Israel to build 800 new housing units in West Bank

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This is the only jewish homeland we are entitled to.
Do you get Judeo Christian? OT then NT? Our God IS their God, and they absolutely believe in the God of their father Abraham. So do Christians.
The only difference is they didn't recognize their Messiahs first time around. Gentiles did. Israel will recognize Him the next time and embrace Him, and Him them.
Do you get Judeo Christian? OT then NT? Our God IS their God, and they absolutely believe in the God of their father Abraham. So do Christians.
The only difference is they didn't recognize their Messiahs first time around. Gentiles did. Israel will recognize Him the next time and embrace Him, and Him them.

I can see you are confused.
Not silly at all as you use the presence of arab muslims in Palestine in 1890 as the cut of point.

No further than 1923 or 1949 which ever date takes your fancy

Ok then the here and now which states in International law that the whole of Jewish Palestine belongs to Israel.

Not according to the UN charter which put the land in Israel's hands in 1949. Try reading the UN charter

You know what the whole world says the Zionist are wrong and yet here you are defending them. What is your problem? Do you steal from your neighbor and think its an ok thing to do?

Not only do I respect my neighbor's boundary line, I wouldn't dream of making myself at home in their front yard, and throwing rockets at their home. Palestinian squatter shouldn't either.

Really, then you should realize that Israel's land stealing and destroying the homes of others is wrong as well. Good glad we agree on that. Throwing stones as compared to "shooting bullets". Oh those IDF's are so brave, NOT.

What land are the stealing that is not their own under international law.

Destroying structures that are used to attack Israel is allowed under International law and the Geneva conventions

Rocks can kill just as easily as bullets can.

I am so glad I have had this opportunity to educate you in matters surrounding the islamonazi/Israel situation.

Everything and anything they can. Well lets see if I had a guy shooting at me, I'd throw a rock as well. What do you expect the Palestinians just to lay down and let the Zionist walk over them, if the world was not watching, they would blow them all up in a heartbeat.

So in other words you don't have a clue.

Lets put it into perspective shall we, if people throw rocks at you and you have a gun of course you will shoot them.

No to act as decent human beings and stop the violence and terrorism. Then learn to live in peace with all their neighbours.

If Israel was so minded they would not think twice about wiping out gaza, and the world would thank them for doing it.
Really, then you should realize that Israel's land stealing and destroying the homes of others is wrong as well. Good glad we agree on that. Throwing stones as compared to "shooting bullets". Oh those IDF's are so brave, NOT.

What land are the stealing that is not their own under international law.

Destroying structures that are used to attack Israel is allowed under International law and the Geneva conventions

Rocks can kill just as easily as bullets can.

I am so glad I have had this opportunity to educate you in matters surrounding the islamonazi/Israel situation.

Everything and anything they can. Well lets see if I had a guy shooting at me, I'd throw a rock as well. What do you expect the Palestinians just to lay down and let the Zionist walk over them, if the world was not watching, they would blow them all up in a heartbeat.

Are moles what are tunneling into Israel? Palestine is another word for terrorist. And should be dealt with as such.
Did Moses Exist The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver D. M. Murdock Acharya S 9780979963186 Books do some reading,.

No one is tunneling into Israel, although if they are smart they are building more tunnels for bomb shelters and to be able to get around unseen by Israel air force and drones.

Better idea. They could just go home to Egypt and quit terrorizing the nation of Israel.

Well they are home. There was never a nation of Israel in history.
You know what the whole world says the Zionist are wrong and yet here you are defending them. What is your problem? Do you steal from your neighbor and think its an ok thing to do?

Not only do I respect my neighbor's boundary line, I wouldn't dream of making myself at home in their front yard, and throwing rockets at their home. Palestinian squatter shouldn't either.

Really, then you should realize that Israel's land stealing and destroying the homes of others is wrong as well. Good glad we agree on that. Throwing stones as compared to "shooting bullets". Oh those IDF's are so brave, NOT.

What land are the stealing that is not their own under international law.

Destroying structures that are used to attack Israel is allowed under International law and the Geneva conventions

Rocks can kill just as easily as bullets can.

I am so glad I have had this opportunity to educate you in matters surrounding the islamonazi/Israel situation.

