Israel wants its spy back

I don't feel sympathetic to any spies. They profited off their greed by selling out their country. Why should he be released early?

How is 30 years considered 'early'?

And how come an "Israeli spy" is punished with 30 years, but Iranian spy gets out before you can blink?

Yeah, tell us more about how friendly is the American government.

Each case is different. Why SHOULD he be released? He didn't just spy for Israel. That's the strawman here. He shopped his services to other countries and information he sold ended up in other countries such as USSR, Pakistan.

If Pollard is being punished because he's Jewish, why was Ben-ami - another Israeli spy caught in the same time frame - released with a fine?
Lets say these 2,000 are fighting British troops then they are traitors and should have their British citizenship revoked

I have no clue as to the numbers involved, I suspect very few really know, but I agree, their passports should be revoked if they fight for a foreign army.
The same goes for people going to fight for the IDF.
If they want to join an army, they should either join the one of their home country, or sod off to live in the country they chose to fight for.
Seem fair?
Have any other spies been pardoned early or did they have to serve out their full term? (and it does not matter that he was spying to get info on other countries - he spied on the US for monetary gain and to excuse it is pathetic).

Why is denying his pardon "unjust"?

Mozaffar Khazaee, Iranian spy, got sentenced for 10 years.

And Ben-ami Kadish, an Israeli spy, got only a $50,000 fine. What's your point?
I don't feel sympathetic to any spies. They profited off their greed by selling out their country. Why should he be released early?

How is 30 years considered 'early'?

And how come an "Israeli spy" is punished with 30 years, but Iranian spy gets out before you can blink?

Yeah, tell us more about how friendly is the American government.

Each case is different. Why SHOULD he be released? He didn't just spy for Israel. That's the strawman here. He shopped his services to other countries and information he sold ended up in other countries such as USSR, Pakistan.

If Pollard is being punished because he's Jewish, why was Ben-ami - another Israeli spy caught in the same time frame - released with a fine?

Don't know if he's being punished because he's Jewish, he's being punished because Obama's regime gains benefits from it.

He should be released because it's been 30 years. They could have excecuted him, instead they chose to jail him. He had his punishment, that's why he should be released.

Or is it that only Israel should release prisoners, while we ask the American to release one man, who is sick and no danger to anyone, it's recieved with a scowl? While you demand us to release thousands of bloodthirsty killers for Hamas?

How is THAT fair?
Mordechai Vanunu (Hebrew: מרדכי ואנונו‎; born 14 October 1954), also known as John Crossman,[2][3] is a former Israeli nuclear technician who, citing his opposition to weapons of mass destruction, revealed details of Israel's nuclear weapons program to the British press in 1986.[4][5] He was subsequently lured to Italy by a Mossad agent, where he was drugged and abducted by Israeli intelligence agents.[4] He was transported to Israel and ultimately convicted in a trial that was held behind closed doors.[4]

Vanunu spent 18 years in prison, including more than 11 in solitary confinement. Released from prison in 2004, he became subject to a broad array of restrictions on his speech and movement. Since then he has been arrested several times for violations of those restrictions, including giving various interviews to foreign journalists and attempting to leave Israel. He says he suffered "cruel and barbaric treatment" at the hands of Israeli authorities while imprisoned, and suggests that his treatment would have been different if he had not converted to Christianity from Judaism.
Mordechai Vanunu - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
When will he be free to leave Israel?
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Don't know if he's being punished because he's Jewish, he's being punished because Obama's regime gains benefits from it.
Has Obama been president for 30 years?
How time flies.
An assessment by the CIA, found that Pollard's handlers in Israel wanted insight on "nuclear, military and technical information on the Arab states, Pakistan, and the Soviet Union -- not on the United States."
Former U.S. deputy attorney-general Philip Heymann -- who is also director of Harvard Law School's International Center for Criminal Justice -- wrote President Obama in 2011 that he had reviewed Jonathan Pollard's complete record and found that "[t]here is no evidence that Pollard intended to harm the United States or help its enemies.
In 2011, Former U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz penned a letter to President Obama, asking him to pardon Pollard who had "paid a high price for his espionage ... and should be released from prison."
Just this past November, eight former U.S. officials, with extensive knowledge of the Jonathan Pollard case, sent a letter to President Obama protesting the "unjust denial of parole for Mr Pollard. They are:
1 - R. James Woolsey, former director of the CIA.
2 - Dennis DeConcini, former chair of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committe.
3 - David F. Durenburger, also a former chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
4 - Robert C. MacFarlane, former U.S. National Security Advisor.
5 - Lawrence J. Korb, former Assistant U.S. Secretary of Defense.
6 - Angelo Codevilla, a former Senate Intelligence Committee staffer. 7 - Lee Hamilton, former chair of the House Select Committee on Intelligence.
8 - Bernard W. Nussbaum, former White House counsel.

