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Israel starts War with Syria

Roudy's not a cheek turner. Next time smack him with your broom.

[/QUOTE=Tarzan] @Sherri, being faith full is good, but don't forget the history; Your's are sandwiched by Jews and Arabics.
1.IMO: you should read more to find out that with out Jews you won't have x-tions;in other words you should thanks to Jews;
2.You should be careful with Arabics; May be you should know that you are included as the INFIDEL by the Arabs as a target for killing only because you are non believer.( If you are in love with some Arab guys , reconsider!):eusa_angel:
3.You should weigh which is from Jews and Arabs are more dangerous to you ?( Many guys can tell you that "Arabs are more dangerous than Jews").Any volunteers?
4.I wonder where you live, but do you like Europe become Eurabia ? This is urgent situation recently, so Brows more videos and News.
5. Next, waiting your comment.Thanks.


I am trying to understand your comments here, but having a little difficulty, what History is it are you telling me I should not forget in your comments in 1?

The History for Christians in Palestine for the past 67 years is of a people living under Israeli Occupation and Israeli Apartheid, and their situation is addressed in the Kairos Palestine document below, a document written by Christians of Palestine.

"This document is the Christian Palestinians’ word to the world about what is happening in Palestine. It is written at this time when we wanted to see the Glory of the grace of God in this land and in the sufferings of its people. In this spirit the document requests the international community to stand by the Palestinian people who have faced oppression, displacement, suffering and clear apartheid for more than six decades. The suffering continues while the international community silently looks on at the occupying State, Israel. Our word is a cry of hope, with love, prayer and faith in God. We address it first of all to ourselves and then to all the churches and Christians in the world, asking them to stand against injustice and apartheid, urging them to work for a just peace in our region, calling on them to revisit theologies that justify crimes perpetrated against our people and the dispossession of the land.

In this historic document, we Palestinian Christians declare that the military occupation of our land is a sin against God and humanity, and that any theology that legitimizes the occupation is far from Christian teachings because true Christian theology is a theology of love and solidarity with the oppressed, a call to justice and equality among peoples.

Home | A Moment of Truth |

Please, read about the hardships Christians face in Palestine addressed in their very own Kairos Palestine document.

Why are all IslamoNazil loving Jew haters blind to the terror, murder, oppression and persecution of Christians and minorities by Muslims?

Who Will Save the Christians in the Gaza Strip?
by Khaled Abu Toameh
July 20, 2012

"We only hear voices telling us not make too much noise. Today it is happening in the Gaza Strip, tomorrow it will take place in Bethlehem. In a few months, there will be no Christians left in Palestine." — Christian man, Gaza City

Are Palestinian Christians living in the Gaza Strip being kidnapped by Muslims who force them to convert to Islam?

This is a story that is considered taboo among many Palestinians, who prefer to lay all the blame only on Israel.

According to the Greek Orthodox Church in the Gaza Strip, at least five Christians have been kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam in recent weeks. If anyone has good reason to fear for his life it is Archbishop Alexios, head of the Greek Church in the Gaza Strip, who is spearheading the protests against persecution of Christians and forced conversions. In the past few days the archbishop has come under sharp criticism from many Palestinians and the Hamas government for daring to speak out about the plight of his community. Islamic groups and human rights activists in the Gaza Strip claimed that the Christians converted to Islam of their own free will. They even released a videotape of a young Christian man, Ramez al-Amash, 24, in which he declared that he had voluntarily abandoned his faith in favor of Islam.

The church blamed an unidentified terror group of being behind the forced conversions and called on the international community to intervene to save the Christians. Church leaders also accused a prominent Hamas man of being behind the kidnapping and forced conversion of a Christian woman, Huda Abu Daoud, and her three daughters. Shortly after she disappeared, the woman sent a message to her husband's mobile phone informing him that she and her daughters had converted to Islam. In a rare public protest, leaders and members of the 2,000-strong Christian community in the Gaza Strip staged a sit-in strike in the Gaza Strip this week to condemn the abductions and forced conversions in particular, and persecution at the hands of radical Muslims in general. The protest has further aggravated tensions between Muslims and Christians in the Gaza Strip, which has been under the control of Hamas since 2007. Leaders and members of the Christian community now fear reprisal attacks by Muslim extremists. Some have appealed to the Vatican and Christian groups and churches in the US, Canada and Europe for help.

