Dresden in 1945

Dear idiot mine: When you still believe in the US-American war propaganda which is older than 100 years then it's not me who has to learn something. The sad truth of your change of the results of World War 1 - where you took care that the rest of the multi-national structures old Germany, Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire died and had been replaced by the nationalistic USA, the imperial Brits and the Russian colonialism - had it been that your "solutions" of World War 1 had been extremely unjust and unstable. All of them exploded and are still exploding. You created in your nightmares also World War 2 including Nazis, Soviets and Islamists. And you made a lot of money with the 30 silverlings of this war by doubling your economy when you also doubled a wrong from of pride - what you can see easily in your own weird thoughts. You are ready to defame everyone on reason to be "great" or "great again". But maybe only god is really great and real greatness is only to accept the wisdom of god?

Erfahrung bedeutet nichts, jeder kann jahrelang etwas falsch machen ohne es zu merken.
unbekannter autor / unknown author
Experience means nothing, anyone can do something wrong for years without realizing it.

Keiner schlafe! Keiner schlafe...
Auch du, Prinzessin, schläfst nicht
in deinen kalten Räumen,
blickst auf die Sterne,
die flimmernd von Liebe
und Hoffnung träumen!

Doch mein Geheimnis wahrt mein Mund,
den Namen tu’ ich keinem kund!
Nein, nur auf deinen Lippen sag’ ich ihn,
sobald die Sonne scheinen will!

Mein Kuss allein soll dieses Schweigen lösen,
durch das du mein wirst!


Nobody sleep! No one sleeps...
Even you, princess, do not sleep
in your cold rooms,
gazing at the stars,
that flicker with love
and hope!

But my mouth keeps my secret,
I'll tell no one my name!
No, I'll only say it on your lips,
as soon as the sun wants to shine!

My kiss alone shall break this silence,
through which you become mine!

Wow, stunning in its stupidity
Wow, stunning in its stupidity

No - it's exactly in the opposite. It is anything else than stupid what I said here. You are the problem which you are not able to solve. In such cases it often helps to change the perspective.

"Mein heisses Verlangen das Brennen erwacht" is wrong.
Correct is´: "Mein heisses Verlangen das brennend erwacht"
(and there are two more unimportant spelling mistakes)
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Penner = someone who sleeps = hobo
natzen = to make a little sleep
=Natzi=sleeper=Penner(=~scruffy hobo) -> now continue from the beginning, Natzi ("natz" sounds in English like "nuts")
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That's one of the dumbest things I've read in a long time.
Did Americans "reap what they sowed" on 9/11?
Germany and Japan were in a state of formal, declared war against The USA and the UK

Wars THEY started

They could have surrendered before they were bombed

They chose not to
it wa not the people of germany who sowed

A large percentage voted for their Fuhrer, and he was even more popular by 1937-38. Many of those who didn't vote for him voted for the right wing faction run by the Kruppes, who merged with his Party anyway.
Germany and Japan were in a state of formal, declared war against The USA and the UK

Wars THEY started

They could have surrendered before they were bombed

They chose not to
That is too simplistic. The US was already at war with Germany, but doesn´t have a history of handing out declarations of war. Stick to reality when talking about history.
That is too simplistic. The US was already at war with Germany, but doesn´t have a history of handing out declarations of war. Stick to reality when talking about history.

Rubbish. Both fanatic regimes decided they could dictate who the U.S. did business with and had zero respect for our neutrality. that has been the case since our founding , Euros always trying to bully us into kissing their asses and becoming their puppets. Screw that idiot fake history of 'poor hapless victims' bullshit from Japs and Germans alike.
Penner = someone who sleeps = hobo
natzen = to make a little sleep
=Natzi=sleeper=Penner(=~scruffy hobo) -> now continue from the beginning, Natzi ("natz" sounds in English like "nuts")
I think the people of Germany reaped what they sowed

As did the people of Japan
As will the people of the US. Hopefully whoever our adversary is they aren’t as bloodthirsty and murderous as our government.
Germany and Japan were in a state of formal, declared war against The USA and the UK,

The UK declared war on Germany in World War 1 and in World War 2. The USA declared war on Germany in World War 1. Hitler declared in Wr5old War 2 war on the USA after Pearl Harbor where the USA lost a big part of their pacific fleet - what the USA had been able to ignore because Germany under Hitler had not been able to attack the USA.

A declaration of war - from whomever against whomever - not justifies war crimes.
I think the people of Germany reaped what they sowed ...

You think? Then you should be able to tell me what exactly did we Germans sow what US-Americans did reap (how?) in World War 1+2 in Germany? Why did and do you take care that all Germans will die out? Why do you hate Europe?

