Israel to build 800 new housing units in West Bank

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Israel to build 800 new housing units in West Bank

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has approved the construction of 800 new housing units in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Netanyahu's office revealed that 300 illegal units were approved to be constructed in Beit El settlement and another 500 units in East Jerusalem.

The decision comes after Israel's High Court yesterday ordered the demolition of two structures built illegally in Beit El settlement.

Netanyahu has also approved the sale of 91 housing units and planning for another 24 units in the Pisgat Ze'ev settlement. He also approved the construction of 300 housing units in the illegal settlement of Ramot, 70 housing units in the illegal settlement of Gilo and 19 housing units in the illegal settlement of Har Homa in East Jerusalem.

Israel's Education Minister Naftali Bennett praised the prime minister's decision calling it "a Zionist response. This is the way in which we build our country."

Israel to build 800 new housing units in West Bank

I can't believe the arab countries are allowing you Zionist to keep on, must be they area afraid of your nukes. Something needs to be done with you Zionist people.
Damn only 800!!! They need to build 800,000 and move as many sand n####rs out as possible.

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Bobby, who wrote Hebrews? While Paul did write to the Gentiles, the rest wrote to the Jew. That is why Paul and Peter argued about circumcision. We were adopted. We are a vine that was grafted in to a Jewish branch. That is how we became eligible for the promises made to Abraham. He didn't turn his back on the Jew, so that he could embrace the Gentile. Christ died for both. God didn't replace one for the other. If He had then His promise to his friend Abraham would have been a lie.
Bobby, who wrote Hebrews? While Paul did write to the Gentiles, the rest wrote to the Jew. That is why Paul and Peter argued about circumcision. We were adopted. We are a vine that was grafted in to a Jewish branch. That is how we became eligible for the promises made to Abraham. He didn't turn his back on the Jew, so that he could embrace the Gentile. Christ died for both.

You're not making any sense. Next time you try a strawman argument? Try to at least sound coherent.

It's evident you are pretending to be something that you are not and....frankly? Your shtick needs a LOT of work.

I can't believe I'm giving you advice on how to be a better shill. *Facepalm*
Christians are Gentiles Bobby. If we were God's chosen people then God lied to Abraham, and Christ wouldn't be taking His place in the Jewish Temple, and there would be no reason to seal 12,000 from 12 tribes to get them through the trib period.
Christ didn't graft Jews into the gentile line, it was the opposite. God didn't turn His back on the Jews by sending His Son to Rome. Christ was sent to the Jews. And as per their laws, became their sacrifice. We were included only because the Jews didn't receive Him. When He sends the two prophets, they will be sent to Israel. Christ returns to Israel. They will remain His chosen because God and Abraham remain friends to this day.

If you were a genuine Christian, you would already be familiar with the NEW Covenant. The fact you are not, suggests you are a poseur.

Now you're sounding like rosie w/ her jibber jabber.

If you were a Christian, you'd know better than to usurp Christ's role as judge. Not only am I familiar with the New Covenant, I embrace it. I have always lived under grace and never under the Law. The Law was given to a specific group of Jews for a specific time. Period. Not one Jew was under the Law when they left Egypt. It wasn't until they boasted they could keep any law God gave them, that God gave them Laws.
Christ fulfilled the law and put us and them under the new covenant of grace. It is the Jew that missed the new covenant, not I.

Give Christ His judgment robe back, and don't profess to know anything about me, since you don't.
Christians are Gentiles Bobby. If we were God's chosen people then God lied to Abraham, and Christ wouldn't be taking His place in the Jewish Temple, and there would be no reason to seal 12,000 from 12 tribes to get them through the trib period.
Christ didn't graft Jews into the gentile line, it was the opposite. God didn't turn His back on the Jews by sending His Son to Rome. Christ was sent to the Jews. And as per their laws, became their sacrifice. We were included only because the Jews didn't receive Him. When He sends the two prophets, they will be sent to Israel. Christ returns to Israel. They will remain His chosen because God and Abraham remain friends to this day.

If you were a genuine Christian, you would already be familiar with the NEW Covenant. The fact you are not, suggests you are a poseur.

Now you're sounding like rosie w/ her jibber jabber.

If you were a Christian, you'd know better than to usurp Christ's role as judge. Not only am I familiar with the New Covenant, I embrace it. I have always lived under grace and never under the Law. The Law was given to a specific group of Jews for a specific time. Period. Not one Jew was under the Law when they left Egypt. It wasn't until they boasted they could keep any law God gave them, that God gave them Laws.
Christ fulfilled the law and put us and them under the new covenant of grace. It is the Jew that missed the new covenant, not I.

Give Christ His judgment robe back, and don't profess to know anything about me, since you don't.

I'd wager you didn't know about the New Covenant before I posted about it and you still don't know squat about it aside from a quick glance at a wikipedia article on the subject.
Bobby, who wrote Hebrews? While Paul did write to the Gentiles, the rest wrote to the Jew. That is why Paul and Peter argued about circumcision. We were adopted. We are a vine that was grafted in to a Jewish branch. That is how we became eligible for the promises made to Abraham. He didn't turn his back on the Jew, so that he could embrace the Gentile. Christ died for both.

