Israel must give Palestinians gas masks: Security official

Hilarious. Israel should send gas masks to Hamas, while Hamas commands Palestinians to shoot rockets into Israeli cities.

They seem to be really good at acquiring rockets and bombs to be able to kill more Israelis, but gas masks to protect it's own citizens? I guess it's not on the top of their "to do" list. LOL

Hamas has plenty of money to buy rockets and AK-47's for their foot soldiers, let them pay for the gas masks.
Exactamundo. If they stopped focusing on trying to kill Israelis and actually helping their people, gas masks wouldn't even be an issue.

I think its hilarious that they run to the evil Jews for help now that the shits hit the fan in Syria and big bad Assad is lobbing chemicals everywhere.
Hilarious. Israel should send gas masks to Hamas, while Hamas commands Palestinians to shoot rockets into Israeli cities.

They seem to be really good at acquiring rockets and bombs to be able to kill more Israelis, but gas masks to protect it's own citizens? I guess it's not on the top of their "to do" list. LOL

Hamas has plenty of money to buy rockets and AK-47's for their foot soldiers, let them pay for the gas masks.
Exactamundo. If they stopped focusing on trying to kill Israelis and actually helping their people, gas masks wouldn't even be an issue.
Or, donate your gas mask to a needy settler and get a personalized anti-missle missle.You'd have no need for a mask.
Where to they get the money to get Fajers and Quassams?

Let the same sources send them gas masks.

If not, well, it's their problems, since they support Assad.

Lets see how their hatred towards Israel comes back to bite them in their tuches.

None of that changes the fact that an occupying force has an ethical responsibility towards the civilians under it's occupation.

Israel can choose not to honor that responsibility.

It doesn't look very good on their part however.

We can have responsibility to the whole wide world, you completely missed the point that I told Mr. Tinmore, which was- We don't have gas masks *left!*

About 40% of civilians are unprotected, including children.

So they can shout "it's your responsibility" million times, right now, we just can't help them!

If we succeed in creating more gas-maks, Netanyahu's first priority is protecting the 40% who are unprotected in Israel, and then, if we have left any, Palestinians will get protection, too.

That how it works, them whining won't solve anything, and won't magically make them recieve those gas-masks.

So "responsibility" is not even the issue here.

I didn't completely miss the point - no one is talking about responsibility to the whole world - only that occupying forces DO have a responsibility to the citizens of the lands they are occupying. That's all. It doesn't matter if there aren't enough - they still do have that responsibility. :dunno:

I understand that they are short. But that doesn't change the essential fact that in addition to a responsibility to their actual citizens they also have a responsibility to the people who's lives are under their control.
None of that changes the fact that an occupying force has an ethical responsibility towards the civilians under it's occupation.

Israel can choose not to honor that responsibility.

It doesn't look very good on their part however.

We can have responsibility to the whole wide world, you completely missed the point that I told Mr. Tinmore, which was- We don't have gas masks *left!*

About 40% of civilians are unprotected, including children.

So they can shout "it's your responsibility" million times, right now, we just can't help them!

If we succeed in creating more gas-maks, Netanyahu's first priority is protecting the 40% who are unprotected in Israel, and then, if we have left any, Palestinians will get protection, too.

That how it works, them whining won't solve anything, and won't magically make them recieve those gas-masks.

So "responsibility" is not even the issue here.

I didn't completely miss the point - no one is talking about responsibility to the whole world - only that occupying forces DO have a responsibility to the citizens of the lands they are occupying. That's all. It doesn't matter if there aren't enough - they still do have that responsibility. :dunno:

I understand that they are short. But that doesn't change the essential fact that in addition to a responsibility to their actual citizens they also have a responsibility to the people who's lives are under their control.

I have a question, the Palestinians did elect Hamas in Gaza and the Palestinian authority is in the West Bank right? Hamas and these guys all have enough money for rockets and AK-47's for their guys, so why is it the responsibility of Israel to supply gas masks to the Palestinians? how come Hamas, PA, etc can't do that? they can supply rockets but not gas masks?:confused:
We can have responsibility to the whole wide world, you completely missed the point that I told Mr. Tinmore, which was- We don't have gas masks *left!*

About 40% of civilians are unprotected, including children.

So they can shout "it's your responsibility" million times, right now, we just can't help them!

