Israelis stoned Palestinian to death.

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It's useless to have a real discussion with Zionist Psychopaths, the Zionist is a completely Morally bankrupt. They're going to support Israel's theft & Terrorism, no matter what, because Might is Right, they support the Power of Looting & Shooting.
Ya, and you better watch out or we'll take Poland back and make THAT the Jewish homeland.

That's the ONLY good point of Israel, is it onloaded Poland's Jewish problem off of it.

None the less, that doesn't make a damn thing Israel has done ever anything right, or moral.

Israel has been a bit of a monstrosity, and rightfully deserves to be criticized.

You are a typical British Knuckledragging Zionist, however, you & your people are so dumb, immoral, weak & worthless.

What is your solution? Nuke Israel? You criticize but never share a solution.

I support the same solution for Israel, that many Liberal Jews support for the Whites of the West, death by DIEversity, a sort of Multicultural take-over until the once majorities, become absorbed as minorities.

But, if someone Nukes Israel, like say Iran, or Russia, don't expect me to give 2-sh(ts, either.

Please restate. What specifically is your solution? One state where the Jews are no longer the majority? So you do want all Jews dead. Thank you for the confirmation.

Why would I enjoy the existence of an Israel which brutalizes Palestinians with massacres, war, oppression, and continuing theft called Settlements?
Why would I enjoy the existence of an Israel which calls Poland Holocaust deniers, and many Israelis unrightfully blame Poland for the Holocaust?
Israel looks to get property compensations out of Poland, but won't give the Palestinians the property compensations they deserve.

A lot of Israelis / Jews are anti-White in a similar manner.

Islamization of Europe a good thing

French chief rabbi urges working with Muslims against nationalists

1,000+ Rabbis Sign Letter In Support of Welcoming Refugees | HIAS

Jewish–Muslim Relations in Europe & America Worsening Due to Immigration | National Review

Europe’s top rabbi calls for solidarity with Muslims

Far-right settler rabbi: Paris attacks are payback for the Holocaust

Europe ‘dark continent’ in Scandinavian controversy

Even if it were Arabs who did 9/11.

A.) Those weren't Palestinian hijackers.
So, therefor 9/11 is a different discussion from Palestine vs Israel.

B.) The Arabs who did such, were presumably pissed off at the U.S.A, for things that we can blame on Zionist, Neocons, Liberals, both Jew & Brit.
Like the support of Israel, the meddling in the Iraq - Iran war in the 80's, the Iraq invasion under H.W. Bush, or Liberal Media & Liberal Hollywood.

A) Same difference
B) Explain Je Suis Charlie? Bombings in the UK and Madrid and many many others. That same liberal media and Hollywood also exists in China, Russia, Japan, etc. You don't see those countries bombing us.

Just admit that radical Islam is evil. It is not so difficult.

More people have died from Israel, than from Terrorist attacks.

Of course I denounce both Israel & Terrorism.

Be it any kind of Terrorism, including not just Islamic Extremism like Osama, but also Jewish Extremism like Baruch Goldstein.

Do you denounce North Korea and their death camps?

I'm anti North-Korea, but FAIL to see what North-Korea has to do with the OP?

Zionist Neocons have killed more than North-Korea, however.

Look at 2 Bushie wars in Iraq.

100's of thousands,if not Millions killed there.

North Korea can't compete there, No?

You just blame the Jews for every conflict and every world issue. You're case in point of anti Semite. I think you're insane but you do entertain me with your numerous conspiracy theories. So because I am a Jew, something I cannot control, you hate me. You don't see anything wrong with that logic?

So, it's insane conspiracy to think that the Bushie boys killed a good deal of people?

No, it's an insane conspiracy to think that the Bushie boys didn't kill a good deal of people.

Explain how they're not Neocon Zionists, exactly?
Ya, and you better watch out or we'll take Poland back and make THAT the Jewish homeland.

That's the ONLY good point of Israel, is it onloaded Poland's Jewish problem off of it.

None the less, that doesn't make a damn thing Israel has done ever anything right, or moral.

Israel has been a bit of a monstrosity, and rightfully deserves to be criticized.

You are a typical British Knuckledragging Zionist, however, you & your people are so dumb, immoral, weak & worthless.

What is your solution? Nuke Israel? You criticize but never share a solution.