But according to Christian families, the world does not seem to care about their plight. "We only hear voices telling us to stay where we are and to stop making too much noise," said a Christian man living in Gaza City. "If they continue to turn a blind eye to our tragedy, in a few months there will be no Christians left in Palestine. Today it's happening in the Gaza Strip, tomorrow it will take place in Bethlehem." The public protest by the Christians in the Gaza Strip is a first step in the right direction. This is a move that could finally draw the attention of the international community, including Church leaders across the US, to the real problems and dangers facing Palestinian Christians.

Radical Islam, and not checkpoints or a security fence, remains the main threat to defenseless Christians not only in the Palestinians territories, but in the entire Middle East as well.
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Roudy-----remember how sherri described her ---uhm "background" as per descendancy? ----not at all fantastic I grew up in a town of people descended from english and german----and a bit of dutch ----peoples WAY BACK TO THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR The town was undergoing a DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT due to the post war baby boom when I was a kid------but there was that CORE GROUP OF SHERRI things-------which is probably why the town was BUNDIST in the world war II era.

I know sherri very well-----when I first read the literature of her people---------that is when I first learned about "arabs" ----the "gentiles" being oppressed by the jews In fact her use of "gentile"----as victim of jews------is directly from the pages of that pro nazi propaganda -----it is said that even ADOLF ABU ALI----knew about his support in that area of the world and had made acutal plans to INVADE----uhm----over there ----FIRST Some of the dusty old pamphlets that fell into my hands dated back to BEFORE WORLD WAR II--------I was a kid-----gee---I should have saved them!!!!!---------then I would have been a RICH JEW

Just stop a minute, with all this judging of me, and your referring to me as persons of my ilk, implying I am descended from Jew killers, I do not know any of my ancestors who lived outside the US, and when I try to look at my family tree, on my mother's side, and
her father's family, they emigrated to the US from Germany in the early 1800s, they were Catholic, and when I look up the origins of the surname it sayys Jewish (Ashkenazic). Now, when I discuss that with my family, they are completely clueless about that, so that history goes way back, I expect. All my other ancestors, except one Cherokee Native American, seem to be Protestants from England who came to the US in the 1600s and

were all soldiers and slave owners here and included, one branch of the family, Methodist Ministers . Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell was a relative of mine. My family in the US, going back to the 1600s here in the US, have not been participants in genocides against any Jews, I'm pretty sure about that. So, I do not accept this label of Jew killer and I have never heard anyone in my family speak about Jews using blood of Gentile children in cooking. I grew up in a small town in the Southern US and never even believe
I met or knew a Jew until I moved to California when I was about 27. My husband grew up in Iran, went to school with Jews in Broujerd, that was his hometown, fought against Iraq in the Iran Iraq War, and came to the US in the 1980s. While he was raised as a Shiite Muslim, the entire time I have known him he has been very Anti Religious. All the things done in the name of God in the country of his birth have turned him against God and Religion.


Ha ha ha. And if you believe that version of her life I have a bridge for sale.

They simply do not get it-----just get them to TALK---(or write) and the islamo nazi pig lingo spills out of them along with the silly denials
"I never heard of blood libels" gee----was this chick in a coma
all her life or is she just very stupid?

"he went to school with jews' Is that some sort of credential
for an islamo nazi?

an interesting factoid-----Adolf Eichmann described himself as a Protestant
christian and to the very end denied wrongdoing----even to the protestant
minister who came to "comfort' him
Irose. There is a famous Iranian saying about people who come from Boroujerd, it goes like this. "The best and most honorable among them is Ali Asghar the mass murderer". It's actually true. Ha ha ha.
Just as sherri prefers not to know that Jesus (yeshua to his friends) was a pharisee jew-----she likes to pretend not to know about POLITICAL PRESSURES some clerics face in the land of impending shariah shit. Long ago----when I was young---one of my colleagues was from HAITI------at the time of PAPA DOC duvalier ----I was not well informed about that guy----but did get into some reading-----and asked my colleague a question------THE MAN became a bit agitated and said "nice guy---really nice guy"----it was later on that I learned that PAPA DOC was so much a tyrant that he had INFORMANTS ---virtually around the world in places where Haitians lived

----interestingly enough----I learned the same thing about PAPA ASSAD---in a similar way
----even lately----my hubby ---born in a shariah shit hole cautioned me----when there were still some jews over in that shit hole-----"TO BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WRITE---DO NOT GET THEM IN TROUBLE WITH THE ARABS"

There are some Iranians in the USA-----who tread carefully too----

give up the bullshit sherri -------we are all on to you----that is all the non-islamo nazi pigs are on to you--------

When I want to know what is going on with christians in ISRAEL----I talk to christians with family in Israel or Israeli christians -----there are lots-----who fled the filth of islamo nazi oppression -------In fact one of my son's best friends-----a kid whose fluent hebrew impressed my slightly jealous boy-----is from a family of christian syrians which fled to Israel decades ago ------asserted the boy "MY FATHER IS MORE LIKUD THAN LIKUD"---
but that is ok because he has no relatives back home in syria


Let us see your evidence Jesus was a Pharisee, I will be waiting. And until I see evidence proving that forthcoming from you or another here, I will continue to believe Jesus/Yeshus/Isa was not a Pharisee. It's not that it is that important of an issue, but I simply think he was not a Pharisee and see no reason to change my views about that.

