Israel Violating US Sanctions on Russia?

SALLY help me out------if the US has sanctions on Russia-----how is ISRAEL
"violating" them??. Don't different countries do their own sanctions?
"Actually, even before this assault on Gaza, there's been a steep decline in Israeli exports, especially to Europe. Some Israeli economists try to say, well, this is just because of the economic crisis inside Europe; it has nothing to do with political issues. But now we're seeing entire sectors of the Israeli economy that are suffering directly.

"So the sector that has probably suffered the most is the tourism sector. The tourism sector, they're not saying, we're being boycotted by people because of political opinions; they're saying people are afraid to go because of the war, and that's why we see so many cancellations and so many losses.

"But I think the agricultural sector, that's where we really see the impact very wide and very deep, because a lot of Israeli companies--there is an Israeli fruit company that produces fruit juice, and they were in negotiations with some European companies in Sweden, France, and Belgium to sell their juice in Europe, and these companies initially told them, you know, if you--just give us proof that you don't source your fruit from the occupied territory, that it doesn't come from the West Bank.

"But then they changed their tune and said, you know what? We don't want any kind of product that says 'Made in Israel'.

"That's obviously because of the boycott movement.

"And what these farmers do, what these agricultural companies do then is they try to seek, very desperately, other markets, because with agriculture you can't keep the goods forever. They're perishable goods. So their growing market now is Russia.

"Russia is under international sanctions because of the crisis in Ukraine, and there are Russian companies that are willing to buy these goods from Israel. But they're paying less. The prices are lower."

Ready for that big FLUSH?

Israeli Agribusiness Demanding Relief From Government as BDS Intensifies

So who's the big mouth talking, Gaza George, not that I really listened to him? You can Google about this site and there is another site where someone says: The moderator of a page named 'the real news channel' that spruiks socialist dribble with no fact based substance. Meanwhile, one of the few Jews that you like says that the BDS movement is likely to fail.
Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

If only you could afford a car, you would be able to drive to different Middle East markets and see the Muslim women put Israeli products in their shopping carts. Do you think they didn't get word of the boycott yet?
"Chomsky also invoked an argument against BDS that has been used by anti-BDS activists for years – why focus on Israel alone?

"But while anti-BDS activists are usually referring to Iran or Syria, Chomsky cites the U.S. as his example."

“'If we boycott Tel Aviv University because Israel violates human rights at home, then why not boycott Harvard because of far greater violations by the United States?' he wrote.

Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

Well I think most of us know that he is a socialist and that is why you lap up his work even though he is Jewish. Meanwhile, I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that you salivate over this BDS movement and hope that it eventually covers everything coming out of Israel. However, I doubt that any thinking person will give up the medical and technological innovations coming out of Israel no matter how much they might hate the Jews like you do. I certainly wish you could afford a car and a tankful of gas so that you could travel around to the different Middle Eastern markets here in Los Angeles and tell the Muslim women that they shouldn't buy Israeli products. They would probably laugh you right out of the store.
Your racist state is collapsing, Ha$bara $al, why aren't you there helping?

"So Israel is in a crisis of standard of living, which has accumulated over many years now. And, in fact, a lot of Israelis are protesting and have protested very vigorously against the drop in income or the stagnating income while cost of living is going up so sharply. And, in fact, this has altered the Israeli political situation.

"So now there are big political parties in the parliament and in the government who have made promises to try to improve the situation.

"And what's amazing is how the entire public debate in Israel has seemed to forgotten this debate, the economic debate that existed merely days before the war against Gaza started.

"And in that debate, there was a very heated argument between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense about cutting the defense budget. Israel is spending more on defense as a proportion of its total public expenses than any country in the world, or at least any developed country.

"And this has taken a very heavy burden on the population.

"There has been an attempt to try to cut down the cost of the military. And the army has threatened that they're going to not be able to provide Israelis with enough security. They basically tried to scare the public about various menaces.

"And when it seemed that the Ministry of Finance is maybe going to win, that's exactly when the conflict erupted, first with this operation Brother's Keeper, in which Israel invaded the West Bank. Netanyahu, Prime Minister Netanyahu, wanted to blame Hamas for this escalation.

"So he diverted the aggression towards Gaza. That's actually what started this 50 day onslaught on Gaza known as Protective Edge.

"And now all of this debate has been forgotten.

"Everybody forgets that this all started with the attempt of the Ministry of Defense to protect their own budgets.

"And the situation now is that the debates that we see in the news are not about whether the defense budget can be cut or how much can it be cut, but how much is it going to be increased.

Israel Facing Major Economic Consequences for 50 Day War on Gaza

Your people murder hundreds of children to protect the funding of their war machine; aren't you one proud

Okay, now that's funny. You may not agree with him but regardless that's funny.
Maybe economic warfare is the way to squash Israeli aggression. Works for me. Just stop the attacks.
Sadly I bet the U.S./allies will someday have to invade Israel and flatten those 30+ foot high walls in the West Bank and then flatten the settlements. Then push the Israelis back out of the West Bank for good. Snap them back into reality.
"Actually, even before this assault on Gaza, there's been a steep decline in Israeli exports, especially to Europe. Some Israeli economists try to say, well, this is just because of the economic crisis inside Europe; it has nothing to do with political issues. But now we're seeing entire sectors of the Israeli economy that are suffering directly.

"So the sector that has probably suffered the most is the tourism sector. The tourism sector, they're not saying, we're being boycotted by people because of political opinions; they're saying people are afraid to go because of the war, and that's why we see so many cancellations and so many losses.

"But I think the agricultural sector, that's where we really see the impact very wide and very deep, because a lot of Israeli companies--there is an Israeli fruit company that produces fruit juice, and they were in negotiations with some European companies in Sweden, France, and Belgium to sell their juice in Europe, and these companies initially told them, you know, if you--just give us proof that you don't source your fruit from the occupied territory, that it doesn't come from the West Bank.

"But then they changed their tune and said, you know what? We don't want any kind of product that says 'Made in Israel'.

"That's obviously because of the boycott movement.

"And what these farmers do, what these agricultural companies do then is they try to seek, very desperately, other markets, because with agriculture you can't keep the goods forever. They're perishable goods. So their growing market now is Russia.

"Russia is under international sanctions because of the crisis in Ukraine, and there are Russian companies that are willing to buy these goods from Israel. But they're paying less. The prices are lower."

Ready for that big FLUSH?

