Israeli cowards abduct civilian refugees from UN schools, strip them and use them as "Human shields"

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
The footage involves abducting civilian refugees from United Nations (UN) school camps and using them as "human shields." This action constitutes a war crime due to several reasons:

1. Protection of civilians: International humanitarian law (IHL) places a high value on the protection of civilians during armed conflicts. Deliberately using civilians, particularly vulnerable refugees, as human shields violates this principle. It exposes them to grave dangers and puts their lives at risk for the benefit of the criminal organization.

2. Prohibition of human shields: The use of human shields is explicitly prohibited under IHL. According to customary international law and various treaties such as the Geneva Conventions, parties to a conflict are prohibited from using civilians to shield military objectives or to deter attacks by acting as a buffer.

3. Violation of the principle of distinction: The principle of distinction is a fundamental tenet of IHL, which requires parties to distinguish between combatants and civilians. By using civilian refugees as human shields, the criminal organization blurs this distinction, making it difficult for opposing forces to target legitimate military objectives without causing harm to innocent individuals.

4. Impact on humanitarian aid: By targeting UN camps and abducting refugees, the criminal IOF organization disrupts the provision of much-needed humanitarian aid to vulnerable individuals. This not only exacerbates the suffering of those affected by the conflict but also impedes the efforts of humanitarian organizations to provide assistance and protection.

5. Psychological and physical harm: The act of abducting civilians, stripping them of their rights and dignity, and forcibly using them as human shields inflicts severe psychological and physical harm on the victims. It subjects them to constant fear, trauma, and potential harm from military operations or reprisals, violating their basic human rights.

But "cowards"would do it,adding "Israelli' makes you complicit in the hate you pretend to oppose
Why not say 'tall people' or "liberal Arts majors"
The footage involves abducting civilian refugees from United Nations (UN) school camps and using them as "human shields." This action constitutes a war crime due to several reasons:

1. Protection of civilians: International humanitarian law (IHL) places a high value on the protection of civilians during armed conflicts. Deliberately using civilians, particularly vulnerable refugees, as human shields violates this principle. It exposes them to grave dangers and puts their lives at risk for the benefit of the criminal organization.

2. Prohibition of human shields: The use of human shields is explicitly prohibited under IHL. According to customary international law and various treaties such as the Geneva Conventions, parties to a conflict are prohibited from using civilians to shield military objectives or to deter attacks by acting as a buffer.

3. Violation of the principle of distinction: The principle of distinction is a fundamental tenet of IHL, which requires parties to distinguish between combatants and civilians. By using civilian refugees as human shields, the criminal organization blurs this distinction, making it difficult for opposing forces to target legitimate military objectives without causing harm to innocent individuals.

4. Impact on humanitarian aid: By targeting UN camps and abducting refugees, the criminal IOF organization disrupts the provision of much-needed humanitarian aid to vulnerable individuals. This not only exacerbates the suffering of those affected by the conflict but also impedes the efforts of humanitarian organizations to provide assistance and protection.

5. Psychological and physical harm: The act of abducting civilians, stripping them of their rights and dignity, and forcibly using them as human shields inflicts severe psychological and physical harm on the victims. It subjects them to constant fear, trauma, and potential harm from military operations or reprisals, violating their basic human rights.

Moving those Hamas losers, not civilians, from point A to Point B isn't using them
as human shields. It isn't even using them as Muslim terrorist loser shields.
Or Arab whiner shields.
Israeli coward terrorists use children as human shields, torture and abuse them:

The footage involves abducting civilian refugees from United Nations (UN) school camps and using them as "human shields." This action constitutes a war crime due to several reasons:

1. Protection of civilians: International humanitarian law (IHL) places a high value on the protection of civilians during armed conflicts. Deliberately using civilians, particularly vulnerable refugees, as human shields violates this principle. It exposes them to grave dangers and puts their lives at risk for the benefit of the criminal organization.

2. Prohibition of human shields: The use of human shields is explicitly prohibited under IHL. According to customary international law and various treaties such as the Geneva Conventions, parties to a conflict are prohibited from using civilians to shield military objectives or to deter attacks by acting as a buffer.

3. Violation of the principle of distinction: The principle of distinction is a fundamental tenet of IHL, which requires parties to distinguish between combatants and civilians. By using civilian refugees as human shields, the criminal organization blurs this distinction, making it difficult for opposing forces to target legitimate military objectives without causing harm to innocent individuals.

4. Impact on humanitarian aid: By targeting UN camps and abducting refugees, the criminal IOF organization disrupts the provision of much-needed humanitarian aid to vulnerable individuals. This not only exacerbates the suffering of those affected by the conflict but also impedes the efforts of humanitarian organizations to provide assistance and protection.

5. Psychological and physical harm: The act of abducting civilians, stripping them of their rights and dignity, and forcibly using them as human shields inflicts severe psychological and physical harm on the victims. It subjects them to constant fear, trauma, and potential harm from military operations or reprisals, violating their basic human rights.

I see the surrender monkeys are at it again.

Now repeat after me, Praise to Israel, IDF Akbar!
The IOF abducted everybody, children, women, disabled people, the elderly!

The children and disabled are undressed and treated like militants.That’s inhumane, immoral and criminal act.

The footage involves abducting civilian refugees from United Nations (UN) school camps and using them as "human shields." This action constitutes a war crime due to several reasons:

1. Protection of civilians: International humanitarian law (IHL) places a high value on the protection of civilians during armed conflicts. Deliberately using civilians, particularly vulnerable refugees, as human shields violates this principle. It exposes them to grave dangers and puts their lives at risk for the benefit of the criminal organization.

2. Prohibition of human shields: The use of human shields is explicitly prohibited under IHL. According to customary international law and various treaties such as the Geneva Conventions, parties to a conflict are prohibited from using civilians to shield military objectives or to deter attacks by acting as a buffer.

3. Violation of the principle of distinction: The principle of distinction is a fundamental tenet of IHL, which requires parties to distinguish between combatants and civilians. By using civilian refugees as human shields, the criminal organization blurs this distinction, making it difficult for opposing forces to target legitimate military objectives without causing harm to innocent individuals.

4. Impact on humanitarian aid: By targeting UN camps and abducting refugees, the criminal IOF organization disrupts the provision of much-needed humanitarian aid to vulnerable individuals. This not only exacerbates the suffering of those affected by the conflict but also impedes the efforts of humanitarian organizations to provide assistance and protection.

5. Psychological and physical harm: The act of abducting civilians, stripping them of their rights and dignity, and forcibly using them as human shields inflicts severe psychological and physical harm on the victims. It subjects them to constant fear, trauma, and potential harm from military operations or reprisals, violating their basic human rights.


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