Israel refuses to distribute extra blankets to Palestinian prisoners

"...There was no Kingdom of Judea Jesus was born into, just a Roman Province named Judea..."
Incorrect. Judea had become a client-state (tribute-paying kingdom) which was ruled by the Herodian Dynasty at the reported time of the birth of Jesus (4BC-4AD approx), but it was still ruled by a Jewish king, collaborating with and under the protection of Rome.

"...There was no Kingdom of Israel either..."
That is correct. I was wrong. I mistakenly utilized the generic and commonplace name given to the northern section of the Hasmonean and Herodian Kingdom ( Herod - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) and tossed that in as adequate, when it was neither adequate nor accurate.

Correction: Jesus was raised in Nazareth, in the northern reaches of the Roman client-state of Judea - a.k.a. the Herodian Kingdom - on land formerly occupied old and (by then) defunct Kingdom of Israel.

"...And Palestine was the name for the land going all the way back to the days of Herodotus."
Nolo contendre.

No contest.

Never said otherwise.

Hell, I'll go you one better, and state that the name 'Palestine' - in an early form - was used to describe some of those lands as far back as the 1100s in Egypt.

What I said was that on maps of the time of Christ - maps of the Roman Province of Judea, and its Herodian Kingdom (Kingdom of Judea) client-state - there is no mention of Palestine on modern-day reproductions of those provincial maps, except for the imperfect references to Gaza as 'Phillistia'.

The label 'Palestine' appears to have been resurrected in approximately 135 A.D. after the last of the Jewish rebellions had been suppressed by the Romans and after the Romans had renamed that region as Syria-Palestinia.k

My Bible maps correctly label the land Jesus lived in as Palestine.

Zionists tried to change those maps after 1948, but many Bibles were published before 1948 and not so easy to change over 1900 years of Christianity.even with the push to do it by those cultists I call Christian Zionists.

And if there was a kingdom of Judea when Jesus lived, who was that kingdom's reigning king? There was none which proves there was no Kingdom of Judea., but a vassal king under the authority of the Roman Empire. It was no independent kingdom. And there was no Kingdom of Israel.
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Your point, Sally?

THE name Palestine came from the name for the Philistines but over time a broader portion of land came to be called Palestine. It's borders shifted over time, at times including Syria. Palestinians later became Arabized.

The point is that the Arabs of today are not the people who lived in that area in ancient times. Since this is the Middle Eastern forum and you are acting as the scholar tonight, how about giving us the ancient history of all the countries in the Middle East? After all there were people who were living there at the time, and surely you must know all the ancient people who lived in the area say from 5 a.d. back to 1000 b.c. Are you up to that assignment?

They are their descendants.
As with any complex matter of generics and migration, this is true in part, and inaccurate in part.

Various DNA testing has established a fairly close generic kinship in part - between certain branches of the global Jewish population and modern-day Arab-Muslim Palestinians...

The most sensible explanation seems to be that some of that DNA of modern-day Palestinians comes from turncoat Jews who either voluntarily or forcibly converted from Judaism to Islam, when the Arab conquerors overran the place and seized the land from the Jews and their Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine) overlords in the late 600s and beyond...

But a lot of the DNA of modern-day Muslim-Arab Palestinians does NOT appear to be a close match with even those partially-related branches of the global Jewish population...

The most sensible explanation seems to be that these are the DNA strains and markers of the invading and conquering Arabs, who overran Syria-Palestinia long (centuries) after the Jewish Diaspora (Scattering) had begun, and long after those partially-related Jewish Gene Markers had fled the region...

Hell, there are even slight European DNA markers within the domain of Muslim-Arab Palestinians; left there, no doubt, 700 or 800 or 900 years ago, by the Crusaders.

So, the Muslim-Arab Palestinians of our modern age have a small sliver of Egyptian and Persian and Greek and Roman and Euro-Crusader blood n their DNA...

A couple of slivers of Jewish/Hebrew/Israelite/Judean DNA, a couple of slivers of Turkiic and even Mongol...

And large and heavily dominant quantities of Arab DNA in their genetic makeup; confirming that the Arabs were Johnny-Come-Latelies by comparison; some of that from Islams bloody Age of Conquest, and some of that from fairly recent nomadic and migratory arrivals while the land was under the control of the Ottoman Turks and beyond.

