Israeli Treatment of East Jerusalem Palestinians

They should have thought about the " occupation" being a possible consequence before 1967. If the Arabs had won Israel would no longer exist
You just insist on telling that same lame ass lie over and over and over.

It doesn't matter how many times you tell it, it's still a lie.

What exactly is a " lie" ? That if the Arabs had won Israel would still be on the map ? You are the liar :eusa_liar:
After Saladin took the city, he invited the jews to resettle and allowed them to pray on the mount. The city was open to christians and jews.
Jews served in Saladin's court. Some of the most important religious work by jews was done during that time.

Again you spout nonsense. Fact:

"In 1173 Benjamin of Tudela visited Jerusalem. He described it as a small city full of Jacobites, Armenians, Greeks, and Georgians. Two hundred Jews dwelt in a corner of the city under the Tower of David.

In 1187, with the Muslim world more united under such effective leaders as Saladin, Jerusalem was re-conquered by the Muslims after the Siege of Jerusalem (1187). Following this the armies of Saladin conquered, expelled, enslaved, or killed the remaining Christian communities at Galillea, Judea, Samaria, as well as the towns of Ashkelon, Jaffa, Caesarea, and Acre.[12]"

History of Jerusalem (Middle Ages) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Are you suggesting that if there weren't Jewish immigration to the ME the Arabs would have been O.K. with the JEWISH STATE among the " natives' to the land??? Another moron " speaks" :D
Palestinian-arabs and Palestinian-jews got along fine living next to each other for century's until the arrogant, asshole, Zionists showed up on the scene, importing their racist, apartheid violence along with them.

Above is another lie told by the FUCKING PRO PALESTINIAN BULL-SHIT ARTIST !!!

Point of No Return: Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries: Massacres of Jews by Muslims before 1948

Jewish Defence League UK (JDL): Was there really a Jewish/Muslim love-in prior to 1948?

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Was there really a Jewish/Muslim love-in prior to 1948?

Dhimmi Jew in Medieval Spain

Can you believe it? Many Muslims (And also some ignorant mainly European Jews) believe, or pretend to believe, that there was a ‘long history of mutual tolerance between Jews and Muslims’ in the Middle East, and elsewhere, which only came to an end in 1948 – when the state of Israel was founded.

Yes, it is sometimes true that Jews were more severely persecuted in Christian Europe than in the Muslim-Arab world. Or, rather, we should say that it was often the case that Jews were more severely treated and oppressed in Europe than in the Muslim Middle East. But this was not always and everywhere the case. At many times, and in many places, things were just as bad for Jews in the Islamic world than they were in Europe. It depends. It depends on the precise period and the precise location we are talking about.

So let’s talk about Jewish oppression and persecution in the Muslim world (way) before 1948. Here are just a few examples:

i) In the ninth century, Baghdad’s Caliph al-Mutawakki designated a yellow badge to be worn by Iraq’s Jews. The Nazis took over this Muslim example in the 1930s.

ii) In 1465, Muslims in Fez (Morocco) killed thousands of Jews, leaving only 11 alive. This was after a Jew had treated a Muslim woman in ‘an offensive manner’. (Oh! That Muslim word – ‘offensive’!) These preliminary killings sparked off other massacres throughout Morocco. (And so that you know, this is how the actual 'fez' hat came into existence). One of the Muslim murderers dipped his turban in the blood of the Jews he killed and then put it back on his head. Soon enough the rest copied him. And later a specific red blood hat called Fez was created.

iii) In Libya in 1785, Ali Belsi Pasha murdered hundreds of Jews.

iv) More up to date. In Algeria there were Jewish massacres in 1805, 1815 and 1830. Thousands were murdered.

Just two small examples of the HATE, bigotry, and Racism the Arabs had for the Jewish people for centuries yet the ASS-HOLE accuses the Jewish people of being racist????? :cuckoo:
i accuses the Jewish people of being racist?????

Well, of course they are racist. They consider themselves a race (which is a stretch) and they believe that they are the "chosen people". How is that not racist? Let's get real.
1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Hebron massacre refers to the killing of sixty-seven Jews (including 23 college students) on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by false rumors that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem and seizing control of Muslim holy places.

What else would you expect from a Pro Palestinian ScumBag who lies? Hebron Massacre had nothing to do with " immigration". Even if Jews were migrating to the area; so what?? :D
From your own link...

In mid-August 1929, hundreds of Jewish nationalists marched to the Western Wall in Jerusalem shouting slogans such as The Wall is Ours and raising the Jewish national flag.
And that's what started the riot.

BTW, you did correct me on the number of Jewish dead. I thought it was 63. It was 67.

Thanks for the correction!

The Hebron massacre refers to the killing of sixty-seven Jews (including 23 college students) on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by false rumors that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem and seizing control of Muslim holy places.[1] The event also left scores seriously wounded or maimed. Jewish homes were pillaged and synagogues were ransacked. Many of the 435 Jews who survived were hidden by local Arab families.[2][3] Soon after, all Hebron's Jews were evacuated by the British authorities. Many returned in 1931, but almost all were evacuated at the outbreak of the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The massacre formed part of the 1929 Palestine riots, in which a total of 133 Jews were killed by Arabs, and brought the centuries-old Jewish presence in Hebron to an end.