Israeli Agribusiness Demanding Relief From Government as BDS Intensifies

So who's the big mouth talking, Gaza George, not that I really listened to him? You can Google about this site and there is another site where someone says: The moderator of a page named 'the real news channel' that spruiks socialist dribble with no fact based substance. Meanwhile, one of the few Jews that you like says that the BDS movement is likely to fail.
Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

If only you could afford a car, you would be able to drive to different Middle East markets and see the Muslim women put Israeli products in their shopping carts. Do you think they didn't get word of the boycott yet?
"Chomsky also invoked an argument against BDS that has been used by anti-BDS activists for years – why focus on Israel alone?

"But while anti-BDS activists are usually referring to Iran or Syria, Chomsky cites the U.S. as his example."

“'If we boycott Tel Aviv University because Israel violates human rights at home, then why not boycott Harvard because of far greater violations by the United States?' he wrote.

Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

Well I think most of us know that he is a socialist and that is why you lap up his work even though he is Jewish. Meanwhile, I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that you salivate over this BDS movement and hope that it eventually covers everything coming out of Israel. However, I doubt that any thinking person will give up the medical and technological innovations coming out of Israel no matter how much they might hate the Jews like you do. I certainly wish you could afford a car and a tankful of gas so that you could travel around to the different Middle Eastern markets here in Los Angeles and tell the Muslim women that they shouldn't buy Israeli products. They would probably laugh you right out of the store.
Your racist state is collapsing, Ha$bara $al, why aren't you there helping?

"So Israel is in a crisis of standard of living, which has accumulated over many years now. And, in fact, a lot of Israelis are protesting and have protested very vigorously against the drop in income or the stagnating income while cost of living is going up so sharply. And, in fact, this has altered the Israeli political situation.

"So now there are big political parties in the parliament and in the government who have made promises to try to improve the situation.

"And what's amazing is how the entire public debate in Israel has seemed to forgotten this debate, the economic debate that existed merely days before the war against Gaza started.

"And in that debate, there was a very heated argument between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense about cutting the defense budget. Israel is spending more on defense as a proportion of its total public expenses than any country in the world, or at least any developed country.

"And this has taken a very heavy burden on the population.

"There has been an attempt to try to cut down the cost of the military. And the army has threatened that they're going to not be able to provide Israelis with enough security. They basically tried to scare the public about various menaces.

"And when it seemed that the Ministry of Finance is maybe going to win, that's exactly when the conflict erupted, first with this operation Brother's Keeper, in which Israel invaded the West Bank. Netanyahu, Prime Minister Netanyahu, wanted to blame Hamas for this escalation.

"So he diverted the aggression towards Gaza. That's actually what started this 50 day onslaught on Gaza known as Protective Edge.

"And now all of this debate has been forgotten.

"Everybody forgets that this all started with the attempt of the Ministry of Defense to protect their own budgets.

"And the situation now is that the debates that we see in the news are not about whether the defense budget can be cut or how much can it be cut, but how much is it going to be increased.

Israel Facing Major Economic Consequences for 50 Day War on Gaza

Your people murder hundreds of children to protect the funding of their war machine; aren't you one proud

Okay, now that's funny. You may not agree with him but regardless that's funny.
Maybe economic warfare is the way to squash Israeli aggression. Works for me. Just stop the attacks.
Sadly I bet the U.S./allies will someday have to invade Israel and flatten those 30+ foot high walls in the West Bank and then flatten the settlements. Then push the Israelis back out of the West Bank for good. Snap them back into reality.
Here's some context to help you understand where $ally is coming from:

"Hasbara is an Hebrew word defined as explanation.

"The purpose of Hasbara is to explain and educate western people about the Israeli mission.

"Hasbara can take many forms, adverts, websites, comments on blogs, letter writing, protests and so on.

"For a fuller idea of the depth of Habsara check this tool-kit from the We Believe in Israel Website. (made by BICOM).

"The difference between propaganda and hasbara?

"I would say Hasbara is more of a soft sell at first, it seeks to inform, influence and educate the ignorant to the Israeli cause. The narrative of Hasbara has a victimized quality underpinning it, a very passive-aggressive approach, Israel is always defending not attacking.

"They play the mis-understood victim and invite their critics to attack them.

"The sub-current being that Israel’s message is not understood. Israel views that the reason for this is either lack of education or stupidity.

"So the Hasbara agents explain until they realise that they are getting nowhere and then respond with disdain and disgust.

She's the kosher comic relief around here:oops-28:

A Guide To HASBARA TROLLS Pragmatic Witness
"Actually, even before this assault on Gaza, there's been a steep decline in Israeli exports, especially to Europe. Some Israeli economists try to say, well, this is just because of the economic crisis inside Europe; it has nothing to do with political issues. But now we're seeing entire sectors of the Israeli economy that are suffering directly.

"So the sector that has probably suffered the most is the tourism sector. The tourism sector, they're not saying, we're being boycotted by people because of political opinions; they're saying people are afraid to go because of the war, and that's why we see so many cancellations and so many losses.

"But I think the agricultural sector, that's where we really see the impact very wide and very deep, because a lot of Israeli companies--there is an Israeli fruit company that produces fruit juice, and they were in negotiations with some European companies in Sweden, France, and Belgium to sell their juice in Europe, and these companies initially told them, you know, if you--just give us proof that you don't source your fruit from the occupied territory, that it doesn't come from the West Bank.

"But then they changed their tune and said, you know what? We don't want any kind of product that says 'Made in Israel'.

"That's obviously because of the boycott movement.

"And what these farmers do, what these agricultural companies do then is they try to seek, very desperately, other markets, because with agriculture you can't keep the goods forever. They're perishable goods. So their growing market now is Russia.

"Russia is under international sanctions because of the crisis in Ukraine, and there are Russian companies that are willing to buy these goods from Israel. But they're paying less. The prices are lower."

Ready for that big FLUSH?

Israeli Agribusiness Demanding Relief From Government as BDS Intensifies

So who's the big mouth talking, Gaza George, not that I really listened to him? You can Google about this site and there is another site where someone says: The moderator of a page named 'the real news channel' that spruiks socialist dribble with no fact based substance. Meanwhile, one of the few Jews that you like says that the BDS movement is likely to fail.
Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

If only you could afford a car, you would be able to drive to different Middle East markets and see the Muslim women put Israeli products in their shopping carts. Do you think they didn't get word of the boycott yet?
"Chomsky also invoked an argument against BDS that has been used by anti-BDS activists for years – why focus on Israel alone?

