Israel strikes militant targets in Gaza after mortar barrage

RE: Israel strikes militant targets in Gaza after mortar barrage
※→ Steve, et al,

We could argue the finer points of this position all day long and it would not make any difference.

Yes with 11 Billion $$$$$$$$ of other peoples money,inparticular American Taxpayers hard earnings...Time to pay the money back then if you are so great,Huh,that would be like a snowballs chance in hell....With Respect Rocco,steve

You, me, the Israelis, the Arab League, EVERYONE may not like it --- may want something different --- may even be right about some claims. It makes no difference! When the Sun rises in the morning, everyone must deal with the "realities" of the day; not the illusion of how they would like "reality" to be.

A little story:

I grew-up in the not so affluent side of town. Sure as hell, the reality was that if --- I was involved in a fight with a hood from the right side of the tracks, I had to stand alone. If I was going to have a car, I had to pay for it myself. If I was going to go to college, my parents would expect me to pay for it. I had the right to be safe from the bad asses that roamed the streets. I had the right to own a car. I had the right to go to college. Yeah, the American dream was with me. But just as I knew that I was never going to marry a debutante, I knew that I had to learn how to fight my own battles --- how to get a skill and hold a job. I knew that I would have to buy my own car and pay for my own education. I have all those things (except a debutante) today. In the last year three years I worked, I averaged six-figures. I have the a niece car and a Masters Degree. AND -- for the last 40 years, I've been married to the same 19 year old; she is the best I could ever want, and tough as nails. BUT, none of this was handed to me on a silver platter; just by me saying "I have the right to them." The world simply does not work like that (at least not in my hemisphere). The moral to the story is: work for it or go without.

The Arab Palestinians have to exercise self-determination --- which includes --- working to shape your own destiny; not just whining about it.

As for the "11 Billion $$$$$$$$" --- that is an investment in the future. And like any investment (taking a risk in our own best interest), it takes time to show a dividend. But two thing are for sure, America makes investment in almost every nation in that region of the world; which goes towards the interlocking protection of our principle investment. But that is for another thread --- for another discussion.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Israel strikes militant targets in Gaza after mortar barrage
※→ abi, et al,

One is an attempt, and one is a success.

The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) it trying to establish a self-governing state; taking by force what they could not achieve on merit or diplomacy fails.
Is this not exactly what the zionists did?

You can use the word "zionist" all you want. Any adverse connotation you wish it to convey, is purely illusionary and deceptive.

Israel (not just Zionist) actually made it a reality; an established ground truth on a stand-alone basis. And, they refuse to submit to Regional Pressures of under-developing nations to capitulate in the face of certain dismantlement.

The Israelis won favor and have been a stand-alone, independent self-governing nation that has proven itself to be a value to the world in so any different areas for more than half a century, making more contributions to science then the entire Arab League:
Most Respectfully,
Yes with 11 Billion $$$$$$$$ of other peoples money,inparticular American Taxpayers hard earnings...Time to pay the money back then if you are so great,Huh,that would be like a snowballs chance in hell....With Respect Rocco,steve
You are totally out of touch, or totally lying.

You know very well that the Palestinians have received Billions from American, European and Arab donors and have done what with it?
And have given back what to America, Europe and the Muslim countries?
And let us include Australia and Canada as well.

Just when is the world going to see any reimbursement from all the Billions clearly wasted on people who do nothing but scream for more and more blood?
The "PA" starts @ 21:55

The Death Cult started in 632 CE

RE: Israel strikes militant targets in Gaza after mortar barrage
※→ Disir, et al,

There are several issues here that are converging.

RE: Israel strikes militant targets in Gaza after mortar barrage
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Rather unusual, don't you think?

No one has said what the purpose of the mortar attack might be! After the counterattack, all that changed was the destruction of two Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) locations. What the intent or expectation the HAMAS and Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) remains baffling.

Most Respectfully,

Hamas sends threatening message to Trump

Hamas Leader Affirms Military Ties With Hezbollah

What better way to prove they are necessary.