I am not responding to most of your comments about Haiti, they have no relevance at all to this thread or Palestine, that I can see. Are you for real, implying Haiti, a primarily Christian nation, is a "land of impending shariah shit?" Where do you get such ideas from? Please stop worrying about Sharia law descending on Haitians, there are more pressing concerns for all of us!

The rest of your post seems to be ranting about various matters that seem to have nothing to do with my post you were replying to or the thread topic, so I have no response to them.

Have a Blessed evening!

Ha ha ha. And if you believe that version of her life I have a bridge for sale.

They simply do not get it-----just get them to TALK---(or write) and the islamo nazi pig lingo spills out of them along with the silly denials
"I never heard of blood libels" gee----was this chick in a coma
all her life or is she just very stupid?

"he went to school with jews' Is that some sort of credential
for an islamo nazi?

an interesting factoid-----Adolf Eichmann described himself as a Protestant
christian and to the very end denied wrongdoing----even to the protestant
minister who came to "comfort' him
Irose. There is a famous Iranian saying about people who come from Boroujerd, it goes like this. "The best and most honorable among them is Ali Asghar the mass murderer". It's actually true. Ha ha ha.


This so called "famous Iranian saying" only exists in your mind.

Why do you make up things?

They simply do not get it-----just get them to TALK---(or write) and the islamo nazi pig lingo spills out of them along with the silly denials
"I never heard of blood libels" gee----was this chick in a coma
all her life or is she just very stupid?

"he went to school with jews' Is that some sort of credential
for an islamo nazi?

an interesting factoid-----Adolf Eichmann described himself as a Protestant
christian and to the very end denied wrongdoing----even to the protestant
minister who came to "comfort' him

Irose. There is a famous Iranian saying about people who come from Boroujerd, it goes like this. "The best and most honorable among them is Ali Asghar the mass murderer". It's actually true. Ha ha ha.


This so called "famous Iranian saying" only exists in your mind.

Why do you make up things?


what makes you think he made it up Sherri-----I have known LOTS of Iranians in my life
---both jews and muslims-------an occassional convert to christianity in the USA----but don't tell anyone-------they could tell me because I DO NOT DIVULGE

In any case-----the saying roudy repeated simply SEEMS IRANIAN to me-----if he expresses it in Farsi would you believe?

An interesting feature of Iranian "jokes" ---it seems to me based on my ----bits
and pieces of interactions with Iranians is that they involve STEREOTYPES of Iranians
based on place of origin

why do you so eagerly accuse people of LYING? projection?

Let us see your evidence Jesus was a Pharisee, I will be waiting. And until I see evidence proving that forthcoming from you or another here, I will continue to believe

Of course you will believe the "cow jumped over the moon"
sunday school lessons of your childhood In fact I did present
the OBVIOUS fact that Jesus was a pharisee based on his EXPRESSED beliefs and HIS specific poetic allusions and quotations as reported in the New Testament-----which is actually the only historic document that exists regarding Jesus-----it can't ALL BE WRONG It is not easy to discuss this matter with a mind so UNPREPARED as yours. You know nothing about PHARISEES except the silly cow jumped over the moon stuff your sunday school teacher taught you. People like you "understand" that pharisees are LEGALISTIC COLD UNCARING BASTARDS I know that because I grew up with people like you. Even I thought the word "pharisee"
was a negative until a grew up and to my surprise REALIZED that Jesus was a pharisee.

Jesus/Yeshus/Isa was not a Pharisee. It's not that it is that important of an issue, but I simply think he was not a Pharisee and see no reason to change my views about that.

you are free to believe a silly lie

I am not responding to most of your comments about Haiti, they have no relevance at all to this thread or Palestine, that I can see. Are you for real, implying Haiti, a primarily Christian nation, is a "land of impending shariah shit?" Where do you get such ideas from?