Life's not black-and-white and simple, and neither is genetic inheritance; especially in a region so frequently fought-over and trampled upon throughout several millennia.
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Hebrew/jews were native to the land before the greeks and romans. Why do so many muslims want to deny them their home land?
Philistines were invaders from the Aegean. If as you say they are the origin of the palestinians, then why not send them to their greek homeland? You want to give the land to invaders but call Israelis invaders or occupiers?
Abraham bought land, he did not steal it. Abraham came as a shepherd not as an invader.
Moses (Musa) brought his people back to their homeland. Denying Israel goes against both the bible and quran.

Παλαιστίνη Peleset (transliterated from hieroglyphs as P-r-s-t) is found in numerous Egyptian documents referring to a neighboring people or land starting from c.1150 BCE during the Twentieth dynasty of Egypt. Sea Peoples who invaded Egypt in Ramesses III's reign.
Philistines Aegean sea invaders. Not native to the coastal region of the eastern Mediterranean. Not Phoenician, Canaanite, Hebrew or Egyptian.
Pork eaters, animals typical to greeks and romans.

The name for the Philistines is simply the origin of the name Palestine, the name Palestine came to refer to a larger area then just the coastal region and the inhabitants of this land can all be referred to as Palestinians.
Palestinian people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is Wikipedia but I cite the references section that sets forth the sources for the statements made.

"According to historical records part, or perhaps the majority, of the Muslim Arabs in this country descended from local inhabitants, mainly Christians and Jews, who had converted after the Islamic conquest in the seventh century AD (Shaban 1971; Mc Graw Donner 1981). These local inhabitants, in turn, were descendants of the core population that had lived in the area for several centuries, some even since prehistorical times (Gil 1992)... Thus, our findings are in good agreement with the historical record..."

Palestinian people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hebrew/jews were native to the land before the greeks and romans. Why do so many muslims want to deny them their home land?
Philistines were invaders from the Aegean. If as you say they are the origin of the palestinians, then why not send them to their greek homeland? You want to give the land to invaders but call Israelis invaders or occupiers?
Abraham bought land, he did not steal it. Abraham came as a shepherd not as an invader.
Moses (Musa) brought his people back to their homeland. Denying Israel goes against both the bible and quran.

Παλαιστίνη Peleset (transliterated from hieroglyphs as P-r-s-t) is found in numerous Egyptian documents referring to a neighboring people or land starting from c.1150 BCE during the Twentieth dynasty of Egypt. Sea Peoples who invaded Egypt in Ramesses III's reign.
Philistines Aegean sea invaders. Not native to the coastal region of the eastern Mediterranean. Not Phoenician, Canaanite, Hebrew or Egyptian.
Pork eaters, animals typical to greeks and romans.
The name for the Philistines is simply the origin of the name Palestine, the name Palestine came to refer to a larger area then just the coastal region and the inhabitants of this land can all be referred to as Palestinians.

Herodotus wrote nothing about the presence of Hebrews/Jews in Palestine. If there, they must have been a minority not worth his mentioning in any of his writings.

Noone said Greeks were the ancestors of the Palestinians.

Palestinians are simply the indigenous peoples that trace their roots back to ancestors in Palestine for thousands of years . They include Jews and Muslims and Christians.
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Post 184, we see studies referenced that Jews and Muslims and Christians trace their roots back to the same core population (thst explains similar DNA between Muslims and Jews in Palestine) and the same prehistoric sources.
Palestinian Christian Archbishop Elias Chacour wrote the book We Belong To The Land for obvious reasons. In his life and faith as a Christian, over time that became clearer and clearer to him. He committed himself to securing quality education for the Christian community in the Galilee that I think he has tried to open up to Jews and Muslims too.He saw his village ethnically cleansed and has faced discrimination but it has become a social justice issue struggle for him for equal rights for Palestinians in Israel, especially the Galilee.
Hebrew/jews were native to the land before the greeks and romans. Why do so many muslims want to deny them their home land?
Philistines were invaders from the Aegean. If as you say they are the origin of the palestinians, then why not send them to their greek homeland? You want to give the land to invaders but call Israelis invaders or occupiers?
Abraham bought land, he did not steal it. Abraham came as a shepherd not as an invader.
Moses (Musa) brought his people back to their homeland. Denying Israel goes against both the bible and quran.