Nice try but this is why the Hebron Massacre happened. Jews had the Right to go to the Wall then and now .

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i accuses the Jewish people of being racist?????

Well, of course they are racist. They consider themselves a race (which is a stretch) and they believe that they are the "chosen people". How is that not racist? Let's get real.
You have your facts wrong about that chosen bit.
i accuses the Jewish people of being racist?????

Well, of course they are racist. They consider themselves a race (which is a stretch) and they believe that they are the "chosen people". How is that not racist? Let's get real.
You have your facts wrong about that chosen bit.

How do I have it wrong? If that wasn't the case, why would it be accepted by them that to expel the non-Jews Palestine was ok? I mean, you do agree that non-Jews were expelled from Palestine by Jews. Or do you think the indigenous people just disappeared, like magic?
After Saladin took the city, he invited the jews to resettle and allowed them to pray on the mount. The city was open to christians and jews.
Jews served in Saladin's court. Some of the most important religious work by jews was done during that time.

Again you spout nonsense. Fact:

"In 1173 Benjamin of Tudela visited Jerusalem. He described it as a small city full of Jacobites, Armenians, Greeks, and Georgians. Two hundred Jews dwelt in a corner of the city under the Tower of David.

In 1187, with the Muslim world more united under such effective leaders as Saladin, Jerusalem was re-conquered by the Muslims after the Siege of Jerusalem (1187). Following this the armies of Saladin conquered, expelled, enslaved, or killed the remaining Christian communities at Galillea, Judea, Samaria, as well as the towns of Ashkelon, Jaffa, Caesarea, and Acre.[12]"

History of Jerusalem (Middle Ages) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

You are aware he died in 1173 in Spain. Tudela visited Jerusalem when it was still under Christian control in 1165.
The book you seem to think was Tudela's was written by Adler in 1907.
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i accuses the Jewish people of being racist?????

Well, of course they are racist. They consider themselves a race (which is a stretch) and they believe that they are the "chosen people". How is that not racist? Let's get real.
You have your facts wrong about that chosen bit.

How do I have it wrong? If that wasn't the case, why would it be accepted by them that to expel the non-Jews Palestine was ok? I mean, you do agree that non-Jews were expelled from Palestine by Jews. Or do you think the indigenous people just disappeared, like magic?
They disappeared. Shazam!
Life for Jews among the "peaceful" Muslim majority has always been dicey at best.

History of the Jews under Muslim rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Your link covers Persia, Iran, Turkey, Kurdistan, but no account of any violence in Palestine.

Got another one?

BTW, even if you don't, you're already better than all the other posters who wouldn't even attempt it. At least you posted a link to back up your claim. Kudos for that.

The first 19th Century Arab slaughter of their Jewish neighbors in that link was to Safed.
I'm still not certain if you are as stupid as you appear here or just a really bad liar. Oh well.

1834 Safed pogrom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i accuses the Jewish people of being racist?????

Well, of course they are racist. They consider themselves a race (which is a stretch) and they believe that they are the "chosen people". How is that not racist? Let's get real.
You have your facts wrong about that chosen bit.

How do I have it wrong? If that wasn't the case, why would it be accepted by them that to expel the non-Jews Palestine was ok? I mean, you do agree that non-Jews were expelled from Palestine by Jews. Or do you think the indigenous people just disappeared, like magic?

Why, Haniya, it is the Muslims who think that their religion is the superior one and that everyone should accept it. Meanwhile, all that "chosen" means when it comes to the Jews is that they were to follow several hundred commandments and the non Jews only had to follow ten. I still say -- What indigenous people? These people mainly came from the surrounding countries which were poor, the same way we see people emigrating into countries like the U.S., Candada, Germany, etc. because they are looking for jobs. I guess that Egyptian official agrees with this or else he wouldn't have said that the Gazans should come back to Egypt.
After the Crusaders conquered Palestine, the few Jews that were living in harmony under Muslim rule were massacred, were forced to convert or escaped. Very few Jews returned after Saladin defeated the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Jews only reappeared when they arrived as Zionists from Europe in the late 19th century.
That is not true.

There was always a jewish population in Palestine, although they made up only 10% of the residents.

...the population of the area comprising modern Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip was not exclusively Muslim. Under the Empire's rule in the mid-16th century, there were no more than 10,000 Jews in Palestine, making up around 5% of the population.

By the mid-19th century, Turkish sources recorded that 80% of the 600,000-strong population was identified as Muslim, 10% as Christian Arab and 5-7% as Jewish.
Above is another lie told by the FUCKING PRO PALESTINIAN BULL-SHIT ARTIST !!!

Point of No Return: Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries: Massacres of Jews by Muslims before 1948

Jewish Defence League UK (JDL): Was there really a Jewish/Muslim love-in prior to 1948?

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Was there really a Jewish/Muslim love-in prior to 1948?