Here sherri is using yet another islamonazi technique in
claiming I wrote something which I did not I used the HAITI model (as is obvious to anyone who can read and has a brain) as an example of the way TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENTs stfle free speech even to the point that expats are afraid to openly express their views of those tyants. Did anyone but the dimwitted sherri miss that point? Christians
living in muslim countries face the same problem. About two years ago a COPTIC christian in New Jersey was posting the truth about the oppression of copts in Egypt------she and members of her family were brutally murdered in their homes for that breach-----not that sherri cares.

Please stop worrying about Sharia law descending on Haitians, there are more pressing concerns for all of us
Now now sherri---you are waxing really idiotic stop your vulgar PEDANTIC SHIT

The rest of your post seems to be ranting about various matters that seem to have nothing to do with my post you were replying to or the thread topic, so I have no response to them.

Have a Blessed evening!


very good sherri-----you have again demonstrated your idiocy
this is getting interesting ----the last time I noticed nazi sluts like sherri posting their nazi filth------with so much nazi slut fervor------ Pig Nus kharah allah struck before the storm----the changes in atmospheric pressures result in the birds FLYING LOW---- before the ISLAMO NAZI PIGS strike ----their vile sluts wax MORE AND MORE VULGAR
did anyone notice that the ever vulgar liar Sherri-----claims that since I commented on the fact that PAPA DOC DUVALIER was a tyrannical leader SHE decided that I was being "anti christian"???? anyone out there honor papa doc as a "CHRISTIAN"? OMIGOD Stalin was a christian too----in fact ----he studied for the priesthood when young------anyone out there honor stalin as a "CHRISTIAN" It is clear that sherri worships the CATHOLIC ADOLF ABU ALI HITLER------but as a "catholic'??
sherri----you got another problem-----your idiot author does not even know the meaning of am haaretz. An interesting factoid is that EVEN BEFORE JESUS was born-----jewish ethics REQUIRED that all jewish males be literate-----by any means----even local villlages had to make sure that the boys---at the very least could read and write It was a COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITY It is true that those people who REFUSED to burden themselves with this responsibility were seen in a negative light ----a people not civilized You would not understand based on the filth to which you adhere. Just about everything you THINK you know is based on misapprehension---and the fact that back there in europe----most of the boys could not read if they were of your pursuasion. In the shariah shit hole in which my hubby was born-----if a jewish kid could not read fluently by age five-----his father was tearing his beard out -----but virtually NONE of the arabs were literate in any language------while this factoid is not significant to you-----it is important to know when trying to understand the new testament. Jesus aka yeshua ----was literate in HEBREW-----besides aramaic Ask me how I know
Just as sherri prefers not to know that Jesus (yeshua to his friends) was a pharisee jew-----she likes to pretend not to know about POLITICAL PRESSURES some clerics face in the land of impending shariah shit. Long ago----when I was young---one of my colleagues was from HAITI------at the time of PAPA DOC duvalier ----I was not well informed about that guy----but did get into some reading-----and asked my colleague a question------THE MAN became a bit agitated and said "nice guy---really nice guy"----it was later on that I learned that PAPA DOC was so much a tyrant that he had INFORMANTS ---virtually around the world in places where Haitians lived

----interestingly enough----I learned the same thing about PAPA ASSAD---in a similar way
----even lately----my hubby ---born in a shariah shit hole cautioned me----when there were still some jews over in that shit hole-----"TO BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WRITE---DO NOT GET THEM IN TROUBLE WITH THE ARABS"

There are some Iranians in the USA-----who tread carefully too----

give up the bullshit sherri -------we are all on to you----that is all the non-islamo nazi pigs are on to you--------

When I want to know what is going on with christians in ISRAEL----I talk to christians with family in Israel or Israeli christians -----there are lots-----who fled the filth of islamo nazi oppression -------In fact one of my son's best friends-----a kid whose fluent hebrew impressed my slightly jealous boy-----is from a family of christian syrians which fled to Israel decades ago ------asserted the boy "MY FATHER IS MORE LIKUD THAN LIKUD"---
but that is ok because he has no relatives back home in syria
Say, IRosie, do you think the "good Christian" Sherri has done anything about Pastor Youcef jailed in Iran? Additionally, do you think that she has done anything to help that Christian woman who was thrown into jail in Pakistan for supposedly committing blasphemy? I doubt if she has done anything about the Christian Copts being harassed and murdered. We can forget about her doing anything about the Christians now being killed in Nigeria and their churches destroyed. When you get down to it, no matter what the Muslims do is no concern to the "good Christian" woman Sherri as long as she can't drag the Jews into it. Since there are so many message boards throughout the Intenet, it should be a snap for the "good Christian" Sherri to be condemning what is happening to the Christians in the Muslim world, but I doubt she is taking advantage of them for that purpose.
Isn't that nice how when they come to America like Sherri, right away they learn the vulgar words. Now how do you say that in Farsi, Sherri? Meanwhile, of course, I wonder if Sherri keeps track of Raymond Ibrahim's monthly tally of the persecution of Christians by Muslims, or is she only interested in what is happening when the Jews are involved. Maybe Sherri would be better off waiting for the 12th Imam to jump out of the well. Given what is happening in Muslim countries against the Christians as well as Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims of different sections, Sherri should have entited this another way since it would be more like the truth.
Killing non Muslims Is Like Drinking Water For Muslims
actually hossy

