Israel refuses to distribute extra blankets to Palestinian prisoners

I found a picture of the extra blankets they wanted to give out.

Denying a blanket to a cold child or a cold man or a cold woman , the face of Zionism in Palestine is one more time disclosed.
Each prisoner had five blankets. What was denied was blankets from outside.

Denying a blanket to a cold child or a cold man or a cold woman , the face of Zionism in Palestine is one more time disclosed.

Making up things and repeating a lie over and over does not make it true.

The prisoners do not each have 5 blankets and temperatures are deliberately kept cold too.

The captive prisoners are deliberately made to live in miserable conditions by their captors.

Deliberately depriving non Zionists of warmth, men and women and children in Palestine, is the picture of Zionism in Palestine.
GAZA CITY (*-- "The Palestinian prisoners, being held captives in the Negev prison, called on the international human rights organizations to intervene and end their misery in the Israeli prisons. *Center of the Palestinian Prisoners for Studies (CPPS) called on the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to take part and save the Palestinian prisoners from the bad situation, which prevails in prison due to the low temperatures."

According to the article, Spokesman for the CPPS, Riad Ashkar, said that he had received a call from the prisoners in the Negev prison, and they told him their life conditions are miserable because of the low temperatures, which lasted for several days. *Palestinian prisoners confirmed they suffer from a severe shortage of blankets and winter clothing, and they also lack effective heating, and are also being deprived from hot water.

"This is what life is like in prison," said Riad Ashkar. "Rooms, tents and water leaks added insult to injury; clothes and belongings of the prisoners were destroyed," said he. "The Israeli prison authorities ignore the prisoners, and their human needs to warmth."

He pointed out that the prisoners began to show symptoms of diseases as a result of these conditions, particularly bone disease, arthritis, back pain, influenza, sore throat, etc.

Alresalah Press - Palestinian prisoners in Negev Prison call on intern
Denying a blanket to a cold child or a cold man or a cold woman , the face of Zionism in Palestine is one more time disclosed.

I certainly hope you and your church ladies are busy collecting blankets for those poor Christian children refugees who are freezing in whichever country they fled to. We know you care aout the children in the entire Middle East, and are doing your best to help them, at least we certainly hope so in between your babbling.

Freezing conditions, forgotten camps ? refugees from Syria in Lebanon?s Bekaa Valley | Amnesty's global human rights blog
I shall make a point to address Israel's deliberate deprivation of warm clothes and blankets and warmth to Palestinian child prisoners and other unlawfully political prisoners and ask for prayers for them in my Sunday School class this week.

Prisoners mattered to Jesus, I think about how Jesus was Himself a badly treated prisoner and how He treated fellow prisoners (He cared about them, like the thief on the cross beside Him who was saved before he died) and how all the early Apostles were imprisoned and most were martyred.
Our Church sends care baskets to children in other countries, it is a regular ministry., Samaritans Purse.
Our Church sends care baskets to children in other countries, it is a regular ministry., Samaritans Purse.

Right now extra effort is needed by you and the church ladies. The care baskets for children are nice, but there are too many children who are refugees who need much more than your care baskets. Get hopping instead of blabbing about "the Zionists this" and "the Zionists that." This blabbering is certainly not helping these children in need.
Our Church sends care baskets to children in other countries, it is a regular ministry., Samaritans Purse.

Right now extra effort is needed by you and the church ladies. The care baskets for children are nice, but there are too many children who are refugees who need much more than your care baskets. Get hopping instead of blabbing about "the Zionists this" and "the Zionists that." This blabbering is certainly not helping these children in need.

You see a need, that is Jesus speaking to you, you are the one who should listen to what He is saying to you.
Our Church sends care baskets to children in other countries, it is a regular ministry., Samaritans Purse.