"But while anti-BDS activists are usually referring to Iran or Syria, Chomsky cites the U.S. as his example."

“'If we boycott Tel Aviv University because Israel violates human rights at home, then why not boycott Harvard because of far greater violations by the United States?' he wrote.

Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

Well I think most of us know that he is a socialist and that is why you lap up his work even though he is Jewish. Meanwhile, I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that you salivate over this BDS movement and hope that it eventually covers everything coming out of Israel. However, I doubt that any thinking person will give up the medical and technological innovations coming out of Israel no matter how much they might hate the Jews like you do. I certainly wish you could afford a car and a tankful of gas so that you could travel around to the different Middle Eastern markets here in Los Angeles and tell the Muslim women that they shouldn't buy Israeli products. They would probably laugh you right out of the store.
Your racist state is collapsing, Ha$bara $al, why aren't you there helping?

"So Israel is in a crisis of standard of living, which has accumulated over many years now. And, in fact, a lot of Israelis are protesting and have protested very vigorously against the drop in income or the stagnating income while cost of living is going up so sharply. And, in fact, this has altered the Israeli political situation.

"So now there are big political parties in the parliament and in the government who have made promises to try to improve the situation.

"And what's amazing is how the entire public debate in Israel has seemed to forgotten this debate, the economic debate that existed merely days before the war against Gaza started.

"And in that debate, there was a very heated argument between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense about cutting the defense budget. Israel is spending more on defense as a proportion of its total public expenses than any country in the world, or at least any developed country.

"And this has taken a very heavy burden on the population.

"There has been an attempt to try to cut down the cost of the military. And the army has threatened that they're going to not be able to provide Israelis with enough security. They basically tried to scare the public about various menaces.

"And when it seemed that the Ministry of Finance is maybe going to win, that's exactly when the conflict erupted, first with this operation Brother's Keeper, in which Israel invaded the West Bank. Netanyahu, Prime Minister Netanyahu, wanted to blame Hamas for this escalation.

"So he diverted the aggression towards Gaza. That's actually what started this 50 day onslaught on Gaza known as Protective Edge.

"And now all of this debate has been forgotten.

"Everybody forgets that this all started with the attempt of the Ministry of Defense to protect their own budgets.

"And the situation now is that the debates that we see in the news are not about whether the defense budget can be cut or how much can it be cut, but how much is it going to be increased.

Israel Facing Major Economic Consequences for 50 Day War on Gaza

Your people murder hundreds of children to protect the funding of their war machine; aren't you one proud

Okay, now that's funny. You may not agree with him but regardless that's funny.
Maybe economic warfare is the way to squash Israeli aggression. Works for me. Just stop the attacks.
Sadly I bet the U.S./allies will someday have to invade Israel and flatten those 30+ foot high walls in the West Bank and then flatten the settlements. Then push the Israelis back out of the West Bank for good. Snap them back into reality.

And here I thought that when Forester crawled over here again, he would actually give us some news about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. However, like a typical anti-Semite, he could care less about what is happening no matter how many people have been killed, how many are now suffering, and how many are refugees. Remember, Forester. never use anything that has come out of Israel, whether it is some medical innovation which can save your life or some technological innovation which can make your life easier. You don't want to be a hypocrite, now do you?
So who's the big mouth talking, Gaza George, not that I really listened to him? You can Google about this site and there is another site where someone says: The moderator of a page named 'the real news channel' that spruiks socialist dribble with no fact based substance. Meanwhile, one of the few Jews that you like says that the BDS movement is likely to fail.
Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

If only you could afford a car, you would be able to drive to different Middle East markets and see the Muslim women put Israeli products in their shopping carts. Do you think they didn't get word of the boycott yet?
"Chomsky also invoked an argument against BDS that has been used by anti-BDS activists for years – why focus on Israel alone?

"But while anti-BDS activists are usually referring to Iran or Syria, Chomsky cites the U.S. as his example."

“'If we boycott Tel Aviv University because Israel violates human rights at home, then why not boycott Harvard because of far greater violations by the United States?' he wrote.

Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

Well I think most of us know that he is a socialist and that is why you lap up his work even though he is Jewish. Meanwhile, I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that you salivate over this BDS movement and hope that it eventually covers everything coming out of Israel. However, I doubt that any thinking person will give up the medical and technological innovations coming out of Israel no matter how much they might hate the Jews like you do. I certainly wish you could afford a car and a tankful of gas so that you could travel around to the different Middle Eastern markets here in Los Angeles and tell the Muslim women that they shouldn't buy Israeli products. They would probably laugh you right out of the store.
Your racist state is collapsing, Ha$bara $al, why aren't you there helping?

"So Israel is in a crisis of standard of living, which has accumulated over many years now. And, in fact, a lot of Israelis are protesting and have protested very vigorously against the drop in income or the stagnating income while cost of living is going up so sharply. And, in fact, this has altered the Israeli political situation.

"So now there are big political parties in the parliament and in the government who have made promises to try to improve the situation.

"And what's amazing is how the entire public debate in Israel has seemed to forgotten this debate, the economic debate that existed merely days before the war against Gaza started.

"And in that debate, there was a very heated argument between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense about cutting the defense budget. Israel is spending more on defense as a proportion of its total public expenses than any country in the world, or at least any developed country.

"And this has taken a very heavy burden on the population.

"There has been an attempt to try to cut down the cost of the military. And the army has threatened that they're going to not be able to provide Israelis with enough security. They basically tried to scare the public about various menaces.

"And when it seemed that the Ministry of Finance is maybe going to win, that's exactly when the conflict erupted, first with this operation Brother's Keeper, in which Israel invaded the West Bank. Netanyahu, Prime Minister Netanyahu, wanted to blame Hamas for this escalation.

"So he diverted the aggression towards Gaza. That's actually what started this 50 day onslaught on Gaza known as Protective Edge.

"And now all of this debate has been forgotten.

"Everybody forgets that this all started with the attempt of the Ministry of Defense to protect their own budgets.

"And the situation now is that the debates that we see in the news are not about whether the defense budget can be cut or how much can it be cut, but how much is it going to be increased.

Israel Facing Major Economic Consequences for 50 Day War on Gaza

Your people murder hundreds of children to protect the funding of their war machine; aren't you one proud

Okay, now that's funny. You may not agree with him but regardless that's funny.
Maybe economic warfare is the way to squash Israeli aggression. Works for me. Just stop the attacks.
Sadly I bet the U.S./allies will someday have to invade Israel and flatten those 30+ foot high walls in the West Bank and then flatten the settlements. Then push the Israelis back out of the West Bank for good. Snap them back into reality.
Here's some context to help you understand where $ally is coming from:

"Hasbara is an Hebrew word defined as explanation.

