusnik on business windows.

But wait a minute I think you're trying to suggest we - the rational, are like Nazis?

Yours is the 10th post in 6 days that a right-winger has compared the Nazis with some mundane everyday event.

Knock it off!

There is nothing "rational" about your irrational fear of a virus that kills less than 2% of the infected, nothing at all.

There is nothing "rational" about your irrational fear of a vaccine that has a death rate of .000001%, nothing at all.

I don't normally extol the virtues of Israeli government policy, on this though I think they have got it spot on.
No government mandate to tell people to take the vaccine buy a Green badge you can download proving you've been vaccinated. This leaves it to businesses to decide whether they will accept those without a badge from either working for them or entering their premises as customers.

It should be remembered that an employer may not have much choice. If he allows those without the badge to work and a colleague contracts the virus from them, the employer could then be sued.
I think insurance companies will demand employers only allow Green badge holders on their premises.

Other governments should follow suit.
Israel is far nicer and better nation than the UK

I don't normally extol the virtues of Israeli government policy, on this though I think they have got it spot on.
No government mandate to tell people to take the vaccine buy a Green badge you can download proving you've been vaccinated. This leaves it to businesses to decide whether they will accept those without a badge from either working for them or entering their premises as customers.

It should be remembered that an employer may not have much choice. If he allows those without the badge to work and a colleague contracts the virus from them, the employer could then be sued.
I think insurance companies will demand employers only allow Green badge holders on their premises.

Other governments should follow suit.
How about a yellow star? You could stick it right on the front of your jacket.
That's a good idea and we could go and daub 'R' for Refusnik on business windows.

But wait a minute I think you're trying to suggest we - the rational, are like Nazis?

Yours is the 10th post in 6 days that a right-winger has compared the Nazis with some mundane everyday event.

Knock it off!

There is nothing "rational" about your irrational fear of a virus that kills less than 2% of the infected, nothing at all.

There is nothing "rational" about your irrational fear of a vaccine that has a death rate of .000001%, nothing at all.

LOL, I find it hilarious that Progs like you have NO ability to think for themselves.
I have no desire to take a "vaccine" that isn't a vaccine. I have no desire to put ANY untested crap in my body and act as a as on the fly human trial.
Take it, it's ok. I won't, that's ok too.

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