Israeli Logic

Here they all are!!!

Bonfils and other historic records do mention that an occasional Arab bedouines would pass through the ‘barren land’ to reach other destinations but they would not stay. There is no mention anywhere, ever, of a “Palestinian” people with permanent settlement in the British Mandate.

Are you getting it yet?
You sure can, Shusha. British Mandate survey of Palestine 1948. Britian handed over their land to the Jews, and the Jews bought the rest.
What you have now are the offspring of those Arabs that moved to Israel AFTER it became a Nation, and lived and worked in peace with the Jews in Israel until Egypt announced it's intention of invading Israel and were told to get out of harms way. Egypt lost. Refused to allow those few that left Israel into Egypt and instead huddled them together and used them for propaganda.

Those Arabs that left the area had not even lived in Israel for 24 months. They did not qualify for aid because they hadn't lived in the area long enough to qualify.
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You sure can, Shusha. British Mandate survey of Palestine 1948. Britian handed over their land to the Jews, and the Jews bought the rest.
What you have now are the offspring of those Arabs that moved to Israel AFTER it became a Nation, and lived and worked in peace with the Jews in Israel until Egypt announced it's intention of invading Israel and were told to get out of harms way. Egypt lost. Refused to allow those few that left Israel into Egypt and instead huddled them together and used them for propaganda.

Those Arabs that left the area had not even lived in Israel for 24 months. They did not qualify for aid because they hadn't lived in the area long enough to qualify.

Ya wouldn't happen to have a link, would you?
Why did you post a table from the Survey of Palestine that confirms that more than 90% of the migrants to Palestine were Jewish and less than 8% non-Jews?
View attachment 69952

Yep. Truth is the truth.

Hey, you're a Trump supporter. Trump wants to build a wall to keep out Mexican immigrants. Can't Israel build a wall to keep out bloodthirsty terrorists?
Forget that it if Israel had not invaded and stolen the land there would be no need to build a wall. They should invaded and colonized Madagascar. That way the world could block them from the mainland. The US always has been colonized and settled by whites. Indians that murdered off the first Americans which were Europeans NEVER owned the land here they just squatted on it.

Go Donald Trump and Jews!
A far as the population of Palestine, at the time of the mandate, There were more Christians than Jews in Palestine at the time and most were recent arrivals.

during the period
1st JULY, 1920--30th JUNE, 1921.


" There are now in the whole of Palestine hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ.* (*See Sir George Adam Smith "Historical Geography of the Holy Land", Chap. 20.) Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants.

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine. Most of them were animated by religious motives; they came to pray and to die in the Holy Land, and to be buried in its soil. "

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)
View attachment 69952

Yep. Truth is the truth.
You mean, half truth. Palestinians are the other 1/2 of this tango. They refuse to accept Israel, they work in concert with outsiders to destroy Israel, and use just about any cheap tactic they can to gain an advantage. And your half assed thread is a PR stunt for those jackals. Truth? I got no problem with the WHOLE truth.
As an outsider I think that it's probably best that the Palestinians accept that they were screwed, and should make a good financial deal to leave the area to the Jews. They will never be other than an oppressed people with no chance that the world will do anything for them, unlike the non-whites of South Africa. The Jews are too powerful in countries that eventually forced the apartheid government to enfranchise the non-whites.

But, I don't understand why some people believe that native people that were colonized by people from another continent who subsequently set up a state for themselves should just "accept" their expulsion and dispossession?
View attachment 69952

Yep. Truth is the truth.
You mean, half truth. Palestinians are the other 1/2 of this tango. They refuse to accept Israel, they work in concert with outsiders to destroy Israel, and use just about any cheap tactic they can to gain an advantage. And your half assed thread is a PR stunt for those jackals. Truth? I got no problem with the WHOLE truth.
You expect the Palestinians to just kiss and hug and love the very people murdering them off? Stolen their land,raped their women,massacred whole villages.
View attachment 69952

