Israel's Legal Right To Exist

A portion, if not a major portion of the ancestors of the native Muslim and Christian Palestinians built the temple. Not European ancestors of the Zionists.

Oh now I get it. The "native Muslim & Christian Palestinians" were Jews when they built Solomon's Temple. Amazing what we can learn from the infinite wisdom of Monte.

What religion(s) do you think they practiced? Many of the ancestors of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians practiced Judaism, some practiced other religions at the time of the building of the temple. But not Christianity or Islam as the religions were not established at the time.

You still haven't figured out that the original Christians previously practiced Judaism. LOL

Werent they evicted many times by the various invaders like the Crusaders and the muslims making your claims a pack of lies. This makes them all recent immigrants and not indigenous, much to your dismay as this means the Jews are the indigenous peoples.
A portion, if not a major portion of the ancestors of the native Muslim and Christian Palestinians built the temple. Not European ancestors of the Zionists.

Oh now I get it. The "native Muslim & Christian Palestinians" were Jews when they built Solomon's Temple. Amazing what we can learn from the infinite wisdom of Monte.

What religion(s) do you think they practiced? Many of the ancestors of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians practiced Judaism, some practiced other religions at the time of the building of the temple. But not Christianity or Islam as the religions were not established at the time.

You still haven't figured out that the original Christians previously practiced Judaism. LOL

Oh Monte. You are a blast. Okay so now I get it. The Palestinian Christians & Muslims living in Israel were the indigenous Jews who built Solomon's Temple. Heh Heh!
MJB12741, montelatici, et al,

It is my opinion that the anti-Israeli set, and those that unnecessarily involve the religious aspects, is a bit like cosmology looking back in time. That is to say that the finer points of the question are becoming more uncertain --- the farther back we look in time and into a more ancient the period. And, like the question of Dark Matter and Dark Energy, what happened one, two or three millennium ago really doesn't matter. Just as the interaction of the discussion with the concepts of "native Muslim & Christian Palestinians" (implying the ∆ is Hebrew Jewish) and the circular migrant departing the Middle East (Jews leave, travel across Europe) and returning to the Middle East.

It really doesn't matter. While it was historically recognized by the Allied Powers, it makes no difference when it came to the safety and preservation of the culture; of the solution to the conflict.

A portion, if not a major portion of the ancestors of the native Muslim and Christian Palestinians built the temple. Not European ancestors of the Zionists.
Oh now I get it. The "native Muslim & Christian Palestinians" were Jews when they built Solomon's Temple. Amazing what we can learn from the infinite wisdom of Monte.

What religion(s) do you think they practiced? Many of the ancestors of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians practiced Judaism, some practiced other religions at the time of the building of the temple. But not Christianity or Islam as the religions were not established at the time.

You still haven't figured out that the original Christians previously practiced Judaism. LOL
Oh Monte. You are a blast. Okay so now I get it. The Palestinian Christians & Muslims living in Israel were the indigenous Jews who built Solomon's Temple. Heh Heh!

It is not the case that the outcome of whether or not the two-state solution is the answer; but rather, whether or not a significant blow to the preservation of a under continuous attack for two thousand years (plus). It is not likely that --- in any case --- or impact on the Arabs of Palestine, will not be significant adverse impact to the preservation of the Arab.

The Palestinian Christians & Muslims, King's Solomons Temple, the migration from the Middle East - through Europe - and back to the Middle East, have no real impact on the reality that peace and the preservation are required.

Most Respectfully,
A portion, if not a major portion of the ancestors of the native Muslim and Christian Palestinians built the temple. Not European ancestors of the Zionists.

Oh now I get it. The "native Muslim & Christian Palestinians" were Jews when they built Solomon's Temple. Amazing what we can learn from the infinite wisdom of Monte.

What religion(s) do you think they practiced? Many of the ancestors of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians practiced Judaism, some practiced other religions at the time of the building of the temple. But not Christianity or Islam as the religions were not established at the time.

You still haven't figured out that the original Christians previously practiced Judaism. LOL

Oh Monte. You are a blast. Okay so now I get it. The Palestinian Christians & Muslims living in Israel were the indigenous Jews who built Solomon's Temple. Heh Heh!

The ancestors of the current Palestinians practiced other religions before Christianity and Islam came into being. Many, if not most practiced Judaism before they converted to Christianity. Where do you think the first Christians came from you idiot.
A portion, if not a major portion of the ancestors of the native Muslim and Christian Palestinians built the temple. Not European ancestors of the Zionists.

