Israeli Jewess steals artifacts from Auschwitz-Birkenau

perhaps the reason the Nazis chose Poland was because they found their opinions on Jews lined up with the Poles? Just a thought. And please don't give us that garbage that your antisemtism is the Jews fault, that is a classic antisemtic canard. In fact, every bigot blames his / her bigotry on others.

Poland had the lowest amount of Nazi collaborators in occupied Europe, doofus, or shall I say joofus.

You proved my point 100% about how much of an uneducated idiot you are.

Why should Poles view anti-Polish Jewish morons like you with a sense of brotherhood?

No, you are disgusting, dirty, dumb, vile Animals.

Every so often you might find and okay Jew, but for the most part, no you're a bunch of ungrateful anti-Polish idiots.
Thanks for proving my point! You are one dumb specimen.

"No more questions, your honor".

You Jews get upset when people compare Jews to Soviet crimes.

But, the Soviet NKVD was close to 40% Jewish in the early, and mid 1930's, during the peak of it's brutality.
Jew Genrikh Yagoda headed this NKVD.

You tell me when 40% of the Nazi SS was Polish, and when it's leader who headed the SS was Polish, huh?

There's far more truth in the Jewish Soviet connections, than Polish Nazi connections.

So, why should Poles like, or tolerate the common Jewish idiot like yourself who claims Poland was behind the Holocaust?
You're like a dog who keeps trying to bite his tail. Nobody cares what explanations a moron gives for being a sick bigot, deal with it.

You're not a bigot?

You call Palestinians, or Muslims / Arabs as "Animals"

Furthermore, you unrightfully blame Poland for the Holocaust crime.
I call terrorists and those who participate the murder of innocent people "animals". As do many of the today's world leaders, including the president of the US. You on the other hand exhibit the same type of antisemtism that the Nazis did, maybe that's why the Nazis decided to build their death camps in Poland...a willing populace, who hated the Jews as much if not more.
perhaps the reason the Nazis chose Poland was because they found their opinions on Jews lined up with the Poles? Just a thought. And please don't give us that garbage that your antisemtism is the Jews fault, that is a classic antisemtic canard. In fact, every bigot blames his / her bigotry on others.

Poland had the lowest amount of Nazi collaborators in occupied Europe, doofus, or shall I say joofus.

You proved my point 100% about how much of an uneducated idiot you are.

Why should Poles view anti-Polish Jewish morons like you with a sense of brotherhood?

No, you are disgusting, dirty, dumb, vile Animals.

Every so often you might find and okay Jew, but for the most part, no you're a bunch of ungrateful anti-Polish idiots.
Thanks for proving my point! You are one dumb specimen.

"No more questions, your honor".

You Jews get upset when people compare Jews to Soviet crimes.

But, the Soviet NKVD was close to 40% Jewish in the early, and mid 1930's, during the peak of it's brutality.
Jew Genrikh Yagoda headed this NKVD.

You tell me when 40% of the Nazi SS was Polish, and when it's leader who headed the SS was Polish, huh?

There's far more truth in the Jewish Soviet connections, than Polish Nazi connections.

So, why should Poles like, or tolerate the common Jewish idiot like yourself who claims Poland was behind the Holocaust?

Poland was not only supportive of the Holocaust-----the country has been killing
jews for the glory of "Christ" for about 150 years before the ROMAN CATHOLIC
SAINT ADOLF HITLER got there. Prior to that time----Poland had been a relatively
tolerant country which is why lots of jews ended up there. ------I have polish background---
sorta------my ancestors fled the filth of polish pogroms in the late 1800s. There is virtually
no truth in the "jewish soviet" "connection" -----Jews----Like JESUS OF NAZARETH ---
have been fascinated with the concept of socialism for millennia ---but then, so are decent
catholic poles

If Poland was supportive of the Holocaust, why did it have less Nazi SS than the rest of Europe?

You Jews sound like real dumb bozos.
I'd be very careful, as someone having Polish background, calling other people, especially Jews, "dumb".
Poland had the lowest amount of Nazi collaborators in occupied Europe, doofus, or shall I say joofus.

You proved my point 100% about how much of an uneducated idiot you are.

Why should Poles view anti-Polish Jewish morons like you with a sense of brotherhood?

No, you are disgusting, dirty, dumb, vile Animals.

Every so often you might find and okay Jew, but for the most part, no you're a bunch of ungrateful anti-Polish idiots.
Thanks for proving my point! You are one dumb specimen.