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Germany and Japan were in a state of formal, declared war against The USA and the UK

Wars THEY started

They could have surrendered before they were bombed

They chose not to

It doesn't seem that you've learned the primary reality about History::

"The victors write the history books."

Or, as George Orwell observed:

"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."

Next, please explain how Germany "started" WW 1.

Many historians regard WW 1 and WW 2 as one war because the Treaty of Versailles guaranteed a continuation of hostilities and the same people who profited from WW 1 profited from WW 2.

"'The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.'"
British Prime Minister, Lloyd George,

While there are many points at which WW 2 could have "started", the victors and their MSM, naturally chose Germany's reluctant attack on Poland over the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, Italy's invasion of Ethiopia, Russia's invasion of Eastern Poland, the Spanish Civil War etc.

It was only the ethnic Germans who suddenly found themselves in Poland after the Treaty of Versailles stripped Germany of its Eastern territories.
During the post WW 1 years, ethnic Germans suddenly in newly created Poland were murdered, driven from their homes, farms and businesses which were given to neighboring Poles and Russian NKVD Jews.

Tens of thousands of ethnic Germans were murdered, robbed, tortured over the years as Germany appealed to the League of Nations over and over but the mass murder, rape, robbery and carnage continued until Germany did what any other country would do:

"The 1939 Danzig Massacres of ethnic Germans which caused Hitler to invade Poland"

"The 1939 Danzig Massacres"
EXCERPT "In the months leading up to the German invasion the Polish Army and independent Bolshevik units had been slaughtering German nationals in the Danzig corridor. Mass killings of thousands of civilian ethnic
Germans (Volksdeutsche) by both civilian and Russian NDVK Jews, who were confident that Poland would quickly defeat Germany(*). Many apparently expected to take possession of German farms and businesses.

An estimated 58,000 German civilians lost their lives in the massacres carried out prior to the 1939 invasion.

Poles had been merrily slaughtering anything or anybody German since at least as early as April 1939, with smaller incidents stretching back to the close of WW I -- you haven't been told that by the Mass Media, or the fact that these atrocities were one of the main causes for the German invasion of Poland.

Germany had protested in writing to the League of Nations literally dozens of times with no results." CONTINUED

(*)."Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to." (Polish Marshal Rydz-Smigly as reported in the Daily Mail, August 6th, 1939)


Using a crude fake map(*) , perhaps one of history's most fervent warmongers managed to dupe gullible Americans into fighting to preserve and enlarge Britain's expansive Empire of occupied countries.

"We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not." - Winston Churchill (1936 broadcast)

(*). “A Map of Nazi South America (Forged by the British)”
“This map makes clear the Nazi design, not only against South America but against the United States as well”, said FDR

EXCERPT “Hitler has often protested that his plans for conquest do not extend across the Atlantic Ocean. I have in my possession a secret map, made in Germany by Hitler’s government – by the planners of the new world order. It is a map of South America and a part of Central America as Hitler proposes to reorganize it,” revealed US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in his Navy Day address to the nation, broadcast on 27 October 1941." CONTINUED

Hitler even sent Hess(**) with another peace proposal to return conquered Western territories in exchange for Western neutrality so that Germany could focus on fighting a more malevolent enemy; Communism.

(**). "Nazis ‘offered to leave western Europe in exchange for free hand to attack USSR"
EXCERPT ""A new book claims to have solved the riddle of the flight to Britain in 1941 of Rudolph Hess, Adolf Hitler’s deputy. Historian Peter Padfield has uncovered evidence he says shows Hess, the deputy Fuhrer, brought with him from Hitler a detailed peace treaty, under which the Nazis would withdraw from western Europe in exchange for British neutrality over the imminent attack on Russia. The episode remains, more than 70 years on, shrouded in mystery."CONTINUED

A more thorough and objective study may just reveal that of Stalin, Hitler, Churchill and FDR, Hitler was the least inclined to expand the scope of WW 2.

Do you still believe that Germany "started" WW 1 and WW 2 and, if so, why?

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Rubbish. Both fanatic regimes decided they could dictate who the U.S. did business with and had zero respect for our neutrality. that has been the case since our founding , Euros always trying to bully us into kissing their asses and becoming their puppets. Screw that idiot fake history of 'poor hapless victims' bullshit from Japs and Germans alike.
Foolish nonsense. The US oil sanctions against Japan earned them the Japanese assault. Certainly, the sanctions followed the Japanese crusade in Asia.
As for Germany, it totally applies what I said.

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