The time is now for Jonathan Pollard to be pardoned and released.
Would you say that the anti-Israel team on this forum would ever had said anything about these spies? I don't think they would have said a word since the spies weren't Jewish.

It works both ways . . . I don't think you would have said a word unless Pollard was Jewish. ~ Susan
Give it a rest. You are so obviously the same anti-Semite as you always have been. If Pollard had been a Hundu or any other religion and I read that others were released and he was still in prison, I would have thought the same. Now complain about Pollard at your next Bund meeting. That could be the main topic at the meeting.

No, you give it a rest . . . a BIG rest please. I've never been anti-Semitic; however on many occasions I have indeed been very anti-Israel. I firmly believe that Israel, primarily through AIPAC, holds far too much sway over Congress which makes for a very unhealthy America. ~ Susan
I don't feel sympathetic to any spies. They profited off their greed by selling out their country. Why should he be released early?

How is 30 years considered 'early'?

And how come an "Israeli spy" is punished with 30 years, but Iranian spy gets out before you can blink?

Yeah, tell us more about how friendly is the American government.

Each case is different. Why SHOULD he be released? He didn't just spy for Israel. That's the strawman here. He shopped his services to other countries and information he sold ended up in other countries such as USSR, Pakistan.

If Pollard is being punished because he's Jewish, why was Ben-ami - another Israeli spy caught in the same time frame - released with a fine?

Don't know if he's being punished because he's Jewish, he's being punished because Obama's regime gains benefits from it.

He should be released because it's been 30 years. They could have excecuted him, instead they chose to jail him. He had his punishment, that's why he should be released.

His sentence is a life sentence. The national security people advising against it pre-date Obama.

Or is it that only Israel should release prisoners, while we ask the American to release one man, who is sick and no danger to anyone, it's recieved with a scowl? While you demand us to release thousands of bloodthirsty killers for Hamas?

How is THAT fair?

Israel can do what it wants. We can do what we want. Each case is individual.

He did not just spy for Israel - he sold information to a variety of countries.

How would you feel if he spied on Israel and sold information to the US, Pakistan, Soviet Union, was involved in illegal arms dealings? Would you want him to serve out his sentence?

Like I said - I have little sympathy for people who sell out their countries for monetary gain.
If Pollard truly did this out of a misguided sense of loyalty to Israel, I might feel more lenient but he didn't. He did it for the money and that is obvious by the way he shopped around. His loyalty was to the dollar and the highest bidder and from the start he was arrogant, refused to adhere the plea agreements and showed little remorse.
An assessment by the CIA, found that Pollard's handlers in Israel wanted insight on "nuclear, military and technical information on the Arab states, Pakistan, and the Soviet Union -- not on the United States."
Former U.S. deputy attorney-general Philip Heymann -- who is also director of Harvard Law School's International Center for Criminal Justice -- wrote President Obama in 2011 that he had reviewed Jonathan Pollard's complete record and found that "[t]here is no evidence that Pollard intended to harm the United States or help its enemies.
In 2011, Former U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz penned a letter to President Obama, asking him to pardon Pollard who had "paid a high price for his espionage ... and should be released from prison."
Just this past November, eight former U.S. officials, with extensive knowledge of the Jonathan Pollard case, sent a letter to President Obama protesting the "unjust denial of parole for Mr Pollard. They are:
1 - R. James Woolsey, former director of the CIA.
2 - Dennis DeConcini, former chair of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committe.
3 - David F. Durenburger, also a former chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
4 - Robert C. MacFarlane, former U.S. National Security Advisor.
5 - Lawrence J. Korb, former Assistant U.S. Secretary of Defense.
6 - Angelo Codevilla, a former Senate Intelligence Committee staffer. 7 - Lee Hamilton, former chair of the House Select Committee on Intelligence.
8 - Bernard W. Nussbaum, former White House counsel.