"The purpose of Hasbara is to explain and educate western people about the Israeli mission.

"Hasbara can take many forms, adverts, websites, comments on blogs, letter writing, protests and so on.

"For a fuller idea of the depth of Habsara check this tool-kit from the We Believe in Israel Website. (made by BICOM).

"The difference between propaganda and hasbara?

"I would say Hasbara is more of a soft sell at first, it seeks to inform, influence and educate the ignorant to the Israeli cause. The narrative of Hasbara has a victimized quality underpinning it, a very passive-aggressive approach, Israel is always defending not attacking.

"They play the mis-understood victim and invite their critics to attack them.

"The sub-current being that Israel’s message is not understood. Israel views that the reason for this is either lack of education or stupidity.

"So the Hasbara agents explain until they realise that they are getting nowhere and then respond with disdain and disgust.

She's the kosher comic relief around here:oops-28:

A Guide To HASBARA TROLLS Pragmatic Witness

Actually, Gaza George is the one who is very amusing. Remember, folks, every time Gaza George resorts to using the dollar sign, it means that he is very short of money and wants everyone to know about it. It's a shame that he can't visit the L. He is also amusing with his constant use of "Hasbara" like he is so proud that he learned a new word. Meanwhile, while Gaza George is obsessing over his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, because he feels they were the group that held him back in Los Angeles when it was his own lack of initiative, I would suggest that when Gaza George finds his way over to this forum (he has nothing to do with himself all day so of course is on other forums) and can't participate in what is happening in the rest of the Middle East, perhaps he should take the time to read this book. No matter how many times Gaza George tries to demonize his favorite scapegoat, there are Muslims around who wouldn't hesitate to do him in, the same way as they are doing all those innocent people in the Muslim world.

Islam For Dummies Malcolm Clark 9780764555039 Books
So who's the big mouth talking, Gaza George, not that I really listened to him? You can Google about this site and there is another site where someone says: The moderator of a page named 'the real news channel' that spruiks socialist dribble with no fact based substance. Meanwhile, one of the few Jews that you like says that the BDS movement is likely to fail.
Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

If only you could afford a car, you would be able to drive to different Middle East markets and see the Muslim women put Israeli products in their shopping carts. Do you think they didn't get word of the boycott yet?
"Chomsky also invoked an argument against BDS that has been used by anti-BDS activists for years – why focus on Israel alone?

"But while anti-BDS activists are usually referring to Iran or Syria, Chomsky cites the U.S. as his example."

“'If we boycott Tel Aviv University because Israel violates human rights at home, then why not boycott Harvard because of far greater violations by the United States?' he wrote.

Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

Well I think most of us know that he is a socialist and that is why you lap up his work even though he is Jewish. Meanwhile, I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that you salivate over this BDS movement and hope that it eventually covers everything coming out of Israel. However, I doubt that any thinking person will give up the medical and technological innovations coming out of Israel no matter how much they might hate the Jews like you do. I certainly wish you could afford a car and a tankful of gas so that you could travel around to the different Middle Eastern markets here in Los Angeles and tell the Muslim women that they shouldn't buy Israeli products. They would probably laugh you right out of the store.
Your racist state is collapsing, Ha$bara $al, why aren't you there helping?

"So Israel is in a crisis of standard of living, which has accumulated over many years now. And, in fact, a lot of Israelis are protesting and have protested very vigorously against the drop in income or the stagnating income while cost of living is going up so sharply. And, in fact, this has altered the Israeli political situation.

"So now there are big political parties in the parliament and in the government who have made promises to try to improve the situation.

"And what's amazing is how the entire public debate in Israel has seemed to forgotten this debate, the economic debate that existed merely days before the war against Gaza started.

"And in that debate, there was a very heated argument between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense about cutting the defense budget. Israel is spending more on defense as a proportion of its total public expenses than any country in the world, or at least any developed country.

"And this has taken a very heavy burden on the population.

"There has been an attempt to try to cut down the cost of the military. And the army has threatened that they're going to not be able to provide Israelis with enough security. They basically tried to scare the public about various menaces.

"And when it seemed that the Ministry of Finance is maybe going to win, that's exactly when the conflict erupted, first with this operation Brother's Keeper, in which Israel invaded the West Bank. Netanyahu, Prime Minister Netanyahu, wanted to blame Hamas for this escalation.

"So he diverted the aggression towards Gaza. That's actually what started this 50 day onslaught on Gaza known as Protective Edge.

"And now all of this debate has been forgotten.

"Everybody forgets that this all started with the attempt of the Ministry of Defense to protect their own budgets.

"And the situation now is that the debates that we see in the news are not about whether the defense budget can be cut or how much can it be cut, but how much is it going to be increased.

Israel Facing Major Economic Consequences for 50 Day War on Gaza

Your people murder hundreds of children to protect the funding of their war machine; aren't you one proud

Okay, now that's funny. You may not agree with him but regardless that's funny.
Maybe economic warfare is the way to squash Israeli aggression. Works for me. Just stop the attacks.
Sadly I bet the U.S./allies will someday have to invade Israel and flatten those 30+ foot high walls in the West Bank and then flatten the settlements. Then push the Israelis back out of the West Bank for good. Snap them back into reality.

And here I thought that when Forester crawled over here again, he would actually give us some news about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. However, like a typical anti-Semite, he could care less about what is happening no matter how many people have been killed, how many are now suffering, and how many are refugees. Remember, Forester. never use anything that has come out of Israel, whether it is some medical innovation which can save your life or some technological innovation which can make your life easier. You don't want to be a hypocrite, now do you?
What? I'm still not sure how you can profess to have SO MUCH compassion for the suffering in the Middle East but are so ho-hum about the suffering of other Middle Eastern peoples. It just doesn't square. Oh yeah, the Hasbara agenda manual tells you to.
Are they really any different? No.
But you want their land to belong to Israel so you make an exception. Just let them (Pals.) go away somewhere else, like they can escape the iron grip of Israel. They're cornered. At least the Syrians could flee.
So, yeah there is a difference. Save some of your compassion for peoples in other parts of the ME or the World. They could use it.
Disregard your rabid pro-Israeli's comrade's judgments on you. They'll get over it.
"Chomsky also invoked an argument against BDS that has been used by anti-BDS activists for years – why focus on Israel alone?