"No more questions, your honor".

You Jews get upset when people compare Jews to Soviet crimes.

But, the Soviet NKVD was close to 40% Jewish in the early, and mid 1930's, during the peak of it's brutality.
Jew Genrikh Yagoda headed this NKVD.

You tell me when 40% of the Nazi SS was Polish, and when it's leader who headed the SS was Polish, huh?

There's far more truth in the Jewish Soviet connections, than Polish Nazi connections.

So, why should Poles like, or tolerate the common Jewish idiot like yourself who claims Poland was behind the Holocaust?

Poland was not only supportive of the Holocaust-----the country has been killing
jews for the glory of "Christ" for about 150 years before the ROMAN CATHOLIC
SAINT ADOLF HITLER got there. Prior to that time----Poland had been a relatively
tolerant country which is why lots of jews ended up there. ------I have polish background---
sorta------my ancestors fled the filth of polish pogroms in the late 1800s. There is virtually
no truth in the "jewish soviet" "connection" -----Jews----Like JESUS OF NAZARETH ---
have been fascinated with the concept of socialism for millennia ---but then, so are decent
catholic poles

If Poland was supportive of the Holocaust, why did it have less Nazi SS than the rest of Europe?

You Jews sound like real dumb bozos.

SS?? that was an ELITE Aryan pig force------one had to be LITERATE the camp guards
and general murderers of Auschwitz were not "S.S." The people who cheered the cattle cars
along the railways were not "S.S."

Excellent response Rosie!
There are towns in Poland that massacred fellow Jews even after the war was over.
Thanks for proving my point! You are one dumb specimen.

"No more questions, your honor".

You Jews get upset when people compare Jews to Soviet crimes.

But, the Soviet NKVD was close to 40% Jewish in the early, and mid 1930's, during the peak of it's brutality.
Jew Genrikh Yagoda headed this NKVD.

You tell me when 40% of the Nazi SS was Polish, and when it's leader who headed the SS was Polish, huh?

There's far more truth in the Jewish Soviet connections, than Polish Nazi connections.

So, why should Poles like, or tolerate the common Jewish idiot like yourself who claims Poland was behind the Holocaust?

Poland was not only supportive of the Holocaust-----the country has been killing
jews for the glory of "Christ" for about 150 years before the ROMAN CATHOLIC
SAINT ADOLF HITLER got there. Prior to that time----Poland had been a relatively
tolerant country which is why lots of jews ended up there. ------I have polish background---
sorta------my ancestors fled the filth of polish pogroms in the late 1800s. There is virtually
no truth in the "jewish soviet" "connection" -----Jews----Like JESUS OF NAZARETH ---
have been fascinated with the concept of socialism for millennia ---but then, so are decent
catholic poles

If Poland was supportive of the Holocaust, why did it have less Nazi SS than the rest of Europe?

You Jews sound like real dumb bozos.

SS?? that was an ELITE Aryan pig force------one had to be LITERATE the camp guards
and general murderers of Auschwitz were not "S.S." The people who cheered the cattle cars
along the railways were not "S.S."

Excellent response Rosie!
There are towns in Poland that massacred fellow Jews even after the war was over.

yes----a high school teacher of mine---his uncle went back to his own house----the local
polish neighbors hanged him from his own tree
Poland had the lowest amount of Nazi collaborators in occupied Europe, doofus, or shall I say joofus.

You proved my point 100% about how much of an uneducated idiot you are.

Why should Poles view anti-Polish Jewish morons like you with a sense of brotherhood?

No, you are disgusting, dirty, dumb, vile Animals.

Every so often you might find and okay Jew, but for the most part, no you're a bunch of ungrateful anti-Polish idiots.
Thanks for proving my point! You are one dumb specimen.

"No more questions, your honor".

You Jews get upset when people compare Jews to Soviet crimes.

But, the Soviet NKVD was close to 40% Jewish in the early, and mid 1930's, during the peak of it's brutality.
Jew Genrikh Yagoda headed this NKVD.

You tell me when 40% of the Nazi SS was Polish, and when it's leader who headed the SS was Polish, huh?

There's far more truth in the Jewish Soviet connections, than Polish Nazi connections.

So, why should Poles like, or tolerate the common Jewish idiot like yourself who claims Poland was behind the Holocaust?