I support the same solution for Israel, that many Liberal Jews support for the Whites of the West, death by DIEversity, a sort of Multicultural take-over until the once majorities, become absorbed as minorities.

But, if someone Nukes Israel, like say Iran, or Russia, don't expect me to give 2-sh(ts, either.

Please restate. What specifically is your solution? One state where the Jews are no longer the majority? So you do want all Jews dead. Thank you for the confirmation.

Why would I enjoy the existence of an Israel which brutalizes Palestinians with massacres, war, oppression, and continuing theft called Settlements?
Why would I enjoy the existence of an Israel which calls Poland Holocaust deniers, and many Israelis unrightfully blame Poland for the Holocaust?
Israel looks to get property compensations out of Poland, but won't give the Palestinians the property compensations they deserve.

A lot of Israelis / Jews are anti-White in a similar manner.

Islamization of Europe a good thing

French chief rabbi urges working with Muslims against nationalists

1,000+ Rabbis Sign Letter In Support of Welcoming Refugees | HIAS

Jewish–Muslim Relations in Europe & America Worsening Due to Immigration | National Review

Europe’s top rabbi calls for solidarity with Muslims

Far-right settler rabbi: Paris attacks are payback for the Holocaust

Europe ‘dark continent’ in Scandinavian controversy

You're wasting your time. I don't click on biased links.
More people have died from Israel, than from Terrorist attacks.

Of course I denounce both Israel & Terrorism.

Be it any kind of Terrorism, including not just Islamic Extremism like Osama, but also Jewish Extremism like Baruch Goldstein.

Do you denounce North Korea and their death camps?

I'm anti North-Korea, but FAIL to see what North-Korea has to do with the OP?

Zionist Neocons have killed more than North-Korea, however.

Look at 2 Bushie wars in Iraq.

100's of thousands,if not Millions killed there.

North Korea can't compete there, No?

You just blame the Jews for every conflict and every world issue. You're case in point of anti Semite. I think you're insane but you do entertain me with your numerous conspiracy theories. So because I am a Jew, something I cannot control, you hate me. You don't see anything wrong with that logic?
Just chill..the FBI knows who he is.

I am sure he entertains the FBI as well.

Why is it your Murderous Zionist ideology doesn't put one on the FBI Watch-List, but some how just criticizing Jews leads one onto the FBI Watch-List?

There's such a blatant hypocrisy in many Western societies.
A) Same difference
B) Explain Je Suis Charlie? Bombings in the UK and Madrid and many many others. That same liberal media and Hollywood also exists in China, Russia, Japan, etc. You don't see those countries bombing us.

Just admit that radical Islam is evil. It is not so difficult.

More people have died from Israel, than from Terrorist attacks.

Of course I denounce both Israel & Terrorism.

Be it any kind of Terrorism, including not just Islamic Extremism like Osama, but also Jewish Extremism like Baruch Goldstein.

Do you denounce North Korea and their death camps?

I'm anti North-Korea, but FAIL to see what North-Korea has to do with the OP?

Zionist Neocons have killed more than North-Korea, however.

Look at 2 Bushie wars in Iraq.

100's of thousands,if not Millions killed there.

North Korea can't compete there, No?

You just blame the Jews for every conflict and every world issue. You're case in point of anti Semite. I think you're insane but you do entertain me with your numerous conspiracy theories. So because I am a Jew, something I cannot control, you hate me. You don't see anything wrong with that logic?

So, it's insane conspiracy to think that the Bushie boys killed a good deal of people?

No, it's an insane conspiracy to think that the Bushie boys didn't kill a good deal of people.

Explain how they're not Neocon Zionists, exactly?

Bush family is Jewish? Oh...? I did not know that.
Do you denounce North Korea and their death camps?

I'm anti North-Korea, but FAIL to see what North-Korea has to do with the OP?

Zionist Neocons have killed more than North-Korea, however.

Look at 2 Bushie wars in Iraq.

100's of thousands,if not Millions killed there.

North Korea can't compete there, No?

You just blame the Jews for every conflict and every world issue. You're case in point of anti Semite. I think you're insane but you do entertain me with your numerous conspiracy theories. So because I am a Jew, something I cannot control, you hate me. You don't see anything wrong with that logic?
Just chill..the FBI knows who he is.

