Israel's Big Mistake

When you don't have anything to say, because you can't deny fact, you post animations, thinking that somehow they can cloud the truth. Doesn't work, son.

Jordan did not exist until 1922 when the LoN created it, and before that it was part of Palestine.

It was never part of Palestine as the record shows. The first report by the Mandatory sets a separate section in the report for the territory of Trans-Jordan that was included in the Mandate, but was a separate territory and had been under a completely different administration. As you see Phoney, I have access to all the facts. How can you possibly think that your bullshit propaganda won't be found out? You really should give it up, you continually make a fool of yourself.


Included in the area of the Palestine Mandate is the territory of Trans-Jordania. It is bounded on the north by the frontier of Syria, placed under the mandate of France; on the south by the kingdom of the Hejaz; and on the west by the line of the Jordan and the Dead Sea; while on the east it stretches into the desert and ends--the boundary is not yet defined--where Mesopotamia begins. Trans-Jordania has a population of probably 350,000 people. It contains a few small towns and large areas of fertile land, producing excellent wheat and barley. The people are partly settled townsmen and agriculturists, partly wandering Bedouin; the latter, however, cultivate areas, more or less fixed, during certain seasons of the year.

When Palestine west of the Jordan was occupied by the British Army and placed under a British military administration, over Trans-Jordania and a large part of Syria there was established an Arab administration, with its capital at Damascus. The ruler was His Highness the Emir Feisal, the third son of H.M. King Hussein, the King of the Hejaz. When Damascus was occupied by French troops in July, 1920, and the Emir Feisal withdrew, it was necessary to adopt fresh measures in Trans-Jordania. I proceeded to the central town of Salt on August 20th, and, at an assembly of notables and sheikhs of the district, announced that His Majesty's Government favoured the establishment of a system of local self- government, assisted by a small number of British officers as advisers...."

- See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, did you read the very first sentence that very clearly states " Included in the area of the Palestine Mandate is the territory of Trans-Jordania ". The official maps of the time show that Palestine included what is now Jordan

By the way, the area of Palestine was defined in the Mandate precisely and repeated in every report of the mandatory:

Just wondering how Trans-Jordan could have been in Palestine while it is defined as bordered by Trans-Jordan?

"Palestine lies on the western edge of the continent of Asia between latitude 30° N. and 33° N., Longitude 34° 30 E. and 35° 30' E.

On the south it is bounded by Egyptian and Saudi Arabian territory, on the east by Trans-Jordan, on the north by the French Mandated Territories of Syria and the Lebanon, and on the west by the Mediterranean.

The boundaries are described as follows:--

    • South.--From a point west of Rafa on the Mediterranean to a point two miles west of Aqaba in the Gulf of Aqaba.

      East.--From a point two miles west of Aqaba in the Gulf of Aqaba up the centre of the Wadi Araba, the Dead Sea, and the River Jordan, to the junction of the latter with the River Yarmuk, thence up the centre of the River Yarmuk to the Syrian frontier.

      North.--The northern boundary was laid down by the Anglo-French Convention of the 23rd December, 1920, and its delimitation was ratified in 1923. Stated briefly, the boundary runs from Ras el Naqura on the Mediterranean eastwards to Metulla and across the upper Jordan valley to Banias, thence to Jisr Banat Yaqub, thence along the Jordan to the Lake of Tiberias on to El Hamme station on the Samakh-Deraa railway line.

      West.--The Mediterranean Sea.
- See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations 31 December 1932
When you don't have anything to say, because you can't deny fact, you post animations, thinking that somehow they can cloud the truth. Doesn't work, son.

Jordan did not exist until 1922 when the LoN created it, and before that it was part of Palestine.

It was never part of Palestine as the record shows. The first report by the Mandatory sets a separate section in the report for the territory of Trans-Jordan that was included in the Mandate, but was a separate territory and had been under a completely different administration. As you see Phoney, I have access to all the facts. How can you possibly think that your bullshit propaganda won't be found out? You really should give it up, you continually make a fool of yourself.