Dhimmi Jew in Medieval Spain

Can you believe it? Many Muslims (And also some ignorant mainly European Jews) believe, or pretend to believe, that there was a ‘long history of mutual tolerance between Jews and Muslims’ in the Middle East, and elsewhere, which only came to an end in 1948 – when the state of Israel was founded.

Yes, it is sometimes true that Jews were more severely persecuted in Christian Europe than in the Muslim-Arab world. Or, rather, we should say that it was often the case that Jews were more severely treated and oppressed in Europe than in the Muslim Middle East. But this was not always and everywhere the case. At many times, and in many places, things were just as bad for Jews in the Islamic world than they were in Europe. It depends. It depends on the precise period and the precise location we are talking about.

So let’s talk about Jewish oppression and persecution in the Muslim world (way) before 1948. Here are just a few examples:

i) In the ninth century, Baghdad’s Caliph al-Mutawakki designated a yellow badge to be worn by Iraq’s Jews. The Nazis took over this Muslim example in the 1930s.

ii) In 1465, Muslims in Fez (Morocco) killed thousands of Jews, leaving only 11 alive. This was after a Jew had treated a Muslim woman in ‘an offensive manner’. (Oh! That Muslim word – ‘offensive’!) These preliminary killings sparked off other massacres throughout Morocco. (And so that you know, this is how the actual 'fez' hat came into existence). One of the Muslim murderers dipped his turban in the blood of the Jews he killed and then put it back on his head. Soon enough the rest copied him. And later a specific red blood hat called Fez was created.

iii) In Libya in 1785, Ali Belsi Pasha murdered hundreds of Jews.

iv) More up to date. In Algeria there were Jewish massacres in 1805, 1815 and 1830. Thousands were murdered.

Just two small examples of the HATE, bigotry, and Racism the Arabs had for the Jewish people for centuries yet the ASS-HOLE accuses the Jewish people of being racist????? :cuckoo:
We're not talking about jewish oppression in the muslim world, you dumbass! We're not talking about Turkey, Bagdad or Christian Europe.

We're talking about Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs, living in Palestine for century's, without any major incidents of violence.
Above is another lie told by the FUCKING PRO PALESTINIAN BULL-SHIT ARTIST !!!

Point of No Return: Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries: Massacres of Jews by Muslims before 1948

Jewish Defence League UK (JDL): Was there really a Jewish/Muslim love-in prior to 1948?

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Was there really a Jewish/Muslim love-in prior to 1948?

Dhimmi Jew in Medieval Spain

Can you believe it? Many Muslims (And also some ignorant mainly European Jews) believe, or pretend to believe, that there was a ‘long history of mutual tolerance between Jews and Muslims’ in the Middle East, and elsewhere, which only came to an end in 1948 – when the state of Israel was founded.

Yes, it is sometimes true that Jews were more severely persecuted in Christian Europe than in the Muslim-Arab world. Or, rather, we should say that it was often the case that Jews were more severely treated and oppressed in Europe than in the Muslim Middle East. But this was not always and everywhere the case. At many times, and in many places, things were just as bad for Jews in the Islamic world than they were in Europe. It depends. It depends on the precise period and the precise location we are talking about.

So let’s talk about Jewish oppression and persecution in the Muslim world (way) before 1948. Here are just a few examples:

i) In the ninth century, Baghdad’s Caliph al-Mutawakki designated a yellow badge to be worn by Iraq’s Jews. The Nazis took over this Muslim example in the 1930s.

ii) In 1465, Muslims in Fez (Morocco) killed thousands of Jews, leaving only 11 alive. This was after a Jew had treated a Muslim woman in ‘an offensive manner’. (Oh! That Muslim word – ‘offensive’!) These preliminary killings sparked off other massacres throughout Morocco. (And so that you know, this is how the actual 'fez' hat came into existence). One of the Muslim murderers dipped his turban in the blood of the Jews he killed and then put it back on his head. Soon enough the rest copied him. And later a specific red blood hat called Fez was created.

iii) In Libya in 1785, Ali Belsi Pasha murdered hundreds of Jews.

iv) More up to date. In Algeria there were Jewish massacres in 1805, 1815 and 1830. Thousands were murdered.

Just two small examples of the HATE, bigotry, and Racism the Arabs had for the Jewish people for centuries yet the ASS-HOLE accuses the Jewish people of being racist????? :cuckoo:
We're not talking about jewish oppression in the muslim world, you dumbass! We're not talking about Turkey, Bagdad or Christian Europe.

We're talking about Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs, living in Palestine for century's, without any major incidents of violence.

You mean like Hebron and other examples ? The Hate that infiltrated the Muslim World for Centuries also applies to that area of the World, Dumbass Why should that part of the World be any different? I notice you don't condemn the hatred, racism and bigotry of the Muslim World, You Fucker
What exactly is a " lie" ? That if the Arabs had won Israel would still be on the map ? You are the liar :eusa_liar:
Israel was not in a war with the Palestinian's in '67, they were in a war with Egypt.

A war Israel started when they sent their tanks across the border.

Another Pro Palestinian lie. Egypt initiated the War when their military started to be called to The borders of Israel but especially when they ordered the UN out of the region and they complied . Just more proof that " International Law" is a fallacy

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