I am sure he entertains the FBI as well.
As well as his psychiatrist and parents.
His father hates Jews.
His father also had a career thanks to Liberal Jews.
People hate being beholden to others.

What would this have to do with the OP on Israelis killing a Palestinian woman by stoning?

You Jews tend to get so off topic & so personal, yet can't grasp why no one likes you f*cks except un-Worldly Hicks from the Southern states.

So, working for the Government as a Teacher, means working for Jews now?

So, you're admitting that Jews control the Government, no?

Yet, if I said such a thing it'd be anti-Semitism.

It's not that Jews control the entire USA, they only have so much power because British idiots in this country bend-over for Jews everytime.
Do you denounce North Korea and their death camps?

I'm anti North-Korea, but FAIL to see what North-Korea has to do with the OP?

Zionist Neocons have killed more than North-Korea, however.

Look at 2 Bushie wars in Iraq.

100's of thousands,if not Millions killed there.

North Korea can't compete there, No?

You just blame the Jews for every conflict and every world issue. You're case in point of anti Semite. I think you're insane but you do entertain me with your numerous conspiracy theories. So because I am a Jew, something I cannot control, you hate me. You don't see anything wrong with that logic?
Just chill..the FBI knows who he is.

I am sure he entertains the FBI as well.

Why is it your Murderous Zionist ideology doesn't put one on the FBI Watch-List, but some how just criticizing Jews leads one onto the FBI Watch-List?

There's such a blatant hypocrisy in many Western societies.

Again you hate me for something I cannot control. You don't find anything wrong with that? Please explain logically. And I will answer you. Not everyone agrees that the ideology is "murderous" or that it is even an ideology.
More people have died from Israel, than from Terrorist attacks.

Of course I denounce both Israel & Terrorism.

Be it any kind of Terrorism, including not just Islamic Extremism like Osama, but also Jewish Extremism like Baruch Goldstein.

Do you denounce North Korea and their death camps?

I'm anti North-Korea, but FAIL to see what North-Korea has to do with the OP?

Zionist Neocons have killed more than North-Korea, however.

Look at 2 Bushie wars in Iraq.

100's of thousands,if not Millions killed there.

North Korea can't compete there, No?

You just blame the Jews for every conflict and every world issue. You're case in point of anti Semite. I think you're insane but you do entertain me with your numerous conspiracy theories. So because I am a Jew, something I cannot control, you hate me. You don't see anything wrong with that logic?

So, it's insane conspiracy to think that the Bushie boys killed a good deal of people?

No, it's an insane conspiracy to think that the Bushie boys didn't kill a good deal of people.

Explain how they're not Neocon Zionists, exactly?

Bush family is Jewish? Oh...? I did not know that.

I never said that the Bush family are Jewish,they're obviously of mixed British origins, like most of the Zionist idiots in this country.
I'm anti North-Korea, but FAIL to see what North-Korea has to do with the OP?

Zionist Neocons have killed more than North-Korea, however.

Look at 2 Bushie wars in Iraq.

100's of thousands,if not Millions killed there.

North Korea can't compete there, No?

You just blame the Jews for every conflict and every world issue. You're case in point of anti Semite. I think you're insane but you do entertain me with your numerous conspiracy theories. So because I am a Jew, something I cannot control, you hate me. You don't see anything wrong with that logic?
Just chill..the FBI knows who he is.

I am sure he entertains the FBI as well.
As well as his psychiatrist and parents.
His father hates Jews.
His father also had a career thanks to Liberal Jews.
People hate being beholden to others.

What would this have to do with the OP on Israelis killing a Palestinian woman by stoning?

You Jews tend to get so off topic & so personal, yet can't grasp why no one likes you f*cks except un-Worldly Hicks from the Southern states.

So, working for the Government as a Teacher, means working for Jews now?

So, you're admitting that Jews control the Government, no?

Yet, if I said such a thing it'd be anti-Semitism.

It's not that Jews control the entire USA, they only have so much power because British idiots in this country bend-over for Jews everytime.

They were arrested and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This has been addressed.
Do you denounce North Korea and their death camps?

I'm anti North-Korea, but FAIL to see what North-Korea has to do with the OP?

Zionist Neocons have killed more than North-Korea, however.

Look at 2 Bushie wars in Iraq.

100's of thousands,if not Millions killed there.