If we succeed in creating more gas-maks, Netanyahu's first priority is protecting the 40% who are unprotected in Israel, and then, if we have left any, Palestinians will get protection, too.

That how it works, them whining won't solve anything, and won't magically make them recieve those gas-masks.

So "responsibility" is not even the issue here.

I didn't completely miss the point - no one is talking about responsibility to the whole world - only that occupying forces DO have a responsibility to the citizens of the lands they are occupying. That's all. It doesn't matter if there aren't enough - they still do have that responsibility. :dunno:

I understand that they are short. But that doesn't change the essential fact that in addition to a responsibility to their actual citizens they also have a responsibility to the people who's lives are under their control.

I have a question, the Palestinians did elect Hamas in Gaza and the Palestinian authority is in the West Bank right? Hamas and these guys all have enough money for rockets and AK-47's for their guys, so why is it the responsibility of Israel to supply gas masks to the Palestinians? how come Hamas, PA, etc can't do that? they can supply rockets but not gas masks?:confused:

They BOTH have a responsibility to the Palestinians. Hamas, as their elected government and Israel as the occupying power. That's how I see it.

Why can't Hamas...etc etc? Because they've been an utter failure in governance.
I didn't completely miss the point - no one is talking about responsibility to the whole world - only that occupying forces DO have a responsibility to the citizens of the lands they are occupying. That's all. It doesn't matter if there aren't enough - they still do have that responsibility. :dunno:

I understand that they are short. But that doesn't change the essential fact that in addition to a responsibility to their actual citizens they also have a responsibility to the people who's lives are under their control.

I have a question, the Palestinians did elect Hamas in Gaza and the Palestinian authority is in the West Bank right? Hamas and these guys all have enough money for rockets and AK-47's for their guys, so why is it the responsibility of Israel to supply gas masks to the Palestinians? how come Hamas, PA, etc can't do that? they can supply rockets but not gas masks?:confused:

They BOTH have a responsibility to the Palestinians. Hamas, as their elected government and Israel as the occupying power. That's how I see it.

Why can't Hamas...etc etc? Because they've been an utter failure in governance.

I agree with you 100% there.
What good are gas masks against an opponent with a history of using shit like this?
WP is legal. What's the issue?

First, the manner in which it was used in Gaza did, in fact, make it illegal.

From the 71-page report mentioned in my previous link:

White phosphorus munitions did not kill the most civilians in Gaza – many more died from missiles, bombs, heavy artillery, tank shells, and small arms fire – but their use in densely populated neighborhoods, including downtown Gaza City, violated international humanitarian law (the laws of war), which requires taking all feasible precautions to avoid civilian harm and prohibits indiscriminate attacks. ...[emphasis Capstone's]

Secondly, the fact that scumbags can argue that certain uses of white phosphorus aren't explicitly banned is of no consequence to the fact that gas masks are completely useless against it.
What good are gas masks against an opponent with a history of using shit like this?
WP is legal. What's the issue?

First, the manner in which it was used in Gaza did, in fact, make it illegal.

From the 71-page report mentioned in my previous link:

White phosphorus munitions did not kill the most civilians in Gaza – many more died from missiles, bombs, heavy artillery, tank shells, and small arms fire – but their use in densely populated neighborhoods, including downtown Gaza City, violated international humanitarian law (the laws of war), which requires taking all feasible precautions to avoid civilian harm and prohibits indiscriminate attacks. ...[emphasis Capstone's]

Secondly, the fact that scumbags can argue that certain uses of white phosphorus aren't explicitly banned is of no consequence to the fact that gas masks are completely useless against it.
I see that you ignore the fact that when weapons are fired from civilian areas and structures, they become legitimate targets. It's a shame and a pity but facts are facts.
I see that you ignore the fact that when weapons are fired from civilian areas and structures, they become legitimate targets. It's a shame and a pity but facts are facts.

And I see you ignore the fact that ALL officially stated reasons for using white phosphorus munitions in Gaza could have been satisfied by non-lethal alternatives.

Do yourself a favor: wake up, and stop supporting the true terrorists of our world.
I see that you ignore the fact that when weapons are fired from civilian areas and structures, they become legitimate targets. It's a shame and a pity but facts are facts.

And I see you ignore the fact that ALL officially stated reasons for using white phosphorus munitions in Gaza could have been satisfied by non-lethal alternatives.

