Biden Administration Can't Be Sued For Pressuring Social Media Companies To Remove Misinformation, SCOTUS Ruling/

Unless the social media outlets tell us under pressure of wha,t how do we know, we do know they told them to take down content they didn't like
Aside from "jawboning" I don't see that Alito could find any "strongarming." The WH reminded them of anti-trust, but I don't want all of the media to parrot the same story. But I don't see a concrete threat to do something strictly to punish Facebook for not towing the admin line.

And for god's sake, do you think Reagan's admin didn't complaint to the medial about coverage? Election denial was a smaller facet to the plaintiffs' complaints, but mainly it was about vaccines, covid and masks.

But if any admin actually takes steps to shut down social media that make efforts to vet the "expert" opinion, then ..... well, it sounds Nixonian.

Wasn't it proven there were govt agents working at these places making decisions on what was censored
Not really and the people behind the ruling had nothing that connected anything the government did to anything that happened to them on social media.
Misinformation is what democrats call facts that hurt their narrative. Kinda like how dems only apply rules to opponents.
If a site says Biden eats kittens,I don’t need that censored on my behalf. It’s an insult . That example may be extreme but libs would finesse the hell out if it for any fact or suggestion they don’t like
Before I even read the article I guessed correctly who dissented. Alito and Thomas are givens since they are ideologues in the worst sense of the word, disrespectful of the law. Gorsuch isn't far behind.
Pretty sure there was solid evidence of such
That's an opinion piece.

But there's no debate that biden officials were talking to Facebook and Twitter, which were the platforms (you tube too maybe) mainly discussed. The govt has an interest in making sure Americans are not misinformed about a medical issue.
That's an opinion piece.

But there's no debate that biden officials were talking to Facebook and Twitter, which were the platforms (you tube too maybe) mainly discussed. The govt has an interest in making sure Americans are not misinformed about a medical issue.
BS. Govt was the main pimp of misinfo

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