Israeli Army Forces Enter Gaza, Open Fire On Palestinian Farmers

montelatici, et al,

The people of Palestine have been ruled by external sovereign authority for a thousand years.

Why should a people invaded by people from another continent agree to be ruled by the invaders?
  • The Jewish people didn't invade, they immigrated.
  • The Jewish immigrated to the Jewish National Home as established by the Allied Powers in 1920.
  • The Jewish did not seek agreement from the Arabs.
  • The Jewish People exercised their right of self-determination under the "Steps Preparatory to Independence" as established by the cognizant authority (the United Nations).
  • The Arab Palestinian declined to help in the rule of the Mandated Territory:
    • Declined to establish an Arab Agency.
    • Declined to participate in the Partition Planning.
The decisions made all those decades ago, were made by those that participated in process. In the "Question of Palestine" --- the People do not have government by the majority; but rather --- have government by the majority who participate. The Arab Palestinian was offered several opportunities over sever decades to participate and they declined to exercise their "inalienable rights." However the Jewish People took advantage of those rights.

You have not legitimate grievance to the outcome of government if you don't participate.

Most Respectfully,
  • The Jewish people didn't invade, they immigrated.
No they didn't.

Yes they did. You have no idea what an invasion is.
You simply cannot admit this because it destroys your agenda.
I recommend you go debate another issue, because your grasp on this conflict is terrible.
You have no idea what immigration is.
funny how they can shoot and bully kids around but not go to Syria and fight the ISIS terrorists.
Bad arab karma, indeed.
I'm talking about the IDF.
Obsessing with it is, indeed, part of the bad arab karma too.
Don't quote half my sentence.
So, where's the other half of it? Did the iron dome blew it up?

Your right but you knew that comment was about the IDF's. So here I'll rephrase:

Funny how the IDF can bully and shoot kids and not go to Syria and fight the ISIS terrorists.

Why should they go into Syria? If they did, you'd take the side of ISIS, and you know it.

If the kids are attack soldiers, then they need shot.

How about you stop your kids from attacking soldiers?
montelatici, et al,

The people of Palestine have been ruled by external sovereign authority for a thousand years.

Why should a people invaded by people from another continent agree to be ruled by the invaders?
  • The Jewish people didn't invade, they immigrated.
  • The Jewish immigrated to the Jewish National Home as established by the Allied Powers in 1920.
  • The Jewish did not seek agreement from the Arabs.
  • The Jewish People exercised their right of self-determination under the "Steps Preparatory to Independence" as established by the cognizant authority (the United Nations).
  • The Arab Palestinian declined to help in the rule of the Mandated Territory:
    • Declined to establish an Arab Agency.
    • Declined to participate in the Partition Planning.
The decisions made all those decades ago, were made by those that participated in process. In the "Question of Palestine" --- the People do not have government by the majority; but rather --- have government by the majority who participate. The Arab Palestinian was offered several opportunities over sever decades to participate and they declined to exercise their "inalienable rights." However the Jewish People took advantage of those rights.

You have not legitimate grievance to the outcome of government if you don't participate.

Most Respectfully,
  • The Jewish people didn't invade, they immigrated.
No they didn't.

Yes they did. You have no idea what an invasion is.
You simply cannot admit this because it destroys your agenda.
I recommend you go debate another issue, because your grasp on this conflict is terrible.
You have no idea what immigration is.

Then tell me what it is.
When did the Palestinian's inalienable rights expire?

Give me a date.
May 15, 1948.

The day of the Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948.

The day they ran, rather than stand their ground and fight for themselves.

Use 'em or lose 'em.

For all intents and purposes, any snowball's chance-in-hell that they ever had, of actually becoming a country, evaporated on that very day.

Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

A cowardice that we still see today, as Palestinian fighters continue to hide behind the skirts of their women and children.

They got the destiny they chose for themselves, by running like rabbits.


"He who pisses his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day."
You total the time you mention the Jewish Terrorist Organizations were murdering Palestinians wholesale...and driving them deliberately out of their homes and towns.........Slaughtering innocent women,children and babies maybe your idea of strength but not to more educated people,but as you are a Dumb Bastard it merely shows you ignorance Big Time
montelatici, et al,

The people of Palestine have been ruled by external sovereign authority for a thousand years.