Included in the area of the Palestine Mandate is the territory of Trans-Jordania. It is bounded on the north by the frontier of Syria, placed under the mandate of France; on the south by the kingdom of the Hejaz; and on the west by the line of the Jordan and the Dead Sea; while on the east it stretches into the desert and ends--the boundary is not yet defined--where Mesopotamia begins. Trans-Jordania has a population of probably 350,000 people. It contains a few small towns and large areas of fertile land, producing excellent wheat and barley. The people are partly settled townsmen and agriculturists, partly wandering Bedouin; the latter, however, cultivate areas, more or less fixed, during certain seasons of the year.

When Palestine west of the Jordan was occupied by the British Army and placed under a British military administration, over Trans-Jordania and a large part of Syria there was established an Arab administration, with its capital at Damascus. The ruler was His Highness the Emir Feisal, the third son of H.M. King Hussein, the King of the Hejaz. When Damascus was occupied by French troops in July, 1920, and the Emir Feisal withdrew, it was necessary to adopt fresh measures in Trans-Jordania. I proceeded to the central town of Salt on August 20th, and, at an assembly of notables and sheikhs of the district, announced that His Majesty's Government favoured the establishment of a system of local self- government, assisted by a small number of British officers as advisers...."

- See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, did you read the very first sentence that very clearly states " Included in the area of the Palestine Mandate is the territory of Trans-Jordania ". The official maps of the time show that Palestine included what is now Jordan

By the way, the area of Palestine was defined in the Mandate precisely and repeated in every report of the mandatory:

Just wondering how Trans-Jordan could have been in Palestine while it is defined as bordered by Trans-Jordan?

"Palestine lies on the western edge of the continent of Asia between latitude 30° N. and 33° N., Longitude 34° 30 E. and 35° 30' E.

On the south it is bounded by Egyptian and Saudi Arabian territory, on the east by Trans-Jordan, on the north by the French Mandated Territories of Syria and the Lebanon, and on the west by the Mediterranean.

The boundaries are described as follows:--

    • South.--From a point west of Rafa on the Mediterranean to a point two miles west of Aqaba in the Gulf of Aqaba.

      East.--From a point two miles west of Aqaba in the Gulf of Aqaba up the centre of the Wadi Araba, the Dead Sea, and the River Jordan, to the junction of the latter with the River Yarmuk, thence up the centre of the River Yarmuk to the Syrian frontier.

      North.--The northern boundary was laid down by the Anglo-French Convention of the 23rd December, 1920, and its delimitation was ratified in 1923. Stated briefly, the boundary runs from Ras el Naqura on the Mediterranean eastwards to Metulla and across the upper Jordan valley to Banias, thence to Jisr Banat Yaqub, thence along the Jordan to the Lake of Tiberias on to El Hamme station on the Samakh-Deraa railway line.

      West.--The Mediterranean Sea.
- See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations 31 December 1932

In 1932 which is 34 years after the original Mandate was created. Want to try again with the treaty of sevres or the treaty of lausanne
The borders as such, are the legally defined borders for Palestine in the mandate. Made up maps from Hasbara sites are just propaganda.
The borders as such, are the legally defined borders for Palestine in the mandate. Made up maps from Hasbara sites are just propaganda.

The borders are stipulated in the Mandate for Palestine and originally included Jordan, until the British gave it to the arab prince as an appeasement. Turned out to be worthless as there was no OIL.

You really should stop filling your head with the ISLAMONAZI GARBAGE and start reading the truth
The borders as such, are the legally defined borders for Palestine in the mandate. Made up maps from Hasbara sites are just propaganda.

The borders are stipulated in the Mandate for Palestine and originally included Jordan, until the British gave it to the arab prince as an appeasement. Turned out to be worthless as there was no OIL.

You really should stop filling your head with the ISLAMONAZI GARBAGE and start reading the truth

Here is some truth for Monte to enjoy.