Right now extra effort is needed by you and the church ladies. The care baskets for children are nice, but there are too many children who are refugees who need much more than your care baskets. Get hopping instead of blabbing about "the Zionists this" and "the Zionists that." This blabbering is certainly not helping these children in need.

You see a need, that is Jesus speaking to you, you are the one who should listen to what He is saying to you.

It gets very tedious going on and on with a bipolar. They need very little sleep and can go on all night. So you go ahead talking about Jesus, the "evil Zionists," etc. and babble on all night about your favorite subjects like so-called "baby killers." Meanwhile, I think Jesus wants a toasted egg bagel when he stops by your house for coffee in the morning.
Plus, let me mention, as the Western world is sleeping, your friends will still be murdering innocent children while you babble on.
I will say a prayer right now for all these cold prisoners in Israeli jails, whether they are Palestinian or Sudanese or other detained refugees or just Israelis , all the detained children and women and men, GOD , I pray, I implore you, take care of each of them, wrap your arms around them so they do not feel the cold, show them their lives matter and you love them, be with their families, show them your love, may they turn to you in their time of need, may they be your people and you be their God. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

AND I pray for Prisoners in the jails in Iran, too, and the prisoners in jails in the US, too. Prisoners have a difficult life, I was just reading a letter written by a man in prison for 15 years after being sexual abused by his boy scout leader and murdering his father and mother and sister. May God be with them all.
I will say a prayer right now for all these cold prisoners in Israeli jails, whether they are Palestinian or Sudanese or other detained refugees or just Israelis , all the detained children and women and men, GOD , I pray, I implore you, take care of each of them, wrap your arms around them so they do not feel the cold, show them their lives matter and you love them, be with their families, show them your love, may they turn to you in their time of need, may they be your people and you be their God. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

AND I pray for Prisoners in the jails in Iran, too, and the prisoners in jails in the US, too. Prisoners have a difficult life, I was just reading a letter written by a man in prison for 15 years after being sexual abused by his boy scout leader and murdering his father and mother and sister. May God be with them all.

Somehow, I don't think the gods are with Islamic terrorists.
I will say a prayer right now for all these cold prisoners in Israeli jails, whether they are Palestinian or Sudanese or other detained refugees or just Israelis , all the detained children and women and men, GOD , I pray, I implore you, take care of each of them, wrap your arms around them so they do not feel the cold, show them their lives matter and you love them, be with their families, show them your love, may they turn to you in their time of need, may they be your people and you be their God. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

AND I pray for Prisoners in the jails in Iran, too, and the prisoners in jails in the US, too. Prisoners have a difficult life, I was just reading a letter written by a man in prison for 15 years after being sexual abused by his boy scout leader and murdering his father and mother and sister. May God be with them all.
Prisoners have a difficult life

Good. That is what prisons are for. To make things so miserable that only an idiot would want to go back to one.

But you want prisons to be comfy cozy nice places for your terror scum buddies, so that they have safe friendly places to rest between terror bombings.
I will say a prayer right now for all these cold prisoners in Israeli jails, whether they are Palestinian or Sudanese or other detained refugees or just Israelis , all the detained children and women and men, GOD , I pray, I implore you, take care of each of them, wrap your arms around them so they do not feel the cold, show them their lives matter and you love them, be with their families, show them your love, may they turn to you in their time of need, may they be your people and you be their God. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

AND I pray for Prisoners in the jails in Iran, too, and the prisoners in jails in the US, too. Prisoners have a difficult life, I was just reading a letter written by a man in prison for 15 years after being sexual abused by his boy scout leader and murdering his father and mother and sister. May God be with them all.

Somehow, I don't think the gods are with Islamic terrorists.

Especially not those who fought for Hezbollah. They have a special place reserved in hell for them. :lol:
Prisoners have a special place in the heart of Jesus, after all He was one Himself.

He knows all about the humiliation and cruelty they suffer from their jailors.

Better to be a prisoner any day then one of those jailers humiliating and hurting those Jesus so loves.

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