Israel Wins! Hamas Thrown Under Bus by Muslim Neighbors

Military coup. Supported by America.
Actually ignoramus, you got your history ass backwards, as usual. It was president Obama that forcefully and prematurely pushed Mubarak out of office. The Muslim Brotherhood who said they weren't interested in political office (same as Khomeini in Iran) then brought forth their own candidate. Once in office, they attempted an Islamic takeover by changing the constitution and taking away people's basic rights.

Lucky for the Egyptians, the military is a separate branch of govt. and once they saw the danger, they moved quickly to remove the cancer of Islamism that was going to infect their country. Since then, all Muslim Brotherhood members have been sidelined and put in jail, and Hamas has been labeled as a terrorist organization. :clap2:

Of course, all this upsets the current president and his administration, because he was hoping for Egypt to turn into yet another Islamist shithole.
Yeah, like that victory we had in Iraq when Saddam fell? :lmao:
The difference being, in this case, that the Egyptian People decided they did not want to be maneuvered down the path to Shariah -driven theocratic autocracy, and, backed by the Army, they threw the nasty, treacherous bastards out of office themselves, rather than us going in there to do the job. Now that's a 'victory' that stands a decent chance of enduring.

This isn't the first time Egypt banned the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Muslim Brotherhood started as a religious social organization: preaching Islam, teaching the illiterate, setting up hospitals and even launching commercial enterprises.

As its influence grew, it began to oppose British rule in Egypt, starting in 1936.[22]

Many Egyptian nationalists accuse the Muslim Brotherhood of violent killings during this period.[23] After the Arab defeat in the First Arab-Israeli war, the Egyptian government dissolved the organization and arrested its members.[22]

The Muslim Brotherhood supported the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, but after being implicated in an attempted assassination of Egypt's president it was once again banned and repressed.[24]

The Muslim Brotherhood has been suppressed in other countries as well, most notably in Syria in 1982 during the Hama massacre.[25]

Muslim Brotherhood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's not hard, dude. The OP is basically saying that because Egypt has spoken out against Hamas that this is a win for Israel. But it's not. It's simply propaganda to support the Israeli cause, even if that's not what Egypt is saying. Have fun with that whole "we win 'cause Egypt has spoken!" thing.

In the Palestinian game they play without fail, presenting a solid front of all Arabs and Muslims is vitally important.

The Palestinian argument has little else to rest upon.

To lose Egypt's support is a chink in the Palestinian's game plan.

They can't possibly win this round and they know it.

Israel wins BIG!
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Israel Wins! Hamas Thrown Under Bus by Muslim Neighbors

Egyptian TV Hosts Slam Hamas Leaders: We Are Sick and Tired of You

From their own lips, if you can believe the interpretations.

Hamas loses based on how this plays.

Israel wins BIG!

You probably won't see this on your MSNBC stations.

Making the military dictator happy, no doubt. He will end up like Mubarek soon enough.
Israel Wins! Hamas Thrown Under Bus by Muslim Neighbors

Egyptian TV Hosts Slam Hamas Leaders: We Are Sick and Tired of You

From their own lips, if you can believe the interpretations.

Hamas loses based on how this plays.

Israel wins BIG!

You probably won't see this on your MSNBC stations.

Making the military dictator happy, no doubt. He will end up like Mubarek soon enough.
Better a military leader who's a patriot and loves his country and people, than an Islamic dirtbag who doesn't give a rat's ass about anything, and is willing to destroy both his country and his people to further the cause if Isssssslam.
Israel Wins! Hamas Thrown Under Bus by Muslim Neighbors

Egyptian TV Hosts Slam Hamas Leaders: We Are Sick and Tired of You

From their own lips, if you can believe the interpretations.

Hamas loses based on how this plays.

Israel wins BIG!

You probably won't see this on your MSNBC stations.

Making the military dictator happy, no doubt. He will end up like Mubarek soon enough.

As usual, you are dead right! The Right Wing Hacks on this board can only see the present and hope and pray that the old military Dictatorships and the Saudi Kings who are trembling in their gilded palaces as the ME populations support more and more radicalism as the Arab Spring grinds on...They are the primary targets, Israel is next on the agenda, resistance to the West and more 9/11's for America for re-arming Israel...

