Israel wants to make this the last war

I know they don't care about Israel. They care about peace in the region and justice for the Palestinians. But, they're basically indifferent to Israel. Their interest is in healthcare, education, clean water and infrastructure.
Surada is lying. I have worked, not with a dozen--but with HUNDREDS of educated muslims from all over the "ummah'---and, of course, from the middle east.
Hatred of jews, and the destruction of Israel is part of
their grammar school curriculum. I read the islamo nazi
propaganda as a child and by the time I approached adolescence came to the conclusion that only an idiot would
believe any of it-----then I encountered "educated" muslims.
For those who do not know---"educated" out there in the
Levant and Southeast Asia means --- a degree in Engineering or an MD. LOL at "mainstream churches"-----I have been in many churches---none made note of themselves as "mainstream" or "not mainstream"----same is true of the
mosques I have visited (no KHUTBAH JUMAAT on quality of
They’re whistling past the graveyard.

In fact, worse. I know a couple of radical left Jews marching with the HAMAS supporters, cheering them on as they yell “from the river to the sea!”

They’re like the Kapos who worked alongside the Nazis. They thought if they sided with the enemy, their lives would be spared. They were wrong.
In the 60s-----(yuck) jews liked to join fringe demonstrations too. NOTHING NEW
If your argument is that Jews are not perfect dont waste your time

Thats a given

But you forget that the arabs are no less impure

They are cold blooded murderers of innocent people

The difference is that the Jews accepted a peaceful UN compromise that the arabs rejected

All the deaths since 1948 are your fault

This is how the Jews see it:

I didn't hear the Jew in your video use the word "occupation."
Did you?
The Israelis have always known the Arabs want a just peace in Palestine. The Abraham Accords don't include that provision.
October 7 was a demonstration of ISLAM---not just in
"palestine" ----but in the time of muhummad and since
in every shariah shit hole. For more insight, read the koran
and talk to "survivors"-------Christian, Hindu, Zoroastrian,
Jew------and even SHIITE FROM PAKISTAN or a Bangla
Deshi survivor of the Pakistani Civil War (1971)
I dont recall if she did or not

Whats your point?
Islamo nazi propaganda is ALL ABOUT SEMANTICS which
is why a bunch of arab/muslims in the middlle east decided
to call themselves "PALESTINIANS" in the 1960s (a word
most cannot pronounce)
Do Godless lib Israel haters understand what this means?

If Melanie Phillips is correct we are on the brink of a war that determines the existence of God His promise to the Jews
God's promise and covenant nullified when they rejected Christ, symbolized by the tearing of the veil from top to bottom. Why westernized Christians believe that God has some unfulfilled covenant is beyond me. But I digress, as most of the belief come from Darby and his interpretation method called dispensationalism, which most "Christians" couldn't even begin to explain, understand, or have any idea how Dispensationalism has shape core westernized christian dogma.
But they have US support
Ridiculous, isn't it? They brag about their economic success and their superiority, but they get 20 times the financial support as 9 million Haitians.

Do you ever watch their commercials begging you to buy food for elderly Holocaust survivors?
Islamo nazi propaganda is ALL ABOUT SEMANTICS which
is why a bunch of arab/muslims in the middlle east decided
to call themselves "PALESTINIANS" in the 1960s (a word
most cannot pronounce)

They were always called Palestinian Arabs whether they were Muslims, Jews or Christians from the 1930s. You're not very good at demonizing the neighbors or propaganda.
Do Godless lib Israel haters understand what this means?

If Melanie Phillips is correct we are on the brink of a war that determines the existence of God His promise to the Jews

Because Israel will not stop till it finishes the threat against it

Which Israel cannot do through its own power

Because the combined might of the arabs, persians , russians, turks, ect is too much for Israel to overcome by itself

Which means that Israel needs outside intervention of Godless libs in the West who hate Jews almost as much as the muslims do

Yet Israel will survive

You can bet on it

Israel isn’t at war. Netanyahu and his right wing government is.

