The Official "Big Boy" Presser thread

Every NATO member nation knows if Trump gets in that it is the beginning of the end of NATO.

Trump has already said he would let Putin "do whatever the hell he wants" to those members Trump thinks are not paying their fair share.
If they are not in compliance, we should not defend them. They should be on their own.
Then it came out today that FJB has not had a cabinet meeting in 10 months and the ones he had were like tonight.....Highly scripted with cabinet members questions screened.....No wonder they have not 25thed him by now.

Add to that you got the Halfrican and Pelosi meeting on how to get shed of him with The Halfrican giving the green light (or directing) for Clooney to toss FJB under the bus.

Looks like there is a soft coup in progress to me.....So much for "Mah Democracy".
Anyone else listening to Ari Fleischer right now?

He just made a great point, the press could have given Biden their own cognitive test tonight. They could have asked him questions, such as 'Mr. President, what was the last country you visited?' 'Mr. President, name ten of the leaders you met with during the NATO summit'. And on and on.

Why didn't they try something like that? They had the possibility tonight, to have REALLY made some news themselves, instead, they asked the canned questions.
“And now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin”...


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