You're not making any sense. Next time you try a strawman argument? Try to at least sound coherent.

It's evident you are pretending to be something that you are not and....frankly? Your shtick needs a LOT of work.

I can't believe I'm giving you advice on how to be a better shill. *Facepalm*

Let me try a common core approach for you.
Who do you think the Book of Hebrews was addressing? Were the Romans called Hebrews? Who was writing to the Jews? If the Jews had been tossed aside by God, why is that book in the NT?
Bobby, who wrote Hebrews? While Paul did write to the Gentiles, the rest wrote to the Jew. That is why Paul and Peter argued about circumcision. We were adopted. We are a vine that was grafted in to a Jewish branch. That is how we became eligible for the promises made to Abraham. He didn't turn his back on the Jew, so that he could embrace the Gentile. Christ died for both.

You're not making any sense. Next time you try a strawman argument? Try to at least sound coherent.

It's evident you are pretending to be something that you are not and....frankly? Your shtick needs a LOT of work.

I can't believe I'm giving you advice on how to be a better shill. *Facepalm*

Let me try a common core approach for you.
Who do you think the Book of Hebrews was addressing? Were the Romans called Hebrews? Who was writing to the Jews? If the Jews had been tossed aside by God, why is that book in the NT?

I hate to pop your bubble but the Hebrews weren't Jews. The Edomites were the Jews.
Christians are Gentiles Bobby. If we were God's chosen people then God lied to Abraham, and Christ wouldn't be taking His place in the Jewish Temple, and there would be no reason to seal 12,000 from 12 tribes to get them through the trib period.
Christ didn't graft Jews into the gentile line, it was the opposite. God didn't turn His back on the Jews by sending His Son to Rome. Christ was sent to the Jews. And as per their laws, became their sacrifice. We were included only because the Jews didn't receive Him. When He sends the two prophets, they will be sent to Israel. Christ returns to Israel. They will remain His chosen because God and Abraham remain friends to this day.

If you were a genuine Christian, you would already be familiar with the NEW Covenant. The fact you are not, suggests you are a poseur.

Now you're sounding like rosie w/ her jibber jabber.

If you were a Christian, you'd know better than to usurp Christ's role as judge. Not only am I familiar with the New Covenant, I embrace it. I have always lived under grace and never under the Law. The Law was given to a specific group of Jews for a specific time. Period. Not one Jew was under the Law when they left Egypt. It wasn't until they boasted they could keep any law God gave them, that God gave them Laws.
Christ fulfilled the law and put us and them under the new covenant of grace. It is the Jew that missed the new covenant, not I.

Give Christ His judgment robe back, and don't profess to know anything about me, since you don't.

I'd wager you didn't know about the New Covenant before I posted about it and you still don't know squat about it aside from a quick glance at a wikipedia article on the subject.

Then it is a bet that you would lose. Prior posts confirm I am all about the Covenant of grace. From what I see of your posts and especially your convoluted view of Israel and the Jews, you have some serious studying ahead of you.

Where do you think Christ is going to set up shop? Cleveland? The Vatican?
Christians are Gentiles Bobby. If we were God's chosen people then God lied to Abraham, and Christ wouldn't be taking His place in the Jewish Temple, and there would be no reason to seal 12,000 from 12 tribes to get them through the trib period.
Christ didn't graft Jews into the gentile line, it was the opposite. God didn't turn His back on the Jews by sending His Son to Rome. Christ was sent to the Jews. And as per their laws, became their sacrifice. We were included only because the Jews didn't receive Him. When He sends the two prophets, they will be sent to Israel. Christ returns to Israel. They will remain His chosen because God and Abraham remain friends to this day.

If you were a genuine Christian, you would already be familiar with the NEW Covenant. The fact you are not, suggests you are a poseur.

Now you're sounding like rosie w/ her jibber jabber.

If you were a Christian, you'd know better than to usurp Christ's role as judge. Not only am I familiar with the New Covenant, I embrace it. I have always lived under grace and never under the Law. The Law was given to a specific group of Jews for a specific time. Period. Not one Jew was under the Law when they left Egypt. It wasn't until they boasted they could keep any law God gave them, that God gave them Laws.
Christ fulfilled the law and put us and them under the new covenant of grace. It is the Jew that missed the new covenant, not I.

Give Christ His judgment robe back, and don't profess to know anything about me, since you don't.

I'd wager you didn't know about the New Covenant before I posted about it and you still don't know squat about it aside from a quick glance at a wikipedia article on the subject.

Then it is a bet that you would lose. Prior posts confirm I am all about the Covenant of grace. From what I see of your posts and especially your convoluted view of Israel and the Jews, you have some serious studying ahead of you.

Where do you think Christ is going to set up shop? Cleveland? The Vatican?

Now you're just deflecting and projecting. You got caught. Kindly ease yourself out. Don't continue to make yourself look worse.

Prior posts show this is the first time you EVER used the term Covenant of grace.

