Israel to build 800 new housing units in West Bank

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Israel to build 800 new housing units in West Bank

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has approved the construction of 800 new housing units in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Netanyahu's office revealed that 300 illegal units were approved to be constructed in Beit El settlement and another 500 units in East Jerusalem.

The decision comes after Israel's High Court yesterday ordered the demolition of two structures built illegally in Beit El settlement.

Netanyahu has also approved the sale of 91 housing units and planning for another 24 units in the Pisgat Ze'ev settlement. He also approved the construction of 300 housing units in the illegal settlement of Ramot, 70 housing units in the illegal settlement of Gilo and 19 housing units in the illegal settlement of Har Homa in East Jerusalem.

Israel's Education Minister Naftali Bennett praised the prime minister's decision calling it "a Zionist response. This is the way in which we build our country."

Israel to build 800 new housing units in West Bank

I can't believe the arab countries are allowing you Zionist to keep on, must be they area afraid of your nukes. Something needs to be done with you Zionist people.

AND ? ? ? ? if the land was Jewish prior to 1949 and was stolen by force then why shouldn't Israel reclaim it and build there ? Or is that beyond your tiny intelligence to comprehend ................

That is a typical, silly zionist retort...

How far do you really want to go back in history to look at who can 'reclaim' Israel?

Always stuck in very specific time periods of history to suit the zionist regime....

How about looking at the here and now?

Settlements are illegal. Further expansion of illegal settlements is not conducive to achieving a peace solution. Every nation will condemn Israel for their expansionist policies.

Not silly at all as you use the presence of arab muslims in Palestine in 1890 as the cut of point.

No further than 1923 or 1949 which ever date takes your fancy

Ok then the here and now which states in International law that the whole of Jewish Palestine belongs to Israel.

Not according to the UN charter which put the land in Israel's hands in 1949. Try reading the UN charter

You know what the whole world says the Zionist are wrong and yet here you are defending them. What is your problem? Do you steal from your neighbor and think its an ok thing to do?

Not only do I respect my neighbor's boundary line, I wouldn't dream of making myself at home in their front yard, and throwing rockets at their home. Palestinian squatter shouldn't either.

Really, then you should realize that Israel's land stealing and destroying the homes of others is wrong as well. Good glad we agree on that. Throwing stones as compared to "shooting bullets". Oh those IDF's are so brave, NOT.
Israel to build 800 new housing units in West Bank

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has approved the construction of 800 new housing units in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Netanyahu's office revealed that 300 illegal units were approved to be constructed in Beit El settlement and another 500 units in East Jerusalem.

The decision comes after Israel's High Court yesterday ordered the demolition of two structures built illegally in Beit El settlement.

Netanyahu has also approved the sale of 91 housing units and planning for another 24 units in the Pisgat Ze'ev settlement. He also approved the construction of 300 housing units in the illegal settlement of Ramot, 70 housing units in the illegal settlement of Gilo and 19 housing units in the illegal settlement of Har Homa in East Jerusalem.

Israel's Education Minister Naftali Bennett praised the prime minister's decision calling it "a Zionist response. This is the way in which we build our country."

Israel to build 800 new housing units in West Bank

I can't believe the arab countries are allowing you Zionist to keep on, must be they area afraid of your nukes. Something needs to be done with you Zionist people.

AND ? ? ? ? if the land was Jewish prior to 1949 and was stolen by force then why shouldn't Israel reclaim it and build there ? Or is that beyond your tiny intelligence to comprehend ................

That is a typical, silly zionist retort...

How far do you really want to go back in history to look at who can 'reclaim' Israel?

Always stuck in very specific time periods of history to suit the zionist regime....

How about looking at the here and now?

Settlements are illegal. Further expansion of illegal settlements is not conducive to achieving a peace solution. Every nation will condemn Israel for their expansionist policies.

Not silly at all as you use the presence of arab muslims in Palestine in 1890 as the cut of point.

No further than 1923 or 1949 which ever date takes your fancy

Ok then the here and now which states in International law that the whole of Jewish Palestine belongs to Israel.

Not according to the UN charter which put the land in Israel's hands in 1949. Try reading the UN charter

You know what the whole world says the Zionist are wrong and yet here you are defending them. What is your problem? Do you steal from your neighbor and think its an ok thing to do?

It is you that is defending the wrong side and you should educate yourself to the facts.

