Israel war crimes: UNICEF: Israelis kill 447 Palestinian children in Gaza so far


"I feel I want to kill them"
"There will be Arabs, but they will be slaves"

American-Israeli "Ethan Klein" broke down while speaking about Palestinians killed by Israeli air strikes in Gaza as he co-hosted the Leftovers podcast on Thursday.

Why would UN workers shoot people?

I am not filling in the blanks.

But the assertion that Israeli soldiers wontonly and intentionally killed children seems far fetched to me. Yet, that is the assertion given the lack of any other information.
Israel claims to be fighting Hamas but they have already:

  • Killed 10 journalists
  • Killed 2000 people in Gaza (mostly women & children)
  • Ordered people to evacuate to South Gaza then slaughtered them

War crimes should be condemned.. and the criminal should be punished

Are you saying they intentionally targeted and killed 10 journalists ?

Or did 10 journalists (who could have left) chose to stay and wind up in the wrong place at the wrong time ?

There is a big difference.

Your information does not support your conclusion without more detail.
Children in Gaza suffer from panic attacks as a result of the heavy lsraeli bombing which hasn’t stopped for nine consecutive days in a clear war crime.

Russia still supplies gas to Ukraine
Israel cut off water, electricity & internet to Palestine

Russia evacuates children

Israel has bombed 700 children in Gaza thus far

But the media still lies, telling you:
Russia is an aggressor
Israel is defending itself
British attacked it then magically imported Jews from all over the world then suddenly they became a country.
Boy Have you got it wrong. The Brits were pro-Muslim, or at least anti-Jew. They were confiscating guns from the Jews while arming and training the Muslims. The Brits were putting every Jew they caught trying it immigrate to the nascent state of Israel in concentration camps in Cypress.
A Palestinian doctor receives the news of his son's tragic death as a result of an Israeli airstrike while the former is at work in a hospital in Gaza.

Russia still supplies gas to Ukraine
Israel cut off water, electricity & internet to Palestine

Russia evacuates children

Israel has bombed 700 children in Gaza thus far

But the media still lies, telling you:
Russia is an aggressor
Israel is defending itself
You mean Russia KIDNAPS children from their parents. Russia isn't supplying Ukraine with natural gas, it's using Ukranian pipelines to transport natural gas into Europe.
That is a crying shame if true!

It ought to be at least 447,000 by now.

To be born in Palestine is to be a terrorist.

They start them at 6 years old.
I bet this would be your reaction when 700 of children in your area are bombed within 8 days.

You support terrorist sate; which make you an assasin and a self-proclaimed child-killer..
I bet this would be your reaction when 700 of children in your area are bombed within 8 days.
Children in my area do not strap bombs to their chests nor carry AK-47s with the vow to kill all Jews on sight.

You support terrorist sate; which make you an assasin and a self-proclaimed child-killer..
Up yours with a rusty pitchfork. I support the exact opposite, which is why I can excuse whatever Israel does in defense of itself in response to the heinous attacks by Hamas.

Since neither Hamas nor Palestine will accept peace, the only path to peace now is their removal.

Palestine is like the petty thief who has been caught, arrested and prosecuted over and over then let free only to go on to harder and harder crimes. At some point you just have to admit there is just no reforming them and they are a lost cause.

You kick a pit-bull, don't act surprised when you get bit.
I bet this would be your reaction when 700 of children in your area are bombed within 8 days.

You support terrorist sate; which make you an assasin and a self-proclaimed child-killer..
Should we notify the thousands of Arabs serving in the IDF and Israeli government?

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