Sickening, that's what I see!
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...As usual, you are dead right! The Right Wing Hacks on this board can only see the present and hope and pray that the old military Dictatorships and the Saudi Kings who are trembling in their gilded palaces as the ME populations support more and more radicalism as the Arab Spring grinds on...They are the primary targets, Israel is next on the agenda, resistance to the West and more 9/11's for America for re-arming Israel... Sickening, that's what I see!
If there is another 9-11, our response will be swift, savage and complete within a matter of hours after we are hit, and will make our assaults upon Afghanistan and Iraq look like ice cream socials by comparison.

Our adversaries know this about us now.

The United States does does not permit 7th Century Neanderthals to dictate to it, whom it may befriend and ally-with, and whom it may not.
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...As usual, you are dead right! The Right Wing Hacks on this board can only see the present and hope and pray that the old military Dictatorships and the Saudi Kings who are trembling in their gilded palaces as the ME populations support more and more radicalism as the Arab Spring grinds on...They are the primary targets, Israel is next on the agenda, resistance to the West and more 9/11's for America for re-arming Israel... Sickening, that's what I see!
If there is another 9-11, our response will be swift, savage and complete within a matter of hours after we are hit, and will make our assaults upon Afghanistan and Iraq look like ice cream socials by comparison.

Our adversaries know this about us now.

The United States does does not permit 7th Century Neanderthals to dictate to it, whom it may befriend and ally-with, and whom it may not.

Obama does.
...As usual, you are dead right! The Right Wing Hacks on this board can only see the present and hope and pray that the old military Dictatorships and the Saudi Kings who are trembling in their gilded palaces as the ME populations support more and more radicalism as the Arab Spring grinds on...They are the primary targets, Israel is next on the agenda, resistance to the West and more 9/11's for America for re-arming Israel... Sickening, that's what I see!
If there is another 9-11, our response will be swift, savage and complete within a matter of hours after we are hit, and will make our assaults upon Afghanistan and Iraq look like ice cream socials by comparison.

Our adversaries know this about us now.

The United States does does not permit 7th Century Neanderthals to dictate to it, whom it may befriend and ally-with, and whom it may not.

Obama does.
Only until January 20, 2017.
If there is another 9-11, our response will be swift, savage and complete within a matter of hours after we are hit, and will make our assaults upon Afghanistan and Iraq look like ice cream socials by comparison.

Our adversaries know this about us now.

The United States does does not permit 7th Century Neanderthals to dictate to it, whom it may befriend and ally-with, and whom it may not.

Obama does.
Only until January 20, 2017.

Lots of time for him to finish executing his plans for the fundamental transformation of America.
...As usual, you are dead right! The Right Wing Hacks on this board can only see the present and hope and pray that the old military Dictatorships and the Saudi Kings who are trembling in their gilded palaces as the ME populations support more and more radicalism as the Arab Spring grinds on...They are the primary targets, Israel is next on the agenda, resistance to the West and more 9/11's for America for re-arming Israel... Sickening, that's what I see!
If there is another 9-11, our response will be swift, savage and complete within a matter of hours after we are hit, and will make our assaults upon Afghanistan and Iraq look like ice cream socials by comparison.

Our adversaries know this about us now.

The United States does does not permit 7th Century Neanderthals to dictate to it, whom it may befriend and ally-with, and whom it may not.

Ah, Limpy the Jingoist talking out of his Ass again, calling a 1/4 of Humanity Neanderthals just like the old British Empire split, kill and maim...But like the Brits, Israel will pay the price...All the pieces that hold the American Empire are falling one by one because Israel has done a lot of killing and maiming for decades upon decades... They will pay the price when all American paid allies fall from the ME!

Saudi Arabian Officials Are Worried About ISIS - Business Insider

Saudi Arabia is calling on its allies, Egypt and Pakistan, to provide military assistance in keeping its border closed to militants that have already taken over vast swaths of Iraq and Syria, The London Times reports.

"The kingdom is calling in favors from Egypt and Pakistan," an adviser to the Saudi government told The Times. "No one is certain what ISIS has planned, but it’s clear a group like this will target Mecca if it can. We expect them to run out of steam, but no one is taking any chances."

Read more: Saudi Arabian Officials Are Worried About ISIS - Business Insider
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...As usual, you are dead right! The Right Wing Hacks on this board can only see the present and hope and pray that the old military Dictatorships and the Saudi Kings who are trembling in their gilded palaces as the ME populations support more and more radicalism as the Arab Spring grinds on...They are the primary targets, Israel is next on the agenda, resistance to the West and more 9/11's for America for re-arming Israel... Sickening, that's what I see!
If there is another 9-11, our response will be swift, savage and complete within a matter of hours after we are hit, and will make our assaults upon Afghanistan and Iraq look like ice cream socials by comparison.