Why should a people invaded by people from another continent agree to be ruled by the invaders?
  • The Jewish people didn't invade, they immigrated.
  • The Jewish immigrated to the Jewish National Home as established by the Allied Powers in 1920.
  • The Jewish did not seek agreement from the Arabs.
  • The Jewish People exercised their right of self-determination under the "Steps Preparatory to Independence" as established by the cognizant authority (the United Nations).
  • The Arab Palestinian declined to help in the rule of the Mandated Territory:
    • Declined to establish an Arab Agency.
    • Declined to participate in the Partition Planning.
The decisions made all those decades ago, were made by those that participated in process. In the "Question of Palestine" --- the People do not have government by the majority; but rather --- have government by the majority who participate. The Arab Palestinian was offered several opportunities over sever decades to participate and they declined to exercise their "inalienable rights." However the Jewish People took advantage of those rights.

You have not legitimate grievance to the outcome of government if you don't participate.

Most Respectfully,
  • The Jewish people didn't invade, they immigrated.
No they didn't.

Yes they did. You have no idea what an invasion is.
You simply cannot admit this because it destroys your agenda.
I recommend you go debate another issue, because your grasp on this conflict is terrible.
You have no idea what immigration is.

Then tell me what it is.
This is the US version but it could be universally applied.
IMMIGRANT: In popular usage, an "immigrant" is generally understood to be a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence. Under this definition, therefore, an "immigrant" is an alien admitted to the U.S. as a lawful permanent resident. The emphasis in this definition is upon the presumptions that (1) the immigrant followed U.S. laws and procedures in establishing residence in our country; (2) he or she wishes to reside here permanently; and (3) he or she swears allegiance to our country or at least solemnly affirms that he/she will observe and respect our laws and our Constitution.

ALIEN: By contrast, an "alien" is generally understood to be a foreigner -- a person who comes from a foreign country -- who does not owe allegiance to our country.

Definitions Alien Immigrant Illegal Alien Undocumented Immigrant
The Zionist imports fit which one of these definitions?
montelatici, et al,

The people of Palestine have been ruled by external sovereign authority for a thousand years.

  • The Jewish people didn't invade, they immigrated.
  • The Jewish immigrated to the Jewish National Home as established by the Allied Powers in 1920.
  • The Jewish did not seek agreement from the Arabs.
  • The Jewish People exercised their right of self-determination under the "Steps Preparatory to Independence" as established by the cognizant authority (the United Nations).
  • The Arab Palestinian declined to help in the rule of the Mandated Territory:
    • Declined to establish an Arab Agency.
    • Declined to participate in the Partition Planning.
The decisions made all those decades ago, were made by those that participated in process. In the "Question of Palestine" --- the People do not have government by the majority; but rather --- have government by the majority who participate. The Arab Palestinian was offered several opportunities over sever decades to participate and they declined to exercise their "inalienable rights." However the Jewish People took advantage of those rights.

You have not legitimate grievance to the outcome of government if you don't participate.

Most Respectfully,
  • The Jewish people didn't invade, they immigrated.
No they didn't.

Yes they did. You have no idea what an invasion is.
You simply cannot admit this because it destroys your agenda.
I recommend you go debate another issue, because your grasp on this conflict is terrible.
You have no idea what immigration is.

Then tell me what it is.
This is the US version but it could be universally applied.
IMMIGRANT: In popular usage, an "immigrant" is generally understood to be a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence. Under this definition, therefore, an "immigrant" is an alien admitted to the U.S. as a lawful permanent resident. The emphasis in this definition is upon the presumptions that (1) the immigrant followed U.S. laws and procedures in establishing residence in our country; (2) he or she wishes to reside here permanently; and (3) he or she swears allegiance to our country or at least solemnly affirms that he/she will observe and respect our laws and our Constitution.

ALIEN: By contrast, an "alien" is generally understood to be a foreigner -- a person who comes from a foreign country -- who does not owe allegiance to our country.

Definitions Alien Immigrant Illegal Alien Undocumented Immigrant
The Zionist imports fit which one of these definitions?
What is your point, Tinmope?
montelatici, et al,

The people of Palestine have been ruled by external sovereign authority for a thousand years.

  • The Jewish people didn't invade, they immigrated.
  • The Jewish immigrated to the Jewish National Home as established by the Allied Powers in 1920.
  • The Jewish did not seek agreement from the Arabs.
  • The Jewish People exercised their right of self-determination under the "Steps Preparatory to Independence" as established by the cognizant authority (the United Nations).
  • The Arab Palestinian declined to help in the rule of the Mandated Territory:
    • Declined to establish an Arab Agency.
    • Declined to participate in the Partition Planning.
The decisions made all those decades ago, were made by those that participated in process. In the "Question of Palestine" --- the People do not have government by the majority; but rather --- have government by the majority who participate. The Arab Palestinian was offered several opportunities over sever decades to participate and they declined to exercise their "inalienable rights." However the Jewish People took advantage of those rights.