Oh now I get it. The "native Muslim & Christian Palestinians" were Jews when they built Solomon's Temple. Amazing what we can learn from the infinite wisdom of Monte.

What religion(s) do you think they practiced? Many of the ancestors of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians practiced Judaism, some practiced other religions at the time of the building of the temple. But not Christianity or Islam as the religions were not established at the time.

You still haven't figured out that the original Christians previously practiced Judaism. LOL

Oh Monte. You are a blast. Okay so now I get it. The Palestinian Christians & Muslims living in Israel were the indigenous Jews who built Solomon's Temple. Heh Heh!

The ancestors of the current Palestinians practiced other religions before Christianity and Islam came into being. Many, if not most practiced Judaism before they converted to Christianity. Where do you think the first Christians came from you idiot.

And according to you were systematically wiped out by invading hordes over the centuries until not one of the original Christian or muslim lineages was left intact. So how have they suddenly appeared, was it magic that created the lineage
A portion, if not a major portion of the ancestors of the native Muslim and Christian Palestinians built the temple. Not European ancestors of the Zionists.

Oh now I get it. The "native Muslim & Christian Palestinians" were Jews when they built Solomon's Temple. Amazing what we can learn from the infinite wisdom of Monte.

What religion(s) do you think they practiced? Many of the ancestors of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians practiced Judaism, some practiced other religions at the time of the building of the temple. But not Christianity or Islam as the religions were not established at the time.

You still haven't figured out that the original Christians previously practiced Judaism. LOL

Oh Monte. You are a blast. Okay so now I get it. The Palestinian Christians & Muslims living in Israel were the indigenous Jews who built Solomon's Temple. Heh Heh!

The ancestors of the current Palestinians practiced other religions before Christianity and Islam came into being. Many, if not most practiced Judaism before they converted to Christianity. Where do you think the first Christians came from you idiot.

Oh Yeah! Fadi's ancient great grandfather was a Jew who built Solomon's temple for his great grandson Fadi & his ilk to occupy in the21st century AD.
Most of the ancestors of the current Palestinians practiced Judaism, Samaritanism or the the Roman state religions before Christianity was made the obligatory state religion of Rome. So, naturally the ancestors of those that converted from Judaism to Christianity built the temple. Why would you think otherwise? Jesus Christ's and his disciples' ancestors practiced Judaism. Are you really that dense?
Most of the ancestors of the current Palestinians practiced Judaism, Samaritanism or the the Roman state religions before Christianity was made the obligatory state religion of Rome. So, naturally the ancestors of those that converted from Judaism to Christianity built the temple. Why would you think otherwise? Jesus Christ's and his disciples' ancestors practiced Judaism. Are you really that dense?

Oh now I get it. Modern day Palestinians under Arafat, PLO & Hamas killing Israeli's are really Jews . Jews ethnic cleansing Jews in Israel. Don't that beat all? Amazing what we can learn from Monte.
Most of the ancestors of the current Palestinians practiced Judaism, Samaritanism or the the Roman state religions before Christianity was made the obligatory state religion of Rome. So, naturally the ancestors of those that converted from Judaism to Christianity built the temple. Why would you think otherwise? Jesus Christ's and his disciples' ancestors practiced Judaism. Are you really that dense?

Oh now I get it. Modern day Palestinians under Arafat, PLO & Hamas killing Israeli's are really Jews . Jews ethnic cleansing Jews in Israel. Don't that beat all? Amazing what we can learn from Monte.

Many of the ancestors of modern day Palestinians practiced Judaism, of course. Where did you get the idea that this was not the case? One is a Jew when one practices Judaism. Once the people that practiced Judaism in Roman Palestine began worshipping Jesus Christ and the Gospel, they became Christians. Is that so difficult to understand?
A portion, if not a major portion of the ancestors of the native Muslim and Christian Palestinians built the temple. Not European ancestors of the Zionists.

Oh now I get it. The "native Muslim & Christian Palestinians" were Jews when they built Solomon's Temple. Amazing what we can learn from the infinite wisdom of Monte.

What religion(s) do you think they practiced? Many of the ancestors of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians practiced Judaism, some practiced other religions at the time of the building of the temple. But not Christianity or Islam as the religions were not established at the time.