North Korea can't compete there, No?

You just blame the Jews for every conflict and every world issue. You're case in point of anti Semite. I think you're insane but you do entertain me with your numerous conspiracy theories. So because I am a Jew, something I cannot control, you hate me. You don't see anything wrong with that logic?

So, it's insane conspiracy to think that the Bushie boys killed a good deal of people?

No, it's an insane conspiracy to think that the Bushie boys didn't kill a good deal of people.

Explain how they're not Neocon Zionists, exactly?

Bush family is Jewish? Oh...? I did not know that.

I never said that the Bush family are Jewish,they're obviously of mixed British origins, like most of the Zionist idiots in this country.

You do realize that when you think you're sane and everyone else is're really the insane one. LOL.
I'm anti North-Korea, but FAIL to see what North-Korea has to do with the OP?

Zionist Neocons have killed more than North-Korea, however.

Look at 2 Bushie wars in Iraq.

100's of thousands,if not Millions killed there.

North Korea can't compete there, No?

You just blame the Jews for every conflict and every world issue. You're case in point of anti Semite. I think you're insane but you do entertain me with your numerous conspiracy theories. So because I am a Jew, something I cannot control, you hate me. You don't see anything wrong with that logic?
Just chill..the FBI knows who he is.

I am sure he entertains the FBI as well.
As well as his psychiatrist and parents.
His father hates Jews.
His father also had a career thanks to Liberal Jews.
People hate being beholden to others.

What would this have to do with the OP on Israelis killing a Palestinian woman by stoning?

You Jews tend to get so off topic & so personal, yet can't grasp why no one likes you f*cks except un-Worldly Hicks from the Southern states.

So, working for the Government as a Teacher, means working for Jews now?

So, you're admitting that Jews control the Government, no?

Yet, if I said such a thing it'd be anti-Semitism.

It's not that Jews control the entire USA, they only have so much power because British idiots in this country bend-over for Jews everytime.
Your obsession will lead to disastrous behavior.
It will cause a great inconvenience to all USMB members as we will be subpoenaed to testify concerning your Jew Hate obsession.
I'm anti North-Korea, but FAIL to see what North-Korea has to do with the OP?

Zionist Neocons have killed more than North-Korea, however.

Look at 2 Bushie wars in Iraq.

100's of thousands,if not Millions killed there.

North Korea can't compete there, No?

You just blame the Jews for every conflict and every world issue. You're case in point of anti Semite. I think you're insane but you do entertain me with your numerous conspiracy theories. So because I am a Jew, something I cannot control, you hate me. You don't see anything wrong with that logic?
Just chill..the FBI knows who he is.

I am sure he entertains the FBI as well.

Why is it your Murderous Zionist ideology doesn't put one on the FBI Watch-List, but some how just criticizing Jews leads one onto the FBI Watch-List?

There's such a blatant hypocrisy in many Western societies.

Again you hate me for something I cannot control. You don't find anything wrong with that? Please explain logically. And I will answer you. Not everyone agrees that the ideology is "murderous" or that it is even an ideology.
Shit4Brains uses the Goebbels Technique...Hate everybody but only mention the Jews.
You just blame the Jews for every conflict and every world issue. You're case in point of anti Semite. I think you're insane but you do entertain me with your numerous conspiracy theories. So because I am a Jew, something I cannot control, you hate me. You don't see anything wrong with that logic?
Just chill..the FBI knows who he is.

I am sure he entertains the FBI as well.
As well as his psychiatrist and parents.
His father hates Jews.
His father also had a career thanks to Liberal Jews.
People hate being beholden to others.

What would this have to do with the OP on Israelis killing a Palestinian woman by stoning?

You Jews tend to get so off topic & so personal, yet can't grasp why no one likes you f*cks except un-Worldly Hicks from the Southern states.

So, working for the Government as a Teacher, means working for Jews now?

So, you're admitting that Jews control the Government, no?

Yet, if I said such a thing it'd be anti-Semitism.

It's not that Jews control the entire USA, they only have so much power because British idiots in this country bend-over for Jews everytime.
Your obsession will lead to disastrous behavior.
It will cause a great inconvenience to all USMB members as we will be subpoenaed to testify concerning your Jew Hate obsession.

The Zionist obsession IS LEADING to much more disasterous behavior, as we speak.