The time is now for Jonathan Pollard to be pardoned and released.
Would you say that the anti-Israel team on this forum would ever had said anything about these spies? I don't think they would have said a word since the spies weren't Jewish.

It works both ways . . . I don't think you would have said a word unless Pollard was Jewish. ~ Susan
Give it a rest. You are so obviously the same anti-Semite as you always have been. If Pollard had been a Hundu or any other religion and I read that others were released and he was still in prison, I would have thought the same. Now complain about Pollard at your next Bund meeting. That could be the main topic at the meeting.

No, you give it a rest . . . a BIG rest please. I've never been anti-Semitic; however on many occasions I have indeed been very anti-Israel. I firmly believe that Israel, primarily through AIPAC, holds far too much sway over Congress which makes for a very unhealthy America. ~ Susan
Yeah, yeah, you are only anti-Israel no matter when you even had a chance to discuss what was going on to people in the other Middle East countries. Give us a break. Those who are familiar with you know what you are all about.:cow:
I don't feel sympathetic to any spies. They profited off their greed by selling out their country. Why should he be released early?

How is 30 years considered 'early'?

And how come an "Israeli spy" is punished with 30 years, but Iranian spy gets out before you can blink?

Yeah, tell us more about how friendly is the American government.

Each case is different. Why SHOULD he be released? He didn't just spy for Israel. That's the strawman here. He shopped his services to other countries and information he sold ended up in other countries such as USSR, Pakistan.

If Pollard is being punished because he's Jewish, why was Ben-ami - another Israeli spy caught in the same time frame - released with a fine?

Don't know if he's being punished because he's Jewish, he's being punished because Obama's regime gains benefits from it.

He should be released because it's been 30 years. They could have excecuted him, instead they chose to jail him. He had his punishment, that's why he should be released.

Or is it that only Israel should release prisoners, while we ask the American to release one man, who is sick and no danger to anyone, it's recieved with a scowl? While you demand us to release thousands of bloodthirsty killers for Hamas?

How is THAT fair?
Because he abused his are just bringing in the Jewish element to cause confusion.....who cares if the Guy is Jewish,Jaine,French or is all a matter of trust........was he an Israeli plant ????????
An assessment by the CIA, found that Pollard's handlers in Israel wanted insight on "nuclear, military and technical information on the Arab states, Pakistan, and the Soviet Union -- not on the United States."
Former U.S. deputy attorney-general Philip Heymann -- who is also director of Harvard Law School's International Center for Criminal Justice -- wrote President Obama in 2011 that he had reviewed Jonathan Pollard's complete record and found that "[t]here is no evidence that Pollard intended to harm the United States or help its enemies.
In 2011, Former U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz penned a letter to President Obama, asking him to pardon Pollard who had "paid a high price for his espionage ... and should be released from prison."
Just this past November, eight former U.S. officials, with extensive knowledge of the Jonathan Pollard case, sent a letter to President Obama protesting the "unjust denial of parole for Mr Pollard. They are:
1 - R. James Woolsey, former director of the CIA.
2 - Dennis DeConcini, former chair of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committe.
3 - David F. Durenburger, also a former chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
4 - Robert C. MacFarlane, former U.S. National Security Advisor.
5 - Lawrence J. Korb, former Assistant U.S. Secretary of Defense.
6 - Angelo Codevilla, a former Senate Intelligence Committee staffer. 7 - Lee Hamilton, former chair of the House Select Committee on Intelligence.
8 - Bernard W. Nussbaum, former White House counsel.