"But while anti-BDS activists are usually referring to Iran or Syria, Chomsky cites the U.S. as his example."

“'If we boycott Tel Aviv University because Israel violates human rights at home, then why not boycott Harvard because of far greater violations by the United States?' he wrote.

Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

Well I think most of us know that he is a socialist and that is why you lap up his work even though he is Jewish. Meanwhile, I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that you salivate over this BDS movement and hope that it eventually covers everything coming out of Israel. However, I doubt that any thinking person will give up the medical and technological innovations coming out of Israel no matter how much they might hate the Jews like you do. I certainly wish you could afford a car and a tankful of gas so that you could travel around to the different Middle Eastern markets here in Los Angeles and tell the Muslim women that they shouldn't buy Israeli products. They would probably laugh you right out of the store.
Your racist state is collapsing, Ha$bara $al, why aren't you there helping?

"So Israel is in a crisis of standard of living, which has accumulated over many years now. And, in fact, a lot of Israelis are protesting and have protested very vigorously against the drop in income or the stagnating income while cost of living is going up so sharply. And, in fact, this has altered the Israeli political situation.

"So now there are big political parties in the parliament and in the government who have made promises to try to improve the situation.

"And what's amazing is how the entire public debate in Israel has seemed to forgotten this debate, the economic debate that existed merely days before the war against Gaza started.

"And in that debate, there was a very heated argument between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense about cutting the defense budget. Israel is spending more on defense as a proportion of its total public expenses than any country in the world, or at least any developed country.

"And this has taken a very heavy burden on the population.

"There has been an attempt to try to cut down the cost of the military. And the army has threatened that they're going to not be able to provide Israelis with enough security. They basically tried to scare the public about various menaces.

"And when it seemed that the Ministry of Finance is maybe going to win, that's exactly when the conflict erupted, first with this operation Brother's Keeper, in which Israel invaded the West Bank. Netanyahu, Prime Minister Netanyahu, wanted to blame Hamas for this escalation.

"So he diverted the aggression towards Gaza. That's actually what started this 50 day onslaught on Gaza known as Protective Edge.

"And now all of this debate has been forgotten.

"Everybody forgets that this all started with the attempt of the Ministry of Defense to protect their own budgets.

"And the situation now is that the debates that we see in the news are not about whether the defense budget can be cut or how much can it be cut, but how much is it going to be increased.

Israel Facing Major Economic Consequences for 50 Day War on Gaza

Your people murder hundreds of children to protect the funding of their war machine; aren't you one proud

Okay, now that's funny. You may not agree with him but regardless that's funny.
Maybe economic warfare is the way to squash Israeli aggression. Works for me. Just stop the attacks.
Sadly I bet the U.S./allies will someday have to invade Israel and flatten those 30+ foot high walls in the West Bank and then flatten the settlements. Then push the Israelis back out of the West Bank for good. Snap them back into reality.

And here I thought that when Forester crawled over here again, he would actually give us some news about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. However, like a typical anti-Semite, he could care less about what is happening no matter how many people have been killed, how many are now suffering, and how many are refugees. Remember, Forester. never use anything that has come out of Israel, whether it is some medical innovation which can save your life or some technological innovation which can make your life easier. You don't want to be a hypocrite, now do you?
What? I'm still not sure how you can profess to have SO MUCH compassion for the suffering in the Middle East but are so ho-hum about the suffering of other Middle Eastern peoples. It just doesn't square. Oh yeah, the Hasbara agenda manual tells you to.
Are they really any different? No.
But you want their land to belong to Israel so you make an exception. Just let them (Pals.) go away somewhere else, like they can escape the iron grip of Israel. They're cornered. At least the Syrians could flee.
So, yeah there is a difference. Save some of your compassion for peoples in other parts of the ME or the World. They could use it.
Disregard your rabid pro-Israeli's comrade's judgments on you. They'll get over it.

Poor Forester, he doesn't seem to realize that since he crawls on here now and then and only wants to talk about Israel, all it shows the viewers is that he is just another two-bit anti-Semite. I guess Forester thinks that his new friends, the Palestinian Arabs, have been there for ages and ages and ages when most of them came into Israel when the Jews had jobs for them. Are you calling Winston Churchill a liar when he said they were flooding into Israel from their surrounding countries. Why do you think we see so many Hispanics from south of the border coming up here? It certainly isn't for a vacation. It is for the same reason you saw the poor Arabs coming from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, etc. because they wanted jobs. By the way, perhaps you should tell your new friends that they should have picked better leaders -- leaders who would not constantly shoot rockets into Israel. This way Israel wouldn't retaliate. If you feel you can't tell them that, perhaps you should apply for a job digging tunnels so that you can help them kill some Jews.
Yeah maybe the Arabs do want jobs in Israel. All that American $$ circulating in Israel. Who wouldn't? Everyone wants to eat.
I'd fire rocket or throw rocks if somebody illegally stole my land and put me in prison, and you would too.
Netanyahu even stole that huge 1,000 acre parcel on Labor Day weekend, the snake. You're proud of that snake aren't you? A modern day thief you can relate with.
The CORRECT analogy would be: If we blockade Mexico completely, would it be crazy to think they just might want to escape or transport goods through tunnels? Perfectly normal.
Don't forget Israel is the cause of this whole problem.

You slither around a lot like your idol.
Yeah maybe the Arabs do want jobs in Israel. All that American $$ circulating in Israel. Who wouldn't? Everyone wants to eat.
I'd fire rocket or throw rocks if somebody illegally stole my land and put me in prison, and you would too.
Netanyahu even stole that huge 1,000 acre parcel on Labor Day weekend, the snake. You're proud of that snake aren't you? A modern day thief you can relate with.
The CORRECT analogy would be: If we blockade Mexico completely, would it be crazy to think they just might want to escape or transport goods through tunnels? Perfectly normal.
Don't forget Israel is the cause of this whole problem.

You slither around a lot like your idol.

the land in question----that Netanyahu "stole"-----is actually land which had been purchased and owned by jews (BY PURCHASE)----pre 1948----long time "pre"
and had been a jewish farming settlement uhm ?? ETZION (??) Now it is
simply----land left abandoned-------no arab "owned" it I hope this information
consoles you
Yeah maybe the Arabs do want jobs in Israel. All that American $$ circulating in Israel. Who wouldn't? Everyone wants to eat.
I'd fire rocket or throw rocks if somebody illegally stole my land and put me in prison, and you would too.
Netanyahu even stole that huge 1,000 acre parcel on Labor Day weekend, the snake. You're proud of that snake aren't you? A modern day thief you can relate with.
The CORRECT analogy would be: If we blockade Mexico completely, would it be crazy to think they just might want to escape or transport goods through tunnels? Perfectly normal.
Don't forget Israel is the cause of this whole problem.