Poland was not only supportive of the Holocaust-----the country has been killing
jews for the glory of "Christ" for about 150 years before the ROMAN CATHOLIC
SAINT ADOLF HITLER got there. Prior to that time----Poland had been a relatively
tolerant country which is why lots of jews ended up there. ------I have polish background---
sorta------my ancestors fled the filth of polish pogroms in the late 1800s. There is virtually
no truth in the "jewish soviet" "connection" -----Jews----Like JESUS OF NAZARETH ---
have been fascinated with the concept of socialism for millennia ---but then, so are decent
catholic poles

If Poland was supportive of the Holocaust, why did it have less Nazi SS than the rest of Europe?

You Jews sound like real dumb bozos.
I'd be very careful, as someone having Polish background, calling other people, especially Jews, "dumb".

Just something else dumb Jews came up with the "Dumb Polak ordeal"
Poland had the lowest amount of Nazi collaborators in occupied Europe, doofus, or shall I say joofus.

You proved my point 100% about how much of an uneducated idiot you are.

Why should Poles view anti-Polish Jewish morons like you with a sense of brotherhood?

No, you are disgusting, dirty, dumb, vile Animals.

Every so often you might find and okay Jew, but for the most part, no you're a bunch of ungrateful anti-Polish idiots.
Thanks for proving my point! You are one dumb specimen.

"No more questions, your honor".

You Jews get upset when people compare Jews to Soviet crimes.

But, the Soviet NKVD was close to 40% Jewish in the early, and mid 1930's, during the peak of it's brutality.
Jew Genrikh Yagoda headed this NKVD.

You tell me when 40% of the Nazi SS was Polish, and when it's leader who headed the SS was Polish, huh?

There's far more truth in the Jewish Soviet connections, than Polish Nazi connections.

So, why should Poles like, or tolerate the common Jewish idiot like yourself who claims Poland was behind the Holocaust?
You're like a dog who keeps trying to bite his tail. Nobody cares what explanations a moron gives for being a sick bigot, deal with it.

You on the other hand exhibit the same type of antisemtism that the Nazis did, maybe that's why the Nazis decided to build their death camps in Poland...a willing populace, who hated the Jews as much if not more.


Why would I tolerate Jews, exactly?

About 99% of Jews I've dealt with online sound exactly like you do when it comes to Poland.

Just proof of what kind of dumb vermin you, and your ilk are.

Only a complete mistake to Humanity, would think Poland was more anti-Semitic than the Nazis
Thanks for proving my point! You are one dumb specimen.

"No more questions, your honor".

You Jews get upset when people compare Jews to Soviet crimes.

But, the Soviet NKVD was close to 40% Jewish in the early, and mid 1930's, during the peak of it's brutality.
Jew Genrikh Yagoda headed this NKVD.

You tell me when 40% of the Nazi SS was Polish, and when it's leader who headed the SS was Polish, huh?

There's far more truth in the Jewish Soviet connections, than Polish Nazi connections.

So, why should Poles like, or tolerate the common Jewish idiot like yourself who claims Poland was behind the Holocaust?

Poland was not only supportive of the Holocaust-----the country has been killing
jews for the glory of "Christ" for about 150 years before the ROMAN CATHOLIC
SAINT ADOLF HITLER got there. Prior to that time----Poland had been a relatively
tolerant country which is why lots of jews ended up there. ------I have polish background---
sorta------my ancestors fled the filth of polish pogroms in the late 1800s. There is virtually
no truth in the "jewish soviet" "connection" -----Jews----Like JESUS OF NAZARETH ---
have been fascinated with the concept of socialism for millennia ---but then, so are decent
catholic poles

If Poland was supportive of the Holocaust, why did it have less Nazi SS than the rest of Europe?

You Jews sound like real dumb bozos.

SS?? that was an ELITE Aryan pig force------one had to be LITERATE the camp guards
and general murderers of Auschwitz were not "S.S." The people who cheered the cattle cars
along the railways were not "S.S."

There are towns in Poland that massacred fellow Jews even after the war was over.

Amazing, because Jews like Jakub Berman, and Salomon Morel killed thousands upon thousands Poles following WW2.
You Jews get upset when people compare Jews to Soviet crimes.

But, the Soviet NKVD was close to 40% Jewish in the early, and mid 1930's, during the peak of it's brutality.
Jew Genrikh Yagoda headed this NKVD.

You tell me when 40% of the Nazi SS was Polish, and when it's leader who headed the SS was Polish, huh?

There's far more truth in the Jewish Soviet connections, than Polish Nazi connections.

So, why should Poles like, or tolerate the common Jewish idiot like yourself who claims Poland was behind the Holocaust?