So back to Hebrews. If God washed His hands of the Jews, why dedicate a book to them in the NT? And why would He lie to them in the book and tell them He would never forsake them? You insist that He did.
Caught at what? Are you drunk?
I have posted at this site 5,494 times. 99 percent were in the religious section. If you know me as well as you think you do, I'll make you a deal. If I can pull one of my posts that argue for the new covenant, and prove you wrong, will you pack it up and leave this site?


Ali Saad Dawabsha, one-and-a-half years old burned alive by extreme settlers.

Israel was stunned last week by a pair of violent attacks, both apparently perpetrated by Jewish extremists, just hours apart, that seemed to suggest a country teetering on a precipice, threatened with a wave of Jewish religious violence.
Caught at what? Are you drunk?
I have posted at this site 5,494 times. 99 percent were in the religious section. If you know me as well as you think you do, I'll make you a deal. If I can pull one of my posts that argue for the new covenant, and prove you wrong, will you pack it up and leave this site?

By all means, show us your posts where you argue for the New Covenant.
The West Bank arson is believed by authorities to be the work of a group of religious nationalist militants from a nearby Jewish settlement. The settler movement historically grew out of the religious wing of Zionism, which takes the opposite view from Haredim: It holds that the founding of modern Israel is itself evidence that the era of messianic redemption is either underway or imminent.

The West Bank arson comes at a time when incidents of settler unrest are very much in the Israeli headlines, heightening the sense of crisis. On Wednesday, July 22, two brothers ages 19 and 21 from the large urban settlement of Beitar Illit, south of Jerusalem, were sentenced for the torching last November of a progressive Jewish-Arab school in the capital. They were members of a far-right organization, Lehava (a Hebrew acronym for Stop Assimilation in the Holy Land), founded by a former aide to the late Meir Kahane, which aims to prevent marriage, dating and fraternization between Jews and Arabs. The brothers were sentenced to two and two-and-a-half years, prompting protests from parents and school officials that the sentence was too lenient.

Then, on Monday, July 27, five youths were indicted in the June 17 torching of a Catholic church on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, the Church of the Multiplication of Fish and Loaves, built on the spot where Jesus is traditionally believed to have performed the miracle of fish and loaves. The suspects are described as members of the hilltop youth, a loose network of young settlers who gravitate toward illegal West Bank settlement outposts. They tend to reject authority, including the mainstream settler movement leadership, and typically follow a syncretic philosophy combining religious Orthodoxy, far-right politics and new-age environmentalism.

Caught at what? Are you drunk?
I have posted at this site 5,494 times. 99 percent were in the religious section. If you know me as well as you think you do, I'll make you a deal. If I can pull one of my posts that argue for the new covenant, and prove you wrong, will you pack it up and leave this site?
Coward refuses to take up the challenge. Typical big blowhard with small results.
Caught at what? Are you drunk?
I have posted at this site 5,494 times. 99 percent were in the religious section. If you know me as well as you think you do, I'll make you a deal. If I can pull one of my posts that argue for the new covenant, and prove you wrong, will you pack it up and leave this site?
Coward refuses to take up the challenge. Typical big blowhard with small results.

I should allow a rook shill sock puppet w/ 199 posts to badger me instead?


If your fellow shill wants to prove me wrong he/she knows how to do it. I do not negotiate with online terrorists.
Caught at what? Are you drunk?
I have posted at this site 5,494 times. 99 percent were in the religious section. If you know me as well as you think you do, I'll make you a deal. If I can pull one of my posts that argue for the new covenant, and prove you wrong, will you pack it up and leave this site?

By all means, show us your posts where you argue for the New Covenant.

Nov 27, 2014 #258

The Irish RamLITTLE GIRL / Ram Tough
Em, God doesn't want to be our judge. He wants to be our Father. The law frustrates God for that reason. It is not that the laws aren't good examples to live by, but if you put yourself/salvation under them, even the big 10, then you are obligated by your judge to keep the other 531 also. We don't have the option of choosing the ones we like.
Trying to keep those laws takes your eye off of Christ and on to self. It means Christ's work was incomplete and needs our participation to finalize our salvation.

The Bible clearly states that we are under a new and better covenant. One that puts our eternal life under Christ's performance instead of our own. That is why your name is written in the Book of Life the moment you accept Christ as your savior, and not at the end of your life so that God can add up your score and then add Christ's score to yours and then grade you on a curve. Salvation doesn't work like that. We repay Christ by living as best we can as His disciples, but any work we put forth to be "worthy" of salvation is likened to a used menstrual pad. That egg will not live. A woman who is bleeding, is not producing fruit.

Christ fulfilled the law and gave us back our Father. The judge declared our sentence complete and finished at the cross, and took His robe off.

There ya go mouth........
Can I help you pack?
Gal. 2:21
I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain

See Bobby? Even before you were here to school me, I not only knew of the new covenant, and lived under it, and explained it, but I knew that the old covenant frustrated our Father, and translated filthy rags back to the original meaning!

Do I get an A+ professor? :smiliehug:
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