What To Do With the Jewish People?

I wouldn't know about that - but I do know that Jews - especially radical Zionist cite the Torah, whereby their God is commanding them to kill all those not willing to subject themselves towards Judaism aka Noahide Laws.

And I am not aware that any other "Holy Book" aka Religion or religious instruction book, states or commands such an action.

It is cited in the Jerusalem Talmud, that Joshua sent three letters warning these people and offering a truce if they would keep the Noahide Laws and pay a tax to the Israelite'sā€”or leave the land. Those who did not accept were to be entirely wiped out. The Israelite's were also "commanded" to entirely eliminate the Amalekites and the Midianites.

It is the Chamishah Chumshei Torah (the "instruction" book in regards to "Israel"), that clearly advocates, "commands" aka Mitzvah, to conduct ETHNIC CLEANSING and if necessary GENOCIDE
You clearly don't undersatnd Judaism then. Trying to refer to something you read in a translation of a text and consider it in a vacuum, comporting to your personal understanding is not a reasonable way to try and represent a religion. If you have questions, ask.
In any argument ā€“ say, for an example, an argument between children ā€“ you want to hear from both sides whatā€™s the root cause of the problem and offer a solution.

Some people say what do we do with the Palestinian people? Well, why not turn that question around and see from their side as if it were possible what to do with the other people, you know, the Jewish people. Since the whole world is presently siding with the Palestinians and going against Israel, I thought, letā€™s just do what the whole world is doing, ignore Israel's concerns, and adhere only to the Palestinian side, which of course is not an actual side since for a while now thereā€™s been no real Palestinian authority as theyā€™ve been hijacked by terrorists (but letā€™s not get into that here).

Rather, letā€™s just ask what Palestinians want from Israel and then, more interestingly, go from there. Obviously, you would suppose, Palestinians want to live in peace just like anybody normally would. But with Israel as their neighbor? Is this what they want?

Maybe, and if thatā€™s the case then you donā€™t really have a problem, but if they donā€™t want to live in that area with Israel as their neighbor now you have a problem because Israel is not going to leave.

Now, according to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Palestinians ā€œwho support permanent peace with Israel are in the minority.ā€ Also, a recent Gallup poll found that only 24% of Palestinians want a two-state solution. There are more polls and much more responses from Palestinians who claim they do not want a two-state solution, but I'm not going to cite them all here. In fact, you need only watch the worldwide massive protests in support of Palestinians and against Israel and hear ā€œfrom the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!ā€

That slogan dates back to 1948, but was echoed again in 2012 by a Palestinian terrorist leader who called for resistance, NOT negotiation.

Well, it seems that most Palestinians do not want to live beside Israel and as the sentiment behind that slogan insinuates, prefer that Israel just not exist there at all, because presently from the river to the sea there is a nation there called Israel.

Don't overreact. Remember, we are siding with the Palestinians and imagining that we can give them what they want, which as weā€™ve seen is all of Palestine and no Israel in their vicinity.

So, now if this were possible, it brings up an interesting question: WHAT TO DO WITH THE JEWISH PEOPLE?

Why does this question sound so familiar?

There are approximately six million Jews in Israel. Shall we move them all to England, to Franceā€¦to Germany?

Yup, been there, done that. Didnā€™t turn out so well, at least not for the Jews. But do not be mistaken, just as the holocaust did not happen in a vacuum but within a world war, the new holocaust that people all around the world are salivating for will only happen in the context of World War III. That means the world doesnā€™t get to nearly exterminate the Jews again without bringing upon itself its own destruction. For some reason, thatā€™s just the way it works. Perhaps itā€™s divine.

ā€¦which means, Israel doesnā€™t have to use all those nuclear weapons it has (enough to obliterate the entire Middle East, if it were as evil as Iran) because when America is gone Israel will still be around and still be protected.

And by the way, if you say protesting Israel and supporting Palestine does not lead to exterminating Jews and WWIII, well, I didnā€™t even have to say it because it was already being said after October 7 when talk of WWIII echoed here and there and 1400 exterminated Jews splattered throughout the media all in that brief moment when the world felt a smattering of sympathy for Israelā€™s plight and some people even worried about what more could happen to the Jews if terrorists continued attacking them and other nations got involved. Not so much sympathy anymore. That's the first step.

And this is just the beginning.

It may be a few months, a year, 10 years, but not much longer than that and you will see where this is all leading to.

Don't mean to sound flippant about future horrifying events. As an observer of history, just speaking truth about historical trends and the logical outcome of where we're at.
What to do? Stand between the IDF and the Hamas terrorists!!

You fuck around and you find out!!!

You clearly don't undersatnd Judaism then. Trying to refer to something you read in a translation of a text and consider it in a vacuum, comporting to your personal understanding is not a reasonable way to try and represent a religion. If you have questions, ask.
This fellow Amihai Eliyahu, like other radical Zionists are Cabinet Ministers - and call for a nuke option - following exactly the instruction of the Chamishah Chumshei Torah. You are the one who can't or doesn't want to understand the difference between a Jew - following religious paractises of Judaism, and Radical Zionist living the Chamishah Chumshei Torah.

Amihai Eliyahu.png
This fellow Amihai Eliyahu, like other radical Zionists are Cabinet Ministers - and call for a nuke option - following exactly the instruction of the Chamishah Chumshei Torah
really? Show me a mention of a nuke in that text.
. You are the one who can't or doesn't want to understand the difference between a Jew - following religious paractises of Judaism, and Radical Zionist living the Chamishah Chumshei Torah.
Well, as a religiously practicing Jew and a sometimes radical Zionist I think I understand all of this much better than you do.