The name for the Philistines is simply the origin of the name Palestine, the name Palestine came to refer to a larger area then just the coastal region and the inhabitants of this land can all be referred to as Palestinians.

Herodotus wrote nothing about the presence of Hebrews/Jews in Palestine. If there, they must have been a minority not worth his mentioning in any of his writings.

Noone said Greeks were the ancestors of the Palestinians.

Palestinians are simply the indigenous peoples that trace their roots back to ancestors in Palestine for thousands of years . They include Jews and Muslims and Christians.[/QUOTE

Would you please check with the Anthropology Department at some major university and then check back with us to tell us what they said. Meanwhile, what have you to say about one of the biggest humanitarian crises going on these days as a result of the Syrian War? After all, this Middle East forum isn't just for you to babble on about Israel and Palestine even though you wish it was set up exclusively for that purpose..
Watch "Elias Chacour on Relationships in the Middle East" on YouTube
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The Philistines and Aegean Migration at the End of the Late Bronze Age

Author: Assaf Yasur-Landau

Publication planned for: December 2013
availability: Not yet published - available from December 2013
format: Paperback
isbn: 9781107660038

Hebrew/jews were native to the land before the greeks and romans. Why do so many muslims want to deny them their home land?
Philistines were invaders from the Aegean. If as you say they are the origin of the palestinians, then why not send them to their greek homeland? You want to give the land to invaders but call Israelis invaders or occupiers?
Abraham bought land, he did not steal it. Abraham came as a shepherd not as an invader.
Moses (Musa) brought his people back to their homeland. Denying Israel goes against both the bible and quran.

Herodotus wrote nothing about the presence of Hebrews/Jews in Palestine. If there, they must have been a minority not worth his mentioning in any of his writings.

Noone said Greeks were the ancestors of the Palestinians.

Palestinians are simply the indigenous peoples that trace their roots back to ancestors in Palestine for thousands of years . They include Jews and Muslims and Christians.[/QUOTE

Would you please check with the Anthropology Department at some major university and then check back with us to tell us what they said. Meanwhile, what have you to say about one of the biggest humanitarian crises going on these days as a result of the Syrian War? After all, this Middle East forum isn't just for you to babble on about Israel and Palestine even though you wish it was set up exclusively for that purpose..
Hebrew/jews were native to the land before the greeks and romans. Why do so many muslims want to deny them their home land?
Philistines were invaders from the Aegean. If as you say they are the origin of the palestinians, then why not send them to their greek homeland? You want to give the land to invaders but call Israelis invaders or occupiers?
Abraham bought land, he did not steal it. Abraham came as a shepherd not as an invader.
Moses (Musa) brought his people back to their homeland. Denying Israel goes against both the bible and quran.

Herodotus wrote nothing about the presence of Hebrews/Jews in Palestine. If there, they must have been a minority not worth his mentioning in any of his writings.

Noone said Greeks were the ancestors of the Palestinians.

Palestinians are simply the indigenous peoples that trace their roots back to ancestors in Palestine for thousands of years . They include Jews and Muslims and Christians.[/QUOTE

Would you please check with the Anthropology Department at some major university and then check back with us to tell us what they said. Meanwhile, what have you to say about one of the biggest humanitarian crises going on these days as a result of the Syrian War? After all, this Middle East forum isn't just for you to babble on about Israel and Palestine even though you wish it was set up exclusively for that purpose..

I provided sources to back up.the claims I made.
The Philistines and Aegean Migration at the End of the Late Bronze Age

Author: Assaf Yasur-Landau

Publication planned for: December 2013
availability: Not yet published - available from December 2013
format: Paperback
isbn: 9781107660038

Herodotus wrote nothing about the presence of Hebrews/Jews in Palestine. If there, they must have been a minority not worth his mentioning in any of his writings.

Noone said Greeks were the ancestors of the Palestinians.

Palestinians are simply the indigenous peoples that trace their roots back to ancestors in Palestine for thousands of years . They include Jews and Muslims and Christians.[/QUOTE

Would you please check with the Anthropology Department at some major university and then check back with us to tell us what they said. Meanwhile, what have you to say about one of the biggest humanitarian crises going on these days as a result of the Syrian War? After all, this Middle East forum isn't just for you to babble on about Israel and Palestine even though you wish it was set up exclusively for that purpose..

