Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away

Hold on here. You are saying that if Gaza started building power plants and greenhouses and water and sewage treatment facilities that Israel will attack them for doing so? Which four month period are you referring to?
Basically, yes. Israel is dead set on punishing Gazans for voting for Hamas. Israeli policy is to make Gazans life a living hell. So they target civilian infrastructure, restrict humanitarian aid into the area, restrict Gazan farmlands, Gazan fishing; everything you can do to starve a population that size, Israel is doing.

And every time the Palestinians have tried to resolve the conflict through peaceful means, Israel has attacked militarily.

Hamas a Fatah tried to come together with a unity government, pursuing a more political solution to the crisis and giving up their militia wings, and what was Israels response? Operation Protective Edge!

If "Israeli policy is to make Gazans life a living hell. "

Why we give them medical,food,electrition? Let them work in Israel and more?
You can make all the excuses you wish for arab-Moslem ineptitude and incompetence. You will, of course, need to invent a whole list of excuses as to why virtually all other Arab-Moslem societies are largely dysfunctional and retrograde without the convenient scapegoat of Jews and Israel.
Iran isn't dysfunctional.
Yes it is, and very well, and using by Hamas to occupy 48 Israel, you have to understand that..
Sorry... I don't understand what you mean by that...
Do you see the Palestinians in Gaza as good people?
I don't know them...
Here are some. Get to know them.

Palestine Today
This is not a way to meet ppl
OK, you live in Israel. It is a short drive to Gaza or the West Bank.

If I will go in to there I will in the good situation Hamas will kidnapped me,
And for the bad one, I even dont want to think about that...
Do you see the Palestinians in Gaza as good people?
I don't know them...
Here are some. Get to know them.

Palestine Today
This is not a way to meet ppl
OK, you live in Israel. It is a short drive to Gaza or the West Bank.

If I will go in to there I will in the good situation Hamas will kidnapped me,
And for the bad one, I even dont want to think about that...
You read too much propaganda. Jews spending the day in Gaza.

I don't know them...
Here are some. Get to know them.

Palestine Today
This is not a way to meet ppl
OK, you live in Israel. It is a short drive to Gaza or the West Bank.

If I will go in to there I will in the good situation Hamas will kidnapped me,
And for the bad one, I even dont want to think about that...
You read too much propaganda. Jews spending the day in Gaza.

Or u read too much?
Avera Mengistu - Wikipedia
I don't know them...
Here are some. Get to know them.

Palestine Today
This is not a way to meet ppl
OK, you live in Israel. It is a short drive to Gaza or the West Bank.

If I will go in to there I will in the good situation Hamas will kidnapped me,
And for the bad one, I even dont want to think about that...
You read too much propaganda. Jews spending the day in Gaza.

Who told you that they are Jews?
Here are some. Get to know them.

Palestine Today
This is not a way to meet ppl
OK, you live in Israel. It is a short drive to Gaza or the West Bank.

If I will go in to there I will in the good situation Hamas will kidnapped me,
And for the bad one, I even dont want to think about that...
You read too much propaganda. Jews spending the day in Gaza.

Who told you that they are Jews?

And who told him they Israelis...
If "Israeli policy is to make Gazans life a living hell. "

Why we give them medical,food,electrition? Let them work in Israel and more?
But you don't. Terminally ill patients have died waiting for Israeli permission to leave the area; Israel only allows enough food into the area for a "calculated" daily calorie intake; and they only have 4 hours of electricity a day.

You just keep repeating the same debunked bullshit over and over and over. You can do this until the cows come home, it won't make it true.
Yes it is, and very well, and using by Hamas to occupy 48 Israel, you have to understand that..
I was referring to Iran within their sovereign borders.

I think Israel is very dysfunctional, because a large part of its population doesn't have the balls to object their governments' foreign policy.
If I will go in to there I will in the good situation Hamas will kidnapped me,
And for the bad one, I even dont want to think about that...
Then go to Iran. They have almost 30,000 Jews living in that country. But if you do, it would be safer if you hung out with the Muslims, they're more cordial. Iranian-Jews can't stand the Israeli government.
Yes it is, and very well, and using by Hamas to occupy 48 Israel, you have to understand that..
I was referring to Iran within their sovereign borders.

I think Israel is very dysfunctional, because a large part of its population doesn't have the balls to object their governments' foreign policy.

This becuse the governments not doing something so bad..
They save us from arab occuption on 48 lines

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