Fact 1 Zionists believe in the right of the Jews to have a National home and to be able to defend it from attack, violence and terrorism. AND NOTHING MORE

Fact 2 The muslims are threatening Israel and the Jews constantly because of the commands in their Koran and hadiths

Fact 3 the LoN who were the sovereign rulers of Palestine granted 78% to the arab muslims as a nation and this was called trans Jordan

Fact 4 At the same time the remaining 22% was granted to the Jews for their National Home, this included the Golan heights, west bank, Jerusalem and gaza.

Fact 5 This entered into International law in 1923 as it was decided by International treaty.

Fact 6 The UN altered its charter in 1949 to include the LoN mandate of Palestine granting of the land to the Jews.
why don't you go live in Israel since you love Zionist and their wicked ways so much. How a Christian can worship people who steal , rob and kill is beyond me. That is not their land.

Didn't many Christians worship Bush when he invaded Iraq?

Of course , that is what 911 was about, but one had to wonder why Iraq, oh right, the WMD. Now everyone looking back see what a mistake it was.

No it was because Iraq invaded Kuwait and started shooting American citizens working there. Then tried to sell oil in Eyro's and not $ American

That is not when we invaded Iraq. We invaded Iraq in 03 after strangling them to death with sanctions, and because the Zionist , neocons (Zionist in our gov) and SA wanted us to.

I thought we went to war because Iraq supposedly violated 2 UN resolutions.

Never mind of course that Isn'treal has violated at least 67 UN resolutions.

Are you incapable of understanding that UN resolutions carry no weight in law, and are just recommendations. Even the dumbest muslim understands that which is why they take no notice of any UN resolutions.
Israel building houses in Israel. huh.

why don't you go live in Israel since you love Zionist and their wicked ways so much. How a Christian can worship people who steal , rob and kill is beyond me. That is not their land.

What amazes me is how they have to paraphrase Genesis 12:3; in order to even be able to worship the Zionists; (instead of worshiping God and/or His Son Jesus Christ).

Why does it bother this fake phony " Christian" that Jews don't believe in " Jesus" thereby the alleged " Virgin Birth?" Obviously this " Christian " is ignorant about how many other religions don't believe in this " miracle" Too bad he isn't concerned about the treatment of Christians being killed in the most gruesome ways, beheaded, raped etc. etc.
AND ? ? ? ? if the land was Jewish prior to 1949 and was stolen by force then why shouldn't Israel reclaim it and build there ? Or is that beyond your tiny intelligence to comprehend ................

That is a typical, silly zionist retort...

How far do you really want to go back in history to look at who can 'reclaim' Israel?

Always stuck in very specific time periods of history to suit the zionist regime....

How about looking at the here and now?

Settlements are illegal. Further expansion of illegal settlements is not conducive to achieving a peace solution. Every nation will condemn Israel for their expansionist policies.

Not silly at all as you use the presence of arab muslims in Palestine in 1890 as the cut of point.

No further than 1923 or 1949 which ever date takes your fancy

Ok then the here and now which states in International law that the whole of Jewish Palestine belongs to Israel.

Not according to the UN charter which put the land in Israel's hands in 1949. Try reading the UN charter

You know what the whole world says the Zionist are wrong and yet here you are defending them. What is your problem? Do you steal from your neighbor and think its an ok thing to do?

Not only do I respect my neighbor's boundary line, I wouldn't dream of making myself at home in their front yard, and throwing rockets at their home. Palestinian squatter shouldn't either.

Really, then you should realize that Israel's land stealing and destroying the homes of others is wrong as well. Good glad we agree on that. Throwing stones as compared to "shooting bullets". Oh those IDF's are so brave, NOT.

What land are the stealing that is not their own under international law.

Destroying structures that are used to attack Israel is allowed under International law and the Geneva conventions

Rocks can kill just as easily as bullets can.

I am so glad I have had this opportunity to educate you in matters surrounding the islamonazi/Israel situation.
That is a typical, silly zionist retort...

How far do you really want to go back in history to look at who can 'reclaim' Israel?

Always stuck in very specific time periods of history to suit the zionist regime....

How about looking at the here and now?

Settlements are illegal. Further expansion of illegal settlements is not conducive to achieving a peace solution. Every nation will condemn Israel for their expansionist policies.

Not silly at all as you use the presence of arab muslims in Palestine in 1890 as the cut of point.

No further than 1923 or 1949 which ever date takes your fancy

Ok then the here and now which states in International law that the whole of Jewish Palestine belongs to Israel.

Not according to the UN charter which put the land in Israel's hands in 1949. Try reading the UN charter

You know what the whole world says the Zionist are wrong and yet here you are defending them. What is your problem? Do you steal from your neighbor and think its an ok thing to do?

