Israeli Logic

You guys are idiots if you think the collapse of oil prices is because of some ingenious US foreign policy.

Our foreign policy is a cluster fuck at this point. Obama may have run a clean presidency and have been pretty good with domestic policy but his foreign policy leaves a lot to be desired.

And Israel certainly had exactly nothing to do with it.

No ingenious foreign policy at all. Taking out OPEC members in no ingenious.

However you only need look at what the US has done to the four OPEC members who were opposed to the US in 2001, to see where US foreign policy lies.

Syria? Fuck Syria, who cares about Syria? Not worth invading. The Ivory Coast? Where?

Libya, hell yeah, Libya is bad and evil and needs to be taken down instantly.

However it's not just this that has led to lower oil prices. However this has helped massively.

So the nations in the Gulf that are the leaders of OPEC and produce the most oil are who exactly. Would it be Saudi, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE by any chance ?

You don't seem to understand what I'm saying.

Those countries aren't anti-American.

If OPEC isn't strong, then they can't work together to do as they wish. If they are united, then they control like 40-50% of the oil in the world. That's a lot.

Now OPEC are weak, and have been since those who tried to bring OPEC together and form a proper cartel, ie, Hugo Chavez and he had an easy task to convince Iran, Libya and Iraq, with four countries on side, it's easier to get a few more OPEC countries on board. With no one to lead them towards being against US interests, then what?
You guys are idiots if you think the collapse of oil prices is because of some ingenious US foreign policy.

Our foreign policy is a cluster fuck at this point. Obama may have run a clean presidency and have been pretty good with domestic policy but his foreign policy leaves a lot to be desired.

And Israel certainly had exactly nothing to do with it.

No ingenious foreign policy at all. Taking out OPEC members in no ingenious.

However you only need look at what the US has done to the four OPEC members who were opposed to the US in 2001, to see where US foreign policy lies.

Syria? Fuck Syria, who cares about Syria? Not worth invading. The Ivory Coast? Where?

Libya, hell yeah, Libya is bad and evil and needs to be taken down instantly.

However it's not just this that has led to lower oil prices. However this has helped massively.

So the nations in the Gulf that are the leaders of OPEC and produce the most oil are who exactly. Would it be Saudi, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE by any chance ?

You don't seem to understand what I'm saying.

Those countries aren't anti-American.

If OPEC isn't strong, then they can't work together to do as they wish. If they are united, then they control like 40-50% of the oil in the world. That's a lot.

Now OPEC are weak, and have been since those who tried to bring OPEC together and form a proper cartel, ie, Hugo Chavez and he had an easy task to convince Iran, Libya and Iraq, with four countries on side, it's easier to get a few more OPEC countries on board. With no one to lead them towards being against US interests, then what?

I do understand what you are saying and all I see is neo Marxist hogwash and anti American hatred.
Opec was always the holding of Saudi and it was Saudi that pulled the strings. The South American nations did not have the military might to defend any action and so did nothing, if they tried to mobilise against the US they would find themselves with US ships parked across their drives.

By the way OEC control 90% of the worlds oil, which s why they will always win. To destroy OPEC we would need to destroy the Gulf Oil States and that would do the world no favours as all that oil would be lost. remember Iraq and its oil fields ?
You guys are idiots if you think the collapse of oil prices is because of some ingenious US foreign policy.

Our foreign policy is a cluster fuck at this point. Obama may have run a clean presidency and have been pretty good with domestic policy but his foreign policy leaves a lot to be desired.

And Israel certainly had exactly nothing to do with it.

No ingenious foreign policy at all. Taking out OPEC members in no ingenious.

However you only need look at what the US has done to the four OPEC members who were opposed to the US in 2001, to see where US foreign policy lies.

Syria? Fuck Syria, who cares about Syria? Not worth invading. The Ivory Coast? Where?

Libya, hell yeah, Libya is bad and evil and needs to be taken down instantly.

However it's not just this that has led to lower oil prices. However this has helped massively.

So the nations in the Gulf that are the leaders of OPEC and produce the most oil are who exactly. Would it be Saudi, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE by any chance ?

You don't seem to understand what I'm saying.

Those countries aren't anti-American.

If OPEC isn't strong, then they can't work together to do as they wish. If they are united, then they control like 40-50% of the oil in the world. That's a lot.

Now OPEC are weak, and have been since those who tried to bring OPEC together and form a proper cartel, ie, Hugo Chavez and he had an easy task to convince Iran, Libya and Iraq, with four countries on side, it's easier to get a few more OPEC countries on board. With no one to lead them towards being against US interests, then what?

I do understand what you are saying and all I see is neo Marxist hogwash and anti American hatred.
Opec was always the holding of Saudi and it was Saudi that pulled the strings. The South American nations did not have the military might to defend any action and so did nothing, if they tried to mobilise against the US they would find themselves with US ships parked across their drives.

By the way OEC control 90% of the worlds oil, which s why they will always win. To destroy OPEC we would need to destroy the Gulf Oil States and that would do the world no favours as all that oil would be lost. remember Iraq and its oil fields ?

Which is what makes the Arab and Muslim voting block in the UN so powerful; no one wants to piss off their oil supply. So they propose another anti Israeli resolution and the sheep follow right along.

Next thing you know we have what 100 resolutions demanding Israel do this or that and 1 very politely asking the Arab Muslim nations to please stop the war they started in 48.

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