Israel Kills Spanish UN Peacekeeper blames Hezbullah

Then neither is Israel, you cant have terrorism against civilians by Syria, Iraq, Iran and Palestine and say it is not aggresion
Defending your country against a military coup, is not terrorism and its not aggression when Israel is providing material support to ISIS rebels.
No word games dildo I leave those to the TERRORISTS SUPPORTERS on here claiming that hamas is not aggressive when it attacks children.
I wouldn't talk about attacking children when your sick country attacked and killed over 500 Palestinian children this past summer.
No word games dildo I leave those to the TERRORISTS SUPPORTERS on here claiming that hamas is not aggressive when it attacks children.
I wouldn't talk about attacking children when your sick country attacked and killed over 500 Palestinian children this past summer.

Not according to the Geneva conventions that puts the blame on hamas and the P.A.

And my country did not attack and kill anyone but a few Islamic terrorists last year in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
I am sure the ICC will take the Geneva Conventions into consideration. With you defending Israel in court, Israel has nothing to worry about.
I am sure the ICC will take the Geneva Conventions into consideration. With you defending Israel in court, Israel has nothing to worry about.

Not qualified to take on that role, but if I was then hamas and fatah would be facing life sentences in some Arctic prison. Or I might just let Jordan carry out the executions their way.
Then the Palestinians would be forced to sit down and talk peace and mutual borders.
Not according to the Geneva conventions that puts the blame on hamas and the P.A.

And my country did not attack and kill anyone but a few Islamic terrorists last year in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Take those bullshit lies and shove them up your ass! You're a sick, piece of shit human, who doesn't give a fuck about truth.

New report from Israeli human rights group finds the deadly attacks had official backing

Attacks in which the Israeli military deliberately targeted Palestinian homes were an "appalling hallmark" of the military offensive this summer and had the backing of top Israeli officials, an Israeli human rights organization charges in a report released Wednesday.

For its report,
Black Flag: The legal and moral implications of the policy of attacking residential buildings in the Gaza Strip, summer 2014 (pdf), B’Tselem investigated 70 incidents in which at least three people were killed while inside their home during what Israel called Operation Protective Edge.

In these incidents, B’Tselem said, over 600 Palestinians were killed, 70% of whom likely too no part in fighting. They included the deaths of 93 infants and children under the age of 5, as well as 129 5- to 14-year old children, and 37 people over 60.
Now fuck off, liar!
Not according to the Geneva conventions that puts the blame on hamas and the P.A.

And my country did not attack and kill anyone but a few Islamic terrorists last year in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Take those bullshit lies and shove them up your ass! You're a sick, piece of shit human, who doesn't give a fuck about truth.

New report from Israeli human rights group finds the deadly attacks had official backing

Attacks in which the Israeli military deliberately targeted Palestinian homes were an "appalling hallmark" of the military offensive this summer and had the backing of top Israeli officials, an Israeli human rights organization charges in a report released Wednesday.

For its report,
Black Flag: The legal and moral implications of the policy of attacking residential buildings in the Gaza Strip, summer 2014 (pdf), B’Tselem investigated 70 incidents in which at least three people were killed while inside their home during what Israel called Operation Protective Edge.

In these incidents, B’Tselem said, over 600 Palestinians were killed, 70% of whom likely too no part in fighting. They included the deaths of 93 infants and children under the age of 5, as well as 129 5- to 14-year old children, and 37 people over 60.
Now fuck off, liar!

Whats wrong don't you like seeing the Palestinian terrorist scum getting the shitty end of the stick all the time. If they did not engage in war from civilian areas then no civilians would be killed, but this would mean they had no propaganda and you would be out of a Job. Try reading the Geneva conventions and see what they say about

On 25 July 2006 four unarmed United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) peacekeepers from Austria, China, Finland and Canada were killed in an Israeli air strike at a UN observation post in southern Lebanon. According to the UN, the four had taken shelter in a bunker under the post, which was a three story building inside a patrol base in Khiyam.[4] The area had been struck by artillery and aerial bombardment over a period of 6 hours. According to the IDF, Hezbollah artillery had been firing at Israeli positions from the area. According to a UN official who had seen the preliminary report, the post called an Israeli liaison officer ten times to call off the bombardment and an Israeli official promised to halt the bombing each time.[5]