You have not legitimate grievance to the outcome of government if you don't participate.

Most Respectfully,
  • The Jewish people didn't invade, they immigrated.
No they didn't.

Yes they did. You have no idea what an invasion is.
You simply cannot admit this because it destroys your agenda.
I recommend you go debate another issue, because your grasp on this conflict is terrible.
You have no idea what immigration is.

Then tell me what it is.
This is the US version but it could be universally applied.
IMMIGRANT: In popular usage, an "immigrant" is generally understood to be a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence. Under this definition, therefore, an "immigrant" is an alien admitted to the U.S. as a lawful permanent resident. The emphasis in this definition is upon the presumptions that (1) the immigrant followed U.S. laws and procedures in establishing residence in our country; (2) he or she wishes to reside here permanently; and (3) he or she swears allegiance to our country or at least solemnly affirms that he/she will observe and respect our laws and our Constitution.

ALIEN: By contrast, an "alien" is generally understood to be a foreigner -- a person who comes from a foreign country -- who does not owe allegiance to our country.

Definitions Alien Immigrant Illegal Alien Undocumented Immigrant
The Zionist imports fit which one of these definitions?

Everything you posted talks about moving to another country.
Also, I don't see how you refuted anything I said.
When a bunch of people move to another country, territory, region, it's called immigration.
You use the word invasion to fit your agenda
P F Tinmore, et al,

The common theme that the Jewish People were invaders is nothing more than an inventive rationalization, by the Arab Palestinian, to suggest aggression by invasion. The propaganda does not stipulate that:
  • There was a effort in progress to establish a Jewish National Home.
  • There was a process by which Jewish People, willing to assist in the establish, might immigrate.
  • The Jewish people didn't invade, they immigrated.
No they didn't.

Mandate of Palestine said:
Article 4
An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration, to assist and take part in the development of the country.

The Zionist Organisation, so long as its organisation and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.​

Article 6
The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes.​

C. 529. M. 314.1922. VI.

The allegation of "invasion" is merely an emotional bid for sympathy, on the part of the Arab Palestinian, to justify otherwise unprovoked violence (plain and simple); pretending to be a victim of colonization and foreign subjugation.

Most Respectfully,
No they didn't.

Yes they did. You have no idea what an invasion is.
You simply cannot admit this because it destroys your agenda.
I recommend you go debate another issue, because your grasp on this conflict is terrible.
You have no idea what immigration is.

Then tell me what it is.
This is the US version but it could be universally applied.
IMMIGRANT: In popular usage, an "immigrant" is generally understood to be a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence. Under this definition, therefore, an "immigrant" is an alien admitted to the U.S. as a lawful permanent resident. The emphasis in this definition is upon the presumptions that (1) the immigrant followed U.S. laws and procedures in establishing residence in our country; (2) he or she wishes to reside here permanently; and (3) he or she swears allegiance to our country or at least solemnly affirms that he/she will observe and respect our laws and our Constitution.

ALIEN: By contrast, an "alien" is generally understood to be a foreigner -- a person who comes from a foreign country -- who does not owe allegiance to our country.

Definitions Alien Immigrant Illegal Alien Undocumented Immigrant
The Zionist imports fit which one of these definitions?

Everything you posted talks about moving to another country.
Also, I don't see how you refuted anything I said.
When a bunch of people move to another country, territory, region, it's called immigration.
You use the word invasion to fit your agenda
The Zionist imports fit which one of these definitions?
montelatici, et al,

The people of Palestine have been ruled by external sovereign authority for a thousand years.

  • The Jewish people didn't invade, they immigrated.
  • The Jewish immigrated to the Jewish National Home as established by the Allied Powers in 1920.
  • The Jewish did not seek agreement from the Arabs.
  • The Jewish People exercised their right of self-determination under the "Steps Preparatory to Independence" as established by the cognizant authority (the United Nations).
  • The Arab Palestinian declined to help in the rule of the Mandated Territory:
    • Declined to establish an Arab Agency.
    • Declined to participate in the Partition Planning.
The decisions made all those decades ago, were made by those that participated in process. In the "Question of Palestine" --- the People do not have government by the majority; but rather --- have government by the majority who participate. The Arab Palestinian was offered several opportunities over sever decades to participate and they declined to exercise their "inalienable rights." However the Jewish People took advantage of those rights.