Our adversaries know this about us now.

The United States does does not permit 7th Century Neanderthals to dictate to it, whom it may befriend and ally-with, and whom it may not.

Ah, Limpy the Jingoist talking out of his Ass again, calling a 1/4 of Humanity Neanderthals just like the old British Empire split, kill and maim...But like the Brits, Israel will pay the price...All the pieces that hold the American Empire are falling one by one because Israel has done a lot of killing and maiming for decades upon decades... They will pay the price when all American paid allies fall from the ME! ...
Pea-Balls... Arab ass-kissers like yourself... fifth-columnists, really... don't get much traction in the Real World, beyond the realm of the Blogosphere.

And we're all really, really intimidated by your Chicken-Little "The Sky is Falling" comedy routine.

I've called it the way it is.

The United States of America does not permit 7th Century Neanderthals to dictate to it, whom it may befriend, and whom it may ally with.

It is obvious that you would be content, were it otherwise.

Such virulent anti-Americanism is bad seed that falls upon the fertile ground of your countrymen's consciousness, but that bad seed never produces a viable yield.

Except amongst the disaffected and the angry-at-the-world types and the self-haters and weaklings, and they don't really count for much.
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If there is another 9-11, our response will be swift, savage and complete within a matter of hours after we are hit, and will make our assaults upon Afghanistan and Iraq look like ice cream socials by comparison.

Our adversaries know this about us now.

The United States does does not permit 7th Century Neanderthals to dictate to it, whom it may befriend and ally-with, and whom it may not.

Ah, Limpy the Jingoist talking out of his Ass again, calling a 1/4 of Humanity Neanderthals just like the old British Empire split, kill and maim...But like the Brits, Israel will pay the price...All the pieces that hold the American Empire are falling one by one because Israel has done a lot of killing and maiming for decades upon decades... They will pay the price when all American paid allies fall from the ME! ...
Pea-Balls... Arab ass-kissers like yourself... fifth-columnists, really... don't get much traction in the Real World, beyond the realm of the Blogosphere.

And we're all really, really intimidated by your Chicken-Little "The Sky is Falling" comedy routine.

I've called it the way it is.

The United States of America does not permit 7th Century Neanderthals to dictate to it, whom it may befriend, and whom it may ally with.

It is obvious that you would be content, were it otherwise.

Such virulent anti-Americanism is bad seed that falls upon the fertile ground of your countrymen's consciousness, but that bad seed never produces a viable yield.

Except amongst the disaffected and the angry-at-the-world types and the self-haters and weaklings, and they don't really count for much.

Face it Limpy, not only are you boring, but you have no sense of History...Islam has been asleep because Political Development has been stymied by the West and its corrupt rulers...If you can't see that the Dynamics have changed because Islam's People are far more Radical than their Dictators...The Arab Spring is a result and Democracy will make a comeback, and the West will no longer die for Israel...
...Face it Limpy, not only are you boring, but you have no sense of History...Islam has been asleep because Political Development has been stymied by the West and its corrupt rulers...
Only partial truth, Pea-Balls... Islam has been asleep because it exhausted its conquering energy and quickly fell into a dissipated and degenerate state which allowed weak outside adventurers to rush into the power vacuum, and to subvert their squabbling petty warlords, and to steal their resources and outputs, and to grow strong feeding upon their weakened condition.

...If you can't see that the Dynamics have changed because Islam's People are far more Radical than their Dictators...
Oh, there's no doubt that we face a Reawakening and Resurgent Islam.

There is no disagreement between us on that score.

What separates us is the desire to concede the playing field, on the one hand, versus standing our ground like men, and not giving in to worries and fear, on the other.

...The Arab Spring is a result and Democracy will make a comeback...
Oh, there was, indeed, some hope throughout the world, that this so-called Arab Spring would bring a modicum of Democracy to the Arab world.

A delightful and foolhardy fancy and indulgence, apparently, based upon Reality.

Your optimism in this vein is laudable, albeit a bit comedic, in a tragic sort of way.

...and the West will no longer die for Israel...
The West has died for Israel in the past?

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