"Israel's New Generation of Racists"

So, open the new thread yourself. I can't find a Palestinian counterpoint to the original video.

They make bombs, not videos.

If you go to You Tube, you can find almost as many videos that are pro-Palestinian as Zionist, so if what you are saying you should be able to find something.

No, it's just that there is only one kind of racism you object. The other you overlook

The other I CAN'T FIND.
And don't put those ridiculous phony photos from Palwatch up.
The jig is up, ALL those photos are phony.
That hatesite is totally discredited.

My original videos are from Israeli media. You find something from Palestinian media.
So, open the new thread yourself. I can't find a Palestinian counterpoint to the original video.

They make bombs, not videos.

If you go to You Tube, you can find almost as many videos that are pro-Palestinian as Zionist, so if what you are saying you should be able to find something.

No, it's just that there is only one kind of racism you object. The other you overlook

The other I CAN'T FIND.
And don't put those ridiculous phony photos from Palwatch up.
The jig is up, ALL those photos are phony.
That hatesite is totally discredited.

My original videos are from Israeli media. You find something from Palestinian media.
Oh, and what makes the videos from Palwatch phony?

And, WHO has discredited Palwatch? (other than Palestinians and their sympathizers)

They (and others) have some great stuff, fingertip -accessible...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1sPsPmbdgE]Palestinian Hate Caught on tape - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn2X8PzIZf0]Children Taught to Hate on Palestinian Television: Where's the Coverage? - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etDb5tXPawc]Palestinian Children Taught to Hate Jews - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWwCKvvodBA]Muslim Palestinians teach children to hate in cartoons (video) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaYmPmoIpS8]Muslims hate and kill Palestinian Christians - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYTN2VApbiA]Exposing hate speech - Song demanding violence and Jihad on Palestinian TV cultural show - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT6iKFQDEP4]ISLAM: Brainwashing Palestinian Children - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1MbOgF9J7o]Teaching hate in Palestine - YouTube[/ame]

...and, I'm sure, there are scores of other videos that one can easily pull up, on YouTube, or the Internet at-large.

Close enough, to prove the point, that Palestinians have zero - and I DO mean ZERO - room to talk, when attempting to chide the Israelis about 'hate-speech' and the like.


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Palwatch is a hate site. They have discredited themselves.

Their translations. One example (the first I come to...) is the translation of "shahid" as "suicide martyr." Shahid means martyr, period. Like Joan of Arc, for example. In this context .. it meaans someone who has been killed by Israel, not necessarily a combatant.

Much of what we have been linked to previously has turned out to be actors posing as radical Islamic militants. So a lot of what is on Palwatch is totally fabricated.

They are playing martial music that I have on tapes from 1970s, NOT from the Palestinian Authority, and it doesn't say what they claim it says.

Several of the "suicide bombers" are not Palestinian, but apparently Afghan.

Statements are not sourced. Anybody can say anything. Misquoting is always possible.

The PA is NOT fricking stupid enough to encourage suicide bombing! The Palestinians are still reeling from Mahmoud Abbas' assurance that there will never be a third intifada while he is in office!

Israel IS temporary.
Israel WILL be destroyed. Ask Miko Peled if you don't believe me!
And it is very true, Palestinians are not willing whatsoever to give up Haifa and Jaffa.
The reason no one mentions Oslo is that it is totally discredited, and anyone who endorses it will be totally discredited too.
Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state in another peoples' land, who it must dispossess and disenfranchise over and over in order to keep control.

The rest is clever editing, "evil Arab music" (with apologies to irosie who invented that ridiculous term) and mistranslation.

Now IF THIS STUFF IS REAL, then it is certainly possible to find something in the Arab press and ditch this ridiculous crap. I always show you things from the Israeli press ... so that you may believe. You should also respect our intellects by NOT showing us crap from a hate site.
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Palwatch is a hate site. They have discredited themselves.

Their translations. One example (the first I come to...) is the translation of "shahid" as "suicide martyr." Shahid means martyr, period. Like Joan of Arc, for example. In this context .. it meaans someone who has been killed by Israel, not necessarily a combatant.

Much of what we have been linked to previously has turned out to be actors posing as radical Islamic militants. So a lot of what is on Palwatch is totally fabricated.