You have not legitimate grievance to the outcome of government if you don't participate.

Most Respectfully,
  • The Jewish people didn't invade, they immigrated.
No they didn't.

Yes they did. You have no idea what an invasion is.
You simply cannot admit this because it destroys your agenda.
I recommend you go debate another issue, because your grasp on this conflict is terrible.
You have no idea what immigration is.

Then tell me what it is.
This is the US version but it could be universally applied.
IMMIGRANT: In popular usage, an "immigrant" is generally understood to be a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence. Under this definition, therefore, an "immigrant" is an alien admitted to the U.S. as a lawful permanent resident. The emphasis in this definition is upon the presumptions that (1) the immigrant followed U.S. laws and procedures in establishing residence in our country; (2) he or she wishes to reside here permanently; and (3) he or she swears allegiance to our country or at least solemnly affirms that he/she will observe and respect our laws and our Constitution.

ALIEN: By contrast, an "alien" is generally understood to be a foreigner -- a person who comes from a foreign country -- who does not owe allegiance to our country.

Definitions Alien Immigrant Illegal Alien Undocumented Immigrant
The Zionist imports fit which one of these definitions?

Jews came, bought land and developed it. They created jobs and raised the average income of the people.
They did not come to conquer but to build. They were not invaders, they were migrants, refugee returning to their ancient homeland.
P F Tinmore, et al,

The common theme that the Jewish People were invaders is nothing more than an inventive rationalization, by the Arab Palestinian, to suggest aggression by invasion. The propaganda does not stipulate that:
  • There was a effort in progress to establish a Jewish National Home.
  • There was a process by which Jewish People, willing to assist in the establish, might immigrate.
  • The Jewish people didn't invade, they immigrated.
No they didn't.

Mandate of Palestine said:
Article 4
An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration, to assist and take part in the development of the country.

The Zionist Organisation, so long as its organisation and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.​

Article 6
The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes.​

C. 529. M. 314.1922. VI.

The allegation of "invasion" is merely an emotional bid for sympathy, on the part of the Arab Palestinian, to justify otherwise unprovoked violence (plain and simple); pretending to be a victim of colonization and foreign subjugation.

Most Respectfully,
The Zionists were in cahoots with the British colonial power to take over Palestine and create a Jewish state.

This was a violation of the Palestinian's right to self determination without external interference.
Yes they did. You have no idea what an invasion is.
You simply cannot admit this because it destroys your agenda.
I recommend you go debate another issue, because your grasp on this conflict is terrible.
You have no idea what immigration is.

Then tell me what it is.
This is the US version but it could be universally applied.
IMMIGRANT: In popular usage, an "immigrant" is generally understood to be a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence. Under this definition, therefore, an "immigrant" is an alien admitted to the U.S. as a lawful permanent resident. The emphasis in this definition is upon the presumptions that (1) the immigrant followed U.S. laws and procedures in establishing residence in our country; (2) he or she wishes to reside here permanently; and (3) he or she swears allegiance to our country or at least solemnly affirms that he/she will observe and respect our laws and our Constitution.

ALIEN: By contrast, an "alien" is generally understood to be a foreigner -- a person who comes from a foreign country -- who does not owe allegiance to our country.

Definitions Alien Immigrant Illegal Alien Undocumented Immigrant
The Zionist imports fit which one of these definitions?

Everything you posted talks about moving to another country.
Also, I don't see how you refuted anything I said.
When a bunch of people move to another country, territory, region, it's called immigration.
You use the word invasion to fit your agenda
The Zionist imports fit which one of these definitions?

I can't copy paste on my phone today for some reason, so read the first paragraph​
No they didn't.

Yes they did. You have no idea what an invasion is.
You simply cannot admit this because it destroys your agenda.
I recommend you go debate another issue, because your grasp on this conflict is terrible.
You have no idea what immigration is.

Then tell me what it is.
This is the US version but it could be universally applied.
IMMIGRANT: In popular usage, an "immigrant" is generally understood to be a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence. Under this definition, therefore, an "immigrant" is an alien admitted to the U.S. as a lawful permanent resident. The emphasis in this definition is upon the presumptions that (1) the immigrant followed U.S. laws and procedures in establishing residence in our country; (2) he or she wishes to reside here permanently; and (3) he or she swears allegiance to our country or at least solemnly affirms that he/she will observe and respect our laws and our Constitution.