Do yourself a favor: wake up, and stop supporting the true terrorists of our world.

The true terrorists of the world are the fanatic Muslims and enemies of Israel.

Definition still havn't change 'bout that.
I see that you ignore the fact that when weapons are fired from civilian areas and structures, they become legitimate targets. It's a shame and a pity but facts are facts.

And I see you ignore the fact that ALL officially stated reasons for using white phosphorus munitions in Gaza could have been satisfied by non-lethal alternatives.

Do yourself a favor: wake up, and stop supporting the true terrorists of our world.

Do yourself a favor, and educate yourself on the definition of Terrorism
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What good are gas masks against an opponent with a history of using shit like this?
WP is legal. What's the issue?

First, the manner in which it was used in Gaza did, in fact, make it illegal.

From the 71-page report mentioned in my previous link:

White phosphorus munitions did not kill the most civilians in Gaza – many more died from missiles, bombs, heavy artillery, tank shells, and small arms fire – but their use in densely populated neighborhoods, including downtown Gaza City, violated international humanitarian law (the laws of war), which requires taking all feasible precautions to avoid civilian harm and prohibits indiscriminate attacks. ...[emphasis Capstone's]

Secondly, the fact that scumbags can argue that certain uses of white phosphorus aren't explicitly banned is of no consequence to the fact that gas masks are completely useless against it.
The manner in which Hamas kept shooting missiles at Israeli cities was both illegal and an act of aggression. They shouldn't complain if Israel drops the hammer on them.
I see that you ignore the fact that when weapons are fired from civilian areas and structures, they become legitimate targets. It's a shame and a pity but facts are facts.

And I see you ignore the fact that ALL officially stated reasons for using white phosphorus munitions in Gaza could have been satisfied by non-lethal alternatives.

Do yourself a favor: wake up, and stop supporting the true terrorists of our world.

The true terrorists of the world are the fanatic Muslims and enemies of Israel.

Definition still havn't change 'bout that.
So true, Lipush. It looks like some people don't care that innocent people are being killed in many areas of the world all the time because of their religious beliefs. I guess if it doesn't involve the Jews, they doesn't waste any time on this.
I don't believe you're as stupid as you seem, Hossfly.

If recent history has taught us anything, it's that certain governments (including our own) aren't averse to pinning blame for apparent attacks on those they wish to demonize and conquer, quite often in the face of evidence and motives that clearly point elsewhere.

I'll leave you and this discussion with this: if there is a God that actually approves of the methods of American/Israeli imperialism over the past 60 odd years, then "He/She/It" isn't worth the dirt beneath the fingernails of the growing number of people displaced as a result of those methods.
I don't believe you're as stupid as you seem, Hossfly.

If recent history has taught us anything, it's that certain governments (including our own) aren't averse to pinning blame for apparent attacks on those they wish to demonize and conquer, quite often in the face of evidence and motives that clearly point elsewhere.

I'll leave you and this discussion with this: if there is a God that actually approves of the methods of American/Israeli imperialism over the past 60 odd years, then "He/She/It" isn't worth the dirt beneath the fingernails of the growing number of people displaced as a result of those methods.

What a bunch of drivel.
Secondly, the fact that scumbags can argue that certain uses of white phosphorus aren't explicitly banned is of no consequence to the fact that gas masks are completely useless against it.
"The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of the constitution; the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence—a matter which we shall arrange for—of their rulers, will clamor: 'Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders—frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts—who will give us peace and quiet which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives.'"
(Protocols 10:18)

Woo. A poster who quotes The Protocols of Zion in his signature line refers to Israelis as "scumbags."
I'm shocked. :D
Woo. A poster who quotes The Protocols of Zion in his signature line refers to Israelis as "scumbags."
I'm shocked. :D

Scumbaggery isn't limited by or to nationalities, Sayit. A quick glance in the mirror should be all the proof you need for that. :laugh:

All nationalities, racial categories, sexes, and religious followings have 'em.

Question is: what should the good people of our respective nationalities do about them?
Brief explanation for my use of the quotation from Protocols here.

Not to belabor the point, but I see the work as a partial forgery ...and a literary device to impart certain truths in a piece of fiction (very much as the book from which it was plagiarized was also intended).

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