Category Terrorist attacks attributed to Palestinian militant groups - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
MJB12741, Phoenall, montelatici, et al,

What difference do the borders annotated (in 1932) for the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine, make today? There have been changes since then.

There are two international boundaries:
There are two Demarcation Lines formed by:

Now before you someone jumps down my throat and screams, Armistice Lines are not Borders (which is true), the Armistice Lines are covered by Customary Law articulated in the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States (A/RES/25/2625); which says:

Every State likewise has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate international lines of demarcation, such as armistice lines, established by or pursuant to an international agreement to which it is a party or which it is otherwise bound to respect. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed as prejudicing the positions of the parties concerned with regard to the status and effects of such lines under their special regimes or as affecting their temporary character.​

Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.​

There is essentially no difference in the level of protection. In terms of the modern day State of Palestine (alla 1988), the two international boundaries (Egypt and Jordan) are the critical elements to be considered.

While the decisions made in the first quarter of the 20th Century are historically interesting, it is the decisions made in the last quarter of the 20th Century that are important.

Most Respectfully,

The borders as such, are the legally defined borders for Palestine in the mandate. Made up maps from Hasbara sites are just propaganda.

The borders are stipulated in the Mandate for Palestine and originally included Jordan, until the British gave it to the arab prince as an appeasement. Turned out to be worthless as there was no OIL.

You really should stop filling your head with the ISLAMONAZI GARBAGE and start reading the truth

No, the Mandate clearly defines the Palestine borders and the Trans-Jordan borders.
The borders as such, are the legally defined borders for Palestine in the mandate. Made up maps from Hasbara sites are just propaganda.

The borders are stipulated in the Mandate for Palestine and originally included Jordan, until the British gave it to the arab prince as an appeasement. Turned out to be worthless as there was no OIL.

You really should stop filling your head with the ISLAMONAZI GARBAGE and start reading the truth

No, the Mandate clearly defines the Palestine borders and the Trans-Jordan borders.

Depends on which treaty you look at for those borders, the original treaty included trans Jordan in the Mandate for Palestine. It was only after the British appeased the Saudi prince with trans Jordan that the borders were changed. But trans Jordan still came under the Mandate for Palestine. If you read the Mandate for Palestine you will see that it stipulates that it was governed by the Balfour treaty and the Mcmahon letters, and both these include extent of the areas covered.
That is what the original mandate states until the Jews were shit on by the British
No, Trans-Jordan was defined as a separate territory as part of the Mandate and had nothing to do with a Saudi "prince" .
No, Trans-Jordan was defined as a separate territory as part of the Mandate and had nothing to do with a Saudi "prince" .

Try again, and this time go back to the treaties of 1919 that set out the actual facts. Then the treaty of 1920 that clearly states that trans Jordan was to be covered by the Mandate for Palestine, not a separate mandate as you are implying.

See here

In early 1921, prior to the convening of the Cairo Conference, the Middle East Department of the Colonial Office set out the situation as follows:

Palestine and Trans-Jordan do not, therefore, stand upon quite the same footing. At the same time, the two areas are economically interdependent, and their development must be considered as a single problem. Further, His Majesty's Government have been entrusted with the Mandate for "Palestine." If they wish to assert their claim to Trans-Jordan and to avoid raising with other Powers the legal status of that area, they can only do so by proceeding upon the assumption that Trans-Jordan forms part of the area covered by the Palestine Mandate. In default of this assumption Trans-Jordan would be left, under article 132 of the Treaty of Sevres, to the disposal of the principal Allied Powers. Some means must be found of giving effect in Trans-Jordan to the terms of the Mandate consistently with "recognition and support of the independence of the Arabs".[
No, Trans-Jordan was defined as a separate territory as part of the Mandate and had nothing to do with a Saudi "prince" .

Try again, and this time go back to the treaties of 1919 that set out the actual facts. Then the treaty of 1920 that clearly states that trans Jordan was to be covered by the Mandate for Palestine, not a separate mandate as you are implying.