Israel IS temporary.
Israel WILL be destroyed. Ask Miko Peled if you don't believe me!
And it is very true, Palestinians are not willing whatsoever to give up Haifa and Jaffa.
The reason no one mentions Oslo is that it is totally discredited, and anyone who endorses it will be totally discredited too.
Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state in another peoples' land, who it must dispossess and disenfranchise over and over in order to keep control.

The rest is clever editing, "evil Arab music" (with apologies to irosie who invented that ridiculous term) and mistranslation.

I have never heard of, or written the phrase "evil arab music" in my life.
Aenmity lied As to the translation of the term SHAHID as suicide martyr---
I would call that translation a mistake in that it is incomplete As far as I know it means martyr---
at least the best English equivalent is "martyr" It is used to describe---in context--
those sluts who tie bombs to their asses for the purpose of killing people---but
using the word in that particular context is not its only use. Any person who
bases an opinion of site as hate site based on one incomplete translation of
a word-----is really stupid. Israel has just as much right to exist as a jewish state
as any state in the middle east has a right to exist as an "arab" state or an 'islamic'
state Jews originated in the middle east and have always resided there. Hebrew
is the ONLY language that was developed in the land today called ISRAEL that is
extant today.
You wrote "evil Jew music."
My sides are still sore from laughing.

So if you actually believe Palwatch, then find some of this in the Arab media. If it exists, and if it is NOT fabricated, then it will be there somewhere. Write to them and ask them to show you where it is....

because the Palestinians are laughing at you.

Palwatch is a hate site. They have discredited themselves.

Their translations. One example (the first I come to...) is the translation of "shahid" as "suicide martyr." Shahid means martyr, period. Like Joan of Arc, for example. In this context .. it meaans someone who has been killed by Israel, not necessarily a combatant.

Much of what we have been linked to previously has turned out to be actors posing as radical Islamic militants. So a lot of what is on Palwatch is totally fabricated.

They are playing martial music that I have on tapes from 1970s, NOT from the Palestinian Authority, and it doesn't say what they claim it says.

Several of the "suicide bombers" are not Palestinian, but apparently Afghan.

Statements are not sourced. Anybody can say anything. Misquoting is always possible.

The PA is NOT fricking stupid enough to encourage suicide bombing! The Palestinians are still reeling from Mahmoud Abbas' assurance that there will never be a third intifada while he is in office!

Israel IS temporary.
Israel WILL be destroyed. Ask Miko Peled if you don't believe me!
And it is very true, Palestinians are not willing whatsoever to give up Haifa and Jaffa.
The reason no one mentions Oslo is that it is totally discredited, and anyone who endorses it will be totally discredited too.
Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state in another peoples' land, who it must dispossess and disenfranchise over and over in order to keep control.

The rest is clever editing, "evil Arab music" (with apologies to irosie who invented that ridiculous term) and mistranslation.

Now IF THIS STUFF IS REAL, then it is certainly possible to find something in the Arab press and ditch this ridiculous crap. I always show you things from the Israeli press ... so that you may believe. You should also respect our intellects by NOT showing us crap from a hate site.
Last edited by amity1844; Today at 07:49 PM.
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You wrote "evil Jew music."
My sides are still sore from laughing.

So if you actually believe Palwatch, then find some of this in the Arab media. If it exists, and if it is NOT fabricated, then it will be there somewhere. Write to them and ask them to show you where it is....

because the Palestinians are laughing at you.

I believe that aenmity directed the above incomprehensible post
to me---(irosie) if she did---I never wrote "evil jewish music" either

as to "so if you actually believe Palwatch"-----I do not remember ever
accessing "palwatch" what is it about palwatch that is so interesting
to aenmity? "the Palestinians are laughing" ???? so??
oh----I reviewed the thread-----I do not believe now that aenmity directed her very
disjointed post at me--------it is to someone who cited "palwatch videos"
I do not cite propaganda videos ----I do not consider any of them particularly useful.---
NONE OF THEM -----for someone who posts up silly propaganda videos incessantly---
aenmity suddenly became snappy about it
So I don't post "propaganda" either. Haven't you noticed that nearly everything I post is Israeli, Zionist, or Jewish?
You wrote "evil Jew music."
My sides are still sore from laughing.

So if you actually believe Palwatch, then find some of this in the Arab media. If it exists, and if it is NOT fabricated, then it will be there somewhere. Write to them and ask them to show you where it is....

because the Palestinians are laughing at you.