Israel has killed, maimed, stole land from, bulldozed houses of, so many Palestinian victims. FACT.
Just chill..the FBI knows who he is.

I am sure he entertains the FBI as well.
As well as his psychiatrist and parents.
His father hates Jews.
His father also had a career thanks to Liberal Jews.
People hate being beholden to others.

What would this have to do with the OP on Israelis killing a Palestinian woman by stoning?

You Jews tend to get so off topic & so personal, yet can't grasp why no one likes you f*cks except un-Worldly Hicks from the Southern states.

So, working for the Government as a Teacher, means working for Jews now?

So, you're admitting that Jews control the Government, no?

Yet, if I said such a thing it'd be anti-Semitism.

It's not that Jews control the entire USA, they only have so much power because British idiots in this country bend-over for Jews everytime.
Your obsession will lead to disastrous behavior.
It will cause a great inconvenience to all USMB members as we will be subpoenaed to testify concerning your Jew Hate obsession.

The Zionist obsession IS LEADING to much more disasterous behavior, as we speak.

Israel has killed, maimed, stole land from, bulldozed houses of, so many Palestinian victims. FACT.
Psychotic delusions out of context.
Just chill..the FBI knows who he is.

I am sure he entertains the FBI as well.
As well as his psychiatrist and parents.
His father hates Jews.
His father also had a career thanks to Liberal Jews.
People hate being beholden to others.

What would this have to do with the OP on Israelis killing a Palestinian woman by stoning?

You Jews tend to get so off topic & so personal, yet can't grasp why no one likes you f*cks except un-Worldly Hicks from the Southern states.

So, working for the Government as a Teacher, means working for Jews now?

So, you're admitting that Jews control the Government, no?

Yet, if I said such a thing it'd be anti-Semitism.

It's not that Jews control the entire USA, they only have so much power because British idiots in this country bend-over for Jews everytime.
Your obsession will lead to disastrous behavior.
It will cause a great inconvenience to all USMB members as we will be subpoenaed to testify concerning your Jew Hate obsession.

The Zionist obsession IS LEADING to much more disasterous behavior, as we speak.

Israel has killed, maimed, stole land from, bulldozed houses of, so many Palestinian victims. FACT.

No, your opinion is not fact. I am sorry. You seem very sad today.
I am sure he entertains the FBI as well.
As well as his psychiatrist and parents.
His father hates Jews.
His father also had a career thanks to Liberal Jews.
People hate being beholden to others.

What would this have to do with the OP on Israelis killing a Palestinian woman by stoning?

You Jews tend to get so off topic & so personal, yet can't grasp why no one likes you f*cks except un-Worldly Hicks from the Southern states.

So, working for the Government as a Teacher, means working for Jews now?

So, you're admitting that Jews control the Government, no?

Yet, if I said such a thing it'd be anti-Semitism.

It's not that Jews control the entire USA, they only have so much power because British idiots in this country bend-over for Jews everytime.
Your obsession will lead to disastrous behavior.
It will cause a great inconvenience to all USMB members as we will be subpoenaed to testify concerning your Jew Hate obsession.

The Zionist obsession IS LEADING to much more disasterous behavior, as we speak.

Israel has killed, maimed, stole land from, bulldozed houses of, so many Palestinian victims. FACT.
Psychotic delusions out of context.

Out of context?

You made a comment response about my Father owes Liberal Jews for having a Government Teachers job in the past.

But, then talk about Israel vs Palestine, which fits the OP more closely, then it's out of context.

You're the one who's delusional, a delusional Zionist, who thinks Israel's crimes against Palestinians are acceptable.
As well as his psychiatrist and parents.
His father hates Jews.
His father also had a career thanks to Liberal Jews.
People hate being beholden to others.

What would this have to do with the OP on Israelis killing a Palestinian woman by stoning?

You Jews tend to get so off topic & so personal, yet can't grasp why no one likes you f*cks except un-Worldly Hicks from the Southern states.

So, working for the Government as a Teacher, means working for Jews now?

So, you're admitting that Jews control the Government, no?

Yet, if I said such a thing it'd be anti-Semitism.

It's not that Jews control the entire USA, they only have so much power because British idiots in this country bend-over for Jews everytime.
Your obsession will lead to disastrous behavior.
It will cause a great inconvenience to all USMB members as we will be subpoenaed to testify concerning your Jew Hate obsession.