You slither around a lot like your idol.

the land in question----that Netanyahu "stole"-----is actually land which had been purchased and owned by jews (BY PURCHASE)----pre 1948----long time "pre"
and had been a jewish farming settlement uhm ?? ETZION (??) Now it is
simply----land left abandoned-------no arab "owned" it I hope this information
consoles you
I'm talking about the West Bank and that's not how the UN sees it. Sorry, I believe the UN. Stolen.
Yeah maybe the Arabs do want jobs in Israel. All that American $$ circulating in Israel. Who wouldn't? Everyone wants to eat.
I'd fire rocket or throw rocks if somebody illegally stole my land and put me in prison, and you would too.
Netanyahu even stole that huge 1,000 acre parcel on Labor Day weekend, the snake. You're proud of that snake aren't you? A modern day thief you can relate with.
The CORRECT analogy would be: If we blockade Mexico completely, would it be crazy to think they just might want to escape or transport goods through tunnels? Perfectly normal.
Don't forget Israel is the cause of this whole problem.

You slither around a lot like your idol.

the land in question----that Netanyahu "stole"-----is actually land which had been purchased and owned by jews (BY PURCHASE)----pre 1948----long time "pre"
and had been a jewish farming settlement uhm ?? ETZION (??) Now it is
simply----land left abandoned-------no arab "owned" it I hope this information
consoles you
I'm talking about the West Bank and that's not how the UN sees it. Sorry, I believe the UN. Stolen.

believe what you like. So you believe that if an arab can prove he owned
a piece of land which is in ISRAEL today-----he is not entitled to it? So far Israeli
courts have awarded such land to ORIGINAL OWNERS-------do you think that the
courts should take it back? Can you cite the "YOU STOLE IT" statement by the UN?
Yeah maybe the Arabs do want jobs in Israel. All that American $$ circulating in Israel. Who wouldn't? Everyone wants to eat.
I'd fire rocket or throw rocks if somebody illegally stole my land and put me in prison, and you would too.
Netanyahu even stole that huge 1,000 acre parcel on Labor Day weekend, the snake. You're proud of that snake aren't you? A modern day thief you can relate with.
The CORRECT analogy would be: If we blockade Mexico completely, would it be crazy to think they just might want to escape or transport goods through tunnels? Perfectly normal.
Don't forget Israel is the cause of this whole problem.

You slither around a lot like your idol.

the land in question----that Netanyahu "stole"-----is actually land which had been purchased and owned by jews (BY PURCHASE)----pre 1948----long time "pre"
and had been a jewish farming settlement uhm ?? ETZION (??) Now it is
simply----land left abandoned-------no arab "owned" it I hope this information
consoles you
I'm talking about the West Bank and that's not how the UN sees it. Sorry, I believe the UN. Stolen.

believe what you like. So you believe that if an arab can prove he owned
a piece of land which is in ISRAEL today-----he is not entitled to it? So far Israeli
courts have awarded such land to ORIGINAL OWNERS-------do you think that the
courts should take it back? Can you cite the "YOU STOLE IT" statement by the UN?
Okay here.
The international community considers the settlements in occupied territory to be illegal,[9] and the United Nations has repeatedly upheld the view that Israel's construction of settlements constitutes a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.[10][11] Israeli neighborhoods in East Jerusalem and communities in the Golan Heights, areas which have been annexed by Israel, are also considered settlements by the international community, which does not recognise Israel's annexations of these territories.[12] The International Court of Justice also says these settlements are illegal in a 2004 advisory opinion.
Israeli settlement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Oh-----ok so you believe that if an arab can PROVE that his owned a piece of land
in Israel------by purchase----pre 1948 ---he is NOT ENTITLED TO IT-----I am delighted ------
Oh-----ok so you believe that if an arab can PROVE that his owned a piece of land
in Israel------by purchase----pre 1948 ---he is NOT ENTITLED TO IT-----I am delighted ------
Just don't know when to give it up do you? THE WORLD KNOWS WHAT ISRAEL IS DOING IN THE WEST BANK. BAD THINGS. Stealing land. Give it a rest. :blahblah:
Yeah maybe the Arabs do want jobs in Israel. All that American $$ circulating in Israel. Who wouldn't? Everyone wants to eat.
I'd fire rocket or throw rocks if somebody illegally stole my land and put me in prison, and you would too.
Netanyahu even stole that huge 1,000 acre parcel on Labor Day weekend, the snake. You're proud of that snake aren't you? A modern day thief you can relate with.
The CORRECT analogy would be: If we blockade Mexico completely, would it be crazy to think they just might want to escape or transport goods through tunnels? Perfectly normal.
Don't forget Israel is the cause of this whole problem.

You slither around a lot like your idol.

You are the one who slithers like a snake onto this forum which happens to cover the entire Middle East, not just Israel. All you seem to be concerned with is Israel no matter what is happening in the rest of the Middle East which is huge. As for the tunnels, it certainly looks like you have no problem with them building these tunnels to kill the Jews. They themselves admitted how they were going to get at the Jews on the coming Jewish holiday. Maybe some Hamas guy will see how this particular poster sticks up for them and will reward him with getting a Mercedes or BMW through one of the tunnels and hand him the keys.
So who's the big mouth talking, Gaza George, not that I really listened to him? You can Google about this site and there is another site where someone says: The moderator of a page named 'the real news channel' that spruiks socialist dribble with no fact based substance. Meanwhile, one of the few Jews that you like says that the BDS movement is likely to fail.
Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

If only you could afford a car, you would be able to drive to different Middle East markets and see the Muslim women put Israeli products in their shopping carts. Do you think they didn't get word of the boycott yet?
"Chomsky also invoked an argument against BDS that has been used by anti-BDS activists for years – why focus on Israel alone?

"But while anti-BDS activists are usually referring to Iran or Syria, Chomsky cites the U.S. as his example."

“'If we boycott Tel Aviv University because Israel violates human rights at home, then why not boycott Harvard because of far greater violations by the United States?' he wrote.

Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

Well I think most of us know that he is a socialist and that is why you lap up his work even though he is Jewish. Meanwhile, I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that you salivate over this BDS movement and hope that it eventually covers everything coming out of Israel. However, I doubt that any thinking person will give up the medical and technological innovations coming out of Israel no matter how much they might hate the Jews like you do. I certainly wish you could afford a car and a tankful of gas so that you could travel around to the different Middle Eastern markets here in Los Angeles and tell the Muslim women that they shouldn't buy Israeli products. They would probably laugh you right out of the store.
Your racist state is collapsing, Ha$bara $al, why aren't you there helping?

"So Israel is in a crisis of standard of living, which has accumulated over many years now. And, in fact, a lot of Israelis are protesting and have protested very vigorously against the drop in income or the stagnating income while cost of living is going up so sharply. And, in fact, this has altered the Israeli political situation.

"So now there are big political parties in the parliament and in the government who have made promises to try to improve the situation.

"And what's amazing is how the entire public debate in Israel has seemed to forgotten this debate, the economic debate that existed merely days before the war against Gaza started.

"And in that debate, there was a very heated argument between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense about cutting the defense budget. Israel is spending more on defense as a proportion of its total public expenses than any country in the world, or at least any developed country.

"And this has taken a very heavy burden on the population.

"There has been an attempt to try to cut down the cost of the military. And the army has threatened that they're going to not be able to provide Israelis with enough security. They basically tried to scare the public about various menaces.

"And when it seemed that the Ministry of Finance is maybe going to win, that's exactly when the conflict erupted, first with this operation Brother's Keeper, in which Israel invaded the West Bank. Netanyahu, Prime Minister Netanyahu, wanted to blame Hamas for this escalation.

"So he diverted the aggression towards Gaza. That's actually what started this 50 day onslaught on Gaza known as Protective Edge.

"And now all of this debate has been forgotten.

"Everybody forgets that this all started with the attempt of the Ministry of Defense to protect their own budgets.

"And the situation now is that the debates that we see in the news are not about whether the defense budget can be cut or how much can it be cut, but how much is it going to be increased.

Israel Facing Major Economic Consequences for 50 Day War on Gaza

Your people murder hundreds of children to protect the funding of their war machine; aren't you one proud

Okay, now that's funny. You may not agree with him but regardless that's funny.
Maybe economic warfare is the way to squash Israeli aggression. Works for me. Just stop the attacks.
Sadly I bet the U.S./allies will someday have to invade Israel and flatten those 30+ foot high walls in the West Bank and then flatten the settlements. Then push the Israelis back out of the West Bank for good. Snap them back into reality.
Here's some context to help you understand where $ally is coming from:

"Hasbara is an Hebrew word defined as explanation.

"The purpose of Hasbara is to explain and educate western people about the Israeli mission.

"Hasbara can take many forms, adverts, websites, comments on blogs, letter writing, protests and so on.

"For a fuller idea of the depth of Habsara check this tool-kit from the We Believe in Israel Website. (made by BICOM).

"The difference between propaganda and hasbara?

"I would say Hasbara is more of a soft sell at first, it seeks to inform, influence and educate the ignorant to the Israeli cause. The narrative of Hasbara has a victimized quality underpinning it, a very passive-aggressive approach, Israel is always defending not attacking.

"They play the mis-understood victim and invite their critics to attack them.

"The sub-current being that Israel’s message is not understood. Israel views that the reason for this is either lack of education or stupidity.

"So the Hasbara agents explain until they realise that they are getting nowhere and then respond with disdain and disgust.

She's the kosher comic relief around here:oops-28:

A Guide To HASBARA TROLLS Pragmatic Witness
Wow George you were right. She's executing Troll Technique #4 with a vengeance.
"Chomsky also invoked an argument against BDS that has been used by anti-BDS activists for years – why focus on Israel alone?

"But while anti-BDS activists are usually referring to Iran or Syria, Chomsky cites the U.S. as his example."

“'If we boycott Tel Aviv University because Israel violates human rights at home, then why not boycott Harvard because of far greater violations by the United States?' he wrote.

Chomsky BDS Tactics Likely to Fail HonestReporting

Well I think most of us know that he is a socialist and that is why you lap up his work even though he is Jewish. Meanwhile, I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that you salivate over this BDS movement and hope that it eventually covers everything coming out of Israel. However, I doubt that any thinking person will give up the medical and technological innovations coming out of Israel no matter how much they might hate the Jews like you do. I certainly wish you could afford a car and a tankful of gas so that you could travel around to the different Middle Eastern markets here in Los Angeles and tell the Muslim women that they shouldn't buy Israeli products. They would probably laugh you right out of the store.
Your racist state is collapsing, Ha$bara $al, why aren't you there helping?

"So Israel is in a crisis of standard of living, which has accumulated over many years now. And, in fact, a lot of Israelis are protesting and have protested very vigorously against the drop in income or the stagnating income while cost of living is going up so sharply. And, in fact, this has altered the Israeli political situation.

"So now there are big political parties in the parliament and in the government who have made promises to try to improve the situation.

"And what's amazing is how the entire public debate in Israel has seemed to forgotten this debate, the economic debate that existed merely days before the war against Gaza started.

"And in that debate, there was a very heated argument between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense about cutting the defense budget. Israel is spending more on defense as a proportion of its total public expenses than any country in the world, or at least any developed country.

"And this has taken a very heavy burden on the population.

"There has been an attempt to try to cut down the cost of the military. And the army has threatened that they're going to not be able to provide Israelis with enough security. They basically tried to scare the public about various menaces.

"And when it seemed that the Ministry of Finance is maybe going to win, that's exactly when the conflict erupted, first with this operation Brother's Keeper, in which Israel invaded the West Bank. Netanyahu, Prime Minister Netanyahu, wanted to blame Hamas for this escalation.

"So he diverted the aggression towards Gaza. That's actually what started this 50 day onslaught on Gaza known as Protective Edge.

"And now all of this debate has been forgotten.

"Everybody forgets that this all started with the attempt of the Ministry of Defense to protect their own budgets.

"And the situation now is that the debates that we see in the news are not about whether the defense budget can be cut or how much can it be cut, but how much is it going to be increased.

