Israel Wins! Hamas Thrown Under Bus by Muslim Neighbors


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Israel Wins! Hamas Thrown Under Bus by Muslim Neighbors

Egyptian TV Hosts Slam Hamas Leaders: We Are Sick and Tired of You

From their own lips, if you can believe the interpretations.

Hamas loses based on how this plays.

Israel wins BIG!

You probably won't see this on your MSNBC stations.
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Israel Wins! Hamas Thrown Under Bus by Muslim Neighbors

Egyptian TV Hosts Slam Hamas Leaders: We Are Sick and Tired of You

From their own lips, if you can believe the interpretations.

Hamas loses based on how this plays.

Israel wins BIG!

You probably won't see this on your MSNBC stations.
Egyptians saw the light when the Hamas-niks tried an Islamic takeover of Egypt.

Hamas is now considered a terror organization and all Muslim Brotherhood animals were thrown in jail.
I've been saying so for years... that the rest of the nearby Arabs... indeed, much of the Ummah worldwide... has had a bellyful of the Palestinians, in general, and Hamas, in particular... and that no Arab cavalry was coming over the hill this time, to bail-out their sorry, dumb asses.
Clearly you know nothing about Egyptian politics Kondor.

The Sisi administration came about through an illegal US supported coup, after which they outlawed, imprisoned and sentenced to death thousands of supporters of the legal Egyptian government.

If the legal government were still in power Israel would be facing down a very angry Egypt.
As it stands, the US kindly helped to put a pro-Israel group into power, for the price of only a few thousand Egyptian lives.

US dollars, hard at work.
Clearly you know nothing about Egyptian politics Kondor. The Sisi administration came about through an illegal US supported coup, after which they outlawed, imprisoned and sentenced to death thousands of supporters of the legal Egyptian government. If the legal government were still in power Israel would be facing down a very angry Egypt. As it stands, the US kindly helped to put a pro-Israel group into power, for the price of only a few thousand Egyptian lives. US dollars, hard at work.
I know enough about Egyptian politics to understand that the People of Egypt came to realize that they'd made a mistake, and that they could not tolerate the Muslim Brotherhood Mouthpiece to remain in office for his entire term. So the People of Egypt rose up and protested the autocratic changes taking place in their country, and the Army, as Guardian of the Secular State, immediately sided with the People, and drove the miserable little Islamist pissant from office, before he could attain a dictatorship of the Brotherhood.
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Here is the Egyptian History-Politics for dummies,
Egypt protests against Morsi, which is a convicted criminal.
The Muslim Brotherhood - Hamas affiliates - attempt to seize power over Egypt the Army got involved and removed them, now they are Terrorist organization in Egypt.
Meanwhile in elections General Sisi won 94%(something like that) and become president of Egypt.
Sisi is favored by US and Israel for being NON-RADICAL leader, experienced military person with huge support from the Egyptians, the Arab Spring at its best.
The fact they are pro-Israeli only make it even better since the Muslim Brotherhood CALLED FOR WAR against Israel when they hope to seize power, but now they are dead.
So maybe you suggest America and Israel are both criminals? uhm..interesting case, go ahead sue us.
Military coup. Supported by America.
But not INITIATED by America, and there's the critical difference.

The scum-sucking Muslim Brotherhood gets its ass kicked, after trying to convert the Egyptian Republic into a Sharia -driven dictatorship?

What's not to like?

We eventually supported the move?

Damned straight.
A bad government voted in is a bad government.
An overthrown government is illegal.

As to how much there was outside intervention in the events, we can only speculate, but governments that the US don't like tend to not stick around too long.

So yes. Israel is supported by the illegal administration of Sisi, the US lickspittle.
And you think you have some sort of victory because your enemy is his enemy?

Hahaha! :D:D
A bad government voted in is a bad government. An overthrown government is illegal. As to how much there was outside intervention in the events, we can only speculate, but governments that the US don't like tend to not stick around too long. So yes. Israel is supported by the illegal administration of Sisi, the US lickspittle. And you think you have some sort of victory because your enemy is his enemy? Hahaha! :D:D
Another pretty speech, signifying nothing. A democratically elected government that betrays its constituency and quickly maneuvers a republic towards theocratic autocracy is too dangerous to be allowed to live and foregoes its legitimacy the moment it betrays that constituency. The Brotherhood and its Hamas bastard offspring are on the run.
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Yeah, like that victory we had in Iraq when Saddam fell? :lmao:
The difference being, in this case, that the Egyptian People decided they did not want to be maneuvered down the path to Shariah -driven theocratic autocracy, and, backed by the Army, they threw the nasty, treacherous bastards out of office themselves, rather than us going in there to do the job. Now that's a 'victory' that stands a decent chance of enduring.
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So Egypt is going to throw Hamas out of Palestine? :lol:
Are you experiencing 'associative' difficulties? How does Egypt ejecting its Muslim Brotherhood scum lead-to or equate-to Egypt throwing Hamas out of Palestine? By what gawdawful malfunctioning stretch of illogic did you arrive at that particularly disconnected conclusion? Do you even understand that one does not ipso facto lead to the other? Non sequitur. Look it up. And take a remedial class in logic, for audit.
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It's not hard, dude. The OP is basically saying that because Egypt has spoken out against Hamas that this is a win for Israel. But it's not. It's simply propaganda to support the Israeli cause, even if that's not what Egypt is saying. Have fun with that whole "we win 'cause Egypt has spoken!" thing.
It's not hard, dude. The OP is basically saying that because Egypt has spoken out against Hamas that this is a win for Israel. But it's not. It's simply propaganda to support the Israeli cause, even if that's not what Egypt is saying. Have fun with that whole "we win 'cause Egypt has spoken!" thing.
No. The Israelis won because they kicked Hamas ass, from one side of Gaza to the other. Post facto commentaries such as that we see in the OP are merely icing on the cake... not the cause of the win... but a confirmation of the evil nature of Israel's enemy, by another former enemy who now knows better. A 'win' on the propaganda front, to be sure, and the extent of what the OP was trying to illustrate.
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Clearly you know nothing about Egyptian politics Kondor.

The Sisi administration came about through an illegal US supported coup, after which they outlawed, imprisoned and sentenced to death thousands of supporters of the legal Egyptian government.

If the legal government were still in power Israel would be facing down a very angry Egypt.
As it stands, the US kindly helped to put a pro-Israel group into power, for the price of only a few thousand Egyptian lives.

US dollars, hard at work.

Do you miss Morsi "Kill The Jews"?
Aw! :eusa_boohoo:
It's not hard, dude. The OP is basically saying that because Egypt has spoken out against Hamas that this is a win for Israel. But it's not. It's simply propaganda to support the Israeli cause, even if that's not what Egypt is saying. Have fun with that whole "we win 'cause Egypt has spoken!" thing.

As though Israel needs Egypt to win anything.

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