IF HAMAS is sending threat messages to the US, THEN HAMAS is in violation of Article 2(4) UN Charter.
HAMAS and the Palestinian Authority (PA) have formed a Unity government. IF the PA supports HAMAS THEN the Unity Government for the State of Palestine is:

• Supporting, actively or passively, entities involved in terrorist acts. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 2a)
• Allowing nationals within their territories from making any funds, financial assets or economic resources or other related services available, directly or indirectly, for the benefit of persons who commit or attempt to commit or facilitate or participate in the commission of terrorist acts, of entities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by such persons and of persons and entities acting on behalf of or at the direction of such persons;
(S/RES/1373 Paragraph 1d)
• Prevent those who finance, plan, facilitate or commit terrorist acts from using their respective territories for those purposes against other States or their citizens. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 2d)
• Acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing, planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 5)
A/RES/2/110 - against propaganda and the inciters of a new war -
A/RES/65/34 – Measures to eliminate international terrorism
A/RES/64/297 – The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy
• etc, etc, etc

Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist organization --- while --- Hezbollah is a Shi'a Islamist political party and militant group; with a paramilitary wing called Jihad Council. While there is some tenuous connection there, it has yet to be fully explored. That is like trying to oil -- and -- water.

The Iranian connection is what it is..

Most Respectfully,

Groups in the Middle East unite for limited time all the time. The only thing they agree on is eradication of Israel. Throw some power and money in it and it plays like ACDC.

Honey, whaddya do for money
Honey, whaddya do for money
Where you get your kicks
Eradicate Israel that is non sence and a Furphy (a lie) and you know is down town Tel Aviv these days
14,000 rockets fired into Israel from Gaza attest to the endless attempt to kill people and destroy property.

Tel-Aviv is doing just fine, thank you. Because of Israeli ingenuity, the Iron Dome, and not because the Arabs will ever stop attempting to destroy Israel.

That is, until Israel really has to put an end to Hamas and others who want to see her destroyed.

That is the name of the game.

The enemy wants to destroy you. You do it first. And with finality.

The next planned Gaza war by Hamas, may not end up well for them, at all. It will not be like the other times.

Stay tuned, as Hamas has already vowed to attack in 2018. And so has Hezbollah.

Some people never learn :)
You may laugh about Israel's murderous activities but look at the facts. Every time Israel does something stupid like attacking an aid ship or bombing the crap out of civilians in Gaza, the support for Palestinians and BDS takes a big jump. Israel keeps shooting itself in the foot.
RE: Israel strikes militant targets in Gaza after mortar barrage
※→ Disir, et al,

There are several issues here that are converging.


IF HAMAS is sending threat messages to the US, THEN HAMAS is in violation of Article 2(4) UN Charter.
HAMAS and the Palestinian Authority (PA) have formed a Unity government. IF the PA supports HAMAS THEN the Unity Government for the State of Palestine is:

• Supporting, actively or passively, entities involved in terrorist acts. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 2a)
• Allowing nationals within their territories from making any funds, financial assets or economic resources or other related services available, directly or indirectly, for the benefit of persons who commit or attempt to commit or facilitate or participate in the commission of terrorist acts, of entities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by such persons and of persons and entities acting on behalf of or at the direction of such persons;
(S/RES/1373 Paragraph 1d)
• Prevent those who finance, plan, facilitate or commit terrorist acts from using their respective territories for those purposes against other States or their citizens. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 2d)
• Acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing, planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 5)
A/RES/2/110 - against propaganda and the inciters of a new war -
A/RES/65/34 – Measures to eliminate international terrorism
A/RES/64/297 – The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy
• etc, etc, etc

Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist organization --- while --- Hezbollah is a Shi'a Islamist political party and militant group; with a paramilitary wing called Jihad Council. While there is some tenuous connection there, it has yet to be fully explored. That is like trying to oil -- and -- water.

The Iranian connection is what it is..

Most Respectfully,

Groups in the Middle East unite for limited time all the time. The only thing they agree on is eradication of Israel. Throw some power and money in it and it plays like ACDC.