The Zionist obsession IS LEADING to much more disasterous behavior, as we speak.

Israel has killed, maimed, stole land from, bulldozed houses of, so many Palestinian victims. FACT.
Psychotic delusions out of context.

Out of context?

You made a thread saying my Father owes Liberal Jews for having a Government Teachers job in the past.

But, then talk about Israel vs Palestine, which fits the OP more closely, then it's out of context.

You're the one who's delusional, a delusional Zionist, who thinks Israel's crimes against Palestinians are acceptable.
Fuck you, asshole.
We’ve been over your out of context, out of chronological order bullshit time and again.
It’s amazing how you continue to humiliate yourself.
You truly are psychotic.
As well as his psychiatrist and parents.
His father hates Jews.
His father also had a career thanks to Liberal Jews.
People hate being beholden to others.

What would this have to do with the OP on Israelis killing a Palestinian woman by stoning?

You Jews tend to get so off topic & so personal, yet can't grasp why no one likes you f*cks except un-Worldly Hicks from the Southern states.

So, working for the Government as a Teacher, means working for Jews now?

So, you're admitting that Jews control the Government, no?

Yet, if I said such a thing it'd be anti-Semitism.

It's not that Jews control the entire USA, they only have so much power because British idiots in this country bend-over for Jews everytime.
Your obsession will lead to disastrous behavior.
It will cause a great inconvenience to all USMB members as we will be subpoenaed to testify concerning your Jew Hate obsession.

The Zionist obsession IS LEADING to much more disasterous behavior, as we speak.

Israel has killed, maimed, stole land from, bulldozed houses of, so many Palestinian victims. FACT.
Psychotic delusions out of context.

Out of context?

You made a comment response about my Father owes Liberal Jews for having a Government Teachers job in the past.

But, then talk about Israel vs Palestine, which fits the OP more closely, then it's out of context.

You're the one who's delusional, a delusional Zionist, who thinks Israel's crimes against Palestinians are acceptable.

Israel conquered "Palestine". It is a difficult situation not only because of disputed land but because of Jew hatred around the world and Islamist ideology of pure hatred of everyone. Note how no one discusses how Lebanon treats Palestinians or how Turkey treats Kurds. If Jews were oppressing Kurds, the Kurds would be on everyone's mind not Palestinians. This is the part you don't seem to grasp. This is most unfortunate. And you never answered my question. Very rude.
What would this have to do with the OP on Israelis killing a Palestinian woman by stoning?

You Jews tend to get so off topic & so personal, yet can't grasp why no one likes you f*cks except un-Worldly Hicks from the Southern states.

So, working for the Government as a Teacher, means working for Jews now?

So, you're admitting that Jews control the Government, no?

Yet, if I said such a thing it'd be anti-Semitism.

It's not that Jews control the entire USA, they only have so much power because British idiots in this country bend-over for Jews everytime.
Your obsession will lead to disastrous behavior.
It will cause a great inconvenience to all USMB members as we will be subpoenaed to testify concerning your Jew Hate obsession.

The Zionist obsession IS LEADING to much more disasterous behavior, as we speak.

Israel has killed, maimed, stole land from, bulldozed houses of, so many Palestinian victims. FACT.
Psychotic delusions out of context.

Out of context?

You made a thread saying my Father owes Liberal Jews for having a Government Teachers job in the past.

But, then talk about Israel vs Palestine, which fits the OP more closely, then it's out of context.

You're the one who's delusional, a delusional Zionist, who thinks Israel's crimes against Palestinians are acceptable.
Fuck you, asshole.
We’ve been over your out of context, out of chronological order bullshit time and again.
It’s amazing how you continue to humiliate yourself.
You truly are psychotic.

You f*cking Zionists have many times gone off topic like this getting all personal, because you SIMPLY CAN'T DISCUSS the TOPIC AT HAND, and either it ends up with me banned, or my topic shut down.
BUT, Not when it's Vice versa.
Sometimes I just end up leaving, because of being annoyed, and or wishing to NOT get banned.

Why is it so hard for Zionists to just be straight forward, and admit that Jewish Israelis stole Palestine, and have been since massacring them & waging war against them.

Talk the subject on hand, or GTFO.
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