Israel responsible for Gaza strikes on UN schools and shelters, inquiry finds

Some people support Palestine as they wish to see justice, some people support israel because their jewish
It is not justice to give the land over to a bunch of savages. Leave the civilized Jewish people alone in their own country, Israel.
Let the jewish immigrants alone in the country they stole, there fixed it for ya
Let the jews alone in the country they took BACK.
Some people support Palestine as they wish to see justice, some people support israel because their jewish
It is not justice to give the land over to a bunch of savages. Leave the civilized Jewish people alone in their own country, Israel.
Let the jewish immigrants alone in the country they stole, there fixed it for ya
Let the jews alone in the country they took BACK.
The residents object to the immigrants taking over, would you?
Some people support Palestine as they wish to see justice, some people support israel because their jewish
It is not justice to give the land over to a bunch of savages. Leave the civilized Jewish people alone in their own country, Israel.
Let the jewish immigrants alone in the country they stole, there fixed it for ya
Let the jews alone in the country they took BACK.
The residents object to the immigrants taking over, would you?
There was no government, no entity in control of the area except for the British. So technically whoever they gave it to got it.
You refuse to understand that the Israelis routinely murder women and children.

But more to the point, when one is given coordinates to sites sheltering women and children, and then one uses those coordinates to shell those sites, it is murder.
You fail to understand that Israel is firing back at terrorist. don't want Israel to fire back then don't fire at Israel. It is not Israels fault you have civilians there. What do you want them to do sit back and do nothing while their cities are assaulted with rocket fire?
He seeks the liberation of Palestine, which requires the removal of the Jewish tumor; as such, he believes the Israelis have no right to fight back.
The bible says Israel belongs to the Jews. While I'm Agnostic and don't believe in the bible there are millions that do. And unless he plans on going to war with all the bible believers in the world he will allow Israel to be the land of the Jews. Period.

Most people in the area believe in the bible and quran. They both say the land was designated to tribes of Israel by god. From Abraham, Jacob, Issac, Moses to David, they are all prophets of the quran. What many muslims don't understand is that the OT and gospels should be a holy text for muslims as well, not just jews or christians. Jesus was a prophet as well and his mother is the only women specifically named in the quran, more so that even the bible. Hawa is the term used for Eve
For muslims to say different is to reject their own faith and text.
Some people support Palestine as they wish to see justice, some people support israel because their jewish
It is not justice to give the land over to a bunch of savages. Leave the civilized Jewish people alone in their own country, Israel.
Let the jewish immigrants alone in the country they stole, there fixed it for ya
Let the jews alone in the country they took BACK.
The residents object to the immigrants taking over, would you?
There was no government, no entity in control of the area except for the British. So technically whoever they gave it to got it.

Actually, there is the little problem of the Covenant of the League of Nations that gave the former Ottoman territories to the inhabitants and proffered them provisional independence. The inhabitants were 93% Christians and Muslims. And the Jews were in Europe.

To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in this Covenant.

The best method of giving practical effect to this principle is that the tutelage of such peoples should be entrusted to advanced nations who by reason of their resources, their experience or their geographical position can best undertake this responsibility, and who are willing to accept it, and that this tutelage should be exercised by them as Mandatories on behalf of the League.

The character of the mandate must differ according to the stage of the development of the people, the geographical situation of the territory, its economic conditions and other similar circumstances.

Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatory."
You're a liar. They target terrorists where they are sometimes in the midst of civilians but they are targeting civilians.

Hamas, on the other hand, said all Israeli's are valid targets simply for existing. You are bitching about the wrong side.

I never lie. The Israelis killed more than a thousand women and children this summer. You are the liar, or delusional. Hamas killed Israeli soldiers.
You lie when you say Israel "targets" women and children. Israel targets enemy combatants.
A neutral observer would conclude that the Israelis used the coordinates of the designated shelters, given to them by the UN, to specifically murder women and children. I
Another lie.
You have no idea why the Israelis attacked these sites, you simply join in the condemnation of their doing so.
Why do you chose to believe that there can be no legitimate reason to attack these sites?

Israel bombed the sites (and Gaza in general) to instill terror in the Palestinians, to break down their resistance to Jew rule. Making it clear that there is no refuge for the non-Jews is a powerful terror instrument.

Because, unlike you, I believe there is no legitimate reason to butcher helpless women and children.

"Israel deploying the 'Gaza doctrine' to terrorize civilians"

"The purpose of the Gaza doctrine is straightforward: to use disproportionate force to cause suffering and terror among the civilian population in order to exert pressure on the Hamas government. This policy of collective punishment, of deliberately causing terror, is unequivocally illegal, but it is all too real."

Israel deploying the Gaza doctrine to terrorize civilians Opinion Analysis M G


Israel bombed the places where the rocket launchers were situated, it was hamas that bombed Israel to instil fear in the Israeli civilians. It is extremist terrorism rule in gaza which is why the people cant leave.

Your link is hardly unbiased is it having an islamomoron stooge as the author, now say you only use unbiased sources that LIE as much as you do
You're a liar. They target terrorists where they are sometimes in the midst of civilians but they are targeting civilians.

Hamas, on the other hand, said all Israeli's are valid targets simply for existing. You are bitching about the wrong side.

I never lie. The Israelis killed more than a thousand women and children this summer. You are the liar, or delusional. Hamas killed Israeli soldiers.
You lie when you say Israel "targets" women and children. Israel targets enemy combatants.