You still haven't figured out that the original Christians previously practiced Judaism. LOL

Oh Monte. You are a blast. Okay so now I get it. The Palestinian Christians & Muslims living in Israel were the indigenous Jews who built Solomon's Temple. Heh Heh!

The ancestors of the current Palestinians practiced other religions before Christianity and Islam came into being. Many, if not most practiced Judaism before they converted to Christianity. Where do you think the first Christians came from you idiot.

And according to you were systematically wiped out by invading hordes over the centuries until not one of the original Christian or muslim lineages was left intact. So how have they suddenly appeared, was it magic that created the lineage
Many people have come and gone over the centuries. However, there is a core group of people who stayed and put down roots.

I too prefer a one state solution. But Israel has done nothing to relocate the Palestinians back to their native homelands.

The Jews should be sent back to where their grandparents and great grand parents came from, Europe. With the Palestinians in their native homeland, Palestine as a single state, we can forget of the huge error that colonizing Palestine with Europeans was.
The Jews should be sent back to where their grandparents and great grand parents came from, Europe. With the Palestinians in their native homeland, Palestine as a single state, we can forget of the huge error that colonizing Palestine with Europeans was.

How can you even pretend, when you are using this language, that your anti-Zionism isn't anti-semitism? Any discussion about ethnic cleansing is, frankly, abhorrent. When that ethnic cleansing is restricted to Jews, it is abhorrent and anti-semitic.

If you believe that displacing people is the solution to the conflict, and you want to demonstrate that you are not anti-semitic, then you should be using language which does not include "the Jews". For example: All immigrants and their descendants who were not residents in 1922 must return to their country of origin.
montelatici, et al,

I believe that you (your attitude) are an example of exactly why the Jewish State was needed.

Media removed to save Bandwidth.

I too prefer a one state solution. But Israel has done nothing to relocate the Palestinians back to their native homelands.

The Jews should be sent back to where their grandparents and great grand parents came from, Europe. With the Palestinians in their native homeland, Palestine as a single state, we can forget of the huge error that colonizing Palestine with Europeans was.

Now I would like to see some positive contribution made by you to the discussion.

Most Respectfully,
The Jews should be sent back to where their grandparents and great grand parents came from, Europe. With the Palestinians in their native homeland, Palestine as a single state, we can forget of the huge error that colonizing Palestine with Europeans was.

How can you even pretend, when you are using this language, that your anti-Zionism isn't anti-semitism? Any discussion about ethnic cleansing is, frankly, abhorrent. When that ethnic cleansing is restricted to Jews, it is abhorrent and anti-semitic.

If you believe that displacing people is the solution to the conflict, and you want to demonstrate that you are not anti-semitic, then you should be using language which does not include "the Jews". For example: All immigrants and their descendants who were not residents in 1922 must return to their country of origin.

Besides the anti-Semitism implied in monte's statement, that plan is totally unrealistic and inhuman.
The Jews should be sent back to where their grandparents and great grand parents came from, Europe. With the Palestinians in their native homeland, Palestine as a single state, we can forget of the huge error that colonizing Palestine with Europeans was.

How can you even pretend, when you are using this language, that your anti-Zionism isn't anti-semitism? Any discussion about ethnic cleansing is, frankly, abhorrent. When that ethnic cleansing is restricted to Jews, it is abhorrent and anti-semitic.

If you believe that displacing people is the solution to the conflict, and you want to demonstrate that you are not anti-semitic, then you should be using language which does not include "the Jews". For example: All immigrants and their descendants who were not residents in 1922 must return to their country of origin.

I feel I am entitled to replicate in kind to the racist lies of your racist friend MJB. But since probably 99% of the immigrants to Palestine/Israel since 1992 to date are Jews (nearly 90% were Jews from 1922 to 1946), the use of the term is accurate.


Survey of Palestine Vol. 2

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University
montelatici, et al,

I believe that you (your attitude) are an example of exactly why the Jewish State was needed.

Media removed to save Bandwidth.

I too prefer a one state solution. But Israel has done nothing to relocate the Palestinians back to their native homelands.

The Jews should be sent back to where their grandparents and great grand parents came from, Europe. With the Palestinians in their native homeland, Palestine as a single state, we can forget of the huge error that colonizing Palestine with Europeans was.

Now I would like to see some positive contribution made by you to the discussion.

Most Respectfully,

Proposing that invaders leave territory that they have invaded is positive, however, unrealistic.

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