Not only do I respect my neighbor's boundary line, I wouldn't dream of making myself at home in their front yard, and throwing rockets at their home. Palestinian squatter shouldn't either.

Really, then you should realize that Israel's land stealing and destroying the homes of others is wrong as well. Good glad we agree on that. Throwing stones as compared to "shooting bullets". Oh those IDF's are so brave, NOT.

What land are the stealing that is not their own under international law.

Destroying structures that are used to attack Israel is allowed under International law and the Geneva conventions

Rocks can kill just as easily as bullets can.

I am so glad I have had this opportunity to educate you in matters surrounding the islamonazi/Israel situation.

As though hasbara propaganda is "educating"?
Israel building houses in Israel. huh.

why don't you go live in Israel since you love Zionist and their wicked ways so much. How a Christian can worship people who steal , rob and kill is beyond me. That is not their land.

What amazes me is how they have to paraphrase Genesis 12:3; in order to even be able to worship the Zionists; (instead of worshiping God and/or His Son Jesus Christ).

Why does it bother this fake phony " Christian" that Jews don't believe in " Jesus" thereby the alleged " Virgin Birth?" Obviously this " Christian " is ignorant about how many other religions don't believe in this " miracle" Too bad he isn't concerned about the treatment of Christians being killed in the most gruesome ways, beheaded, raped etc. etc.

Most Jews don't even believe in God , let alone Jesus.
Israel building houses in Israel. huh.

why don't you go live in Israel since you love Zionist and their wicked ways so much. How a Christian can worship people who steal , rob and kill is beyond me. That is not their land.

Why don't you go over there and kill them since you hate them so much?

Christians may LOOK like you demons do, but that is as far as the resemblance goes. Christians don't THINK, act, or behave, like you demons do.

I know that's hard for you to understand.

By demons you mean Atheists? Or do you mean Jews?
That is a typical, silly zionist retort...

How far do you really want to go back in history to look at who can 'reclaim' Israel?

Always stuck in very specific time periods of history to suit the zionist regime....

How about looking at the here and now?

Settlements are illegal. Further expansion of illegal settlements is not conducive to achieving a peace solution. Every nation will condemn Israel for their expansionist policies.

Not silly at all as you use the presence of arab muslims in Palestine in 1890 as the cut of point.

No further than 1923 or 1949 which ever date takes your fancy

Ok then the here and now which states in International law that the whole of Jewish Palestine belongs to Israel.

Not according to the UN charter which put the land in Israel's hands in 1949. Try reading the UN charter

You know what the whole world says the Zionist are wrong and yet here you are defending them. What is your problem? Do you steal from your neighbor and think its an ok thing to do?

Not only do I respect my neighbor's boundary line, I wouldn't dream of making myself at home in their front yard, and throwing rockets at their home. Palestinian squatter shouldn't either.

Really, then you should realize that Israel's land stealing and destroying the homes of others is wrong as well. Good glad we agree on that. Throwing stones as compared to "shooting bullets". Oh those IDF's are so brave, NOT.

What land are the stealing that is not their own under international law.

Destroying structures that are used to attack Israel is allowed under International law and the Geneva conventions

Rocks can kill just as easily as bullets can.

I am so glad I have had this opportunity to educate you in matters surrounding the islamonazi/Israel situation.

Everything and anything they can. Well lets see if I had a guy shooting at me, I'd throw a rock as well. What do you expect the Palestinians just to lay down and let the Zionist walk over them, if the world was not watching, they would blow them all up in a heartbeat.
Israel building houses in Israel. huh.

why don't you go live in Israel since you love Zionist and their wicked ways so much. How a Christian can worship people who steal , rob and kill is beyond me. That is not their land.

Why don't you go over there and kill them since you hate them so much?

Christians may LOOK like you demons do, but that is as far as the resemblance goes. Christians don't THINK, act, or behave, like you demons do.

I know that's hard for you to understand.

By demons you mean Atheists? Or do you mean Jews?

I mean people who compulsively and pathologically tell lies when there is no need to lie and even when they know their lies aren't going to be believed.

One could say people like that are schizo...others could say a demon has taken them over. Others could say the person doing the non stop deception is the demon.
Israel building houses in Israel. huh.

why don't you go live in Israel since you love Zionist and their wicked ways so much. How a Christian can worship people who steal , rob and kill is beyond me. That is not their land.

Why don't you go over there and kill them since you hate them so much?

I'm not a killer.