Poland was not only supportive of the Holocaust-----the country has been killing
jews for the glory of "Christ" for about 150 years before the ROMAN CATHOLIC
SAINT ADOLF HITLER got there. Prior to that time----Poland had been a relatively
tolerant country which is why lots of jews ended up there. ------I have polish background---
sorta------my ancestors fled the filth of polish pogroms in the late 1800s. There is virtually
no truth in the "jewish soviet" "connection" -----Jews----Like JESUS OF NAZARETH ---
have been fascinated with the concept of socialism for millennia ---but then, so are decent
catholic poles

If Poland was supportive of the Holocaust, why did it have less Nazi SS than the rest of Europe?

You Jews sound like real dumb bozos.

SS?? that was an ELITE Aryan pig force------one had to be LITERATE the camp guards
and general murderers of Auschwitz were not "S.S." The people who cheered the cattle cars
along the railways were not "S.S."

Excellent response Rosie!
There are towns in Poland that massacred fellow Jews even after the war was over.

yes----a high school teacher of mine---his uncle went back to his own house----the local
polish neighbors hanged him from his own tree

The regions where Poles turned on Jews, which keep in mind is pretty slim, was a reaction to Jewish Soviet collaborators oppressing Poles to be sent to Gulags.
Thanks for proving my point! You are one dumb specimen.

"No more questions, your honor".

You Jews get upset when people compare Jews to Soviet crimes.

But, the Soviet NKVD was close to 40% Jewish in the early, and mid 1930's, during the peak of it's brutality.
Jew Genrikh Yagoda headed this NKVD.

You tell me when 40% of the Nazi SS was Polish, and when it's leader who headed the SS was Polish, huh?

There's far more truth in the Jewish Soviet connections, than Polish Nazi connections.

So, why should Poles like, or tolerate the common Jewish idiot like yourself who claims Poland was behind the Holocaust?

Poland was not only supportive of the Holocaust-----the country has been killing
jews for the glory of "Christ" for about 150 years before the ROMAN CATHOLIC
SAINT ADOLF HITLER got there. Prior to that time----Poland had been a relatively
tolerant country which is why lots of jews ended up there. ------I have polish background---
sorta------my ancestors fled the filth of polish pogroms in the late 1800s. There is virtually
no truth in the "jewish soviet" "connection" -----Jews----Like JESUS OF NAZARETH ---
have been fascinated with the concept of socialism for millennia ---but then, so are decent
catholic poles

If Poland was supportive of the Holocaust, why did it have less Nazi SS than the rest of Europe?

You Jews sound like real dumb bozos.
I'd be very careful, as someone having Polish background, calling other people, especially Jews, "dumb".

Just something else dumb Jews came up with the "Dumb Polak ordeal"
Actually clueless, it was the Germans that first started to call you guys dumb Polak, but you fit the stereotype to the T.
You Jews get upset when people compare Jews to Soviet crimes.

But, the Soviet NKVD was close to 40% Jewish in the early, and mid 1930's, during the peak of it's brutality.
Jew Genrikh Yagoda headed this NKVD.

You tell me when 40% of the Nazi SS was Polish, and when it's leader who headed the SS was Polish, huh?

There's far more truth in the Jewish Soviet connections, than Polish Nazi connections.

So, why should Poles like, or tolerate the common Jewish idiot like yourself who claims Poland was behind the Holocaust?

Poland was not only supportive of the Holocaust-----the country has been killing
jews for the glory of "Christ" for about 150 years before the ROMAN CATHOLIC
SAINT ADOLF HITLER got there. Prior to that time----Poland had been a relatively
tolerant country which is why lots of jews ended up there. ------I have polish background---
sorta------my ancestors fled the filth of polish pogroms in the late 1800s. There is virtually
no truth in the "jewish soviet" "connection" -----Jews----Like JESUS OF NAZARETH ---
have been fascinated with the concept of socialism for millennia ---but then, so are decent
catholic poles

If Poland was supportive of the Holocaust, why did it have less Nazi SS than the rest of Europe?

You Jews sound like real dumb bozos.
I'd be very careful, as someone having Polish background, calling other people, especially Jews, "dumb".

Just something else dumb Jews came up with the "Dumb Polak ordeal"
Actually clueless, it was the Germans that first started to call you guys dumb Polak, but you fit the stereotype to the T.

so true-----the Germans considered the poles to be something like donkeys. If poles hated
Russian communists so much-----why did Poland go communist? DA JOOOOS didn't do it-----
they were already dead or gone. Poles have a history of being the pals of the anti-Semites----
whether they are German or Russian-------if there is an opportunity to kill jews based on
Ideology ------ie catholic or eastern orthodox-----THE POLES ARE ALL FOR IT
You Jews get upset when people compare Jews to Soviet crimes.

