Israeli Treatment of East Jerusalem Palestinians

Only a scumbag lime yourself would blame the Zionists on the Massacre.
Of coarse I'm going to blame Zionists!

That area didn't even have violence until they showed up. And a group of those selfish, war-mongering pricks, went down to the Wailing Wall and declared the "entire" Wall theirs, which became the flashpoint of the riots.

Not only did Zionists start that riot, they imported violence into an area that lived in virtual peace for century's.

So fuck your "I'm a victim" bullshit, history is not on your side.

Arabs massacred tens of women and children because of false reports that Jew were killing Arabs.
And 427 jewish lives were saved that night by their arab neighbor's.

Just how did you say "Thank You"? By slaughtering entire arab villages like Deir Yassin.
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How do you work that one out when it was stated by the arab league that they were to destroy Israel and force the Jews into the sea. It is still part of the P.A. charter to rid Palestine of all Jews, that is all of Palestine including Israel. It is also a part of their religion to "KILL ALL THE JEWS"
And that was all said over 40-50 years ago.

Their more recent statements say they're willing to accept a two-state solution.
Were are Israel stealing land then, when the land was Jewish pre 1948 to begin with and it was the Palestinians that stole it after getting their buts kicked.

Indigenous arabs outnumbered indigenous jews in that area 10-1 for century's.

They didn't steal anything!
Only a scumbag lime yourself would blame the Zionists on the Massacre.
Of coarse I'm going to blame Zionists!

That area didn't even have violence until they showed up. And a group of those selfish, war-mongering pricks, went down to the Wailing Wall and declared the "entire" Wall theirs, which became the flashpoint of the riots.

Not only did Zionists start that riot, they imported violence into an area that lived in virtual peace for century's.

So fuck your "I'm a victim" bullshit, history is not on your side.

Clearly no hairy little goose steppin' Nazi is.
Only a scumbag lime yourself would blame the Zionists on the Massacre.
Of coarse I'm going to blame Zionists!

That area didn't even have violence until they showed up. And a group of those selfish, war-mongering pricks, went down to the Wailing Wall and declared the "entire" Wall theirs, which became the flashpoint of the riots.

Not only did Zionists start that riot, they imported violence into an area that lived in virtual peace for century's.

So fuck your "I'm a victim" bullshit, history is not on your side.

Arabs massacred tens of women and children because of false reports that Jew were killing Arabs.
And 427 jewish lives were saved that night by their arab neighbor's.

Just how did you say "Thank You"? By slaughtering entire arab villages like Deir Yassin.

Im talking about the Hebron Massacre you piece of shit.
And what a out the Arabs slaughtering busloads of Jews??
And the Zionists did not import violence anywhere. That is another one of your propaganda lies you sick deluded 'human being'
Where did you get that shit from, when the muslims held the Jews as slaves under dhimma laws. The arab muslims stole hebron from the Jews 4 times and each time murdered Jews in the process. Jewish girls stolen as sex slaves and forced into producing children for the muslims. The only history that says what you are saying is that written by the ISLAMONAZI's and has been shown to be a pack of LIES
According to the UN...
the total population in 1922 was officially estimated at about 750,000
...and migration into that area for the decade was...
Immigration into Palestine, 1920-1929

Year / No. of Jews
1920 / 5514
1921 / 9149
1922 / 7844
1923 / 7421
1924 / 12856
1925 / 33801
1926 / 13081
1927 / 2713
1928 / 2178
1929 / 5249
Total = 94,557

Year / No. of arabs
1920 / 202
1921 / 190
1922 / 284
1923 / 570
1924 / 697
1925 / 840
1926 / 829
1927 / 882
1928 / 908
1929 / 1317
Total = 5,402
In spite of the immigration of almost 100,000 Zionists, the non-arab population in that area, made up only 17%.

To sum it up, the non-Jewish population owned 80% of the land and you fuckers took it from them, so fuck off!
Im talking about the Hebron Massacre you piece of shit.
So was I.

How the fuck could you not see that?

And what a out the Arabs slaughtering busloads of Jews??
63. That was the number of jewish dead.

You don't even know the story your using as proof!
It was 63.

And the Zionists did not import violence anywhere. That is another one of your propaganda lies you sick deluded 'human being'
I didn't say they imported it "anywhere", I said they imported it "there".