You certainly don't act like a Russian jewish settler.

Some of the people posting on this thread would kill others to get what they want and not think twice about it.
AND ? ? ? ? if the land was Jewish prior to 1949 and was stolen by force then why shouldn't Israel reclaim it and build there ? Or is that beyond your tiny intelligence to comprehend ................

That is a typical, silly zionist retort...

How far do you really want to go back in history to look at who can 'reclaim' Israel?

Always stuck in very specific time periods of history to suit the zionist regime....

How about looking at the here and now?

Settlements are illegal. Further expansion of illegal settlements is not conducive to achieving a peace solution. Every nation will condemn Israel for their expansionist policies.

Not silly at all as you use the presence of arab muslims in Palestine in 1890 as the cut of point.

No further than 1923 or 1949 which ever date takes your fancy

Ok then the here and now which states in International law that the whole of Jewish Palestine belongs to Israel.

Not according to the UN charter which put the land in Israel's hands in 1949. Try reading the UN charter

You know what the whole world says the Zionist are wrong and yet here you are defending them. What is your problem? Do you steal from your neighbor and think its an ok thing to do?

Not only do I respect my neighbor's boundary line, I wouldn't dream of making myself at home in their front yard, and throwing rockets at their home. Palestinian squatter shouldn't either.

Really, then you should realize that Israel's land stealing and destroying the homes of others is wrong as well. Good glad we agree on that. Throwing stones as compared to "shooting bullets". Oh those IDF's are so brave, NOT.

It is the Palestinians that are trying to steal land.
What do you imagine the scenario was when Israel was given that land in 1948? Do you erroneously believe that they shoved a bunch of Palestinians off their land and plopped the Jews down in their place? Nothing could be farther from the truth. There was no one there. You have been shown the surveys that were taken before the land was deeded to the Jews.

There will never not be an Israel. Get used to it. The squatters whose parents moved from Egypt and Syria to Israel, and then left on the behest of Egypt and Syria, need to go home to Egypt and Syria and leave Israel alone.
Stop lobbing bombs at Israeli children, and watch how peaceful Israel becomes.
That is a typical, silly zionist retort...

How far do you really want to go back in history to look at who can 'reclaim' Israel?

Always stuck in very specific time periods of history to suit the zionist regime....

How about looking at the here and now?

Settlements are illegal. Further expansion of illegal settlements is not conducive to achieving a peace solution. Every nation will condemn Israel for their expansionist policies.

Not silly at all as you use the presence of arab muslims in Palestine in 1890 as the cut of point.

No further than 1923 or 1949 which ever date takes your fancy

Ok then the here and now which states in International law that the whole of Jewish Palestine belongs to Israel.

Not according to the UN charter which put the land in Israel's hands in 1949. Try reading the UN charter

You know what the whole world says the Zionist are wrong and yet here you are defending them. What is your problem? Do you steal from your neighbor and think its an ok thing to do?

Not only do I respect my neighbor's boundary line, I wouldn't dream of making myself at home in their front yard, and throwing rockets at their home. Palestinian squatter shouldn't either.

Really, then you should realize that Israel's land stealing and destroying the homes of others is wrong as well. Good glad we agree on that. Throwing stones as compared to "shooting bullets". Oh those IDF's are so brave, NOT.

It is the Palestinians that are trying to steal land.
What do you imagine the scenario was when Israel was given that land in 1948? Do you erroneously believe that they shoved a bunch of Palestinians off their land and plopped the Jews down in their place? Nothing could be farther from the truth. There was no one there. You have been shown the surveys that were taken before the land was deeded to the Jews.

There will never not be an Israel. Get used to it. The squatters whose parents moved from Egypt and Syria to Israel, and then left on the behest of Egypt and Syria, need to go home to Egypt and Syria and leave Israel alone.
Stop lobbing bombs at Israeli children, and watch how peaceful Israel becomes.

When I see a post like yours I much is this person being paid by Israel to post lies on the internet.
Israel building houses in Israel. huh.

why don't you go live in Israel since you love Zionist and their wicked ways so much. How a Christian can worship people who steal , rob and kill is beyond me. That is not their land.

What amazes me is how they have to paraphrase Genesis 12:3; in order to even be able to worship the Zionists; (instead of worshiping God and/or His Son Jesus Christ).

Why does it bother this fake phony " Christian" that Jews don't believe in " Jesus" thereby the alleged " Virgin Birth?" Obviously this " Christian " is ignorant about how many other religions don't believe in this " miracle" Too bad he isn't concerned about the treatment of Christians being killed in the most gruesome ways, beheaded, raped etc. etc.