Honey, whaddya do for money
Honey, whaddya do for money
Where you get your kicks
Eradicate Israel that is non sence and a Furphy (a lie) and you know is down town Tel Aviv these days
14,000 rockets fired into Israel from Gaza attest to the endless attempt to kill people and destroy property.

Tel-Aviv is doing just fine, thank you. Because of Israeli ingenuity, the Iron Dome, and not because the Arabs will ever stop attempting to destroy Israel.

That is, until Israel really has to put an end to Hamas and others who want to see her destroyed.

That is the name of the game.

The enemy wants to destroy you. You do it first. And with finality.

The next planned Gaza war by Hamas, may not end up well for them, at all. It will not be like the other times.

Stay tuned, as Hamas has already vowed to attack in 2018. And so has Hezbollah.

Some people never learn :)
You may laugh about Israel's murderous activities but look at the facts. Every time Israel does something stupid like attacking an aid ship or bombing the crap out of civilians in Gaza, the support for Palestinians and BDS takes a big jump. Israel keeps shooting itself in the foot.

No. Support for BDS will continue to drop.
RE: Israel strikes militant targets in Gaza after mortar barrage
※→ Disir, et al,

There are several issues here that are converging.


IF HAMAS is sending threat messages to the US, THEN HAMAS is in violation of Article 2(4) UN Charter.
HAMAS and the Palestinian Authority (PA) have formed a Unity government. IF the PA supports HAMAS THEN the Unity Government for the State of Palestine is:

• Supporting, actively or passively, entities involved in terrorist acts. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 2a)
• Allowing nationals within their territories from making any funds, financial assets or economic resources or other related services available, directly or indirectly, for the benefit of persons who commit or attempt to commit or facilitate or participate in the commission of terrorist acts, of entities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by such persons and of persons and entities acting on behalf of or at the direction of such persons;
(S/RES/1373 Paragraph 1d)
• Prevent those who finance, plan, facilitate or commit terrorist acts from using their respective territories for those purposes against other States or their citizens. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 2d)
• Acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing, planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 5)
A/RES/2/110 - against propaganda and the inciters of a new war -
A/RES/65/34 – Measures to eliminate international terrorism
A/RES/64/297 – The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy
• etc, etc, etc

Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist organization --- while --- Hezbollah is a Shi'a Islamist political party and militant group; with a paramilitary wing called Jihad Council. While there is some tenuous connection there, it has yet to be fully explored. That is like trying to oil -- and -- water.

The Iranian connection is what it is..

Most Respectfully,

Groups in the Middle East unite for limited time all the time. The only thing they agree on is eradication of Israel. Throw some power and money in it and it plays like ACDC.

Honey, whaddya do for money
Honey, whaddya do for money
Where you get your kicks
Eradicate Israel that is non sence and a Furphy (a lie) and you know is down town Tel Aviv these days
14,000 rockets fired into Israel from Gaza attest to the endless attempt to kill people and destroy property.

Tel-Aviv is doing just fine, thank you. Because of Israeli ingenuity, the Iron Dome, and not because the Arabs will ever stop attempting to destroy Israel.

That is, until Israel really has to put an end to Hamas and others who want to see her destroyed.

That is the name of the game.

The enemy wants to destroy you. You do it first. And with finality.

The next planned Gaza war by Hamas, may not end up well for them, at all. It will not be like the other times.

Stay tuned, as Hamas has already vowed to attack in 2018. And so has Hezbollah.

Some people never learn :)
You may laugh about Israel's murderous activities but look at the facts. Every time Israel does something stupid like attacking an aid ship or bombing the crap out of civilians in Gaza, the support for Palestinians and BDS takes a big jump. Israel keeps shooting itself in the foot.

That’s a bit reality challenged.

The End of This Road: The Decline of the Palestinian National Movement
RE: Israel strikes militant targets in Gaza after mortar barrage
※→ Disir, et al,

There are several issues here that are converging.