A neutral observer would conclude that the Israelis used the coordinates of the designated shelters, given to them by the UN, to specifically murder women and children. It's not like they hit one shelter "by mistake", they hit all the designated shelters.

Nope they hit the illegal rocket launchers in the vicinity of the UNWRA schools, as the UN admitted to be the case.

"UNITED NATIONS — Israeli military actions killed 44 Palestinian civilians who had sought refuge in seven United Nations schools during last summer’s conflict in Gaza, the United Nations said Monday in releasing findings of an internal inquiry.

It also said that weapons had not been found inside those United Nations schools, but rather in three other United Nations-run schools that were vacant at the time, that were used byHamas militants to stash arms and that were “probably” sites from which rockets were fired at Israel."

Israel deploying the Gaza doctrine to terrorize civilians Opinion Analysis M G

Then yiu ignore the most relevant parts of the report that say that Israel did not target the schools directly but the rocket launchers placed in close proximity to the schools. The effects of these strikes was a minor number of casualties.

ISLAMOMORON PROPAGANDA from a S.A. anti semitic source, so much for being unbiased.
You lie when you say Israel "targets" women and children. Israel targets enemy combatants.
A neutral observer would conclude that the Israelis used the coordinates of the designated shelters, given to them by the UN, to specifically murder women and children. I
Another lie.
You have no idea why the Israelis attacked these sites, you simply join in the condemnation of their doing so.
Why do you chose to believe that there can be no legitimate reason to attack these sites?
Israel bombed the sites (and Gaza in general) to instill terror in the Palestinians, to break down their resistance to Jew rule. Making it clear that there is no refuge for the non-Jews is a powerful terror instrument.
More lies.
You have no idea why the Israelis attacked these sites, you simply join in the condemnation of their doing so.
Why do you chose to believe that there can be no legitimate reason to attack these sites?

The Israelis attack sites to instill fear and terror in the minds of the Palestinians, to try to break them. Of course I condemn that murder of women and children. And, there is no legitimate reason to murder women and children. You know where you can stick your repetitive and absurd little refrain, punk.

The same place you should be sticking your LIES and RACISM Abdul., You have latched on to a report that defends your RACIST POV and are now posting it ad nauseaum as if it expels a myth. All it does is show you will use any RACIST LIE as long as it supports your own RAIST LIES that demonise Israel and the Jews.

Now I ask again for a link to a non partisan site that proves that Israel murder women and children, like the ones given that show hamas leaders admitting that they deliberately target women and children
You refuse to understand that the Israelis routinely murder women and children.

But more to the point, when one is given coordinates to sites sheltering women and children, and then one uses those coordinates to shell those sites, it is murder.

You refuse to prove your RACIST LIES, so when can we expect a response to them. Prove Israel with malice aforethought and premeditated target individual women and children with the sole result of killing them. There you go Abdul it should be very simple to find a non partisan source saying this.
It is not justice to give the land over to a bunch of savages. Leave the civilized Jewish people alone in their own country, Israel.
Let the jewish immigrants alone in the country they stole, there fixed it for ya
Let the jews alone in the country they took BACK.
The residents object to the immigrants taking over, would you?
There was no government, no entity in control of the area except for the British. So technically whoever they gave it to got it.

Actually, there is the little problem of the Covenant of the League of Nations that gave the former Ottoman territories to the inhabitants and proffered them provisional independence. The inhabitants were 93% Christians and Muslims. And the Jews were in Europe.

To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in this Covenant.

The best method of giving practical effect to this principle is that the tutelage of such peoples should be entrusted to advanced nations who by reason of their resources, their experience or their geographical position can best undertake this responsibility, and who are willing to accept it, and that this tutelage should be exercised by them as Mandatories on behalf of the League.

The character of the mandate must differ according to the stage of the development of the people, the geographical situation of the territory, its economic conditions and other similar circumstances.

Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatory."

And if you look at all the evidence you will see that 78% of Palestine was given to the arab muslims as their homeland in Palestine. Thus fulfilling the edict of article 22. It was the arab muslims that wanted it all and so flooded the remaining 22% of Palestine with illegal immigrants who claimed they had lived there for 2000 years. Even you own links have shown that of the illegal immigrants caught 60% were arab muslims. So the wishes of the arab muslim communities were the principal consideration which is why they received trans Jordan as their homeland, ruled over by a Hashemite minor prince. ( nie person by the way, have spoken to him on numerous occasions )

You really need to stop posting your RACIST LIES before you are ignored by everyone and find yourself reported for spamming again
Actually, there is the little problem of the Covenant of the League of Nations....
All of which is meaningless today.
Israel, as a state, exists. it will continue to do so until someone invades and destroys it.
The Palestinians will only get their own state when they recognize this and stop trying to destroy Israel.
[QUOTE="montelatici, post: 11288537, member: 47237"]The UN issued its report and it stated exactly what I have been telling you for months. All your BS means nothing.[/QUOTE]

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.the U.N. poleeeeeze stop with the jokes, i've got stitches!
[QUOTE="montelatici, post: 11288537, member: 47237"]The UN issued its report and it stated exactly what I have been telling you for months. All your BS means nothing.

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.the U.N. poleeeeeze stop with the jokes, i've got stitches![/QUOTE]

Of course, Israeli propaganda is what you go by. :cuckoo:

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