Israel's Lies

“Israel keeps the area allotted to it by the partition plan and captures 60% of the area allotted to the Arab state”
The partition plan was never implemented. So none of that territory was ever transferred to Israel.

Military conquest (capture) of territory is illegal.
Who said anything about being transferred? You asked what Israel won, I responded.
You need to learn how to accept that you’re wrong. Israel won the war. Don’t like it? Go cry somewhere else..
So, who did Israel win it from?
That is everyone in the 1948 war.
A roll call of the Islamist losers.
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?

How did it not win the war if it won territory and the Arab armies ran away defeated?

And besides, it is illegal to acquire territory through the threat or use of force.

LOL! Maybe you should cry to your mommy?

She'll get back the land for you that Israel acquired every time they beat Arab armies.
“Israel keeps the area allotted to it by the partition plan and captures 60% of the area allotted to the Arab state”
The partition plan was never implemented. So none of that territory was ever transferred to Israel.

Military conquest (capture) of territory is illegal.

The partition plan was never implemented.

No kidding. And how'd that work out for the "Palestinians"?

Their "country" is getting smaller and smaller and smaller.

Military conquest (capture) of territory is illegal.

Maybe the UN can write them a ticket?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?

How did it not win the war if it won territory and the Arab armies ran away defeated?

And besides, it is illegal to acquire territory through the threat or use of force.

LOL! Maybe you should cry to your mommy?

She'll get back the land for you that Israel acquired every time they beat Arab armies.
You are bouncing around like a football trying to avoid the issues.
RE: Israel's Lies
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Whether or not the "Partition" was implemented has no bearing on the transfer of territory. There was never a requirement for such a transfer. I believe you are wrong in the entirety of your statement. And I explain WHY below.

BUT! to alleviate your worries on this matter:

During today's brief meeting, Dr. Eduardo Morgan (Panama) said that this resolution of the Assembly merely "relieves responsibility. The Commission has not been dissolved. In fact the resolution of last November 29 has been implemented."​
I am not sure what source you used, but I am quite sure that it did NOT SAY: "Military conquest (capture) of territory is illegal."
The corollary to your mistake of fact is found in Article 5(3), A/RES/3314(XXIX) • 14 December 1974, as presented below (skip to the very last line).
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica • Conquest • in international law • the acquisition of territory through force said:
The logical corollary to the outlawry of aggressive war is the denial of legal recognition to the fruits of such war. This implication was contained in what became known as the Stimson Doctrine, enunciated in January 1932 by U.S. Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson and subsequently affirmed by the assembly of the League of Nations and by several conferences of the American republics. The Draft Declaration on Rights and Duties of States, formulated in 1949 by the International Law Commission of the UN, contained (in Article XI) the rule that states are obligated not to recognize territorial acquisitions achieved by aggressive war.
Article 11
Every state has the duty to refrain from recognizing any territorial acquisition by another Stateacting in violation of article This text was derived from article 18 of the Panamanian draft.
SOURCE: Page 288, Yearbook of the International Law Commission
“Israel keeps the area allotted to it by the partition plan and captures 60% of the area allotted to the Arab state”
The partition plan was never implemented. So none of that territory was ever transferred to Israel.

Military conquest (capture) of territory is illegal.

The territorial acquisition of land by most sovereignties in the immediate region was done on the "Right of Self-Determination." The Israelis exercised the "Right of Self-Determination" by successfully defending their sovereignty "Against the Act of Aggression" by members of the Arab League.

A/RES/3314(XXIX) • 14 December 1974 said:
  • Adopts the following Definition of Aggression:
Article 1 A/RES/3314(XXIX) • 14 December 1974

Aggression is the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations, as set out in this Definition.​

You cannot take a layman's interpretation and use it as "justification without fact-checking." In the case of the Arab Palestinian - Israeli Conflict, the Aggressor was the elements of the Arab League. They fired the fire shot. This is critical in the determination:

The invasion or attack by the armed forces of a State of the territory of another State, or any military occupation, however temporary, resulting from such invasion or attack, or any annexation by the use of force of the territory of another State or part thereof;​

◈ Israel did NOT invade the territory of another state.​
◈ Israel did not fire the first shot.​
◈ Israel did not annexation by the use of force of "the territory of another State."​
Article 5 A/RES/3314(XXIX) • 14 December 1974

1. No consideration of whatever nature, whether political, economic, military or otherwise, may serve as a justification for aggression.​
2. A war of aggression is a crime against international peace. Aggression gives rise to international responsibility.​
3. No territorial acquisition or special advantage resulting from aggression is or shall be recognized as lawful.​
Most Respectfully,
RE: Israel's Lies
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yes, that is a common theme with you.

◈ Israel did NOT invade the territory of another state.
◈ Israel did not fire the first shot.
◈ Israel did not annexation by the use of force of "the territory of another State."
There you go back to Israeli talking points.

I've not yet heard the Arab Palestinians take responsibility for any aspect of the conflict.
Most Respectfully,
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?

How did it not win the war if it won territory and the Arab armies ran away defeated?