IF HAMAS is sending threat messages to the US, THEN HAMAS is in violation of Article 2(4) UN Charter.
HAMAS and the Palestinian Authority (PA) have formed a Unity government. IF the PA supports HAMAS THEN the Unity Government for the State of Palestine is:

• Supporting, actively or passively, entities involved in terrorist acts. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 2a)
• Allowing nationals within their territories from making any funds, financial assets or economic resources or other related services available, directly or indirectly, for the benefit of persons who commit or attempt to commit or facilitate or participate in the commission of terrorist acts, of entities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by such persons and of persons and entities acting on behalf of or at the direction of such persons;
(S/RES/1373 Paragraph 1d)
• Prevent those who finance, plan, facilitate or commit terrorist acts from using their respective territories for those purposes against other States or their citizens. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 2d)
• Acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing, planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 5)
A/RES/2/110 - against propaganda and the inciters of a new war -
A/RES/65/34 – Measures to eliminate international terrorism
A/RES/64/297 – The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy
• etc, etc, etc

Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist organization --- while --- Hezbollah is a Shi'a Islamist political party and militant group; with a paramilitary wing called Jihad Council. While there is some tenuous connection there, it has yet to be fully explored. That is like trying to oil -- and -- water.

The Iranian connection is what it is..

Most Respectfully,

Groups in the Middle East unite for limited time all the time. The only thing they agree on is eradication of Israel. Throw some power and money in it and it plays like ACDC.

Honey, whaddya do for money
Honey, whaddya do for money
Where you get your kicks
Eradicate Israel that is non sence and a Furphy (a lie) and you know is down town Tel Aviv these days
14,000 rockets fired into Israel from Gaza attest to the endless attempt to kill people and destroy property.

Tel-Aviv is doing just fine, thank you. Because of Israeli ingenuity, the Iron Dome, and not because the Arabs will ever stop attempting to destroy Israel.

That is, until Israel really has to put an end to Hamas and others who want to see her destroyed.

That is the name of the game.

The enemy wants to destroy you. You do it first. And with finality.

The next planned Gaza war by Hamas, may not end up well for them, at all. It will not be like the other times.

Stay tuned, as Hamas has already vowed to attack in 2018. And so has Hezbollah.

Some people never learn :)
You may laugh about Israel's murderous activities but look at the facts. Every time Israel does something stupid like attacking an aid ship or bombing the crap out of civilians in Gaza, the support for Palestinians and BDS takes a big jump. Israel keeps shooting itself in the foot.

That’s a bit reality challenged.

The End of This Road: The Decline of the Palestinian National Movement
Nothing new here. The Palestinians have been complaining about their so called leaders for a long time.
So, if not from Gaza, where do you think the mortar fire came from then?
What I think? You are missing the point. I don't know, you don't know, nobody, at this point seems to know. We have a story from the IDF, nothing more.

But, we do know who dropped those bombs on Gaza, that we know.
So, if not from Gaza, where do you think the mortar fire came from then?
What I think? You are missing the point. I don't know, you don't know, nobody, at this point seems to know. We have a story from the IDF, nothing more.

But, we do know who dropped those bombs on Gaza, that we know.

We certainly know where conspiracy theories come from.
Groups in the Middle East unite for limited time all the time. The only thing they agree on is eradication of Israel. Throw some power and money in it and it plays like ACDC.

Honey, whaddya do for money
Honey, whaddya do for money
Where you get your kicks
Eradicate Israel that is non sence and a Furphy (a lie) and you know is down town Tel Aviv these days
14,000 rockets fired into Israel from Gaza attest to the endless attempt to kill people and destroy property.

Tel-Aviv is doing just fine, thank you. Because of Israeli ingenuity, the Iron Dome, and not because the Arabs will ever stop attempting to destroy Israel.

That is, until Israel really has to put an end to Hamas and others who want to see her destroyed.

That is the name of the game.

The enemy wants to destroy you. You do it first. And with finality.

The next planned Gaza war by Hamas, may not end up well for them, at all. It will not be like the other times.

Stay tuned, as Hamas has already vowed to attack in 2018. And so has Hezbollah.