in burma right now, it happens to be burmese "buddhists" that are killing Rohinga muslims

and in Sri Lanka's civil war, "buddhists" killed tamil hindus

just facts, that's all

maybe exceptions but facts all the same

but i could list a hundred countries including UK, USA and Israel where totally innocent sweet gentle muslims
face prejudice and increasing discrimination
as a result of jihadi insanity which they want nothing to do with whatsoever.

that is also a fact and its getting worse every year aint it.........
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Nothing like gentile blood with some Matzos at Passover. LOL


Are you trying to tell me you are a vampire or something?

I just simply do not get these jokes about drinking blood.


gee----don't you know anything about nazi christian and nazi muslim humor? both christians and muslims of your islamo nazi creed-----engage in libels to justify their genocides of hundreds of millions. A libel common to both is the BLOOD LIBEL in which persons of your ilk claim jews use blood in cooking----either ---of little christian and muslim children--------people of your ilk engage in huge genocides based on LIBELS -----all genocides have at their base----libels
roudy, rosie amma, and sherri:

christians use animal blood incl pigs blood in cooking

try it....its delicious

a rabbi and a catholic priest were having a heart to heart one day

tell me rabbi, have you ever tasted pork
yes said the rabbi, i have to say i did, once
now tell me father, have you ever made love to a woman
yes rabbi, i have to say I have

better than pork, isn't it, father!

why roudy are you and rosie and sherri too

casting so many pearls here, and swineing each other out, may i ask?
will sherri ever listen to you, or vice versa??

i can see that sherri really does not know or understand our jewish blood libel hysteria
she is innocent of knowing about this, but will never ever convince you two

I believe her family story; it sounds totally authentic

I would not have known what the fuck you 2 jews were talking about blood libels, either until i was past 50

i aint saying she hasn't expressed anti jew stuff,
but has not done so while knowing all the exact buttons it presses in all jews, even a mamzer jew like me!

sherri, maybe it would be better if you googled jewish blood libels
then you will have a better idea............then ask some questions to the 2 jews and others
then you will hopefully change your language
just a suggestion, dear

just curious as always............
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Are you trying to tell me you are a vampire or something?

I just simply do not get these jokes about drinking blood.


gee----don't you know anything about nazi christian and nazi muslim humor? both christians and muslims of your islamo nazi creed-----engage in libels to justify their genocides of hundreds of millions. A libel common to both is the BLOOD LIBEL in which persons of your ilk claim jews use blood in cooking----either ---of little christian and muslim children--------people of your ilk engage in huge genocides based on LIBELS -----all genocides have at their base----libels
roudy, rosie amma, and sherri:

christians use animal blood incl pigs blood in cooking

try it....its delicious

a rabbi and a catholic priest were having a heart to heart

tell me rabbi, have you ever tasted pork
yes said the rabbi, i have to say i did, once
now tell me father, have you ever made love to a woman
yes rabbi, i have to say I have

better than pork, isn't it, father!

why roudy are you and rosie and sherri too

casting so many pearls here, may i ask?
will sherri ever listen to you, or vice versa??

just curious as always............
Sherri can hear a rat pissing on cotton a hundred yards away but she ain't listening.
Just as sherri prefers not to know that Jesus (yeshua to his friends) was a pharisee jew-----she likes to pretend not to know about POLITICAL PRESSURES some clerics face in the land of impending shariah shit. Long ago----when I was young---one of my colleagues was from HAITI------at the time of PAPA DOC duvalier ----I was not well informed about that guy----but did get into some reading-----and asked my colleague a question------THE MAN became a bit agitated and said "nice guy---really nice guy"----it was later on that I learned that PAPA DOC was so much a tyrant that he had INFORMANTS ---virtually around the world in places where Haitians lived