Palestinians are not descendants of only the Philistines. They are descendants of all the prior peoples who lived in the land since Prehistoric times.
Palestinian people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is Wikipedia but I cite the references section that sets forth the sources for the statements made.

"According to historical records part, or perhaps the majority, of the Muslim Arabs in this country descended from local inhabitants, mainly Christians and Jews, who had converted after the Islamic conquest in the seventh century AD (Shaban 1971; Mc Graw Donner 1981). These local inhabitants, in turn, were descendants of the core population that had lived in the area for several centuries, some even since prehistorical times (Gil 1992)... Thus, our findings are in good agreement with the historical record..."

Palestinian people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sadly, citing thirty and even forty year old studies in genetics is worthless: the test back then were very crude compared to current technology. It's like using a Bell X-ray (yes, the 'phone guy - he invented the X-ray as well) as opposed to a modern CAT scan or MRI ........

The historical records obviously do not include DNA samples. Oh, and one of the studies on the topic is defective, as the 'Palestinian Arab' samples were all from a certain few locations - that is definitely a flaw in methodology for a 'population' study.

Oh, and the 'bible maps' bit is absolute rubbish: ALL it tells anyone is what Christian 'theologian' types thought. That doesn't generally derive from scientific method - so it's worthless for purposes of this type of discussion. Strictly an artifact of culture of the period when printed.

Not to mention it's a totally bogus 'argument' that because some foreigners (ie the Romans) called a place 'Palestine' at one point, that whoever was living there then should always and forever be referred to as 'Palestinians'.....
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Interesting that the hypocrite whore for HAMAS categorically refuses to consider any article in Wiki to be valid - but then trusts them to represent what the cited sources said accurately.

'The references section' is still not the references themselves: one is still dependent on the writer of the article as accurately representing their cited sources. Misrepresentation of such is absolutely one way in which sub-standard 'researchers' operate....

I'm not arguing with the asininity of believing blogstain allegations that 'Zionists control Wikipedia' (that was started by neo-NAZIs who didn't like their stuff being called 'racist' - supporters of David Irving,etc)

I'm arguing against the idiocy of claiming that when an article is 'biased', all of its citations are absolutely reliable and valid. Too huge of an inconsistency for me to swallow.....
How did the Jewish findings play out?

ECH: On a personal level, both Don [Professor*Donald Yates]*and I, as well as his wife Teresa, returned to Judaism, he and Teresa in Savannah and I in New Jersey. On a professional level, we started the Melungeon* Surname DNA Project, which focused on Scottish clan and Melungeon surnames (i.e., male or Y chromosome lines), and later included Native American mitochondrial DNA. Initially, many people in the genetic genealogy community were frustrated that the incoming Jewish DNA results were not originating in the Middle East, as they had strongly believed and hoped, but were showing a lot of Khazar, Central Asian, Eastern European and Western European/Spanish/French input.

The hidden history of converts to Judaism | Jews for Justice for Palestinians

Here is an illustration of what newer DNA tests are telling Jews, they are revealing matters like Khasar roots.
"...My Bible maps correctly label the land Jesus lived in as Palestine..."
Was the land called 'Palestine' during Jesus' lifetime?

"...Zionists tried to change those maps after 1948, but many Bibles were published before 1948 and not so easy to change over 1900 years of Christianity.even with the push to do it by those cultists I call Christian Zionists..."
They have medications and therapies that can help you with this problem.

"...And if there was a kingdom of Judea when Jesus lived, who was that kingdom's reigning king?..."
Herod the Great until 4 BC, and Herod Archelaus until 6 AD; a span of a decade in which to fit the birth of Jesus; and, after 6 AD (CE), we can look to Herod Antipas as the king of the Judean successor-state on the northern fringes of Judea; Galilee; until 39 AD, long enough for Jesus to have been long-since crucified.

"...There was none which proves there was no Kingdom of Judea., but a vassal king under the authority of the Roman Empire..."
Nobody ever said that the Kingdom of Judea had full autonomy in the time of Jesus; merely that a recognizable Kingdom of Judea existed at that time. Heck, I even labeled that kingdom as a client-state of Rome in my very first on the subject.