Secretary-GeneralKofi Annan initially stated that he was "…shocked and deeply distressed by the apparently deliberate targeting by Israeli Defence Forces."[12] "This coordinated artillery and aerial attack on a long-established and clearly marked U.N. post at Khiyam occurred despite personal assurances given to me by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that U.N. positions would be spared Israeli fire," he said in a statement. "Furthermore, General Alain Pellegrini, the U.N. force commander in south Lebanon, had been in repeated contact with Israeli officers throughout the day, stressing the need to protect that particular U.N. position from attack
International incidents during the 2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Hizbullah had artillery pieces firing from the hill behind the outpost. The UN was lucky the IAF didnt level the place. Now you know............the rest of the story.
UNITED NATIONS: Spain's ambassador to the United Nations is blaming Israel for the death of a Spanish U.N. peacekeeper during the Israeli military's exchange of fire with the Lebanese militant Hezbollah group in the occupied Shebaa Farms.

"It was because of this escalation of violence, and it came from the Israeli side," Spanish Ambassador Roman Oyarzun Marchesi told reporters

- See more at: Spain blames Israel for death of peacekeeper News Middle East THE DAILY STAR

even when they kill, they blame others
This Is Israel...
UNIFIL suspects Israel deliberately killed peacekeeper
A Spanish UNIFIL peacekeeper killed three weeks ago by an Israel artillery shell following Hezbollah’s missile attack on an Israeli army convoy appears to have fallen victim to the Hannibal Protocol – the controversial Israeli policy of preventing the kidnapping of a soldier even at the expense of his life.

The deadly incident has left some UNIFIL officers convinced that Israel deliberately targeted one of their positions to “punish” the peacekeepers for not taking greater action against Hezbollah’s activities in the southern border district.

No Israeli soldiers were abducted in Hezbollah’s Jan. 28 attack. But the retaliatory shelling – a mix of mortar rounds and 155mm high explosive and white phosphorous artillery shells – was unusual in blanketing both sides of the Blue Line in a 3-kilometer arc from the village of Ghajar to the foot of the Shebaa Farms hills.

Unlike past retaliatory bombardments which target the sources of Hezbollah fire north of the Blue Line, the shelling around Ghajar indicates that the Israelis were attempting to hit a possible kidnap squad retreating to Lebanese territory with captive soldiers.

During Israel’s bombardment, the observation tower in a Spanish UNIFIL position at Abbasieh, 1 kilometer east of Ghajar, took a direct hit from an artillery shell, killing Cpl. Francisco Javier Soria Toledo.

“We can’t say they made a mistake ... the rounds were getting nearer and nearer and eventually they hit it,” a UNIFIL officer said, adding that the U.N. position had been bracketed by artillery rounds before it was struck.

Exclusive UNIFIL suspects Israel deliberately killed peacekeeper News Lebanon News THE DAILY STAR
UNIFIL suspects Israel deliberately killed peacekeeper
A Spanish UNIFIL peacekeeper killed three weeks ago by an Israel artillery shell following Hezbollah’s missile attack on an Israeli army convoy appears to have fallen victim to the Hannibal Protocol – the controversial Israeli policy of preventing the kidnapping of a soldier even at the expense of his life.

The deadly incident has left some UNIFIL officers convinced that Israel deliberately targeted one of their positions to “punish” the peacekeepers for not taking greater action against Hezbollah’s activities in the southern border district.

No Israeli soldiers were abducted in Hezbollah’s Jan. 28 attack. But the retaliatory shelling – a mix of mortar rounds and 155mm high explosive and white phosphorous artillery shells – was unusual in blanketing both sides of the Blue Line in a 3-kilometer arc from the village of Ghajar to the foot of the Shebaa Farms hills.

Unlike past retaliatory bombardments which target the sources of Hezbollah fire north of the Blue Line, the shelling around Ghajar indicates that the Israelis were attempting to hit a possible kidnap squad retreating to Lebanese territory with captive soldiers.

During Israel’s bombardment, the observation tower in a Spanish UNIFIL position at Abbasieh, 1 kilometer east of Ghajar, took a direct hit from an artillery shell, killing Cpl. Francisco Javier Soria Toledo.

“We can’t say they made a mistake ... the rounds were getting nearer and nearer and eventually they hit it,” a UNIFIL officer said, adding that the U.N. position had been bracketed by artillery rounds before it was struck.

Exclusive UNIFIL suspects Israel deliberately killed peacekeeper News Lebanon News THE DAILY STAR

And did the pink pigs fly past your window this morning on their way back north.........................

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