And besides, it is illegal to acquire territory through the threat or use of force.

LOL! Maybe you should cry to your mommy?

She'll get back the land for you that Israel acquired every time they beat Arab armies.
You are bouncing around like a football trying to avoid the issues.

The issue is that Arab armies invaded and lost and Israel held more territory after the invasion than before.

The big losers were the Arabs who decided they didn't want a state next to Israel.
How did that work out for the "Palestinians"?
Would they have been better off peacefully accepting half a loaf in 1948?
Will they end up with 20% of a loaf? Less? None?
RE: Israel's Lies
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yes, that is a common theme with you.

◈ Israel did NOT invade the territory of another state.
◈ Israel did not fire the first shot.
◈ Israel did not annexation by the use of force of "the territory of another State."
There you go back to Israeli talking points.

I've not yet heard the Arab Palestinians take responsibility for any aspect of the conflict.
Most Respectfully,
What is the Palestinian's responsibility?

It is not like they went to Europe and attack the Zionists.
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?

How did it not win the war if it won territory and the Arab armies ran away defeated?

And besides, it is illegal to acquire territory through the threat or use of force.

LOL! Maybe you should cry to your mommy?

She'll get back the land for you that Israel acquired every time they beat Arab armies.
You are bouncing around like a football trying to avoid the issues.

The issue is that Arab armies invaded and lost and Israel held more territory after the invasion than before.

The big losers were the Arabs who decided they didn't want a state next to Israel.
How did that work out for the "Palestinians"?
Would they have been better off peacefully accepting half a loaf in 1948?
Will they end up with 20% of a loaf? Less? None?
Would they have been better off peacefully accepting half a loaf in 1948?
What would we say in the US if the UN wanted to give half of our country to colonial settlers?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?

How did it not win the war if it won territory and the Arab armies ran away defeated?

And besides, it is illegal to acquire territory through the threat or use of force.

LOL! Maybe you should cry to your mommy?

She'll get back the land for you that Israel acquired every time they beat Arab armies.
You are bouncing around like a football trying to avoid the issues.

The issue is that Arab armies invaded and lost and Israel held more territory after the invasion than before.

The big losers were the Arabs who decided they didn't want a state next to Israel.
How did that work out for the "Palestinians"?
Would they have been better off peacefully accepting half a loaf in 1948?
Will they end up with 20% of a loaf? Less? None?
Would they have been better off peacefully accepting half a loaf in 1948?
What would we say in the US if the UN wanted to give half of our country to colonial settlers?

Palestine didn't belong to the Arabs after WWI.

Try again?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?

How did it not win the war if it won territory and the Arab armies ran away defeated?

And besides, it is illegal to acquire territory through the threat or use of force.

LOL! Maybe you should cry to your mommy?

She'll get back the land for you that Israel acquired every time they beat Arab armies.
You are bouncing around like a football trying to avoid the issues.

The issue is that Arab armies invaded and lost and Israel held more territory after the invasion than before.

The big losers were the Arabs who decided they didn't want a state next to Israel.
How did that work out for the "Palestinians"?
Would they have been better off peacefully accepting half a loaf in 1948?
Will they end up with 20% of a loaf? Less? None?
How did that work out for the "Palestinians"?
God question. The war is not over. Israel has won nothing yet.
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?

How did it not win the war if it won territory and the Arab armies ran away defeated?

And besides, it is illegal to acquire territory through the threat or use of force.

LOL! Maybe you should cry to your mommy?

She'll get back the land for you that Israel acquired every time they beat Arab armies.
You are bouncing around like a football trying to avoid the issues.

The issue is that Arab armies invaded and lost and Israel held more territory after the invasion than before.

The big losers were the Arabs who decided they didn't want a state next to Israel.
How did that work out for the "Palestinians"?
Would they have been better off peacefully accepting half a loaf in 1948?
Will they end up with 20% of a loaf? Less? None?
Would they have been better off peacefully accepting half a loaf in 1948?
What would we say in the US if the UN wanted to give half of our country to colonial settlers?

Palestine didn't belong to the Arabs after WWI.

Try again?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?

How did it not win the war if it won territory and the Arab armies ran away defeated?

And besides, it is illegal to acquire territory through the threat or use of force.

LOL! Maybe you should cry to your mommy?

She'll get back the land for you that Israel acquired every time they beat Arab armies.
You are bouncing around like a football trying to avoid the issues.

The issue is that Arab armies invaded and lost and Israel held more territory after the invasion than before.

The big losers were the Arabs who decided they didn't want a state next to Israel.
How did that work out for the "Palestinians"?
Would they have been better off peacefully accepting half a loaf in 1948?
Will they end up with 20% of a loaf? Less? None?
How did that work out for the "Palestinians"?
God question. The war is not over. Israel has won nothing yet.

The war is not over. Israel has won nothing yet.

How did that work out for the "Palestinians" over the last 70 years?
RE: Israel's Lies
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yes, that is a common theme with you.