----interestingly enough----I learned the same thing about PAPA ASSAD---in a similar way
----even lately----my hubby ---born in a shariah shit hole cautioned me----when there were still some jews over in that shit hole-----"TO BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WRITE---DO NOT GET THEM IN TROUBLE WITH THE ARABS"

There are some Iranians in the USA-----who tread carefully too----

give up the bullshit sherri -------we are all on to you----that is all the non-islamo nazi pigs are on to you--------

When I want to know what is going on with christians in ISRAEL----I talk to christians with family in Israel or Israeli christians -----there are lots-----who fled the filth of islamo nazi oppression -------In fact one of my son's best friends-----a kid whose fluent hebrew impressed my slightly jealous boy-----is from a family of christian syrians which fled to Israel decades ago ------asserted the boy "MY FATHER IS MORE LIKUD THAN LIKUD"---
but that is ok because he has no relatives back home in syria
Say, IRosie, do you think the "good Christian" Sherri has done anything about Pastor Youcef jailed in Iran? Additionally, do you think that she has done anything to help that Christian woman who was thrown into jail in Pakistan for supposedly committing blasphemy? I doubt if she has done anything about the Christian Copts being harassed and murdered. We can forget about her doing anything about the Christians now being killed in Nigeria and their churches destroyed. When you get down to it, no matter what the Muslims do is no concern to the "good Christian" woman Sherri as long as she can't drag the Jews into it. Since there are so many message boards throughout the Intenet, it should be a snap for the "good Christian" Sherri to be condemning what is happening to the Christians in the Muslim world, but I doubt she is taking advantage of them for that purpose.


Pastor Youcef has been acquitted of Apostacy and released from prison, sometimes, in our world, even in Iran, we see Justice prevailing in front of our very eyes.

Iran Pastor Released, but Danger Remains - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

Jesus words are, love your enemies, not try to occupy and destroy them. See Matthew 5:43-48.

And He came to save, not condemn, and He does not call His followers to condemn, either.

Condemnation, is that a Jewish thing?

Just as sherri prefers not to know that Jesus (yeshua to his friends) was a pharisee jew-----she likes to pretend not to know about POLITICAL PRESSURES some clerics face in the land of impending shariah shit. Long ago----when I was young---one of my colleagues was from HAITI------at the time of PAPA DOC duvalier ----I was not well informed about that guy----but did get into some reading-----and asked my colleague a question------THE MAN became a bit agitated and said "nice guy---really nice guy"----it was later on that I learned that PAPA DOC was so much a tyrant that he had INFORMANTS ---virtually around the world in places where Haitians lived

----interestingly enough----I learned the same thing about PAPA ASSAD---in a similar way
----even lately----my hubby ---born in a shariah shit hole cautioned me----when there were still some jews over in that shit hole-----"TO BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WRITE---DO NOT GET THEM IN TROUBLE WITH THE ARABS"

There are some Iranians in the USA-----who tread carefully too----

give up the bullshit sherri -------we are all on to you----that is all the non-islamo nazi pigs are on to you--------

When I want to know what is going on with christians in ISRAEL----I talk to christians with family in Israel or Israeli christians -----there are lots-----who fled the filth of islamo nazi oppression -------In fact one of my son's best friends-----a kid whose fluent hebrew impressed my slightly jealous boy-----is from a family of christian syrians which fled to Israel decades ago ------asserted the boy "MY FATHER IS MORE LIKUD THAN LIKUD"---
but that is ok because he has no relatives back home in syria
Say, IRosie, do you think the "good Christian" Sherri has done anything about Pastor Youcef jailed in Iran? Additionally, do you think that she has done anything to help that Christian woman who was thrown into jail in Pakistan for supposedly committing blasphemy? I doubt if she has done anything about the Christian Copts being harassed and murdered. We can forget about her doing anything about the Christians now being killed in Nigeria and their churches destroyed. When you get down to it, no matter what the Muslims do is no concern to the "good Christian" woman Sherri as long as she can't drag the Jews into it. Since there are so many message boards throughout the Intenet, it should be a snap for the "good Christian" Sherri to be condemning what is happening to the Christians in the Muslim world, but I doubt she is taking advantage of them for that purpose.


Pastor Youcef has been acquitted of Apostacy and released from prison, sometimes, in our world, even in Iran, we see Justice prevailing in front of our very eyes.

Iran Pastor Released, but Danger Remains - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

Jesus words are, love your enemies, not try to occupy and destroy them. See Matthew 5:43-48.