Everything and anything they can. Well lets see if I had a guy shooting at me, I'd throw a rock as well. What do you expect the Palestinians just to lay down and let the Zionist walk over them, if the world was not watching, they would blow them all up in a heartbeat.

So in other words you don't have a clue.

Lets put it into perspective shall we, if people throw rocks at you and you have a gun of course you will shoot them.

No to act as decent human beings and stop the violence and terrorism. Then learn to live in peace with all their neighbours.

If Israel was so minded they would not think twice about wiping out gaza, and the world would thank them for doing it.

Really they are debating whether to start another war, because the world Is watching. They use to get away with so much, not any more. No every country have kicked them out, what does that say. It says the are the ones with a problem.
You know what the whole world says the Zionist are wrong and yet here you are defending them. What is your problem? Do you steal from your neighbor and think its an ok thing to do?

Not only do I respect my neighbor's boundary line, I wouldn't dream of making myself at home in their front yard, and throwing rockets at their home. Palestinian squatter shouldn't either.

Really, then you should realize that Israel's land stealing and destroying the homes of others is wrong as well. Good glad we agree on that. Throwing stones as compared to "shooting bullets". Oh those IDF's are so brave, NOT.

What land are the stealing that is not their own under international law.

Destroying structures that are used to attack Israel is allowed under International law and the Geneva conventions

Rocks can kill just as easily as bullets can.

I am so glad I have had this opportunity to educate you in matters surrounding the islamonazi/Israel situation.

Everything and anything they can. Well lets see if I had a guy shooting at me, I'd throw a rock as well. What do you expect the Palestinians just to lay down and let the Zionist walk over them, if the world was not watching, they would blow them all up in a heartbeat.

So in other words you don't have a clue.

Lets put it into perspective shall we, if people throw rocks at you and you have a gun of course you will shoot them.

No to act as decent human beings and stop the violence and terrorism. Then learn to live in peace with all their neighbours.

If Israel was so minded they would not think twice about wiping out gaza, and the world would thank them for doing it.

If someone throws a rock at someone...they should pick it up and throw it back. This isn't rocket science.

Israel is only interested in genocide of the Palestinians. More so, since several European countries AND the Pope have recognized the Palestinian State.
why don't you go live in Israel since you love Zionist and their wicked ways so much. How a Christian can worship people who steal , rob and kill is beyond me. That is not their land.

What amazes me is how they have to paraphrase Genesis 12:3; in order to even be able to worship the Zionists; (instead of worshiping God and/or His Son Jesus Christ).

Why does it bother this fake phony " Christian" that Jews don't believe in " Jesus" thereby the alleged " Virgin Birth?" Obviously this " Christian " is ignorant about how many other religions don't believe in this " miracle" Too bad he isn't concerned about the treatment of Christians being killed in the most gruesome ways, beheaded, raped etc. etc.

I can see your Rabbi is really a vociferous anti-Christ.

maybe you should read your Bible some more only this time with an open mind. Then you will see that you have been conned by the Roman Catholics for the last 200 years

One could also say you have been conned by your Rabbi all of your life. I call rabbis...BLABBI's...because all they do is blab BS.

Another complete ignoramus that does not know his head from his elbow. I don't have a Rabbi, imam, cleric or priest as I don't need them. You see I am true Christian and not a plastic Christian like you and the rest of team Palestine.
What land are the stealing that is not their own under international law.

Destroying structures that are used to attack Israel is allowed under International law and the Geneva conventions

Rocks can kill just as easily as bullets can.

I am so glad I have had this opportunity to educate you in matters surrounding the islamonazi/Israel situation.

Everything and anything they can. Well lets see if I had a guy shooting at me, I'd throw a rock as well. What do you expect the Palestinians just to lay down and let the Zionist walk over them, if the world was not watching, they would blow them all up in a heartbeat.

Are moles what are tunneling into Israel? Palestine is another word for terrorist. And should be dealt with as such.
Did Moses Exist The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver D. M. Murdock Acharya S 9780979963186 Books do some reading,.

No one is tunneling into Israel, although if they are smart they are building more tunnels for bomb shelters and to be able to get around unseen by Israel air force and drones.

Better idea. They could just go home to Egypt and quit terrorizing the nation of Israel.

Well they are home. There was never a nation of Israel in history.
lol. Don't tell that to King David, and his Temple building son!
This is the only jewish homeland we are entitled to.