But, the Soviet NKVD was close to 40% Jewish in the early, and mid 1930's, during the peak of it's brutality.
Jew Genrikh Yagoda headed this NKVD.

You tell me when 40% of the Nazi SS was Polish, and when it's leader who headed the SS was Polish, huh?

There's far more truth in the Jewish Soviet connections, than Polish Nazi connections.

So, why should Poles like, or tolerate the common Jewish idiot like yourself who claims Poland was behind the Holocaust?

Poland was not only supportive of the Holocaust-----the country has been killing
jews for the glory of "Christ" for about 150 years before the ROMAN CATHOLIC
SAINT ADOLF HITLER got there. Prior to that time----Poland had been a relatively
tolerant country which is why lots of jews ended up there. ------I have polish background---
sorta------my ancestors fled the filth of polish pogroms in the late 1800s. There is virtually
no truth in the "jewish soviet" "connection" -----Jews----Like JESUS OF NAZARETH ---
have been fascinated with the concept of socialism for millennia ---but then, so are decent
catholic poles

If Poland was supportive of the Holocaust, why did it have less Nazi SS than the rest of Europe?

You Jews sound like real dumb bozos.
I'd be very careful, as someone having Polish background, calling other people, especially Jews, "dumb".

Just something else dumb Jews came up with the "Dumb Polak ordeal"
Actually clueless, it was the Germans that first started to call you guys dumb Polak, but you fit the stereotype to the T.

Yet, there's no such stereotype in Germany.

But, there is in the U.S.A, where Jewish Hollywood, and the Jewish media promoted Poles as dumb.
Poland was not only supportive of the Holocaust-----the country has been killing
jews for the glory of "Christ" for about 150 years before the ROMAN CATHOLIC
SAINT ADOLF HITLER got there. Prior to that time----Poland had been a relatively
tolerant country which is why lots of jews ended up there. ------I have polish background---
sorta------my ancestors fled the filth of polish pogroms in the late 1800s. There is virtually
no truth in the "jewish soviet" "connection" -----Jews----Like JESUS OF NAZARETH ---
have been fascinated with the concept of socialism for millennia ---but then, so are decent
catholic poles

If Poland was supportive of the Holocaust, why did it have less Nazi SS than the rest of Europe?

You Jews sound like real dumb bozos.
I'd be very careful, as someone having Polish background, calling other people, especially Jews, "dumb".

Just something else dumb Jews came up with the "Dumb Polak ordeal"
Actually clueless, it was the Germans that first started to call you guys dumb Polak, but you fit the stereotype to the T.

so true-----the Germans considered the poles to be something like donkeys. If poles hated
Russian communists so much-----why did Poland go communist? DA JOOOOS didn't do it-----
they were already dead or gone. Poles have a history of being the pals of the anti-Semites----
whether they are German or Russian-------if there is an opportunity to kill jews based on
Ideology ------ie catholic or eastern orthodox-----THE POLES ARE ALL FOR IT

Jewish Communist Jakub Berman killed, or imprisoned the Polish opposition to Communism.

Poles have a history of being pals with Germans, or Russians?

WTF? You Jews sound like morons.

Russians, and Germans were historically hated in Poland, for the Partitions.
Poland was not only supportive of the Holocaust-----the country has been killing
jews for the glory of "Christ" for about 150 years before the ROMAN CATHOLIC
SAINT ADOLF HITLER got there. Prior to that time----Poland had been a relatively
tolerant country which is why lots of jews ended up there. ------I have polish background---
sorta------my ancestors fled the filth of polish pogroms in the late 1800s. There is virtually
no truth in the "jewish soviet" "connection" -----Jews----Like JESUS OF NAZARETH ---
have been fascinated with the concept of socialism for millennia ---but then, so are decent
catholic poles

If Poland was supportive of the Holocaust, why did it have less Nazi SS than the rest of Europe?

You Jews sound like real dumb bozos.
I'd be very careful, as someone having Polish background, calling other people, especially Jews, "dumb".

Just something else dumb Jews came up with the "Dumb Polak ordeal"
Actually clueless, it was the Germans that first started to call you guys dumb Polak, but you fit the stereotype to the T.