Here’s the problem with your misguided opinion.

Forever is a long time.
They were always called Palestinian Arabs whether they were Muslims, Jews or Christians from the 1930s. You're not very good at demonizing the neighbors or propaganda.
they are never called "PALESTINIANS" in standard government documents or general publications----FLEESTEENIN is not "PALESTINIAN" Feel free to find
the term used in reference to ARABS living in the PALESTINE
MANDATE or in any english language geographical or travel
journals prior to 1960. You are an excellent dissembler
They were always called Palestinian Arabs whether they were Muslims, Jews or Christians from the 1930s. You're not very good at demonizing the neighbors or propaganda.
oh----the use of the term "palestinian" for arabs came
about in the 1930s----and NOT 1960----so now 'ALWAYS'
is defined as since the 1930s. Although not true the claim
interests me. The English language, islamo nazi propaganda that littered my USA, semi-rural town
dated back to the 1930s
God's promise and covenant nullified when they rejected Christ, symbolized by the tearing of the veil from top to bottom. Why westernized Christians believe that God has some unfulfilled covenant is beyond me. But I digress, as most of the belief come from Darby and his interpretation method called dispensationalism, which most "Christians" couldn't even begin to explain, understand, or have any idea how Dispensationalism has shape core westernized christian dogma.
I dont agree

Like disobedient children the Jews have suffered for their blindness

But God never abandoned them and never will
Ridiculous, isn't it? They brag about their economic success and their superiority, but they get 20 times the financial support as 9 million Haitians.

Do you ever watch their commercials begging you to buy food for elderly Holocaust survivors?
Why does Haiti deserve any foreign aid?

Israel is under constant arrack from the arabs

But whats Haiti’s excuse?
Why does Haiti deserve any foreign aid?

Israel is under constant arrack from the arabs

But whats Haiti’s excuse?
She’s a leftist. So, as you can see, she mocks the idea the elderly Jews need aid, while defending the idea that blacks need aid.

Par for the course.
I dont recall if she did or not

Whats your point?
Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine requires crimes like collective punishment, ethnic cleansing, and genocide; the Jews of Israel have made it clear they will not stop their crimes, and Palestinians have made it equally obvious they will never submit to Jewish supremacy.

Ending the illegal occupation is the first step to ending the violence on both sides:

Legality of the Israeli occupation of Palestine - Wikipedia

"Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories, which has continued since 1967 and is the longest military occupation in modern history,[1] has become illegal under international law.

"This illegality encompasses the West Bank, including Israeli-annexed East Jerusalem, as well as the blockaded Gaza Strip, which remains to be considered occupied under international law despite the 2005 Israeli disengagement.

"Israel's policies and practices in the occupied West Bank, including the construction and expansion of Israeli settlements, have amounted to de facto annexation that is illegal under international law."
Why does Haiti deserve any foreign aid?

Israel is under constant arrack from the arabs

But whats Haiti’s excuse?
Haiti got on the wrong side of the US over 200 years ago.

In 1915 Woodrow Wilson thought he had the problem solved: complete,legislature in August of 1915.

"In 1915, Haitian president Jean Vilbrun Guillaume Sam was assassinated and the situation in Haiti quickly became unstable.

"In response, President Wilson sent the U.S. Marines to Haiti, claiming the invasion was an attempt to prevent anarchy. In reality the Wilson administration was protecting U.S. assets in the area and preventing a possible German invasion.

"The invasion ended with the Haitian-American Treaty of 1915.

"The articles of this agreement created a Haitian gendarmerie, essentially a military force made up of Americans and Haitians and controlled by the U.S. marines.

"The United States gained complete control over Haitian finances, and the right to intervene in Haiti whenever the U.S. Government deemed necessary.

"The U.S. Government also forced the election of a new pro-American President, Philippe Sudr� Dartiguenave, by the Haitian legislature in August of 1915.

"The selection of a President that did not represent the choice of the Haitian populace increased unrest in Haiti."

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