Israel's Memorial To All Those Who Perished on 911

Yeah right. Those Zionists planned 911 & hired Arabs to take the blame. Pass it on. 'Atta girl.
That wasn´t so hard to admit was it

A pity it isn't true and that it was really islamonazi terrorist scum out to show the world how to win a war. They lost that one just as they have lost everyone since the Gates of Vienna.

Get ready for the aftermath in Europe after the latest allahu Akbar outbreak 34 dead 127 injured and muslims running for cover all over Europe,
Yeah right. Those Zionists planned 911 & hired Arabs to take the blame. Pass it on. 'Atta girl.
That wasn´t so hard to admit was it

Not at all. And did you know Snoopy shot down the Red Baron?
Manfred von Richthofen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And as the other Nazi's found out the supermarine spitfire was the best fighter in the skies at the time, and resulted in the almost destruction of the Nazi air force
911 Memorials around the World...

Denmark, England, Ireland, New Zealand, Italy,...

One Day, One World: 11 International 9/11 Memorials

China, India, Spain, France, Canada....

I am very glad that all those countries have 9/11 Memorials after reading your link. Warms my heart. But I think MJB's point was that not one Arab or Muslim country has a 9/11 Memorial.

Very few countries did...I think maybe ten in all.

Then the ones that haven't should do so now and have the memorial overshadowing the largest mosque in that country so the muslims know they will never be forgiven
Yeah right. Those Zionists planned 911 & hired Arabs to take the blame. Pass it on. 'Atta girl.
That wasn´t so hard to admit was it

Not at all. And did you know Snoopy shot down the Red Baron?
Manfred von Richthofen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah right. Those Zionists planned 911 & hired Arabs to take the blame. Pass it on. 'Atta girl.
That wasn´t so hard to admit was it

Not at all. And did you know Snoopy shot down the Red Baron?
Manfred von Richthofen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aw c'mon. Since when does a brilliant intellectual like you believe that Wesern media Hasbara in Wikipedia. Se for yourself, Snoopy in his Sopwith shot that Fokker down.

You can believe that if you wish, that doesn´t make it the truth, next you´ll try to tell me the German work camps were really death camps
You can believe that if you wish, that doesn´t make it the truth, next you´ll try to tell me the German work camps were really death camps

Many people did die in the camps so they must have been death camps. At least 15 million innocents died at the hands of Nazis and islamonazis
You can believe that if you wish, that doesn´t make it the truth, next you´ll try to tell me the German work camps were really death camps

I was in high-school when I first saw the raw footage of the Nazis bull-dozing all those skeletal corpses. It was nauseating. Of course, many who were alive were also skeletons. My own grandparents died in a camp. 5 million Gypsies, mentally and physically handicapped people, Russian POW's, political dissidents and gays died as well as the 6 million Jews. Do you also deny their extermination? Do you deny the eyewitness accounts of Generals Eisenhower and Patton?
You can believe that if you wish, that doesn´t make it the truth, next you´ll try to tell me the German work camps were really death camps

I was in high-school when I first saw the raw footage of the Nazis bull-dozing all those skeletal corpses. It was nauseating. Of course, many who were alive were also skeletons. My own grandparents died in a camp. 5 million Gypsies, mentally and physically handicapped people, Russian POW's, political dissidents and gays died as well as the 6 million Jews. Do you also deny their extermination? Do you deny the eyewitness accounts of Generals Eisenhower and Patton?

And the German people as well.
You can believe that if you wish, that doesn´t make it the truth, next you´ll try to tell me the German work camps were really death camps

Hey Dopey. Here is what German citizens themselves saw under the Eisenhower administration. But hey, if you think this is sickening & inhumane treatment, just look what those Zionists are doing to the Palestinians with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions.

German civilians were brought to see the atrocities in the camps
You can believe that if you wish, that doesn´t make it the truth, next you´ll try to tell me the German work camps were really death camps

Hey Dopey. Here is what German citizens themselves saw under the Eisenhower administration. But hey, if you think this is sickening & inhumane treatment, just look what those Zionists are doing to the Palestinians with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions.

German civilians were brought to see the atrocities in the camps

Oh, & where is the Palestinian memorial located to all those who perished on 911?

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