And He came to save, not condemn, and He does not call His followers to condemn, either.

Condemnation, is that a Jewish thing?

How the hell should I know. I ain't a Jew but I can condemn anything I want with impunity. I'm a Republican.
Leave sherri alone------she teaches her sunday school kids that Mary cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast
Nothing like gentile blood with some Matzos at Passover. LOL

The intelligent christian who reads the New Testament-----SHOULD learn a bit about Judaism----and the history of the life and times of the PHARISEE jews during the time of Jesus------Jesus was a pharisee My theory as to how Pharisees became the "bad guys" in parts of the New Testament and ---far worse in the minds of christians relates
to the fact that the pharisees the erstwhile kin of Jesus-----rejected the christian version of jesus. Quite an insult since those people lauding him in Jerusalem WERE PHARISEES -------even the crypt where he was placed after execution was donated by a PHARISEE FRIEND ----but then it was the pharisees who rejected PAUL and his mishegos. Hang onto your wig ----sherri-------Paul hated the pharisees for rejecting PAUL's theology. I do not with to impugn Paul----his obvious goal was JUDAISM FOR EVERYONE_--------a kind of ancient JUDAISM FOR DUMMIES thing.

getting back to the very ethical statements attributed to Jesus------not one is new-----even the turn the cheek thing precedes jesus---------- Jesus did lots of Hillel-----but then again he also did lots of JEREMIAH----------at least their stuff gets attributed to him by the gospel writers


The Pharisees became largely legalistic and self righteous and corrupt and hypocrites, and they were not following God's commands, that is what Jesus observed and spoke about. And Jesus, the nonPharisee, confronted them about all of this in Matthew 23. And Jesus teachings refuted the teachings of the Pharisees, throughout the Sermon on the Mount, He addresses what the people have been told, and then He says what is correct. He says there are two commands within which all the Law is fullfilled, love God with all your heart and your mind and your soul and love your neighbor as yourself. And He shows us the true meaning of the word neighbor in the story of the Good Samaritan. And He later says, I give you a new command, love one another as I have loved you. His life is the example to follow.

The books of the Bible outside The Gospels, I see as God's Word, but I do not read them the same way I do The Gospels. Essentially, everything else, it has to be consistent with The Gospels, or I am interpreting them incorrectly. I am not saying they are wrong, the problem lies in my interpretation of those Scriptures. You and others here speak of the Apostle Paul hating women, he did not hate women. But words interpreted incorrectly, well they certainly can lead anyone to many inaccurate interpretations of Scripture, such as that.

Jesus is not just collections of ethical statements of others who lived before Himself, He is the One sent to save the world, to show us who God is. He brought grace and truth into the world, with the ability to take a person and all their sins and shortcomings, shortcomings in each and every one of us that we each and every one of us could write about them for an eternity times ten and still not list all of them, He can take an undeserving sinful person and bestow on them the gift of grace, undeserved merit, He can forgive our sins, and save our souls and we can live for eternity in His presence, an eternity that begins with Salvation and that never ends. And every day of our lives from that day forward can be one step forward in a transformation process to make each of us more and more like Him. And that journey will take a person through the rest of their lives here on earth and into Heaven and Eternity with Christ, in His presence always and forever. Infinity, I always think about my Geometry teacher, standing in front of the class with a ruler and talking about a straight line that goes on forever and there is never an end to it. And I will never forget trying to visualize that. And that is what believing in Christ is like and a lifetime relationship with Him is, understanding Infinity, or visualizing such an ability to understand it, or seeking to do so, perhaps I should say, the exciting and amazing journey to find the end of that straight line. A journey I am never ever alone in, a journey in which I never have anything to fear about, a journey in which I know I matter and my life, there is always an opportunity to make a difference with my life, and I am always loved. And Life is Christ and seeking to draw closer to Him, the One who makes a life worth living.

[/QUOTE=Tarzan] @Sherri, being faith full is good, but don't forget the history; Your's are sandwiched by Jews and Arabics.
1.IMO: you should read more to find out that with out Jews you won't have x-tions;in other words you should thanks to Jews;
2.You should be careful with Arabics; May be you should know that you are included as the INFIDEL by the Arabs as a target for killing only because you are non believer.( If you are in love with some Arab guys , reconsider!):eusa_angel:
3.You should weigh which is from Jews and Arabs are more dangerous to you ?( Many guys can tell you that "Arabs are more dangerous than Jews").Any volunteers?
4.I wonder where you live, but do you like Europe become Eurabia ? This is urgent situation recently, so Brows more videos and News.
5. Next, waiting your comment.Thanks.

