Israel's former chief rabbi arrested on suspicion of accepting millions in bribes

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Former Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger Reportedly Caught On Tape Incriminating Himself

"Police reportedly have an "operative" who recorded and photographed Rabbi Yona Metzger sabotaging investigations, obstructing justice, coordinating alibis with associates, and incriminating himself."

Former Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger Reportedly Caught On Tape Incriminating Himself -

It really is quite funny how Mrs. Sherri is obsessed with this Rabbi when Muslim clergy also steal, and her beloved Ayatollah has billions stashed away that was gotten dishonestly and she doesn't seem to care. I should check to see if this is one of the characteristics of a bipolar. I know that one of the characteristics is that they don't need much sleep and can go like the Energizer bunny all day long on their computer.

The difference is this: if someone steals in Israel he will get arrested, even if he is a former chief rabbi. But in Iran no Ayatollah would ever get arrested for theft or anything else. Unlike Israel, Iran is a theocracy, where the Mullahs can get away with anything.

Give us a break, since the beginning of time rulers of nations exploit nations. How is that Ayatollah controlling Iran different from hundreds of kings or dictators who came before him? With the great power he has in Iran, that is who we most appropriately should be comparing him too.

As for a Chief Rabbi, his position is different. He is not a King or comparable to kings, he is completely a religious figure and is held to be a symbol for the religion of Judaism in Israel.

Do his actions properly portray what Judaism teaches?
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Noone wants to address what this Rabbis actions have to say about Judaism inside Israel.

Oh my God, are you still on this Rabbi. Do you want to addressed what the Muslims who are busy murdering innocent people, even other Muslims, says about Islam?
Post 'em if you got 'em.

You mean you can't Google and do some research??? And here I thought you were practicing to be an Imam or Mullah so that you could steal some money.

Evidently it's easier of you're a rabbi. People expect it.

I wish the two-bit anti-Semite Alfafa would finally grow a brain. It sure looks like brainless Alfalfa is unable to research on Google.
You mean you can't Google and do some research??? And here I thought you were practicing to be an Imam or Mullah so that you could steal some money.

Evidently it's easier of you're a rabbi. People expect it.

I wish the two-bit anti-Semite Alfafa would finally grow a brain. It sure looks like brainless Alfalfa is unable to research on Google.

How about YOU search google, and post a link to back up your apparently base less claims
Noone wants to address what this Rabbis actions have to say about Judaism inside Israel.

Oh my God, are you still on this Rabbi. Do you want to addressed what the Muslims who are busy murdering innocent people, even other Muslims, says about Islam?

If Sally can read English, he, she, or it should read the OP.

It identifies the thread topic.

Anything to say about the thread topic?
Noone wants to address what this Rabbis actions have to say about Judaism inside Israel.

Oh my God, are you still on this Rabbi. Do you want to addressed what the Muslims who are busy murdering innocent people, even other Muslims, says about Islam?

If Sally can read English, he, she, or it should read the OP.

It identifies the thread topic.

Anything to say about the thread topic?

Would you like to explain tio the readers why you are so obsessed with this one Rabbi but apparently don't care about the clergy of other religions who steal money? I have a great idea for you. Forget about the Rabbi today and ask some old neighbor or an old Church lady if you can take them shopping or to a medical appointment. This way you will actually be doing some good. Obsessing over one Rabbi is really not helping anyone in need of assistance in your own town.
The basic fall back position of zionists everywhere..."Everybody does it!"

I guess since it was good enough for nazi germany and s africa, it's good enough for israel.
It would seem corrupt rabbis have their own blog rabbinic corruption.

There is a lot of them isnt there Crime, etc.

Well, Joey, coming from Iran, no doubt you must know a host of corrupt Mullahs. No comment about your beloved Ayatollah and his fat bank account? Evidently Joey wants the readers to believe that the only ones who would do something like this are Rabbis and all the other clergy in the world are just pure as the driven snow.
Silly thinks her argument is compelling when all it does is show jewish pope rabbis in isreal are just as corrupt as some mullahs and imams.

A pox on both their houses.
Well first off, I dont come from Iran, I dont know Any Mullahs, let alone the details of their bank accounts, perhaps you would care to enlighten us with a link to said information (if true)
If you go back and check the OP this thread is about corrupt rabbis, feel free to open another thread in the appropriate forum if you wish to discuss " all the other clergy in the world"
Do you also defend rabbi Pedophiles? heres a link for you
Accused Haredi Pedophile Who Fled Prosecution May Walk Free Because Britain Has Reportedly Not Asked For His Extradition -
Well first off, I dont come from Iran, I dont know Any Mullahs, let alone the details of their bank accounts, perhaps you would care to enlighten us with a link to said information (if true)
If you go back and check the OP this thread is about corrupt rabbis, feel free to open another thread in the appropriate forum if you wish to discuss " all the other clergy in the world"
Do you also defend rabbi Pedophiles? heres a link for you
Accused Haredi Pedophile Who Fled Prosecution May Walk Free Because Britain Has Reportedly Not Asked For His Extradition -

What's your problem, everybody does it...
Well first off, I dont come from Iran, I dont know Any Mullahs, let alone the details of their bank accounts, perhaps you would care to enlighten us with a link to said information (if true)
If you go back and check the OP this thread is about corrupt rabbis, feel free to open another thread in the appropriate forum if you wish to discuss " all the other clergy in the world"
Do you also defend rabbi Pedophiles? heres a link for you
Accused Haredi Pedophile Who Fled Prosecution May Walk Free Because Britain Has Reportedly Not Asked For His Extradition -

Thanks for the Taqiyya . Why Joey we all know that there are tons of pedopphiles in every group under the sun no matter their religion, their race, or ethnic background. Why are you so obsessed with the Jews and nobody else. People who are obsessed with only one group of people for either stealing or are pedophiles are really telling the readers all about themselves and how they are bigoted against this one group of people There have been many articles on the Internet about the pedophile Muslim teachers and clergy, but since people with brains know this is represented in every group, I don't think anyone on this forum is posting these articles.
Criticism which comes from haters of our religion is not serious, and therefor we ignore it.

But to the issue, sadly the Rabbanut became lately a source of corruption. We should change it drastically. a Rabbi is a man of God, and therefor there is no place of corruption or dishonesty in such an institute which should hold dignity and respect.
I admit I may come across as being, as you say "bigoted" against Thief's and "pedopphiles"(sic)
But more to the point, why do you feel the need to defend their actions?
Criticism which comes from haters of our religion is not serious, and therefor we ignore it.

But to the issue, sadly the Rabbanut became lately a source of corruption. We should change it drastically. a Rabbi is a man of God, and therefor there is no place of corruption or dishonesty in such an institute which should hold dignity and respect.

So true, Lipush, and it should also apply to the clergy of all religions.
I admit I may come across as being, as you say "bigoted" against Thief's and "pedopphiles"(sic)
But more to the point, why do you feel the need to defend their actions?

You're asking me?

I didn't defend their actions!:eek:
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