Well, your Hebron reference didn't pass muster, you got any others?
Where did you get that shit from, when the muslims held the Jews as slaves under dhimma laws. The arab muslims stole hebron from the Jews 4 times and each time murdered Jews in the process. Jewish girls stolen as sex slaves and forced into producing children for the muslims. The only history that says what you are saying is that written by the ISLAMONAZI's and has been shown to be a pack of LIES
According to the UN...
the total population in 1922 was officially estimated at about 750,000
...and migration into that area for the decade was...
Immigration into Palestine, 1920-1929

Year / No. of Jews
1920 / 5514
1921 / 9149
1922 / 7844
1923 / 7421
1924 / 12856
1925 / 33801
1926 / 13081
1927 / 2713
1928 / 2178
1929 / 5249
Total = 94,557

Year / No. of arabs
1920 / 202
1921 / 190
1922 / 284
1923 / 570
1924 / 697
1925 / 840
1926 / 829
1927 / 882
1928 / 908
1929 / 1317
Total = 5,402
In spite of the immigration of almost 100,000 Zionists, the non-arab population in that area, made up only 17%.

To sum it up, the non-Jewish population owned 80% of the land and you fuckers took it from them, so fuck off!
Or, alternatively, returning the suggestion.

The Jews have the land now.

You can't have it back.

Unless you can take it.

Please try.
So it had nothing to do with the LIES and BLOOD LIBELS that the grand mufti spread around then, were he said the Jews had tried to take over the muslims holy sites

Islam and war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arab riots 1920-1921[edit]

Arab riots, Massacres, Pogroms on Jews in Israel / Palestine-1920-1921.[185]

On February 1920, the pogroms by Arabs on Jews in Jerusalem were orchestrated by two young Arab Muslim supremacists (prominent in Arab Palestine), Haj Amin al-Husseini [who later on became the Mufti] at that time served in the British army's intelligence and Aref al-Aref. A Hebron Muslim Sheik shouted: "Whoever has a stick, a gun' a knife or stone, shall go and exterminate the Jews, And in ecstasy screamed: "Adbachu Al Yahud" ['Kill the Jews!'].[186] Amin el-Husseini was using his considerable wealth and growing power to incite the masses.[187] Due to Haj Amin's overt role in instigating the pogrom, the British arrested him.[188][189]

Arab pogroms were launched against Jews in 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1936-1939. According to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from 1920 to 1966, Arab terrorists murdered 1513 Jewish residents of British Mandatory Palestine.[190]

Islamists turned mosques into hubs instigating violence, "shrine into a center of unholy activity," explaines historian, where "political intrigue and violence were hatched, as were the bloody anti-Jewish riots of 1920, 1929 and 1936. Inside the Temple Mount enclosure, fanatical preachers incited the masses who then went on the rampage with shouts of Allahu akbar (Allah is great) mingled with Idbah al Yahud (Slaughter the Jews)."[191
No one is saying arabs didn't have blood on their hands.

They did their share of the violence to.
Woo. All this time I thought you were an exceedingly obnoxious asshole but it turns out you're really just couching your stupidity in obtusiveness. Read the first 6 words of Barakat's tome and tell me again he isn't specific about the subjects of his article:
"current Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem – numbering over 350,000, or 38% of the city’s total population..."
Okay, I missed that one.

Thanks for the correction.

Now tell me how the daily lives of these Palestinians, consisting of shopping at Israeli malls, using Israeli services, frequenting Israeli restaurants and bars, sending their children to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, receiving Israeli social and health benefits and seeking and obtaining Israeli citizenship, translates into the shitty life you so cling to?
Because that is what the rest of your article say's.

Why don't you post that?
67 Borders which were Never accepted before by the Arabs are not accepted by Israel now . Why didn't " International Law" apply to them ? The UN even complied with Egypt and left the area. In addition Gaza , E. Jerusalem and the W. Bank were not " Palestinian" before 1967.
It wasn't Israel's, either.

And that's what matters.
1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Hebron massacre refers to the killing of sixty-seven Jews (including 23 college students) on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by false rumors that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem and seizing control of Muslim holy places.

What else would you expect from a Pro Palestinian ScumBag who lies? Hebron Massacre had nothing to do with " immigration". Even if Jews were migrating to the area; so what?? :D
From your own link...