I believe that aenmity directed the above incomprehensible post
to me---(irosie) if she did---I never wrote "evil jewish music" either

as to "so if you actually believe Palwatch"-----I do not remember ever
accessing "palwatch" what is it about palwatch that is so interesting
to aenmity? "the Palestinians are laughing" ???? so??


You wrote "evil Jew music" and now you're too embarrassed to ADMIT IT.
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You wrote "evil Jew music."
My sides are still sore from laughing.

So if you actually believe Palwatch, then find some of this in the Arab media. If it exists, and if it is NOT fabricated, then it will be there somewhere. Write to them and ask them to show you where it is....

because the Palestinians are laughing at you.

I believe that aenmity directed the above incomprehensible post
to me---(irosie) if she did---I never wrote "evil jewish music" either

as to "so if you actually believe Palwatch"-----I do not remember ever
accessing "palwatch" what is it about palwatch that is so interesting
to aenmity? "the Palestinians are laughing" ???? so??


You wrote "evil Jew music" and now you're too embarrassed to ADMIT IT.

really? I cannot imagine why I would write so meaningless a phrase or if
I did write a meaningless phrase-----what would be embarrassing about
"admitting it" ---------You got a link or do you remember the context????
for that matter -----I cannot imagine why the phrase would have meaning for you
My reply can ONLY be to post yet another video detailing Israeli racism:

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Palwatch is a hate site. They have discredited themselves.

Their translations. One example (the first I come to...) is the translation of "shahid" as "suicide martyr." Shahid means martyr, period. Like Joan of Arc, for example. In this context .. it meaans someone who has been killed by Israel, not necessarily a combatant.

Much of what we have been linked to previously has turned out to be actors posing as radical Islamic militants. So a lot of what is on Palwatch is totally fabricated.

They are playing martial music that I have on tapes from 1970s, NOT from the Palestinian Authority, and it doesn't say what they claim it says.

Several of the "suicide bombers" are not Palestinian, but apparently Afghan.

Statements are not sourced. Anybody can say anything. Misquoting is always possible.

The PA is NOT fricking stupid enough to encourage suicide bombing! The Palestinians are still reeling from Mahmoud Abbas' assurance that there will never be a third intifada while he is in office!..

So, the answer is: PalWatch is considered as 'discredited' by Palestinians and their sympathizers.

And, as to the PA being stupid enough... well, the Pals do NOT get high marks for all-around intelligence or common sense... to the point where much of the rest of the world believes that they are, indeed, 'stupid enough'...

We will have to agree to disagree on this score.

...Israel IS temporary. Israel WILL be destroyed. Ask Miko Peled if you don't believe me!...
I'm sure that is the Palestinian dream.

It has little bearing upon Reality, however.

...And it is very true, Palestinians are not willing whatsoever to give up Haifa and Jaffa...
Hell, those were on the 1947 UN Partition proposal map, never mind anything seized by the Israelis during or after the 1948-1949 Arab-Israeli War.

If the Palestinians aren't willing to concede the 1947 Partition Map at a bare-bones minimum, there is no point in further negotiations, and no point in Israel allowing its enemy to live to fight against them one more day.

...The reason no one mentions Oslo is that it is totally discredited, and anyone who endorses it will be totally discredited too...

The Palestinians saw to that.

...Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state in another peoples' land...
Thus emerges the militancy of the True Believer and thus emerges the intransigent Palestinian Mentality, some weeks after first appearing.

As predictable as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

...who it must dispossess and disenfranchise over and over in order to keep control...
Now, all you have to do is to kick 'em off 'your' land.

Not much luck with that in the past 66 years, eh?

Not much luck with that, even in the past week or so.

Much of the rest of the world is sitting back and watching the show, enjoying a bit of popcorn while you get your asses kicked - again.

...the rest is clever editing, "evil Arab music" (with apologies to irosie who invented that ridiculous term) and mistranslation...
Ahhhhh... good... the Militant Muslim Palestinian Mentality commercial is done, now, and we're back to talking about PalWatch.

...Now IF THIS STUFF IS REAL, then it is certainly possible to find something in the Arab press and ditch this ridiculous crap...
Given the Islamic condemnation of non-Muslims, and Jews in particular - embedded deeply and profoundly and repeatedly in Islamic sacred writ and related teachings - I think we'd be hard-pressed to find negative press coverage of the Palestinians, in that context.