Yet, there's no such stereotype in Germany.

But, there is in the U.S.A, where Jewish Hollywood, and the Jewish media promoted Poles as dumb.

either you are very ignorant, Sobie-----OR you are a lying polack. Germans invented the
ANTI POLE stereotypes----not jews. In fact germans were VIRULENTLY ANTI POLISH and considered "useful" only as something like "beasts of burden"
In fact Poles made a fine art of inventing jewish
stereotypes and hatred and imbued it HEAVILY with "roman catholic justification" The
religious zeal amongst poles is the factor which influenced your saint Adolf to make
AUSCHWITZ in Poland the chief killing factory----in the minds of poles ---"for the glory of
jesus Christ"------ You can find your answers in actual written material-----done during first
half of the 20th century------the writings of both Germans---and of those poles who
could write--------and the jews. both in Germany and Poland. It seems to me that Poles
were not fully aware of the depth of german hatred disdain towards them. Check the microfilm
in LARGE OLD LIBRARIES -------your filthy propaganda did make it to the USA
If Poland was supportive of the Holocaust, why did it have less Nazi SS than the rest of Europe?

You Jews sound like real dumb bozos.
I'd be very careful, as someone having Polish background, calling other people, especially Jews, "dumb".

Just something else dumb Jews came up with the "Dumb Polak ordeal"
Actually clueless, it was the Germans that first started to call you guys dumb Polak, but you fit the stereotype to the T.

so true-----the Germans considered the poles to be something like donkeys. If poles hated
Russian communists so much-----why did Poland go communist? DA JOOOOS didn't do it-----
they were already dead or gone. Poles have a history of being the pals of the anti-Semites----
whether they are German or Russian-------if there is an opportunity to kill jews based on
Ideology ------ie catholic or eastern orthodox-----THE POLES ARE ALL FOR IT

Jewish Communist Jakub Berman killed, or imprisoned the Polish opposition to Communism.

Poles have a history of being pals with Germans, or Russians?

WTF? You Jews sound like morons.

Russians, and Germans were historically hated in Poland, for the Partitions.

Not enough------the hatred Poland had for Germans and Russians did not come
close to the hatred and DISDAIN that GERMANS AND RUSSIANS had for Poles.
In fact Russians hated Poles so much that in order to PROTECT RUSSIA-----and
create a human buffer zone, they PUSHED JEWS TO THE BORDER areas between
Russia and the DESPISED poles. They really hated your guts. It may also have
been a Catholic vs Eastern Orthodox thing. You like to ignore lots of STUFF.
As to the shared ANTI-SEMITISM-----what else is new? It is just about the only
commonality that binds arabs and Iranians--------OTHERWISE they hate each other too.
If Poland was supportive of the Holocaust, why did it have less Nazi SS than the rest of Europe?

You Jews sound like real dumb bozos.
I'd be very careful, as someone having Polish background, calling other people, especially Jews, "dumb".

Just something else dumb Jews came up with the "Dumb Polak ordeal"
Actually clueless, it was the Germans that first started to call you guys dumb Polak, but you fit the stereotype to the T.

so true-----the Germans considered the poles to be something like donkeys. If poles hated
Russian communists so much-----why did Poland go communist? DA JOOOOS didn't do it-----
they were already dead or gone. Poles have a history of being the pals of the anti-Semites----
whether they are German or Russian-------if there is an opportunity to kill jews based on
Ideology ------ie catholic or eastern orthodox-----THE POLES ARE ALL FOR IT

Jewish Communist Jakub Berman killed, or imprisoned the Polish opposition to Communism.

Poles have a history of being pals with Germans, or Russians?

WTF? You Jews sound like morons.

Russians, and Germans were historically hated in Poland, for the Partitions.

oh gee------the POLISH WIN OF THE YEAR-------they found a jew in the POLISH communist
oh gee----BERMAN-----a member of the polish communist party-----during the time that Poland
was an ally of Russia in the immediate post world war II era------he RESIGNED less than ten
years after world war II ended--------BUT THE POLES BLAME DA JOOOOO for all their self-
inflicted and other inflicted filth
If Poland was supportive of the Holocaust, why did it have less Nazi SS than the rest of Europe?

You Jews sound like real dumb bozos.
I'd be very careful, as someone having Polish background, calling other people, especially Jews, "dumb".

Just something else dumb Jews came up with the "Dumb Polak ordeal"
Actually clueless, it was the Germans that first started to call you guys dumb Polak, but you fit the stereotype to the T.