Israel Facing Major Economic Consequences for 50 Day War on Gaza

Your people murder hundreds of children to protect the funding of their war machine; aren't you one proud

Okay, now that's funny. You may not agree with him but regardless that's funny.
Maybe economic warfare is the way to squash Israeli aggression. Works for me. Just stop the attacks.
Sadly I bet the U.S./allies will someday have to invade Israel and flatten those 30+ foot high walls in the West Bank and then flatten the settlements. Then push the Israelis back out of the West Bank for good. Snap them back into reality.
Here's some context to help you understand where $ally is coming from:

"Hasbara is an Hebrew word defined as explanation.

"The purpose of Hasbara is to explain and educate western people about the Israeli mission.

"Hasbara can take many forms, adverts, websites, comments on blogs, letter writing, protests and so on.

"For a fuller idea of the depth of Habsara check this tool-kit from the We Believe in Israel Website. (made by BICOM).

"The difference between propaganda and hasbara?

"I would say Hasbara is more of a soft sell at first, it seeks to inform, influence and educate the ignorant to the Israeli cause. The narrative of Hasbara has a victimized quality underpinning it, a very passive-aggressive approach, Israel is always defending not attacking.

"They play the mis-understood victim and invite their critics to attack them.

"The sub-current being that Israel’s message is not understood. Israel views that the reason for this is either lack of education or stupidity.

"So the Hasbara agents explain until they realise that they are getting nowhere and then respond with disdain and disgust.

She's the kosher comic relief around here:oops-28:

A Guide To HASBARA TROLLS Pragmatic Witness
Wow George you were right. She's executing Troll Technique #4 with a vengeance.

I have to laugh at these two losers being the best of friends now. As the viewers can see, they really have no interest in what is happening in the Middle East unless they can drag Israel into the mix and demonize that country. They must think the viewers are dumb that they don't realize this. But carry on, fellows, it is amusing to see two anti-Semitic losers buddy up.
Yeah maybe the Arabs do want jobs in Israel. All that American $$ circulating in Israel. Who wouldn't? Everyone wants to eat.
I'd fire rocket or throw rocks if somebody illegally stole my land and put me in prison, and you would too.
Netanyahu even stole that huge 1,000 acre parcel on Labor Day weekend, the snake. You're proud of that snake aren't you? A modern day thief you can relate with.
The CORRECT analogy would be: If we blockade Mexico completely, would it be crazy to think they just might want to escape or transport goods through tunnels? Perfectly normal.
Don't forget Israel is the cause of this whole problem.

You slither around a lot like your idol.

You are the one who slithers like a snake onto this forum which happens to cover the entire Middle East, not just Israel. All you seem to be concerned with is Israel no matter what is happening in the rest of the Middle East which is huge. As for the tunnels, it certainly looks like you have no problem with them building these tunnels to kill the Jews. They themselves admitted how they were going to get at the Jews on the coming Jewish holiday. Maybe some Hamas guy will see how this particular poster sticks up for them and will reward him with getting a Mercedes or BMW through one of the tunnels and hand him the keys.
Yeah sure. You couldn't get a bicycle through most of those tunnels, if they even existed the way Israel claimed they did. Israel lies a lot. BTW You'd have to get a heck of a lot of cars if you're going to supply them to all the people who are against Israel's massacre. Millions. Many millions.
Yeah maybe the Arabs do want jobs in Israel. All that American $$ circulating in Israel. Who wouldn't? Everyone wants to eat.
I'd fire rocket or throw rocks if somebody illegally stole my land and put me in prison, and you would too.
Netanyahu even stole that huge 1,000 acre parcel on Labor Day weekend, the snake. You're proud of that snake aren't you? A modern day thief you can relate with.
The CORRECT analogy would be: If we blockade Mexico completely, would it be crazy to think they just might want to escape or transport goods through tunnels? Perfectly normal.
Don't forget Israel is the cause of this whole problem.

You slither around a lot like your idol.

You are the one who slithers like a snake onto this forum which happens to cover the entire Middle East, not just Israel. All you seem to be concerned with is Israel no matter what is happening in the rest of the Middle East which is huge. As for the tunnels, it certainly looks like you have no problem with them building these tunnels to kill the Jews. They themselves admitted how they were going to get at the Jews on the coming Jewish holiday. Maybe some Hamas guy will see how this particular poster sticks up for them and will reward him with getting a Mercedes or BMW through one of the tunnels and hand him the keys.

Yeah sure. You couldn't get a bicycle through most of those tunnels, if they even existed the way Israel claimed they did. Israel lies a lot. BTW You'd have to get a heck of a lot of cars if you're going to supply them to all the people who are against Israel's massacre. Millions. Many millions.

I guess you missed the pictures that the BBC published a few years back. You could drive a huge truck through those tunnels. Funny that you should claim the Israel massacred people when it was your new friends in Hamas who started up and Israel retaliated. However, tell your good friends that next time they start up to let their people go down into the tunnels to hide until the all-clear signal is sent. Meanwhile, 190,000 Arabs have been killed in Syria alone, and there was not a peep out of you. I guess since the Jews were not involved and it was Arab killing Arab, you felt it wasn't worth your time posting about it. If the President of Sudan murdered another 2,000,000 Christians as he had his Army do in the past, you would just be ho humming about it since the Jews didn't do it.
Oh-----ok so you believe that if an arab can PROVE that his owned a piece of land
in Israel------by purchase----pre 1948 ---he is NOT ENTITLED TO IT-----I am delighted ------
Just don't know when to give it up do you? THE WORLD KNOWS WHAT ISRAEL IS DOING IN THE WEST BANK. BAD THINGS. Stealing land. Give it a rest. :blahblah:

"the world knows" "everyone knows" ---you got the islamo Nazi mosque lingo down very well.
Oh-----ok so you believe that if an arab can PROVE that his owned a piece of land
in Israel------by purchase----pre 1948 ---he is NOT ENTITLED TO IT-----I am delighted ------
Just don't know when to give it up do you? THE WORLD KNOWS WHAT ISRAEL IS DOING IN THE WEST BANK. BAD THINGS. Stealing land. Give it a rest. :blahblah:

"the world knows" "everyone knows" ---you got the islamo Nazi mosque lingo down very well.
The world knows about the Lydda Death March; what's your excuse?

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle was the expulsion of 50,000–70,000 Palestinian Arabs when Israeli troops captured the towns in July that year.

"The military action occurred within the context of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

"The two Arab towns, lying outside the area designated for a Jewish state in the UN Partition Plan of 1947, and inside the area set aside for an Arab state in Palestine,[1][2] subsequently were transformed into predominantly Jewish areas in the new State of Israel, known as Lod and Ramla.[3]

1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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