Some people never learn :)
You may laugh about Israel's murderous activities but look at the facts. Every time Israel does something stupid like attacking an aid ship or bombing the crap out of civilians in Gaza, the support for Palestinians and BDS takes a big jump. Israel keeps shooting itself in the foot.

That’s a bit reality challenged.

The End of This Road: The Decline of the Palestinian National Movement
Nothing new here. The Palestinians have been complaining about their so called leaders for a long time.

Nothing new here. It's an interesting dynamic whereby Arabs-Moslems will elect the very retrograde types who will oppress them - at least on those rare occasions when Arabs-Moslems vote. Most democracies are founded upon the model of separation of church and state and are thus at odds with islamist ideology. Democracy is shirk to islamist ideology, (the unforgivable sin of submitting to anything but God). Islam is religion, politics, law, and personal comportment. Everything—complete totalitarianism. I think it’s Impossible to overstate how fiercely resistant the retrograde ideology of Islam is to any sort of revision or reform, and this is its single most intractable impediment to compatibility with the rest of the world. That is the cornerstone of its unyielding intolerance and contempt for all other worldviews.

Drop one person one vote into islamist fear societies - allow free access to the process for political parties, and we see with regularity that the lowest common denominator is the most brutal Islamist theocrat will sweep up the votes. Why? Because for countless generations, with only brief periods of anything different, islamics have been ruled by despots and dictators, have no aversion to unconstitutional changes of government, and believe to the core of their being in their Islamic creed which means submission. Not only will they gladly submit to a theocratic state, but they'll positively rush out and make it happen, insh’allah.
Last edited:
RE: Israel strikes militant targets in Gaza after mortar barrage
※→ Disir, et al,

There are several issues here that are converging.


IF HAMAS is sending threat messages to the US, THEN HAMAS is in violation of Article 2(4) UN Charter.
HAMAS and the Palestinian Authority (PA) have formed a Unity government. IF the PA supports HAMAS THEN the Unity Government for the State of Palestine is:

• Supporting, actively or passively, entities involved in terrorist acts. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 2a)
• Allowing nationals within their territories from making any funds, financial assets or economic resources or other related services available, directly or indirectly, for the benefit of persons who commit or attempt to commit or facilitate or participate in the commission of terrorist acts, of entities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by such persons and of persons and entities acting on behalf of or at the direction of such persons;
(S/RES/1373 Paragraph 1d)
• Prevent those who finance, plan, facilitate or commit terrorist acts from using their respective territories for those purposes against other States or their citizens. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 2d)
• Acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing, planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 5)
A/RES/2/110 - against propaganda and the inciters of a new war -
A/RES/65/34 – Measures to eliminate international terrorism
A/RES/64/297 – The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy
• etc, etc, etc

Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist organization --- while --- Hezbollah is a Shi'a Islamist political party and militant group; with a paramilitary wing called Jihad Council. While there is some tenuous connection there, it has yet to be fully explored. That is like trying to oil -- and -- water.

The Iranian connection is what it is..

Most Respectfully,

Groups in the Middle East unite for limited time all the time. The only thing they agree on is eradication of Israel. Throw some power and money in it and it plays like ACDC.

Honey, whaddya do for money
Honey, whaddya do for money
Where you get your kicks
Eradicate Israel that is non sence and a Furphy (a lie) and you know is down town Tel Aviv these days
14,000 rockets fired into Israel from Gaza attest to the endless attempt to kill people and destroy property.

Tel-Aviv is doing just fine, thank you. Because of Israeli ingenuity, the Iron Dome, and not because the Arabs will ever stop attempting to destroy Israel.

That is, until Israel really has to put an end to Hamas and others who want to see her destroyed.

That is the name of the game.

The enemy wants to destroy you. You do it first. And with finality.

The next planned Gaza war by Hamas, may not end up well for them, at all. It will not be like the other times.

Stay tuned, as Hamas has already vowed to attack in 2018. And so has Hezbollah.

Some people never learn :)
Come on Steve, "hundreds of thousands"? I think you and I need to get back to that drinking game, lol.
So, if not from Gaza, where do you think the mortar fire came from then?
What I think? You are missing the point. I don't know, you don't know, nobody, at this point seems to know. We have a story from the IDF, nothing more.

