Israel war crimes: UNICEF: Israelis kill 447 Palestinian children in Gaza so far

The peopls of Palestine, then, included ALL the people of Palestine. Including the Jews.

What is called now "Palestinians" is highly inaccurate.
Except that the Jews were imported by the British after their invasion of Palestine.
Except that the Jews were imported by the British after their invasion of Palestine.

They built Jerusalem 3600 years before lucifer's minion muhamhead (piss be upon him in hell) created a cult of slavery, conquest, and death. Islime is a cancer upon the earth and palestinians are vermin.

I once sympathized with them because of Israel's heavy responses, but now I don't care if the jews purge the middle east of all mooselimb tumors. They fucked around and found out.
Supporters of Israel have posted images of Israeli children. Supporters of the Palestinians and HAMAS are posting images of children.


Peas in a pod anyone?
Israel abides by the Geneva Convention. Hamas does not.

Israel abides by hitting Hamas, and Hamas only targets.

Hamas has always put civilians as human shields hoping Israel will not target a certain building. Those buildings, be they schools, hospitals, mosques, etc, if they have Hamas operatives, bombs, ammunitions, etc are legal targets in a war.

There is no Hmmmm

Hamas does not care for its people. The Palestinians have cultivated this culture of death, where they will embrace death in order to "Free Palestine", which means the destruction of Israel.

Israel follows the Laws of War.

Hamas and all other terrorist groups do not.
Babies in incubators in Gaza had their life support turned off because the Israelis cut off the power:

Hospitals, overwhelmed by a constant stream of wounded and running out of supplies, have only a few days worth of fuel before their power cuts off, aid officials say.

“Without electricity, hospitals risk turning into morgues,” said Fabrizio Carboni, regional director of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Newborn incubators, kidney dialysis machines, X-ray equipment and more, are all dependent on power, he said.

Ambulance crews carrying bodies to the morgue at Gaza’s biggest hospital, Shifa, found no space left. Dozens of full body bags were lined up in the hospital parking lot. Fourteen health facilities have been damaged in strikes, health officials said Thursday.

"Palestinians use humans as shields"

Meanwhile the Israel Occupation Forces.......

Israel now has used white phosphorus to murder civilians in Gaza and Lebanon, putting civilians at risk of serious and long-term injuries.

White phosphorus causes excruciating burns and can set homes afire. Its use in populated areas is unlawful. - Human Rights Watch

Israeli military criminals told civilians living in northern Gaza to evacuate their homes and go to the south.

When people left towards the south, the Israeli fighter jets bombed them on the way killing more than 70 civilians.
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A total of 447 Palestinian children have been killed in airstrikes in Gaza so far.

UNICEF reports that this total is likely to rise as Israel strikes Gaza around the clock.

Over 2,800 lives have been claimed on both sides so far, while tensions across the region soar.

248 women are among the 1,417 killed in Israeli strikes.

Makes you wonder why ANYONE is still hanging around in Gaza.

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