Israel will obliterate Hamas and fully occupy Gaza

YOu are a sick little monkey, ain't you.
Lefty Islamonazi lover said what?

We bombed Nazi Germany cities into rubble, Israel certainly has the right to do the same when Israeli civilians are being murdered by bloodthirsty Hamas Islamic Nazis that rule over Gaza.
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Actually it’s the Islmaonazis that cannot coexist.
Be careful that you don't start to laugh about your own ignorance.

Islam radicals only exist since the existence of Israel and the US having fucked up the Middle-East - right down to causing an Ayatollah, a Saddam and Osama bin Laden. Hezbollah was only created AFTER Israel had attacked Lebanon. The PLO was a kinder-garden compared to Hamas - the latter created due to Israels settlement policy and the PLO having been evicted to Tunisia.

The only friend Israel ever had, is gone - former Apartheid South-Africa.

Before Israel was founded - all the natives, just as in e.g. Europe had fought each other for millennia. Aside from the Christian Colonial Powers no one had an issue with Islam or e.g. Arabs. - aside the Ottomans. But hey EVERYONE had an issue with the Jewish People since their appearance in 1200 BC. - strange huh?

Every-time I confront a Jewish person with the question - why does antisemitism exist worldwide - I never get an answer. - strange huh?

You need to learn about the difference between a Zionist and other radical Jewish people - in comparison to "normal Jewish people and Israelis - and as to radicals like Hamas and Hezbollah to normal Palestinians and Lebanese or e.g. Iranians.

Pushing everybody into the same bucket is EXACTLY the primary reason as to the present Israel-Palestinian problem.
This is only the first shoe to drop. Israel will retaliate and Hezbollah, Iran and Syria will enter the picture. From there we don’t know where this goes. Joe Biden, Obama and the rest of the Democrat party leadership are Iran’s slave masters. Obama shipped them billions in cash, and Biden just did the same, they lifted Iran’s sanctions and having been buying oil from Iran, giving the Mullahs of Iran hundreds of billions more to do what they just did via their proxy.

Do not forget, in their desperation to stay in power and create more voters, Biden and the Democrats have let in around 7 million illegals via Their open border policy. Rest assured Iran, Hamas, Syria, Hezbollah, Taliban have slipped in dozens of sleeper cells as a result of the Democrat created national suicide chaos at the border. They will be activated when Iran and Hezbollah enter the picture.
Illegals cannot vote.

Be careful that you don't start to laugh about your own ignorance.

Islam radicals only exist since the existence of Israel and the US having fucked up the Middle-East - right down to causing an Ayatollah, a Saddam and Osama bin Laden. Hezbollah was only created AFTER Israel had attacked Lebanon. The PLO was a kinder-garden compared to Hamas - the latter created due to Israels settlement policy and the PLO having been evicted to Tunisia.

The only friend Israel ever had, is gone - former Apartheid South-Africa.

Before Israel was founded - all the natives, just as in e.g. Europe had fought each other for millennia. Aside from the Christian Colonial Powers no one had an issue with Islam or e.g. Arabs. - aside the Ottomans. But hey EVERYONE had an issue with the Jewish People since their appearance in 1200 BC. - strange huh?

Every-time I confront a Jewish person with the question - why does antisemitism exist worldwide - I never get an answer. - strange huh?

You need to learn about the difference between a Zionist and other radical Jewish people - in comparison to "normal Jewish people and Israelis - and as to radicals like Hamas and Hezbollah to normal Palestinians and Lebanese or e.g. Iranians.

Pushing everybody into the same bucket is EXACTLY the primary reason as to the present Israel-Palestinian problem.
Nah, repeating garbage blood libel lies against Jews won’t cut it. You are an antisemite pretending to be otherwise. Hezbollah and Hamas are Iran’s proxy armies. Hamas was directed by Iran to do this because Israel and Saudi Arabia were getting close to a peace deal. You are the ignorant one that doesn’t know that Sunni‘s and Shiites hate each other far more than they do Jews.
Lefty Islamonazi lover said what?

We bombed Nazi Germany cities into rubble, Israel certainly has the right to do the same when Israeli civilians are being murdered by bloodthirsty Hamas Islamic Nazis that rule over Gaza.

Dude said "Islamonazi"!!!