But, we do know who dropped those bombs on Gaza, that we know.
Nice side step. So what is our source that Israel actually launched this 'attack' then?

And thank you for your 'props' to me upthread about not being a liar; I am not.

I am a realist and yes I support the state of Israel. I also support the creation of an independent Palestinian via peaceful means. I am under the belief, based on what I read here, that those who claim to be pro-palestine are more anti-Israel. Meaning their idea of 'peace' for there is the dismantling of the state of Israel and removal of the Jews.

This attitude will not bring peace at all. Israel was created 70 years ago. You cannot unscramble eggs. And that is all I have. For now.
Yes with 11 Billion $$$$$$$$ of other peoples money,inparticular American Taxpayers hard earnings...Time to pay the money back then if you are so great,Huh,that would be like a snowballs chance in hell....With Respect Rocco,steve
You are totally out of touch, or totally lying.

You know very well that the Palestinians have received Billions from American, European and Arab donors and have done what with it?
And have given back what to America, Europe and the Muslim countries?
And let us include Australia and Canada as well.

Just when is the world going to see any reimbursement from all the Billions clearly wasted on people who do nothing but scream for more and more blood?
Really 60's you are such a LIAR...actually it's TRILLIONS stop bleeding other nations,what is so special about Zionist Israel ????? and what the Palestinians receive are a few crumbs off the Israeli """"AID""" table
If you never go to Israel, you will never find out what is so special about it :)
I have on numerous times
Than do it once again.
Then I think you mean,I will asap and let you know,Shalom steve
RE: Israel strikes militant targets in Gaza after mortar barrage
※→ Disir, et al,

There are several issues here that are converging.


IF HAMAS is sending threat messages to the US, THEN HAMAS is in violation of Article 2(4) UN Charter.
HAMAS and the Palestinian Authority (PA) have formed a Unity government. IF the PA supports HAMAS THEN the Unity Government for the State of Palestine is:

• Supporting, actively or passively, entities involved in terrorist acts. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 2a)
• Allowing nationals within their territories from making any funds, financial assets or economic resources or other related services available, directly or indirectly, for the benefit of persons who commit or attempt to commit or facilitate or participate in the commission of terrorist acts, of entities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by such persons and of persons and entities acting on behalf of or at the direction of such persons;
(S/RES/1373 Paragraph 1d)
• Prevent those who finance, plan, facilitate or commit terrorist acts from using their respective territories for those purposes against other States or their citizens. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 2d)
• Acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing, planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. (S/RES/1373 Paragraph 5)
A/RES/2/110 - against propaganda and the inciters of a new war -
A/RES/65/34 – Measures to eliminate international terrorism
A/RES/64/297 – The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy
• etc, etc, etc

Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist organization --- while --- Hezbollah is a Shi'a Islamist political party and militant group; with a paramilitary wing called Jihad Council. While there is some tenuous connection there, it has yet to be fully explored. That is like trying to oil -- and -- water.

The Iranian connection is what it is..

Most Respectfully,

Groups in the Middle East unite for limited time all the time. The only thing they agree on is eradication of Israel. Throw some power and money in it and it plays like ACDC.

Honey, whaddya do for money
Honey, whaddya do for money
Where you get your kicks
Eradicate Israel that is non sence and a Furphy (a lie) and you know is down town Tel Aviv these days
14,000 rockets fired into Israel from Gaza attest to the endless attempt to kill people and destroy property.

Tel-Aviv is doing just fine, thank you. Because of Israeli ingenuity, the Iron Dome, and not because the Arabs will ever stop attempting to destroy Israel.

That is, until Israel really has to put an end to Hamas and others who want to see her destroyed.

That is the name of the game.

The enemy wants to destroy you. You do it first. And with finality.

The next planned Gaza war by Hamas, may not end up well for them, at all. It will not be like the other times.

Stay tuned, as Hamas has already vowed to attack in 2018. And so has Hezbollah.