Yet, there's no such stereotype in Germany.

But, there is in the U.S.A, where Jewish Hollywood, and the Jewish media promoted Poles as dumb.

either you are very ignorant, Sobie-----OR you are a lying polack. Germans invented the
ANTI POLE stereotypes----not jews. In fact germans were VIRULENTLY ANTI POLISH and considered "useful" only as something like "beasts of burden"
In fact Poles made a fine art of inventing jewish
stereotypes and hatred and imbued it HEAVILY with "roman catholic justification" The
religious zeal amongst poles is the factor which influenced your saint Adolf to make
AUSCHWITZ in Poland the chief killing factory----in the minds of poles ---"for the glory of
jesus Christ"------ You can find your answers in actual written material-----done during first
half of the 20th century------the writings of both Germans---and of those poles who
could write--------and the jews. both in Germany and Poland. It seems to me that Poles
were not fully aware of the depth of german hatred disdain towards them. Check the microfilm
in LARGE OLD LIBRARIES -------your filthy propaganda did make it to the USA

The dumb Polak thing is only American, and is considered to come from Jewish Hollywood, and Jewish media.

There's a book written about Hollywood's War on Poland, even.

What a ridiculous statement, to say Auschwitz was created in Poland, due to Polish anti-Semitism.

When in reality the first victims of Auschwitz were Polish POW's.

You Jews are sure dumb hacks.
I'd be very careful, as someone having Polish background, calling other people, especially Jews, "dumb".

Just something else dumb Jews came up with the "Dumb Polak ordeal"
Actually clueless, it was the Germans that first started to call you guys dumb Polak, but you fit the stereotype to the T.

so true-----the Germans considered the poles to be something like donkeys. If poles hated
Russian communists so much-----why did Poland go communist? DA JOOOOS didn't do it-----
they were already dead or gone. Poles have a history of being the pals of the anti-Semites----
whether they are German or Russian-------if there is an opportunity to kill jews based on
Ideology ------ie catholic or eastern orthodox-----THE POLES ARE ALL FOR IT

Jewish Communist Jakub Berman killed, or imprisoned the Polish opposition to Communism.

Poles have a history of being pals with Germans, or Russians?

WTF? You Jews sound like morons.

Russians, and Germans were historically hated in Poland, for the Partitions.

oh gee------the POLISH WIN OF THE YEAR-------they found a jew in the POLISH communist
oh gee----BERMAN-----a member of the polish communist party-----during the time that Poland
was an ally of Russia in the immediate post world war II era------he RESIGNED less than ten
years after world war II ended--------BUT THE POLES BLAME DA JOOOOO for all their self-
inflicted and other inflicted filth

37.8% of the Communist officials following WW2 were of a Jewish background, even though less than 1% of Poland was Jewish.

Soviets had propped up Communism in Poland following WW2.

Jakub Berman was propped up by Stalin, because his Jewish origins would be seen as more loyal to Communism, and less loyal to Poland.

As usual you sound like a real Jewish moron.
I'd be very careful, as someone having Polish background, calling other people, especially Jews, "dumb".

Just something else dumb Jews came up with the "Dumb Polak ordeal"
Actually clueless, it was the Germans that first started to call you guys dumb Polak, but you fit the stereotype to the T.

Yet, there's no such stereotype in Germany.

But, there is in the U.S.A, where Jewish Hollywood, and the Jewish media promoted Poles as dumb.

either you are very ignorant, Sobie-----OR you are a lying polack. Germans invented the
ANTI POLE stereotypes----not jews. In fact germans were VIRULENTLY ANTI POLISH and considered "useful" only as something like "beasts of burden"
In fact Poles made a fine art of inventing jewish
stereotypes and hatred and imbued it HEAVILY with "roman catholic justification" The
religious zeal amongst poles is the factor which influenced your saint Adolf to make
AUSCHWITZ in Poland the chief killing factory----in the minds of poles ---"for the glory of
jesus Christ"------ You can find your answers in actual written material-----done during first
half of the 20th century------the writings of both Germans---and of those poles who
could write--------and the jews. both in Germany and Poland. It seems to me that Poles
were not fully aware of the depth of german hatred disdain towards them. Check the microfilm
in LARGE OLD LIBRARIES -------your filthy propaganda did make it to the USA

The dumb Polak thing is only American, and is considered to come from Jewish Hollywood, and Jewish media.

There's a book written about Hollywood's War on Poland, even.