The time is now for Jonathan Pollard to be pardoned and released.
Would you say that the anti-Israel team on this forum would ever had said anything about these spies? I don't think they would have said a word since the spies weren't Jewish.

It works both ways . . . I don't think you would have said a word unless Pollard was Jewish. ~ Susan
Give it a rest. You are so obviously the same anti-Semite as you always have been. If Pollard had been a Hundu or any other religion and I read that others were released and he was still in prison, I would have thought the same. Now complain about Pollard at your next Bund meeting. That could be the main topic at the meeting.

No, you give it a rest . . . a BIG rest please. I've never been anti-Semitic; however on many occasions I have indeed been very anti-Israel. I firmly believe that Israel, primarily through AIPAC, holds far too much sway over Congress which makes for a very unhealthy America. ~ Susan
Yeah, yeah, you are only anti-Israel no matter when you even had a chance to discuss what was going on to people in the other Middle East countries. Give us a break. Those who are familiar with you know what you are all about.:cow:

You, instead, support Israel at the expense of the United States. You are a traitor.
Would you say that the anti-Israel team on this forum would ever had said anything about these spies? I don't think they would have said a word since the spies weren't Jewish.

It works both ways . . . I don't think you would have said a word unless Pollard was Jewish. ~ Susan
Give it a rest. You are so obviously the same anti-Semite as you always have been. If Pollard had been a Hundu or any other religion and I read that others were released and he was still in prison, I would have thought the same. Now complain about Pollard at your next Bund meeting. That could be the main topic at the meeting.

No, you give it a rest . . . a BIG rest please. I've never been anti-Semitic; however on many occasions I have indeed been very anti-Israel. I firmly believe that Israel, primarily through AIPAC, holds far too much sway over Congress which makes for a very unhealthy America. ~ Susan
Yeah, yeah, you are only anti-Israel no matter when you even had a chance to discuss what was going on to people in the other Middle East countries. Give us a break. Those who are familiar with you know what you are all about.:cow:

You, instead, support Israel at the expense of the United States. You are a traitor.
No it doesn't make him a traitor, but instead of talking about others lets begin with you filth - you support a designated terrorist organization recognized by the US - you are the traitor.
On the head of the thief burns the hat.
Would you say that the anti-Israel team on this forum would ever had said anything about these spies? I don't think they would have said a word since the spies weren't Jewish.

It works both ways . . . I don't think you would have said a word unless Pollard was Jewish. ~ Susan
Give it a rest. You are so obviously the same anti-Semite as you always have been. If Pollard had been a Hundu or any other religion and I read that others were released and he was still in prison, I would have thought the same. Now complain about Pollard at your next Bund meeting. That could be the main topic at the meeting.

No, you give it a rest . . . a BIG rest please. I've never been anti-Semitic; however on many occasions I have indeed been very anti-Israel. I firmly believe that Israel, primarily through AIPAC, holds far too much sway over Congress which makes for a very unhealthy America. ~ Susan
Yeah, yeah, you are only anti-Israel no matter when you even had a chance to discuss what was going on to people in the other Middle East countries. Give us a break. Those who are familiar with you know what you are all about.:cow:

You, instead, support Israel at the expense of the United States. You are a traitor.
Read my last post in the thread, Who Are The Palestinians. This will be the last time you call me a traitor. Waiting for a public apology.
It works both ways . . . I don't think you would have said a word unless Pollard was Jewish. ~ Susan
Give it a rest. You are so obviously the same anti-Semite as you always have been. If Pollard had been a Hundu or any other religion and I read that others were released and he was still in prison, I would have thought the same. Now complain about Pollard at your next Bund meeting. That could be the main topic at the meeting.

