Israel will obliterate Hamas and fully occupy Gaza

The respective Israeli government always knows exactly how to ensure, that peace will never happen in this area.
Professional troublemakers since 1200 BC, in this matter.
I don't disagree that a genocide may take place.

I don't think it's a good thing as you seem to though.
At this point kill anything that moves, leave one Palestinian alive as a specimen of savage barbaric animals with a fake identity and a fake name. Netanyahu warned all civilians to vacate before Gaza is turned into rubble, that is more than Palestinian animals would ever do.
Are you joking? The hardline RWNJs in Israel want to turn the place into a dictatorship. They may succeed in their country at what tRump failed to do here.
Obama also shipped a plane load of cash. Biden like his predecessor Obama is is a cork soaker and in bed with Iran’s mullahs. John Jerry is their pimp.
The respective Israeli government always knows exactly how to ensure, that peace will never happen in this area.
Professional troublemakers since 1200 BC, in this matter.
If you believe Hamas is essentially a CIA creation , any conflicts can be regulated . And always have been , certainly the last 50 years .
See similar CIA controls via Al-qaeda , ISIS , Antifa and BLM .
This dispute happens to switch attention from the bad loss of Ukraine by Washington and Kyiv .
Coincidence ?
It's sudden appeareance defies logical explanation .And apparent Israeli total unawareness is simply unbelievable and therefore not to be believed
It gives the US neocons another hot spot to practise their never ending war philosophy to generate huge incomes .
Or , it is an interim measure before totally committing to other plans in Africa .
It's unfortunate the US, and apparently Israel, lack leadership. How does this get by two of the most sophisticated intelligence communities on earth?
It's unfortunate the US, and apparently Israel, lack leadership. How does this get by two of the most sophisticated intelligence communities on earth?

Mossad has moved far right, CIA has moved far left. They are mostly political faction employees now.

The Israeli Far Right actually will benefit a lot from this. Later investigations might even show this to be an Israeli right wing version of a 'Reichstag' Fire'. Highly unusual for an agency with its breadth of operations in the ME to be totally blindsided by these trash, especially after 1973. No proof of these speculations, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it were discovered to be a deliberate intel failure.
They don't have to; the Iranians have driven most of the Arab world into an alliance with them.

Mossad has moved far right, CIA has moved far left. They are mostly political faction employees now.

The Israeli Far Right actually will benefit a lot from this. Later investigations might even show this to be an Israeli right wing version of a 'Reichstag' Fire'. Highly unusual for an agency with its breadth of operations in the ME to be totally blindsided by these trash, especially after 1973. No proof of these speculations, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it were discovered to be a deliberate intel failure.
I would certainly hope not. Thousands of Israeli citizens are being murdered in the streets.
Israel wants all the water, oil, and natural gas. They'll false flag their way to it one way or the other.
They could take all of that with ease at any moment. They havent done it for decades, so im going to have to reject your odd theory.
The respective Israeli government always knows exactly how to ensure, that peace will never happen in this area.
Professional troublemakers since 1200 BC, in this matter.
It looks like the Palestinians are the troublemakers this time. In fact, they are the troublemakers every time. Israel never attacks Palstine out of nowhere. That literally never happens. What does happen over and over again is Hamas targets Israeli civilians and then Israel responds.
Hamas thanks arms suppliers from Ukraine for supplying weapons used in the attack on Israel.
During the war in Syria, militants of various Islamist groups also actively used weapons supplied from Ukraine. The black market for weapons associated with the war in Ukraine will provide weapons for many more wars and conflicts, and Ukrainian arms suppliers will make a lot of money from it.
Hamas is stupid, I don't know what they can gain from this. At most, make Israelis feel 1% of what it's like to be Palestinian, probably less.

There is no way they can win this, or make the Israelis negotiate. Even with hostages.

On the other hand, Israel will commit genocide and Netanyahu even pretty much said so, although not in those words. If the Palestinians kill 600 Israelis, Israel will kill 50,000 Palestinians, at least, probably a lot more.
At this point kill anything that moves, leave one Palestinian alive as a specimen of savage barbaric animals with a fake identity and a fake name. Netanyahu warned all civilians to vacate before Gaza is turned into rubble, that is more than Palestinian animals would ever do.
YOu are a sick little monkey, ain't you.
This is only the first shoe to drop. Israel will retaliate and Hezbollah, Iran and Syria will enter the picture. From there we don’t know where this goes. Joe Biden, Obama and the rest of the Democrat party leadership are Iran’s slave masters. Obama shipped them billions in cash, and Biden just did the same, they lifted Iran’s sanctions and having been buying oil from Iran, giving the Mullahs of Iran hundreds of billions more to do what they just did via their proxy.

Do not forget, in their desperation to stay in power and create more voters, Biden and the Democrats have let in around 7 million illegals via Their open border policy. Rest assured Iran, Hamas, Syria, Hezbollah, Taliban have slipped in dozens of sleeper cells as a result of the Democrat created national suicide chaos at the border. They will be activated when Iran and Hezbollah enter the picture.


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