In mid-August 1929, hundreds of Jewish nationalists marched to the Western Wall in Jerusalem shouting slogans such as The Wall is Ours and raising the Jewish national flag.
And that's what started the riot.

BTW, you did correct me on the number of Jewish dead. I thought it was 63. It was 67.

Thanks for the correction!
Palestinian-arabs and Palestinian-jews got along fine living next to each other for century's until the arrogant, asshole, Zionists showed up on the scene, importing their racist, apartheid violence along with them.

Where did you get that shit from, when the muslims held the Jews as slaves under dhimma laws. The arab muslims stole hebron from the Jews 4 times and each time murdered Jews in the process. Jewish girls stolen as sex slaves and forced into producing children for the muslims. The only history that says what you are saying is that written by the ISLAMONAZI's and has been shown to be a pack of LIES

After the Crusaders conquered Palestine, the few Jews that were living in harmony under Muslim rule were massacred, were forced to convert or escaped. Very few Jews returned after Saladin defeated the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Jews only reappeared when they arrived as Zionists from Europe in the late 19th century.

Have you ever read any history book about Saladin? You don't seem to know anything about him.
You didn't know anything about arab history either.
The internet should expand our knowledge. There is so much available. Such a shame people are willing to believe so much disinformation and take so little time to actually seek facts.
Not that is makes a difference to you, but Saladin was a sunni kurd. For people like Musa ibn Maymoun who worked in Saladin's court and wrote of Jerusalem it would have.
Where did you get that shit from, when the muslims held the Jews as slaves under dhimma laws. The arab muslims stole hebron from the Jews 4 times and each time murdered Jews in the process. Jewish girls stolen as sex slaves and forced into producing children for the muslims. The only history that says what you are saying is that written by the ISLAMONAZI's and has been shown to be a pack of LIES

After the Crusaders conquered Palestine, the few Jews that were living in harmony under Muslim rule were massacred, were forced to convert or escaped. Very few Jews returned after Saladin defeated the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Jews only reappeared when they arrived as Zionists from Europe in the late 19th century.

Have you ever read any history book about Saladin? You don't seem to know anything about him.
You didn't know anything about arab history either.
The internet should expand our knowledge. There is so much available. Such a shame people are willing to believe so much disinformation and take so little time to actually seek facts.
Not that is makes a difference to you, but Saladin was a sunni kurd. For people like Musa ibn Maymoun who worked in Saladin's court and wrote of Jerusalem it would have.

Of course Saladin was a Kurd. What does it matter?
Where did you get that shit from, when the muslims held the Jews as slaves under dhimma laws. The arab muslims stole hebron from the Jews 4 times and each time murdered Jews in the process. Jewish girls stolen as sex slaves and forced into producing children for the muslims. The only history that says what you are saying is that written by the ISLAMONAZI's and has been shown to be a pack of LIES

After the Crusaders conquered Palestine, the few Jews that were living in harmony under Muslim rule were massacred, were forced to convert or escaped. Very few Jews returned after Saladin defeated the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Jews only reappeared when they arrived as Zionists from Europe in the late 19th century.

Have you ever read any history book about Saladin? You don't seem to know anything about him.
You didn't know anything about arab history either.
The internet should expand our knowledge. There is so much available. Such a shame people are willing to believe so much disinformation and take so little time to actually seek facts.
Not that is makes a difference to you, but Saladin was a sunni kurd. For people like Musa ibn Maymoun who worked in Saladin's court and wrote of Jerusalem it would have.

By the way, try to point out any disinformation whatsoever in my statement. It you that haven't a clue.

"After the Crusaders conquered Palestine, the few Jews that were living in harmony under Muslim rule were massacred, were forced to convert or escaped. Very few Jews returned after Saladin defeated the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Jews only reappeared when they arrived as Zionists from Europe in the late 19th century."
After Saladin took the city, he invited the jews to resettle and allowed them to pray on the mount. The city was open to christians and jews.
Jews served in Saladin's court. Some of the most important religious work by jews was done during that time.
67 Borders which were Never accepted before by the Arabs are not accepted by Israel now . Why didn't " International Law" apply to them ? The UN even complied with Egypt and left the area. In addition Gaza , E. Jerusalem and the W. Bank were not " Palestinian" before 1967.
It wasn't Israel's, either.

And that's what matters.

Sorry Fucker,

Wrong Answer . The way those Borders weren't accepted then Israel doesn't have to accept them now.

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