◈ Israel did NOT invade the territory of another state.
◈ Israel did not fire the first shot.
◈ Israel did not annexation by the use of force of "the territory of another State."
There you go back to Israeli talking points.

I've not yet heard the Arab Palestinians take responsibility for any aspect of the conflict.
Most Respectfully,
◈ Israel did not fire the first shot.

So if somebody breaks into your house and you shoot him you are the aggressor because you fired the first shot?

That was a stupid thing to say.
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?

How did it not win the war if it won territory and the Arab armies ran away defeated?

And besides, it is illegal to acquire territory through the threat or use of force.

LOL! Maybe you should cry to your mommy?

She'll get back the land for you that Israel acquired every time they beat Arab armies.
You are bouncing around like a football trying to avoid the issues.

The issue is that Arab armies invaded and lost and Israel held more territory after the invasion than before.

The big losers were the Arabs who decided they didn't want a state next to Israel.
How did that work out for the "Palestinians"?
Would they have been better off peacefully accepting half a loaf in 1948?
Will they end up with 20% of a loaf? Less? None?
How did that work out for the "Palestinians"?
God question. The war is not over. Israel has won nothing yet.

The war is not over. Israel has won nothing yet.

How did that work out for the "Palestinians" over the last 70 years?
I don't know. Too soon to tell.
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?

How did it not win the war if it won territory and the Arab armies ran away defeated?

And besides, it is illegal to acquire territory through the threat or use of force.

LOL! Maybe you should cry to your mommy?

She'll get back the land for you that Israel acquired every time they beat Arab armies.
You are bouncing around like a football trying to avoid the issues.

The issue is that Arab armies invaded and lost and Israel held more territory after the invasion than before.

The big losers were the Arabs who decided they didn't want a state next to Israel.
How did that work out for the "Palestinians"?
Would they have been better off peacefully accepting half a loaf in 1948?
Will they end up with 20% of a loaf? Less? None?
Would they have been better off peacefully accepting half a loaf in 1948?
What would we say in the US if the UN wanted to give half of our country to colonial settlers?

Palestine didn't belong to the Arabs after WWI.

Try again?
After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War, the empire's remaining Arab provinces were assigned by the newly created League of Nations to Britain and France as mandates, with Britain taking responsibility for Iraq, Palestine, and Transjordan, and France taking responsibility for Lebanon and Syria.

Read more: Anticolonialism in Middle East - Ottoman Empire And The Mandate System - Century, Britain, Aden, and Provinces - JRank Articles Anticolonialism in Middle East - Ottoman Empire And The Mandate System
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?

How did it not win the war if it won territory and the Arab armies ran away defeated?

And besides, it is illegal to acquire territory through the threat or use of force.

LOL! Maybe you should cry to your mommy?

She'll get back the land for you that Israel acquired every time they beat Arab armies.
You are bouncing around like a football trying to avoid the issues.

The issue is that Arab armies invaded and lost and Israel held more territory after the invasion than before.

The big losers were the Arabs who decided they didn't want a state next to Israel.
How did that work out for the "Palestinians"?
Would they have been better off peacefully accepting half a loaf in 1948?
Will they end up with 20% of a loaf? Less? None?
How did that work out for the "Palestinians"?
God question. The war is not over. Israel has won nothing yet.

The war is not over. Israel has won nothing yet.

How did that work out for the "Palestinians" over the last 70 years?
I don't know. Too soon to tell.

Too soon to tell the last 70 years?

RE: Israel's Lies
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Yes, that is a common theme with you.

◈ Israel did NOT invade the territory of another state.
◈ Israel did not fire the first shot.
◈ Israel did not annexation by the use of force of "the territory of another State."
There you go back to Israeli talking points.

I've not yet heard the Arab Palestinians take responsibility for any aspect of the conflict.
Most Respectfully,
◈ Israel did not fire the first shot.

So if somebody breaks into your house and you shoot him you are the aggressor because you fired the first shot?

That was a stupid thing to say.

So if somebody breaks into your house and you shoot him you are the aggressor because you fired the first shot?

You're right, the Arabs shouldn't have broken into Israel.

That was a stupid thing to say.

We're used to that, it's kinda your thing.
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?
How can Israel win territory when it didn't win the war?

How did it not win the war if it won territory and the Arab armies ran away defeated?

And besides, it is illegal to acquire territory through the threat or use of force.

LOL! Maybe you should cry to your mommy?

She'll get back the land for you that Israel acquired every time they beat Arab armies.
You are bouncing around like a football trying to avoid the issues.

The issue is that Arab armies invaded and lost and Israel held more territory after the invasion than before.

The big losers were the Arabs who decided they didn't want a state next to Israel.
How did that work out for the "Palestinians"?
Would they have been better off peacefully accepting half a loaf in 1948?
Will they end up with 20% of a loaf? Less? None?
Would they have been better off peacefully accepting half a loaf in 1948?
What would we say in the US if the UN wanted to give half of our country to colonial settlers?

Palestine didn't belong to the Arabs after WWI.

Try again?
You have some nerve asking other posters for links when I asked you several times to post links proving that Israel did not win the war .

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