"...It was no independent kingdom..."
Never said it was. But it was, indeed, a kingdom, of that name, and it existed at the time Jesus was born, and it was also the successor-state to the older Kingdom of Judah on those same lands.

"...And there was no Kingdom of Israel."
At the time of Jesus... correct.

In earlier centuries... incorrect.

Herod Antipas coin
Jesus was a Nazarene who lived in Palestine.

" palestine" is not and will never be a Country; You bigot . :evil:

HOW rich, you refuse to recognize another people as you call another a bigot!

Certainly, you do well in disclosing yourself as the bigot you are!

A bigot is one who has a Double Standard such as you. No condemnation for the way Muslims treat Christians. When such threads are introduced you ignore them.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Origins of Christian Anti-Semitism

The above are facts. Don't like it? Too bad ! " palestine" is and never was/ will be a Country. It was a " territory". Deal with it . :lol:
How did the Jewish findings play out?

ECH: On a personal level, both Don [Professor*Donald Yates]*and I, as well as his wife Teresa, returned to Judaism, he and Teresa in Savannah and I in New Jersey. On a professional level, we started the Melungeon* Surname DNA Project, which focused on Scottish clan and Melungeon surnames (i.e., male or Y chromosome lines), and later included Native American mitochondrial DNA. Initially, many people in the genetic genealogy community were frustrated that the incoming Jewish DNA results were not originating in the Middle East, as they had strongly believed and hoped, but were showing a lot of Khazar, Central Asian, Eastern European and Western European/Spanish/French input.

The hidden history of converts to Judaism | Jews for Justice for Palestinians

Here is an illustration of what newer DNA tests are telling Jews, they are revealing matters like Khasar roots.

The Racist Anti Semite likes to give the impression that Jews didn't exist in the time " jesus" was born yet her " religion" still blames and crucifies the Jewish people for this?

" Jesus" :lol: was Jewish. There was no kingdom of " palestine" nor will there ever be.

Was Jesus a Palestinian

All Media

Her " religion" of Tolerance :lol:

All Media

Origins of Christian Anti-Semitism

What a person is taught is one thing. They have no control over it. What they practice and preach is under they control and take full responsibility for :evil:
How did the Jewish findings play out?

ECH: On a personal level, both Don [Professor*Donald Yates]*and I, as well as his wife Teresa, returned to Judaism, he and Teresa in Savannah and I in New Jersey. On a professional level, we started the Melungeon* Surname DNA Project, which focused on Scottish clan and Melungeon surnames (i.e., male or Y chromosome lines), and later included Native American mitochondrial DNA. Initially, many people in the genetic genealogy community were frustrated that the incoming Jewish DNA results were not originating in the Middle East, as they had strongly believed and hoped, but were showing a lot of Khazar, Central Asian, Eastern European and Western European/Spanish/French input.

The hidden history of converts to Judaism | Jews for Justice for Palestinians

Here is an illustration of what newer DNA tests are telling Jews, they are revealing matters like Khasar roots.

The Racist Anti Semite likes to give the impression that Jews didn't exist in the time " jesus" was born yet her " religion" still blames and crucifies the Jewish people for this?

" Jesus" :lol: was Jewish. There was no kingdom of " palestine" nor will there ever be.

Was Jesus a Palestinian

All Media

Her " religion" of Tolerance :lol:

All Media

Origins of Christian Anti-Semitism

What a person is taught is one thing. They have no control over it. What they practice and preach is under they control and take full responsibility for :evil:

Speaking of DNA, according to an article in the newspaper, many Hispanics in the American Southwest are sending in samples of their DNA and finding out that they originally have Jewish roots. Now they understand why down through the generations there was always a clean white tablecloth put on the tables and candles lit on Friday night. Some of these people have even converted to Orthodox Judaism. Meanwhile, most of those Jews in Israel have their roots in other Middle East countries, and not from Europe. Imagine if Mrs. Sherri sent in her DNA and found out that way, way back she is related to some Jewish peddler who used to ply his goods in the South. It would be like some of the NeoNazis in Germany finding out that they have Jewish roots. What to do, what to do!!! Oy vey!!! Maybe a blood transfusion??

Who is an Arab Jew? by Albert Memmi

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