ALIEN: By contrast, an "alien" is generally understood to be a foreigner -- a person who comes from a foreign country -- who does not owe allegiance to our country.

Definitions Alien Immigrant Illegal Alien Undocumented Immigrant
The Zionist imports fit which one of these definitions?

Jews came, bought land and developed it. They created jobs and raised the average income of the people.
They did not come to conquer but to build. They were not invaders, they were migrants, refugee returning to their ancient homeland.
Indeed, that is Israel's propaganda version.
P F Tinmore, et al,

The common theme that the Jewish People were invaders is nothing more than an inventive rationalization, by the Arab Palestinian, to suggest aggression by invasion. The propaganda does not stipulate that:
  • There was a effort in progress to establish a Jewish National Home.
  • There was a process by which Jewish People, willing to assist in the establish, might immigrate.
  • The Jewish people didn't invade, they immigrated.
No they didn't.

Mandate of Palestine said:
Article 4
An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration, to assist and take part in the development of the country.

The Zionist Organisation, so long as its organisation and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.​

Article 6
The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes.​

C. 529. M. 314.1922. VI.

The allegation of "invasion" is merely an emotional bid for sympathy, on the part of the Arab Palestinian, to justify otherwise unprovoked violence (plain and simple); pretending to be a victim of colonization and foreign subjugation.

Most Respectfully,
The Zionists were in cahoots with the British colonial power to take over Palestine and create a Jewish state.

This was a violation of the Palestinian's right to self determination without external interference.
Gott in Himmel!
Read the beginning of this articke as well:

Like I have always said, an invasion is a MILITARY offensive.
In other words, what the 5 Arab armies did in 1948.
You lose. Again.
P F Tinmore, et al,

As previously stated: The immigration was in accordance with the authority of the Mandatory.

The Zionist imports fit which one of these definitions?

This is merely a choice between two equally erroneous options; a false dilemma.

Most Respectfully,
Yes they did. You have no idea what an invasion is.
You simply cannot admit this because it destroys your agenda.
I recommend you go debate another issue, because your grasp on this conflict is terrible.
You have no idea what immigration is.

Then tell me what it is.
This is the US version but it could be universally applied.
IMMIGRANT: In popular usage, an "immigrant" is generally understood to be a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence. Under this definition, therefore, an "immigrant" is an alien admitted to the U.S. as a lawful permanent resident. The emphasis in this definition is upon the presumptions that (1) the immigrant followed U.S. laws and procedures in establishing residence in our country; (2) he or she wishes to reside here permanently; and (3) he or she swears allegiance to our country or at least solemnly affirms that he/she will observe and respect our laws and our Constitution.

ALIEN: By contrast, an "alien" is generally understood to be a foreigner -- a person who comes from a foreign country -- who does not owe allegiance to our country.

Definitions Alien Immigrant Illegal Alien Undocumented Immigrant
The Zionist imports fit which one of these definitions?

Jews came, bought land and developed it. They created jobs and raised the average income of the people.
They did not come to conquer but to build. They were not invaders, they were migrants, refugee returning to their ancient homeland.
Indeed, that is Israel's propaganda version.

Nope, what he said in 100% factual.
Your invasion story is the Palestinian propaganda version.
Read the beginning of this articke as well:

Like I have always said, an invasion is a MILITARY offensive.
In other words, what the 5 Arab armies did in 1948.
You lose. Again.
That is why the Zionists recruited Britain. To use their military for the invasion.
Read the beginning of this articke as well:

Like I have always said, an invasion is a MILITARY offensive.
In other words, what the 5 Arab armies did in 1948.
You lose. Again.
That is why the Zionists recruited Britain. To use their military for the invasion.

LOL Your making crap up again Tinmore. An invasion is a military offensive. That was not the case with European Jewish immigration.
P F Tinmore, et al,

As previously stated: The immigration was in accordance with the authority of the Mandatory.

The Zionist imports fit which one of these definitions?

This is merely a choice between two equally erroneous options; a false dilemma.

Most Respectfully,
Sorry but the Illegal Jews,started a Terrorist War against the Palestinians and the British circa 1937 in response to the hordes of Illegals trying to invade Palestine...which the British had banned by this much for your erroneous comment.

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