Some people never learn :)
Come on Steve, "hundreds of thousands"? I think you and I need to get back to that drinking game, lol.
Gee's Teddy,do I really have to go through it all for the DRINKING comment,that is just a Furphy your Zionist colleagues accused me of years ago...and a lie but hey some of them lie,that is not good for you to follow their erroneous falsehoods...If I was a PISSHEAD I WOULD SAY are easily led but never a PISSHEAD LOL ...steve

Palestinian Deaths since 1930 by Jews and Zionists....102,000+...MOST SINCE 1940

Jewish Deaths by The British and Palestinians SINCE 1860(to add another 130years against the Palestinian figure of since 1930)....22,000 Most PRIOR TO 1930

Jewish Deaths by Zionist Jews in Collaboration with the NAZIS 1938 to 1945...well over 200,000+

Says it all Teddy.Just who are the Israelis today....mostly decendents of Zionists...That is Israel's Real SHAME and the GUILT they try not to carry
Last edited:
RE: Israel strikes militant targets in Gaza after mortar barrage
※→ Steve, et al,

We could argue the finer points of this position all day long and it would not make any difference.

Yes with 11 Billion $$$$$$$$ of other peoples money,inparticular American Taxpayers hard earnings...Time to pay the money back then if you are so great,Huh,that would be like a snowballs chance in hell....With Respect Rocco,steve

You, me, the Israelis, the Arab League, EVERYONE may not like it --- may want something different --- may even be right about some claims. It makes no difference! When the Sun rises in the morning, everyone must deal with the "realities" of the day; not the illusion of how they would like "reality" to be.

A little story:

I grew-up in the not so affluent side of town. Sure as hell, the reality was that if --- I was involved in a fight with a hood from the right side of the tracks, I had to stand alone. If I was going to have a car, I had to pay for it myself. If I was going to go to college, my parents would expect me to pay for it. I had the right to be safe from the bad asses that roamed the streets. I had the right to own a car. I had the right to go to college. Yeah, the American dream was with me. But just as I knew that I was never going to marry a debutante, I knew that I had to learn how to fight my own battles --- how to get a skill and hold a job. I knew that I would have to buy my own car and pay for my own education. I have all those things (except a debutante) today. In the last year three years I worked, I averaged six-figures. I have the a niece car and a Masters Degree. AND -- for the last 40 years, I've been married to the same 19 year old; she is the best I could ever want, and tough as nails. BUT, none of this was handed to me on a silver platter; just by me saying "I have the right to them." The world simply does not work like that (at least not in my hemisphere). The moral to the story is: work for it or go without.

The Arab Palestinians have to exercise self-determination --- which includes --- working to shape your own destiny; not just whining about it.

As for the "11 Billion $$$$$$$$" --- that is an investment in the future. And like any investment (taking a risk in our own best interest), it takes time to show a dividend. But two thing are for sure, America makes investment in almost every nation in that region of the world; which goes towards the interlocking protection of our principle investment. But that is for another thread --- for another discussion.

Most Respectfully,
Thank you so much for such an Interesting and Honest Post,I bow to your intelligence Rocco...steve
You cannot unscramble eggs.
If they can be unscrambled in Gaza and the Sinai, then they be unscrambled throughout all of Palestine.

This reeks of an end game of a Jew-free Arab Palestine and an absolute rejection of any Jewish sovereignty or independence. Please clarify if I misunderstand.
Yes, I would like to know the answer to that as well.
First, I must say that getting caught up with her off topic deflections serves no purpose. She, like others, are simply deflecting from the fact that the zionists have provided no proof of their claim that led to another bombing raid over Gaza. That we know.

That said, out of respect to you, I will offer my thoughts, but in the future, please start a thread or send me a private message when you require answers that have nothing to do with the thread in question.

I want peace. I want to see the children in that region have a life. I want safety for the Jewish people and to see Jew hatred (and all the you're-different-than-me prejudice) relegated to historical stories. I don't believe that the zionist project in Palestine can accomplish any of those dreams. The zionists stand in the way of those dreams, in fact.

Does this require a "Jew-free Palestine" as she put it? I seriously doubt it. Very seriously.

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