Yep. Truth is the truth.
You mean, half truth. Palestinians are the other 1/2 of this tango. They refuse to accept Israel, they work in concert with outsiders to destroy Israel, and use just about any cheap tactic they can to gain an advantage. And your half assed thread is a PR stunt for those jackals. Truth? I got no problem with the WHOLE truth.
You expect the Palestinians to just kiss and hug and love the very people murdering them off? Stolen their land,raped their women,massacred whole villages.
You expect the Israelis to kiss and hug the same Palistinian IslamoNazis that are trying to commit a second Holocaust on Jews in their own holy land?

What I like about Donald Trump is that he has a good track record of being a Zionist and is a proud father of a Jewish daughter and has Jewish grandchildren.

Go Trump!
I love it when people post pure BS, its so easy to refute

OK lets start with just a site and work our way through. ( as if we haven't been through it before )


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Way to many graphs and data to transcribe here but yeah. That nonsense posted above, is pure bull shit
I was hoping for the source of the land ownership statistics. Not the immigration stats.
But, I don't understand why some people believe that native people that were colonized by people from another continent who subsequently set up a state for themselves should just "accept" their expulsion and dispossession?

We don't think they should just accept it. We think they should recognize BOTH people's narratives and desires for self-determination and work toward a viable solution for both parties. And we especially think that violence against innocents is NOT the way to solve the problem.
I was hoping for the source of the land ownership statistics. Not the immigration stats.

The Ottomans didn't exactly keep stunning records. Even if they did the land was ceded to the LoN and fell under the British Mandate. So in the end NONE of it belonged to Southern Syrians anymore.

I don't think you're ever going to find that data as I'm not sure it ever existed. All indications are that what few locals there were prior to WW1 were squatters and renters. What land was owned by the Arabs was owned by absentee land holders of unknown origins.
But, I don't understand why some people believe that native people that were colonized by people from another continent who subsequently set up a state for themselves should just "accept" their expulsion and dispossession?

We don't think they should just accept it. We think they should recognize BOTH people's narratives and desires for self-determination and work toward a viable solution for both parties. And we especially think that violence against innocents is NOT the way to solve the problem.

I can't agree with this one. At this point there is no chance for peace. The Israeli's MUST apply the geneva conventions to the letter and segregate the combatants from whatever legitimate civilians there might be and repatriate the combatants.

Then maybe

But as it is now the culture of terrorism is so pervasive in Arab Muslim society in Israel there can never be peace. Its time to face the realities and stop coddling the Arab Muslims in Israel.
I was hoping for the source of the land ownership statistics. Not the immigration stats.

The Ottomans didn't exactly keep stunning records. Even if they did the land was ceded to the LoN and fell under the British Mandate. So in the end NONE of it belonged to Southern Syrians anymore.

I don't think you're ever going to find that data as I'm not sure it ever existed. All indications are that what few locals there were prior to WW1 were squatters and renters. What land was owned by the Arabs was owned by absentee land holders of unknown origins.

We agree. The poster in question posted stats on land ownership. That's why I was wondering if he/she had a source for it, as I've never seen anything like that before.
I can't agree with this one. At this point there is no chance for peace. The Israeli's MUST apply the geneva conventions to the letter and segregate the combatants from whatever legitimate civilians there might be and repatriate the combatants.

Then maybe

But as it is now the culture of terrorism is so pervasive in Arab Muslim society in Israel there can never be peace. Its time to face the realities and stop coddling the Arab Muslims in Israel.

I was arguing ideals, not realities in that particular post. I agree with you. There is no chance for end-of-conflict or a Palestinian state at this moment. They simply aren't capable of doing what they need to create a state.

More and more, I am seeing the best hope as being an agreement and land swap between Israel, Jordan and Egypt. If only we could find some incentives for Jordan and Egypt. I'll start a thread on it.

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