See here

In early 1921, prior to the convening of the Cairo Conference, the Middle East Department of the Colonial Office set out the situation as follows:

Palestine and Trans-Jordan do not, therefore, stand upon quite the same footing. At the same time, the two areas are economically interdependent, and their development must be considered as a single problem. Further, His Majesty's Government have been entrusted with the Mandate for "Palestine." If they wish to assert their claim to Trans-Jordan and to avoid raising with other Powers the legal status of that area, they can only do so by proceeding upon the assumption that Trans-Jordan forms part of the area covered by the Palestine Mandate. In default of this assumption Trans-Jordan would be left, under article 132 of the Treaty of Sevres, to the disposal of the principal Allied Powers. Some means must be found of giving effect in Trans-Jordan to the terms of the Mandate consistently with "recognition and support of the independence of the Arabs".[

Please don't confuse Monte with documented facts. We may lose him here on this board. Then where will we go for laughs?
No, Trans-Jordan was defined as a separate territory as part of the Mandate and had nothing to do with a Saudi "prince" .

Try again, and this time go back to the treaties of 1919 that set out the actual facts. Then the treaty of 1920 that clearly states that trans Jordan was to be covered by the Mandate for Palestine, not a separate mandate as you are implying.

See here

In early 1921, prior to the convening of the Cairo Conference, the Middle East Department of the Colonial Office set out the situation as follows:

Palestine and Trans-Jordan do not, therefore, stand upon quite the same footing. At the same time, the two areas are economically interdependent, and their development must be considered as a single problem. Further, His Majesty's Government have been entrusted with the Mandate for "Palestine." If they wish to assert their claim to Trans-Jordan and to avoid raising with other Powers the legal status of that area, they can only do so by proceeding upon the assumption that Trans-Jordan forms part of the area covered by the Palestine Mandate. In default of this assumption Trans-Jordan would be left, under article 132 of the Treaty of Sevres, to the disposal of the principal Allied Powers. Some means must be found of giving effect in Trans-Jordan to the terms of the Mandate consistently with "recognition and support of the independence of the Arabs".[

Please don't confuse Monte with documented facts. We may lose him here on this board. Then where will we go for laughs?

Why to the M.E. sub board where he is doing the same thing as he is here.
No, Trans-Jordan was defined as a separate territory as part of the Mandate and had nothing to do with a Saudi "prince" .

Try again, and this time go back to the treaties of 1919 that set out the actual facts. Then the treaty of 1920 that clearly states that trans Jordan was to be covered by the Mandate for Palestine, not a separate mandate as you are implying.

See here

In early 1921, prior to the convening of the Cairo Conference, the Middle East Department of the Colonial Office set out the situation as follows:

Palestine and Trans-Jordan do not, therefore, stand upon quite the same footing. At the same time, the two areas are economically interdependent, and their development must be considered as a single problem. Further, His Majesty's Government have been entrusted with the Mandate for "Palestine." If they wish to assert their claim to Trans-Jordan and to avoid raising with other Powers the legal status of that area, they can only do so by proceeding upon the assumption that Trans-Jordan forms part of the area covered by the Palestine Mandate. In default of this assumption Trans-Jordan would be left, under article 132 of the Treaty of Sevres, to the disposal of the principal Allied Powers. Some means must be found of giving effect in Trans-Jordan to the terms of the Mandate consistently with "recognition and support of the independence of the Arabs".[

Please don't confuse Monte with documented facts. We may lose him here on this board. Then where will we go for laughs?

Ahhh, the old use of the changeable Wiki as source documentation. Now let's look at the source documentation which defines Trans-Jordan and its borders as quite different from Palestine. You two clowns are great for laughs. You continue to make fools of yourselves thinking that the old propaganda still works with people that have access to source documents. LOL


Included in the area of the Palestine Mandate is the territory of Trans-Jordania. It is bounded on the north by the frontier of Syria, placed under the mandate of France; on the south by the kingdom of the Hejaz; and on the west by the line of the Jordan and the Dead Sea; while on the east it stretches into the desert and ends--the boundary is not yet defined--where Mesopotamia begins. Trans-Jordania has a population of probably 350,000 people. It contains a few small towns and large areas of fertile land, producing excellent wheat and barley. The people are partly settled townsmen and agriculturists, partly wandering Bedouin; the latter, however, cultivate areas, more or less fixed, during certain seasons of the year.