No, you give it a rest . . . a BIG rest please. I've never been anti-Semitic; however on many occasions I have indeed been very anti-Israel. I firmly believe that Israel, primarily through AIPAC, holds far too much sway over Congress which makes for a very unhealthy America. ~ Susan
Yeah, yeah, you are only anti-Israel no matter when you even had a chance to discuss what was going on to people in the other Middle East countries. Give us a break. Those who are familiar with you know what you are all about.:cow:

You, instead, support Israel at the expense of the United States. You are a traitor.
No it doesn't make him a traitor, but instead of talking about others lets begin with you filth - you support a designated terrorist organization recognized by the US - you are the traitor.
On the head of the thief burns the hat.

Who supports a terrorist organization? Repeat it and I will go to the Mods. I support the rights of the Palestinian people, I do not support either Hamas or the PLO.
Give it a rest. You are so obviously the same anti-Semite as you always have been. If Pollard had been a Hundu or any other religion and I read that others were released and he was still in prison, I would have thought the same. Now complain about Pollard at your next Bund meeting. That could be the main topic at the meeting.

No, you give it a rest . . . a BIG rest please. I've never been anti-Semitic; however on many occasions I have indeed been very anti-Israel. I firmly believe that Israel, primarily through AIPAC, holds far too much sway over Congress which makes for a very unhealthy America. ~ Susan
Yeah, yeah, you are only anti-Israel no matter when you even had a chance to discuss what was going on to people in the other Middle East countries. Give us a break. Those who are familiar with you know what you are all about.:cow:

You, instead, support Israel at the expense of the United States. You are a traitor.
No it doesn't make him a traitor, but instead of talking about others lets begin with you filth - you support a designated terrorist organization recognized by the US - you are the traitor.
On the head of the thief burns the hat.

Who supports a terrorist organization? Repeat it and I will go to the Mods. I support the rights of the Palestinian people, I do not support either Hamas or the PLO.

You always claim that Hamas are freedom fighters. That shows that you likely support them.
It works both ways . . . I don't think you would have said a word unless Pollard was Jewish. ~ Susan
Give it a rest. You are so obviously the same anti-Semite as you always have been. If Pollard had been a Hundu or any other religion and I read that others were released and he was still in prison, I would have thought the same. Now complain about Pollard at your next Bund meeting. That could be the main topic at the meeting.

No, you give it a rest . . . a BIG rest please. I've never been anti-Semitic; however on many occasions I have indeed been very anti-Israel. I firmly believe that Israel, primarily through AIPAC, holds far too much sway over Congress which makes for a very unhealthy America. ~ Susan
Yeah, yeah, you are only anti-Israel no matter when you even had a chance to discuss what was going on to people in the other Middle East countries. Give us a break. Those who are familiar with you know what you are all about.:cow:

You, instead, support Israel at the expense of the United States. You are a traitor.
Read my last post in the thread, Who Are The Palestinians. This will be the last time you call me a traitor. Waiting for a public apology.
It works both ways . . . I don't think you would have said a word unless Pollard was Jewish. ~ Susan
Give it a rest. You are so obviously the same anti-Semite as you always have been. If Pollard had been a Hundu or any other religion and I read that others were released and he was still in prison, I would have thought the same. Now complain about Pollard at your next Bund meeting. That could be the main topic at the meeting.

No, you give it a rest . . . a BIG rest please. I've never been anti-Semitic; however on many occasions I have indeed been very anti-Israel. I firmly believe that Israel, primarily through AIPAC, holds far too much sway over Congress which makes for a very unhealthy America. ~ Susan
Yeah, yeah, you are only anti-Israel no matter when you even had a chance to discuss what was going on to people in the other Middle East countries. Give us a break. Those who are familiar with you know what you are all about.:cow:

You, instead, support Israel at the expense of the United States. You are a traitor.
No it doesn't make him a traitor, but instead of talking about others lets begin with you filth - you support a designated terrorist organization recognized by the US - you are the traitor.
On the head of the thief burns the hat.
Somehow Israelis like you like to pick and choose morality...that piece of crap Israel cares for should be traded for the money grubbing spy that he was...Traded for release of all Palestinians who are jailed and a permanent peace dictated by the UN...

Two wrongs have never made a right, both parties have committed atrocities, this case is an exception...

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