Fucking dumbass, lol

Dude said "Islamonazi"!!!

Fucking dumbass, lol
Yes, Islamist Nazi ties go back to Nazi Germany, ignoramus. Actually it’s the foundation for the mess in the Middle East today.

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. “Hitler’s Mufti,” as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
It looks like the Palestinians are the troublemakers this time. In fact, they are the troublemakers every time.
You thought that Palestinians aka their radicals will simply accept Israels settlement policy and the "annexation" of East-Jerusalem?
The Palestinians were never troublemakers - before the State of Israel simply annexed their lands and belongings via declaring independence ahead of the UN agreement. Israel decided to take it's chances in 1948 - and since then they are also paying the price for it.
Israel never attacks Palstine out of nowhere. That literally never happens. What does happen over and over again is Hamas targets Israeli civilians and then Israel responds.
If you kick out people - then you shouldn't complain about stones flying back at you - since Palestinian stones are usually answered by IAF gunfire - Palestinians aka radicals also want to shot back - it's called the spiral of escalating violence.

I personally pity any one that presently gets wounded, killed or is running off in fear of his life. You believe that any side is finally going to learn it's lesson? The harder Israel now pushes back the worse the future will get.
Not a single thing coming out of a Lefties mouth can be trusted.

Just remember, when God forbid a Hamas or Hezbollah cell kills hundreds of thousands of Americans, it was because of idiot Biden and Democrat policies.
city only. Also permanent residents. not illegals.

Try again. Illegals still cannot vote.
Yes, Islamist Nazi ties go back to Nazi Germany, ignoramus. Actually it’s the foundation for the mess in the Middle East today.

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. “Hitler’s Mufti,” as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
The foundation for the mess in the middle east is what the allies did after the war.

But I do recognize your pathological need to paint arabs as bad.
And then off to Europe to destroy Europe, the Zionist plan.
Was it a Zionist plan to allows tens of millions of Muslims into Europe harboring radical Islamic ideas and lifestyle into Europe? Look at the mess France, Germany, Denmark, Finland etc is in with these people. ;cuckoo:
city only. Also permanent residents. not illegals.

Try again. Illegals still cannot vote.
Permanent residents (many of which started out as illegals) are not citizens, dufus. You can’t admit that you were wrong. This is national suicide, sponsored by Democrats, who always hated America anyhow. No wonder they support Islamonazis.

Noncitizen suffrage elections​

As of June 2023, the District of Columbia and municipalities in three states allowed noncitizens to vote in some or all local elections: California, Maryland, and Vermont.
Trump? WTF?
Funny part is Biden reversed all of Trump’s policies towards Palestinians, including billions in supposed U.S. aid which was going straight into Hamas’ pockets to do what they just did. How stupid and ignorant are these people.

Of course it is because they are pandering to Muslim / Arab Americans for votes. When you have Ilhan Omar, Talib and Rashida as prominent members of the Democrat party what do you expect.
The foundation for the mess in the middle east is what the allies did after the war.

But I do recognize your pathological need to paint arabs as bad.
So you mean Europeans caused this mess? What a surprise. Nobody is painting Arabs as anything, just stating the historical facts that you seem to be ignorant of. Look up the Mufti and see who he was and what he did.

Remember Israel made peace with many Arab country, thanks to the Trump Abraham accords. All Biden has brought is war, death, misery and projected weakness all over the world. All of America‘s enemies and adversaries are on the march and have untied. Including Iran and Hamas.
You thought that Palestinians aka their radicals will simply accept Israels settlement policy and the "annexation" of East-Jerusalem?
The Palestinians were never troublemakers - before the State of Israel simply annexed their lands and belongings via declaring independence ahead of the UN agreement. Israel decided to take it's chances in 1948 - and since then they are also paying the price for it.

If you kick out people - then you shouldn't complain about stones flying back at you - since Palestinian stones are usually answered by IAF gunfire - Palestinians aka radicals also want to shot back - it's called the spiral of escalating violence.

I personally pity any one that presently gets wounded, killed or is running off in fear of his life. You believe that any side is finally going to learn it's lesson? The harder Israel now pushes back the worse the future will get.
They need to be eradicated or pushed into other nations now. The Gaza Strip will be 100% Israeli controlled because of this attack.

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