What a ridiculous statement, to say Auschwitz was created in Poland, due to Polish anti-Semitism.

When in reality the first victims of Auschwitz were Polish POW's.

You Jews are sure dumb hacks.

Still struggling, sobie. It is obvious that you are a victim of polish propaganda and its
comes from "jewish Hollywood" ------that's funny---I never heard a jew use the term. I grew
up a jew in the USA--------my entire extended family is jewish-------lots of my ancestors
(on the level of great grandparents were from Poland and my maternal Grandfather. ----
THEY never said "dumb polack" I came into contact with POLISH ANTISEMITISM
as a young adult. For some reason------for my grandparents-----the evil characters of
Europe were THE COSSACKS . Poles get their hatred of jews in their churches
I'd be very careful, as someone having Polish background, calling other people, especially Jews, "dumb".

Just something else dumb Jews came up with the "Dumb Polak ordeal"
Actually clueless, it was the Germans that first started to call you guys dumb Polak, but you fit the stereotype to the T.

so true-----the Germans considered the poles to be something like donkeys. If poles hated
Russian communists so much-----why did Poland go communist? DA JOOOOS didn't do it-----
they were already dead or gone. Poles have a history of being the pals of the anti-Semites----
whether they are German or Russian-------if there is an opportunity to kill jews based on
Ideology ------ie catholic or eastern orthodox-----THE POLES ARE ALL FOR IT

Jewish Communist Jakub Berman killed, or imprisoned the Polish opposition to Communism.

Poles have a history of being pals with Germans, or Russians?

WTF? You Jews sound like morons.

Russians, and Germans were historically hated in Poland, for the Partitions.

Not enough------the hatred Poland had for Germans and Russians did not come
close to the hatred and DISDAIN that GERMANS AND RUSSIANS had for Poles.
In fact Russians hated Poles so much that in order to PROTECT RUSSIA-----and
create a human buffer zone, they PUSHED JEWS TO THE BORDER areas between
Russia and the DESPISED poles. They really hated your guts. It may also have
been a Catholic vs Eastern Orthodox thing. You like to ignore lots of STUFF.
As to the shared ANTI-SEMITISM-----what else is new? It is just about the only
commonality that binds arabs and Iranians--------OTHERWISE they hate each other too.

Russia acquired millions of Jews after the Partitions of Poland, they created the Pale of Settlement to keep it that way.

Geez, you sound like such a dumb Jew.

Actually it was Jews who were more likely to side with Germans, or Russians FYI.

In WW1 during the Poland Greater Uprising, Jews overwhelmingly fought with Germany.

In WW2 Jews overwhelmingly fought with Soviets.
Just something else dumb Jews came up with the "Dumb Polak ordeal"
Actually clueless, it was the Germans that first started to call you guys dumb Polak, but you fit the stereotype to the T.

so true-----the Germans considered the poles to be something like donkeys. If poles hated
Russian communists so much-----why did Poland go communist? DA JOOOOS didn't do it-----
they were already dead or gone. Poles have a history of being the pals of the anti-Semites----
whether they are German or Russian-------if there is an opportunity to kill jews based on
Ideology ------ie catholic or eastern orthodox-----THE POLES ARE ALL FOR IT

Jewish Communist Jakub Berman killed, or imprisoned the Polish opposition to Communism.

Poles have a history of being pals with Germans, or Russians?

WTF? You Jews sound like morons.

Russians, and Germans were historically hated in Poland, for the Partitions.

oh gee------the POLISH WIN OF THE YEAR-------they found a jew in the POLISH communist
oh gee----BERMAN-----a member of the polish communist party-----during the time that Poland
was an ally of Russia in the immediate post world war II era------he RESIGNED less than ten
years after world war II ended--------BUT THE POLES BLAME DA JOOOOO for all their self-
inflicted and other inflicted filth

37.8% of the Communist officials following WW2 were of a Jewish background, even though less than 1% of Poland was Jewish.

Soviets had propped up Communism in Poland following WW2.

Jakub Berman was propped up by Stalin, because his Jewish origins would be seen as more loyal to Communism, and less loyal to Poland.

As usual you sound like a real Jewish moron.

more of the usual polish sophist shit. -----now in the polish mind STALIN LOVED JEWS -----
kinda like AL QAIDA loves jews. Ask any Baathist pig. ----sophist pole
"THE SOVIETS PROPPED UP COMMUNISM"-----got that one? there were NO POLISH
COMMUNISTS--------just as the poles had no idea what was going on in Auschwitz

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