Hadith by Abdullah b. 'Umar reported that Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: The Jews will fight against you and you will gain victory over them until the stone would say: Muslim, here is a Jew behind me; kill him.

It describes a war/combat between faithful Muslims and Jews after the time of prophet and before the last hour. Why the war will happen is not mentioned. Who will initiate the war is also unclear, but the first hadith seems to indicate that Jews will initiate it.

Since there was no event [after the prophet till present] that resembles the hadith, it is generally considered that the event hasn't happened and it will happen in future. When it will happen is unknown but it is part of Sunni belief that it will happen.

Shia Muslims reject the narrations of both of the narrators from whom this hadith is transmitted, thereby they reject all of the hadiths cited above. This hadith has no effect in Sunni Islamic jurisprudence. It is about a future event not a law.

It's a logical followup by Islam due to the existing, Chamishah Chumshei Torah calling for ethnic cleansing towards non-Jews - that predates Islam by 1000-1500 years.
Therefore they are in breach with Islam - the radical Zionist are not - since their Talmud explicitly orders them to kill others.
Therefore Judaism is a violent and aggressive religion, preaching murder - Got it now?

Who are you to decide about Jews?
Explain to everyone how Islam spread all over West of Arabia and North Africa, South Spain and Vienna, etc, if Muslims are only allowed defensive wars?

I'm telling you what the rules of war are in the Koran. Very different concept from killing all the Canaanites and taking their land.

Remember Canaan? It was controlled by Egypt.
I'm telling you what the rules of war are in the Koran. Very different concept from killing all the Canaanites and taking their land.

Remember Canaan? It was controlled by Egypt.
Could you post what the Koran actually says?

Because what the Muslims have been doing since Mohammad himself has been the opposite.

Remember Kaybar?
They were told to kill all the Canaanites and their livestock. Read your Bible.
This is not what the thread is about.

And you keep hiding behind what the history of the Jews was over 3000 years ago.

The thread is about today.
really? Show me a mention of a nuke in that text.
It isn't about what means the Torah "instructs" - but the fact that it "commands" annihilation of non-Jews.
You are clearly and only a radical Zionist - I might just as well discuss with a Nazi who denies the content of Mein Kampf

Radicals like you only waste peoples time - Off you go into ignore
This is not what the thread is about.

And you keep hiding behind what the history of the Jews was over 3000 years ago.

The thread is about today.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:says the person who will cite a self-written Jewish storybook starting to get written 3000 years ago - when trying to point out Zionist claims towards Palestine.
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I think using any religious excuse to kill innocent people should be unacceptable in this day and age. And so should any claims of any people being superior to another because of their religion, race or ethnic background, especially to justify the aforementioned.
Remember Kaybar?
Khaybar - what about it?

Muhammad leads his forces against the Jewish oasis of Khaybar, north of Medina. After a siege, it submits, but the Jews are allowed to remain on condition of sending half of their date harvest to Medina. The following year, Muhammad and his followers perform the pilgrimage as stipulated by the treaty of Al-įø¤udaybiyyah. Subsequently, however, an attack by Meccan allies upon allies of Muhammad leads to the latterā€™s denunciation of the treaty with the Meccans. In 630 he marches a substantial army on Mecca. The town submits, and Muhammad declares an amnesty.

When Muhammad finally conquered Mecca in 630, he asked ŹæAlÄ« to guarantee that the conquest would be bloodless; this was accomplished as a result of the surrender of the Meccans and Muhammadā€™s forbidding the victorious Muslims from taking revenge on the Meccans, a command that ŹæAlÄ« ensured was obeyed completely.

The Jews were strong opponents of Muslims and wanted to destroy the Muslims of Madina. They wanted to attack the Muslims of Madina and for that purpose, they also sought the help of the Banu Giftan group and offered them they would give them half of the produce of Madina after winning the war against Muslims.

Also, the Jewish tribe had the support of the fake Muslims of Madina who were actually against the Muslims of Madina and were informing the Jews about the plans of Muslims residing in Madina. When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) found out about the evil plotting of Jews and the BanU Gaftan group, he decided to attack Khyber for the protection of Muslims.

Hazrat Ali (RA) took the responsibility of leading the Muslim army and with his bravery and strength, Hazrat Ali (RA) attacked several forts of the Khyber which gave the Muslims the confidence to win. One by one Muslims attacked all the forts of Jews. The Jews realized that Muslims were much stronger than them and they decided to surrender before Muslims. They accepted their defeat and asked the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to spare their lives and let them go.
The Jews asked the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to set them free and in return they would give Muslims half of the share of the fruits and grains produced on the lands of the Khyber. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) accepted their offer and allowed them to live freely in Khaybar. According to an authentic report, the Prophet (PBUH) agreed to let the Jews stay in Khyber if they worked in agriculture, spent their own money on it, and gave the Muslims half of their harvest. Although the Muslims had the authority to expel them if they so desired, they did not.
It isn't about what means the Torah "instructs" - but the fact that it "commands" annihilation of non-Jews.
No, it doesn't.
You are clearly and only a radical Zionist - I might just as well discuss with a Nazi who denies the content of Mein Kampf
You are parading your ignorance.
Radicals like you only waste peoples time - Off you go into ignore
In other words, you don't like when your ignorance is challenged so you run and hide.
No, it doesn't.

You are parading your ignorance.

In other words, you don't like when your ignorance is challenged so you run and hide.

Abraham did not receive any of the land that he was shown by God. He purchased a small plot to bury Sarah his wife on, but did not receive more than that.

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