When Palestine west of the Jordan was occupied by the British Army and placed under a British military administration, over Trans-Jordania and a large part of Syria there was established an Arab administration, with its capital at Damascus. The ruler was His Highness the Emir Feisal, the third son of H.M. King Hussein, the King of the Hejaz. When Damascus was occupied by French troops in July, 1920, and the Emir Feisal withdrew, it was necessary to adopt fresh measures in Trans-Jordania. I proceeded to the central town of Salt on August 20th, and, at an assembly of notables and sheikhs of the district, announced that His Majesty's Government favoured the establishment of a system of local self- government, assisted by a small number of British officers as advisers. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921
No, Trans-Jordan was defined as a separate territory as part of the Mandate and had nothing to do with a Saudi "prince" .

Try again, and this time go back to the treaties of 1919 that set out the actual facts. Then the treaty of 1920 that clearly states that trans Jordan was to be covered by the Mandate for Palestine, not a separate mandate as you are implying.

See here

In early 1921, prior to the convening of the Cairo Conference, the Middle East Department of the Colonial Office set out the situation as follows:

Palestine and Trans-Jordan do not, therefore, stand upon quite the same footing. At the same time, the two areas are economically interdependent, and their development must be considered as a single problem. Further, His Majesty's Government have been entrusted with the Mandate for "Palestine." If they wish to assert their claim to Trans-Jordan and to avoid raising with other Powers the legal status of that area, they can only do so by proceeding upon the assumption that Trans-Jordan forms part of the area covered by the Palestine Mandate. In default of this assumption Trans-Jordan would be left, under article 132 of the Treaty of Sevres, to the disposal of the principal Allied Powers. Some means must be found of giving effect in Trans-Jordan to the terms of the Mandate consistently with "recognition and support of the independence of the Arabs".[

Please don't confuse Monte with documented facts. We may lose him here on this board. Then where will we go for laughs?

Ahhh, the old use of the changeable Wiki as source documentation. Now let's look at the source documentation which defines Trans-Jordan and its borders as quite different from Palestine. You two clowns are great for laughs. You continue to make fools of yourselves thinking that the old propaganda still works with people that have access to source documents. LOL


Included in the area of the Palestine Mandate is the territory of Trans-Jordania. It is bounded on the north by the frontier of Syria, placed under the mandate of France; on the south by the kingdom of the Hejaz; and on the west by the line of the Jordan and the Dead Sea; while on the east it stretches into the desert and ends--the boundary is not yet defined--where Mesopotamia begins. Trans-Jordania has a population of probably 350,000 people. It contains a few small towns and large areas of fertile land, producing excellent wheat and barley. The people are partly settled townsmen and agriculturists, partly wandering Bedouin; the latter, however, cultivate areas, more or less fixed, during certain seasons of the year.

When Palestine west of the Jordan was occupied by the British Army and placed under a British military administration, over Trans-Jordania and a large part of Syria there was established an Arab administration, with its capital at Damascus. The ruler was His Highness the Emir Feisal, the third son of H.M. King Hussein, the King of the Hejaz. When Damascus was occupied by French troops in July, 1920, and the Emir Feisal withdrew, it was necessary to adopt fresh measures in Trans-Jordania. I proceeded to the central town of Salt on August 20th, and, at an assembly of notables and sheikhs of the district, announced that His Majesty's Government favoured the establishment of a system of local self- government, assisted by a small number of British officers as advisers. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921

Are you altogether stupid Abdul as your cut and paste starts with these words

Included in the area of the Palestine Mandate is the territory of Trans-Jordania

then further on we see once again a reference to trans Jordan being in Palestine

When Palestine west of the Jordan was occupied by the British Army and placed under a British military administration, over Trans-Jordania and a large part of Syria there was established an Arab administration, with its capital at Damascus.