I can see your Rabbi is really a vociferous anti-Christ.

maybe you should read your Bible some more only this time with an open mind. Then you will see that you have been conned by the Roman Catholics for the last 200 years
Israel building houses in Israel. huh.

why don't you go live in Israel since you love Zionist and their wicked ways so much. How a Christian can worship people who steal , rob and kill is beyond me. That is not their land.

What amazes me is how they have to paraphrase Genesis 12:3; in order to even be able to worship the Zionists; (instead of worshiping God and/or His Son Jesus Christ).

Why does it bother this fake phony " Christian" that Jews don't believe in " Jesus" thereby the alleged " Virgin Birth?" Obviously this " Christian " is ignorant about how many other religions don't believe in this " miracle" Too bad he isn't concerned about the treatment of Christians being killed in the most gruesome ways, beheaded, raped etc. etc.

I can see your Rabbi is really a vociferous anti-Christ.

maybe you should read your Bible some more only this time with an open mind. Then you will see that you have been conned by the Roman Catholics for the last 200 years

One could also say you have been conned by your Rabbi all of your life. I call rabbis...BLABBI's...because all they do is blab BS.
That is a typical, silly zionist retort...

How far do you really want to go back in history to look at who can 'reclaim' Israel?

Always stuck in very specific time periods of history to suit the zionist regime....

How about looking at the here and now?

Settlements are illegal. Further expansion of illegal settlements is not conducive to achieving a peace solution. Every nation will condemn Israel for their expansionist policies.

Not silly at all as you use the presence of arab muslims in Palestine in 1890 as the cut of point.

No further than 1923 or 1949 which ever date takes your fancy

Ok then the here and now which states in International law that the whole of Jewish Palestine belongs to Israel.

Not according to the UN charter which put the land in Israel's hands in 1949. Try reading the UN charter

You know what the whole world says the Zionist are wrong and yet here you are defending them. What is your problem? Do you steal from your neighbor and think its an ok thing to do?

Not only do I respect my neighbor's boundary line, I wouldn't dream of making myself at home in their front yard, and throwing rockets at their home. Palestinian squatter shouldn't either.

Really, then you should realize that Israel's land stealing and destroying the homes of others is wrong as well. Good glad we agree on that. Throwing stones as compared to "shooting bullets". Oh those IDF's are so brave, NOT.

It is the Palestinians that are trying to steal land.
What do you imagine the scenario was when Israel was given that land in 1948? Do you erroneously believe that they shoved a bunch of Palestinians off their land and plopped the Jews down in their place? Nothing could be farther from the truth. There was no one there. You have been shown the surveys that were taken before the land was deeded to the Jews.

There will never not be an Israel. Get used to it. The squatters whose parents moved from Egypt and Syria to Israel, and then left on the behest of Egypt and Syria, need to go home to Egypt and Syria and leave Israel alone.
Stop lobbing bombs at Israeli children, and watch how peaceful Israel becomes.

Your either very ignorant of what is going on other there, or listening to a pastor who is filling your head with propaganda, or just plan lying. I enc. you to look at the map changes over the years, and read some history. I know you one who believes in the end times and have you ever wondered why most Jews do not believe in God. Think on that.
Not silly at all as you use the presence of arab muslims in Palestine in 1890 as the cut of point.

No further than 1923 or 1949 which ever date takes your fancy

Ok then the here and now which states in International law that the whole of Jewish Palestine belongs to Israel.

Not according to the UN charter which put the land in Israel's hands in 1949. Try reading the UN charter

You know what the whole world says the Zionist are wrong and yet here you are defending them. What is your problem? Do you steal from your neighbor and think its an ok thing to do?

Not only do I respect my neighbor's boundary line, I wouldn't dream of making myself at home in their front yard, and throwing rockets at their home. Palestinian squatter shouldn't either.

Really, then you should realize that Israel's land stealing and destroying the homes of others is wrong as well. Good glad we agree on that. Throwing stones as compared to "shooting bullets". Oh those IDF's are so brave, NOT.

What land are the stealing that is not their own under international law.

Destroying structures that are used to attack Israel is allowed under International law and the Geneva conventions

Rocks can kill just as easily as bullets can.

I am so glad I have had this opportunity to educate you in matters surrounding the islamonazi/Israel situation.

Everything and anything they can. Well lets see if I had a guy shooting at me, I'd throw a rock as well. What do you expect the Palestinians just to lay down and let the Zionist walk over them, if the world was not watching, they would blow them all up in a heartbeat.