what History is it are you telling me I should not forget in your comments in 1?
tarzan9600 said:
: 2000 BC untill now - Jews.
0 AD until now - Xtians
about 570AD until now - Islam( Qur'an);
That's the global history,with a notation :Islam as the latest brotherhood of religion is a naughty one,Why ?Qur'an stated that the follower of Jews and Xtians are enemies and liable for killing by Qur'an's believer. ( as stated in no.2 above)
Is this answering your question?
My question no. 3,4,5 still go on ,
Sherri said:
The History for Christians in Palestine for the past 67 years.....etc ?
tarzan9600 said:
is a new phase of recent history , need new analysis further on.

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Please, read about the hardships Christians face in Palestine addressed in their very own Kairos Palestine document.

[/QUOTE=tarzan9600] Need time for me to read and browse.
Just as sherri prefers not to know that Jesus (yeshua to his friends) was a pharisee jew-----she likes to pretend not to know about POLITICAL PRESSURES some clerics face in the land of impending shariah shit. Long ago----when I was young---one of my colleagues was from HAITI------at the time of PAPA DOC duvalier ----I was not well informed about that guy----but did get into some reading-----and asked my colleague a question------THE MAN became a bit agitated and said "nice guy---really nice guy"----it was later on that I learned that PAPA DOC was so much a tyrant that he had INFORMANTS ---virtually around the world in places where Haitians lived

----interestingly enough----I learned the same thing about PAPA ASSAD---in a similar way
----even lately----my hubby ---born in a shariah shit hole cautioned me----when there were still some jews over in that shit hole-----"TO BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WRITE---DO NOT GET THEM IN TROUBLE WITH THE ARABS"

There are some Iranians in the USA-----who tread carefully too----

give up the bullshit sherri -------we are all on to you----that is all the non-islamo nazi pigs are on to you--------

When I want to know what is going on with christians in ISRAEL----I talk to christians with family in Israel or Israeli christians -----there are lots-----who fled the filth of islamo nazi oppression -------In fact one of my son's best friends-----a kid whose fluent hebrew impressed my slightly jealous boy-----is from a family of christian syrians which fled to Israel decades ago ------asserted the boy "MY FATHER IS MORE LIKUD THAN LIKUD"---
but that is ok because he has no relatives back home in syria
Say, IRosie, do you think the "good Christian" Sherri has done anything about Pastor Youcef jailed in Iran? Additionally, do you think that she has done anything to help that Christian woman who was thrown into jail in Pakistan for supposedly committing blasphemy? I doubt if she has done anything about the Christian Copts being harassed and murdered. We can forget about her doing anything about the Christians now being killed in Nigeria and their churches destroyed. When you get down to it, no matter what the Muslims do is no concern to the "good Christian" woman Sherri as long as she can't drag the Jews into it. Since there are so many message boards throughout the Intenet, it should be a snap for the "good Christian" Sherri to be condemning what is happening to the Christians in the Muslim world, but I doubt she is taking advantage of them for that purpose.


Pastor Youcef has been acquitted of Apostacy and released from prison, sometimes, in our world, even in Iran, we see Justice prevailing in front of our very eyes.

Iran Pastor Released, but Danger Remains - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

Jesus words are, love your enemies, not try to occupy and destroy them. See Matthew 5:43-48.

And He came to save, not condemn, and He does not call His followers to condemn, either.

Condemnation, is that a Jewish thing?


no sherri----it is actually a christian and muslim thing-----those who do it are best described as you are aptly described ISLAMO NAZI PIGS The ISLAMO NAZI PIGS of the world have accomplished the murders in GENOCIDES and BASED OF RELIGIOUS FILTH----almost LL THE PEOPLE EVER MURDERED IN GENOCIDES------even the communist genocides in of stalin and in the far east do not come close to the brutality of the gross genocides comitted by YOUR FELLOW ISLAMO NAZIS -------hundreds of millions The islamo nazi sluts moaned in orgiastic ecstasy as your fellow islamo nazi pigs threw jewish infants into bonfires in their AUTO DE FE ACT OF FAITH (in their and your version of "jesus")

The good news is that most christians have repudiated the filth that STILL DELIGHTS YOU-------islamic clings to it like an infant clings to a pacifier -------and, of course it is tie that binds many so called christians to any "islamic cause" that arises. I learned all kinds of informatiion about a people called 'arabs" in my very early adolescence just by reading the nazi propaganda lying in dusty heaps----- -----since I lived in a town with a core population of people just like you

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