Seems that you are clutching at straws and running with anything that even remotely supports your twisted POV.
Right, when Palestine, which is in fact west of the Jordan was occupied by the British Army, over Trans-Jordania there was established an Arab administration...?

What's your point? You want to prove that you haven't a clue what commas are used for?

Talk about clutching at straws. LOL

And now for the coup de grace. Source documentation. What is not known by the Zionist clowns and difficult to find are the contemporaneous memorandum which form part of the mandate Mandate:

Memorandum by the British Representative.

2. In pursuance of the provisions of this Article, His Majestv's
Government invite the Council to pass the following resolution : —

" The following provisions of the Mandate for Palestine are
not applicable to the territory known as Trans-Jordan, which
comprises all territory lying to the east of a line drawn from a
point two miles west of the town of Akaba on the Gulf of that
name up the centre of the Wady Araba, Dead Sea and River
Jordan to its junction with the River Yarmuk ; thence up the
centre of that river to the Syrian Frontier."

And now, an image of the page within the actual Mandate document.

Transjordan issue.jpg

Mandate for Palestine
Right, when Palestine, which is in fact west of the Jordan was occupied by the British Army, over Trans-Jordania there was established an Arab administration...?

What's your point? You want to prove that you haven't a clue what commas are used for?

Talk about clutching at straws. LOL

My point is even your own links state categorically that trans Jordan was part of Palestine. Cutting out the offending parts that don't meet with your POV does not mean they are not there. Once again your link states

Included in the area of the Palestine Mandate is the territory of Trans-Jordania

When Palestine west of the Jordan was occupied by the British Army and placed under a British military administration, over Trans-Jordania and a large part of Syria there was established an Arab administration, with its capital at Damascus.
Right, when Palestine, which is in fact west of the Jordan was occupied by the British Army, over Trans-Jordania there was established an Arab administration...?

What's your point? You want to prove that you haven't a clue what commas are used for?

Talk about clutching at straws. LOL

Altering the original does not alter the original, it just shows that you are desperate to win.
And now for the coup de grace. Source documentation. What is not known by the Zionist clowns and difficult to find are the contemporaneous memorandum which form part of the mandate Mandate:

Memorandum by the British Representative.

2. In pursuance of the provisions of this Article, His Majestv's
Government invite the Council to pass the following resolution : —

" The following provisions of the Mandate for Palestine are
not applicable to the territory known as Trans-Jordan, which
comprises all territory lying to the east of a line drawn from a
point two miles west of the town of Akaba on the Gulf of that
name up the centre of the Wady Araba, Dead Sea and River
Jordan to its junction with the River Yarmuk ; thence up the
centre of that river to the Syrian Frontier."

And now, an image of the page within the actual Mandate document.

View attachment 37152

Mandate for Palestine

Did you understand what was written Abdul, or did you just blindly post what your handler told you to post.

Did you see that part that stated trans Jordan is in Palestine ?

Article 25 of the Mandate for Palestine provides as follows

"In the territories lying between the Jordan and the eastern boundary of Palestine .

That means the land that is now Jordan was once Palestine, and was under the Mandate for Palestine until 1949 when the mandate ended.

Keep posting the evidence that shows that you don't know what you are talking about, it is a good laugh for all on here.
LOL. Nice try. You have lost the plot completely. It's over.

Let's repeat:

"" The following provisions of the Mandate for Palestine are
not applicable to the
territory known as Trans-Jordan, which
comprises all territory lying to the east of a line drawn from a
point two miles west of the town of Akaba on the Gulf of that
name up the centre of the Wady Araba, Dead Sea and River
Jordan to its junction with the River Yarmuk ; thence up the
centre of that river to the Syrian Frontier."

Which is a different territory from Palestine and with defined borders and for which the provisions of the Mandate for Palestine are not applicable.

Now just shut up and go away. It's done. Your bullshit has come to an end.

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