Israel’s Ever-more Sadistic Reprisals Help Shore Up a Sense of Victimhood


The Israelis are the ones oppressed by continuous terrorists attacks!

Your tired statement regarding the nazis always means that you have run out of an argument.

How stupid.
The Israelis are the ones oppressed by continuous terrorists attacks!
Occupations always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

You think there is occupation

I think the is no occupation.

And we better leave it there because there are more than a million of threads about this that lead to nowhere.

Just trying to help. Israel is too stupid to figure out why they are attacked.

They were attacked because is in the DNA of those people to attack. That's what terrorists do after all.:dunno:

How could the native people of Palestine "attack" invaders/colonists from Europe? It's an oxymoron. Surely, those that were intending to colonize the native people are doing the attacking.

It's comical when you attempt to define the "native people" of your invented "country of Pally'land" as native or indigenous when those people were the European xtian Crusaders and the Moslem land grabbers / colonists.,
Occupations always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

You think there is occupation

I think the is no occupation.

And we better leave it there because there are more than a million of threads about this that lead to nowhere.

Just trying to help. Israel is too stupid to figure out why they are attacked.

They were attacked because is in the DNA of those people to attack. That's what terrorists do after all.:dunno:

How could the native people of Palestine "attack" invaders/colonists from Europe? It's an oxymoron. Surely, those that were intending to colonize the native people are doing the attacking.

They have been attacking their Jewish neighbors long before any Zionist immigration.

It's good their brothers gathered in and took control.
Just look at the Disneyland the minorities are enjoying in the ME, how could the Jews refuse to that?
They have been attacking their Jewish neighbors long before any Zionist immigration.
Seems to me that if the families of terrorists are willing to accept the positive consequences of their family member's actions, they shouldn't whine about negative consequences. Fair's fair. IF they are entitled to "social welfare", why wouldn't they be entitled to "social repayment of cost"?
Occupations always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

You think there is occupation

I think the is no occupation.

And we better leave it there because there are more than a million of threads about this that lead to nowhere.

Just trying to help. Israel is too stupid to figure out why they are attacked.

They were attacked because is in the DNA of those people to attack. That's what terrorists do after all.:dunno:

How could the native people of Palestine "attack" invaders/colonists from Europe? It's an oxymoron. Surely, those that were intending to colonize the native people are doing the attacking.

It's comical when you attempt to define the "native people" of your invented "country of Pally'land" as native or indigenous when those people were the European xtian Crusaders and the Moslem land grabbers / colonists.,
The Palestinians became citizens of Palestine by treaty and international law in 1924.

Although your debate might be interesting, it will not change the facts.
You think there is occupation

I think the is no occupation.

And we better leave it there because there are more than a million of threads about this that lead to nowhere.

Just trying to help. Israel is too stupid to figure out why they are attacked.

They were attacked because is in the DNA of those people to attack. That's what terrorists do after all.:dunno:

How could the native people of Palestine "attack" invaders/colonists from Europe? It's an oxymoron. Surely, those that were intending to colonize the native people are doing the attacking.

It's comical when you attempt to define the "native people" of your invented "country of Pally'land" as native or indigenous when those people were the European xtian Crusaders and the Moslem land grabbers / colonists.,
The Palestinians became citizens of Palestine by treaty and international law in 1924.

Although your debate might be interesting, it will not change the facts.

It's funny to read your bantering about your invented "country of Pally'land".
Just trying to help. Israel is too stupid to figure out why they are attacked.

They were attacked because is in the DNA of those people to attack. That's what terrorists do after all.:dunno:

How could the native people of Palestine "attack" invaders/colonists from Europe? It's an oxymoron. Surely, those that were intending to colonize the native people are doing the attacking.

It's comical when you attempt to define the "native people" of your invented "country of Pally'land" as native or indigenous when those people were the European xtian Crusaders and the Moslem land grabbers / colonists.,
The Palestinians became citizens of Palestine by treaty and international law in 1924.

Although your debate might be interesting, it will not change the facts.

It's funny to read your bantering about your invented "country of Pally'land".
When Israel passed a new counter-terrorism law last year, Ayman Odeh, a leader of the country’s large minority of Palestinian citizens, described its draconian measures as colonialism’s “last gasp”. He said: “I see … the panic of the French at the end of the occupation of Algeria.”

The panic and cruelty plumbed new depths last week, when Israeli officials launched a $2.3 million lawsuit against the family of Fadi Qanbar ע״ה who crashed a truck into soldiers in Jerusalem in January, killing four. He was shot dead at the scene.


Fadi Qanbar (Source: Jerusalem Post)

The suit demands that his widow, Tahani, reimburse the state for the compensation it awarded the soldiers’ families. If she cannot raise the astronomic sum, the debt will pass to her four children, the oldest of whom is currently only seven.

Israel is reported to be preparing many similar cases.

Like other families of Palestinians who commit attacks, the Qanbars are homeless, after Israel sealed their East Jerusalem home with cement. Twelve relatives were also stripped of their residency papers as a prelude to expelling them to the West Bank.

None has done anything wrong – their crime is simply to be related to someone Israel defines as a “terrorist”.
A pound of flesh?

They were the family of a terrorist, all their assets should be forfeited.

If terrorists don't want their families to be held accountable for their actions, then they shouldn't become terrorists. Pretty simple concept.

Kin punishment is a form of collective punishment and is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions.

Muslims don't follow Geneva Conventions, so they can't use that for a defense.

The Israelis are the ones oppressed by continuous terrorists attacks!

Your tired statement regarding the nazis always means that you have run out of an argument.

How stupid.
The Israelis are the ones oppressed by continuous terrorists attacks!
Occupations always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

You think there is occupation

I think the is no occupation.

And we better leave it there because there are more than a million of threads about this that lead to nowhere.

Just trying to help. Israel is too stupid to figure out why they are attacked.

They were attacked because is in the DNA of those people to attack. That's what terrorists do after all.:dunno:
Nah, it's the occupation.

It's not an "occupation", Israel won the war and it's their land now. That's been the way of things for all of human history. I suppose you think the US is "occupying" Native American lands.
Occupations always have problems with security.

It comes with the territory.

You think there is occupation

I think the is no occupation.

And we better leave it there because there are more than a million of threads about this that lead to nowhere.

Just trying to help. Israel is too stupid to figure out why they are attacked.

They were attacked because is in the DNA of those people to attack. That's what terrorists do after all.:dunno:
Nah, it's the occupation.

It's not an "occupation", Israel won the war and it's their land now. That's been the way of things for all of human history. I suppose you think the US is "occupying" Native American lands.
It is more settler colonialism than it is an occupation.

That said, back when the US was created colonialism was not illegal. It was in the 20th century.

That is the difference.

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