God didn't give Abraham Russia. lol. Israel is. The Jews left Russia for their homeland. To the land of the King David, not Stalin.

God didn't give Abraham Canaan unconditionally, you know. Eastern European Jews aren't supposed to have their own country until the Messiah comes back.

Read your Bible.
Everything and anything they can. Well lets see if I had a guy shooting at me, I'd throw a rock as well. What do you expect the Palestinians just to lay down and let the Zionist walk over them, if the world was not watching, they would blow them all up in a heartbeat.

Are moles what are tunneling into Israel? Palestine is another word for terrorist. And should be dealt with as such.
Did Moses Exist The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver D. M. Murdock Acharya S 9780979963186 Books do some reading,.

No one is tunneling into Israel, although if they are smart they are building more tunnels for bomb shelters and to be able to get around unseen by Israel air force and drones.

Better idea. They could just go home to Egypt and quit terrorizing the nation of Israel.

Well they are home. There was never a nation of Israel in history.
lol. Don't tell that to King David, and his Temple building son!

David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL
This is the only jewish homeland we are entitled to.

God didn't give Abraham Russia. lol. Israel is. The Jews left Russia for their homeland. To the land of the King David, not Stalin.

What were they doing in Russia? Why were they in the land of milk and honey, darn the Palestinians were there.


yes they chose to leave and most never returned when able to. Only when they ran out of places , did they want to go to Palestine, and most didn't want to, except that is where Britain said some could go an live, but there was a limit on to how many. Of course with all countries they have lived in they try to take control. They will never be happy for satisfied.
Are moles what are tunneling into Israel? Palestine is another word for terrorist. And should be dealt with as such.
Did Moses Exist The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver D. M. Murdock Acharya S 9780979963186 Books do some reading,.

No one is tunneling into Israel, although if they are smart they are building more tunnels for bomb shelters and to be able to get around unseen by Israel air force and drones.

Better idea. They could just go home to Egypt and quit terrorizing the nation of Israel.

Well they are home. There was never a nation of Israel in history.
lol. Don't tell that to King David, and his Temple building son!

David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

We were kicked out of 110 countries over the past 1,000 years. But, that's not OUR fault. We dindu nuffin.
Are moles what are tunneling into Israel? Palestine is another word for terrorist. And should be dealt with as such.
Did Moses Exist The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver D. M. Murdock Acharya S 9780979963186 Books do some reading,.

No one is tunneling into Israel, although if they are smart they are building more tunnels for bomb shelters and to be able to get around unseen by Israel air force and drones.

Better idea. They could just go home to Egypt and quit terrorizing the nation of Israel.

Well they are home. There was never a nation of Israel in history.
lol. Don't tell that to King David, and his Temple building son!

David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

I'd love it if you'd learn how to read. King David and who? His Temple building son.
Did Moses Exist The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver D. M. Murdock Acharya S 9780979963186 Books do some reading,.

No one is tunneling into Israel, although if they are smart they are building more tunnels for bomb shelters and to be able to get around unseen by Israel air force and drones.

Better idea. They could just go home to Egypt and quit terrorizing the nation of Israel.

Well they are home. There was never a nation of Israel in history.
lol. Don't tell that to King David, and his Temple building son!

David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

I'd love it if you'd learn how to read. King David and who? His Temple building son.

King David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL
This is the only jewish homeland we are entitled to.

God didn't give Abraham Russia. lol. Israel is. The Jews left Russia for their homeland. To the land of the King David, not Stalin.

What were they doing in Russia? Why were they in the land of milk and honey, darn the Palestinians were there.


yes they chose to leave and most never returned when able to. Only when they ran out of places , did they want to go to Palestine, and most didn't want to, except that is where Britain said some could go an live, but there was a limit on to how many. Of course with all countries they have lived in they try to take control. They will never be happy for satisfied.

Pure bullshit and you know it. The few Egyptians and Syrians that moved to Israel when it became a nation, left when the Arabs told them to prior to the Arabs invading Israel.
Israel-first evangelicals believe God’s covenant with Abraham gives Jews today unconditional blessing from God, unconditional ownership of Palestine and rights to occupy it as a nation in disobedience. They also believe divine wrath threatens Israel's critics. But Scripture contains none of these promises! Nowhere does it say that God unconditionally blesses the Jewish people no matter what they do.
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