Are moles what are tunneling into Israel? Palestine is another word for terrorist. And should be dealt with as such.
Israel building houses in Israel. huh.

why don't you go live in Israel since you love Zionist and their wicked ways so much. How a Christian can worship people who steal , rob and kill is beyond me. That is not their land.

What amazes me is how they have to paraphrase Genesis 12:3; in order to even be able to worship the Zionists; (instead of worshiping God and/or His Son Jesus Christ).

Why does it bother this fake phony " Christian" that Jews don't believe in " Jesus" thereby the alleged " Virgin Birth?" Obviously this " Christian " is ignorant about how many other religions don't believe in this " miracle" Too bad he isn't concerned about the treatment of Christians being killed in the most gruesome ways, beheaded, raped etc. etc.

I can see your Rabbi is really a vociferous anti-Christ.

maybe you should read your Bible some more only this time with an open mind. Then you will see that you have been conned by the Roman Catholics for the last 200 years
Israel building houses in Israel. huh.

why don't you go live in Israel since you love Zionist and their wicked ways so much. How a Christian can worship people who steal , rob and kill is beyond me. That is not their land.

What amazes me is how they have to paraphrase Genesis 12:3; in order to even be able to worship the Zionists; (instead of worshiping God and/or His Son Jesus Christ).

Why does it bother this fake phony " Christian" that Jews don't believe in " Jesus" thereby the alleged " Virgin Birth?" Obviously this " Christian " is ignorant about how many other religions don't believe in this " miracle" Too bad he isn't concerned about the treatment of Christians being killed in the most gruesome ways, beheaded, raped etc. etc.

I can see your Rabbi is really a vociferous anti-Christ.

maybe you should read your Bible some more only this time with an open mind. Then you will see that you have been conned by the Roman Catholics for the last 200 years

Did Moses Exist The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver D. M. Murdock Acharya S 9780979963186 Books
Not silly at all as you use the presence of arab muslims in Palestine in 1890 as the cut of point.

No further than 1923 or 1949 which ever date takes your fancy

Ok then the here and now which states in International law that the whole of Jewish Palestine belongs to Israel.

Not according to the UN charter which put the land in Israel's hands in 1949. Try reading the UN charter

You know what the whole world says the Zionist are wrong and yet here you are defending them. What is your problem? Do you steal from your neighbor and think its an ok thing to do?

Not only do I respect my neighbor's boundary line, I wouldn't dream of making myself at home in their front yard, and throwing rockets at their home. Palestinian squatter shouldn't either.

Really, then you should realize that Israel's land stealing and destroying the homes of others is wrong as well. Good glad we agree on that. Throwing stones as compared to "shooting bullets". Oh those IDF's are so brave, NOT.

What land are the stealing that is not their own under international law.

Destroying structures that are used to attack Israel is allowed under International law and the Geneva conventions

Rocks can kill just as easily as bullets can.

I am so glad I have had this opportunity to educate you in matters surrounding the islamonazi/Israel situation.

As though hasbara propaganda is "educating"?

Since when has fact been hasbara and these facts can be easily verified by anyone willing to look at the reality.
You know what the whole world says the Zionist are wrong and yet here you are defending them. What is your problem? Do you steal from your neighbor and think its an ok thing to do?

Not only do I respect my neighbor's boundary line, I wouldn't dream of making myself at home in their front yard, and throwing rockets at their home. Palestinian squatter shouldn't either.

Really, then you should realize that Israel's land stealing and destroying the homes of others is wrong as well. Good glad we agree on that. Throwing stones as compared to "shooting bullets". Oh those IDF's are so brave, NOT.

What land are the stealing that is not their own under international law.

Destroying structures that are used to attack Israel is allowed under International law and the Geneva conventions

Rocks can kill just as easily as bullets can.

I am so glad I have had this opportunity to educate you in matters surrounding the islamonazi/Israel situation.

Everything and anything they can. Well lets see if I had a guy shooting at me, I'd throw a rock as well. What do you expect the Palestinians just to lay down and let the Zionist walk over them, if the world was not watching, they would blow them all up in a heartbeat.

Are moles what are tunneling into Israel? Palestine is another word for terrorist. And should be dealt with as such.
Did Moses Exist The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver D. M. Murdock Acharya S 9780979963186 Books do some reading,.

No one is tunneling into Israel, although if they are smart they are building more tunnels for bomb shelters and to be able to get around unseen by Israel air force and drones.
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