...I always show you things from the Israeli press ... so that you may believe...
Jews do not have the same condemnation of non-Jews built into their belief system, analogous to the Muslim non-believer condemnation mindset. Consequently, the appearance of (mostly Leftist, anarchist, hyper-liberal and surrender-monkey) Israel-critical commentaries within the Israelis press is far, far, FAR more likely than condemnation of Palestinian positions and activities and operations is to appear in Palestinian (or other Muslim-centric) press.

The built-in condemnation of non-believers within Islamic society (and its manifestations, such as its press) is what makes that an apples-to-oranges comparison, and that shaky contraption just ain't gonna fly, Wilbur.

...You should also respect our intellects by NOT showing us crap from a hate site.
Or, alternatively, you should respect our intellects by NOT expecting us to take your judgment of 'crap' or your judgment of 'hate site' at face value, given your extreme prejudices and bias.
I am inspired to go to PALwatch----for the first time in my life Just the title
of the site leads me to believe that it is a POINT OF VIEW site-----an INTEREST
GROUP site-----the kinds of sites I avoid------but I have even been accused ---
at least I think I was accused of "BELIEVING" it sheesh. well---maybe tomorrow
I WAS going to respond to this point by point, but now that I notice who wrote it, i am not sure I will bother. You are an admitted racist, Kondor, so only worthy of contempt:

Palwatch is a hate site. They have discredited themselves.

Their translations. One example (the first I come to...) is the translation of "shahid" as "suicide martyr." Shahid means martyr, period. Like Joan of Arc, for example. In this context .. it meaans someone who has been killed by Israel, not necessarily a combatant.

Much of what we have been linked to previously has turned out to be actors posing as radical Islamic militants. So a lot of what is on Palwatch is totally fabricated.

They are playing martial music that I have on tapes from 1970s, NOT from the Palestinian Authority, and it doesn't say what they claim it says.

Several of the "suicide bombers" are not Palestinian, but apparently Afghan.

Statements are not sourced. Anybody can say anything. Misquoting is always possible.

The PA is NOT fricking stupid enough to encourage suicide bombing! The Palestinians are still reeling from Mahmoud Abbas' assurance that there will never be a third intifada while he is in office!..

So, the answer is: PalWatch is considered as 'discredited' by Palestinians and their sympathizers.

I don't think very many people could fail to understand that website has a very hostile ax to grind, even if they can't see the fraud and phony "journalism" involved.
And, as to the PA being stupid enough... well, the Pals do NOT get high marks for all-around intelligence or common sense... to the point where much of the rest of the world believes that they are, indeed, 'stupid enough'...
More racism.
And obviously you can't dispute that Abbas said there will be NO third intifada. Meaning ... no uprising against Israel allowed on his watch.
We will have to agree to disagree on this score.

...Israel IS temporary. Israel WILL be destroyed. Ask Miko Peled if you don't believe me!...
I'm sure that is the Palestinian dream.

It has little bearing upon Reality, however.

[/quote] No, I think Miko is right. The world increasingly will not tolerate racism.
Its anachronistic.

If the Palestinians aren't willing to concede the 1947 Partition Map at a bare-bones minimum, there is no point in further negotiations, and no point in Israel allowing its enemy to live to fight against them one more day.
Shoot, honey, they'll take 1947 plan!

Thus emerges the militancy of the True Believer and thus emerges the intransigent Palestinian Mentality, some weeks after first appearing.

As predictable as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

Now, all you have to do is to kick 'em off 'your' land.

Not much luck with that in the past 66 years, eh?

Not much luck with that, even in the past week or so.

Much of the rest of the world is sitting back and watching the show, enjoying a bit of popcorn while you get your asses kicked - again.

Ahhhhh... good... the Militant Muslim Palestinian Mentality commercial is done, now, and we're back to talking about PalWatch.

Given the Islamic condemnation of non-Muslims, and Jews in particular - embedded deeply and profoundly and repeatedly in Islamic sacred writ and related teachings - I think we'd be hard-pressed to find negative press coverage of the Palestinians, in that context.
More racist Zionist crap.

...I always show you things from the Israeli press ... so that you may believe...
Jews do not have the same condemnation of non-Jews built into their belief system, analogous to the Muslim non-believer condemnation mindset. Consequently, the appearance of (mostly Leftist, anarchist, hyper-liberal and surrender-monkey) Israel-critical commentaries within the Israelis press is far, far, FAR more likely than condemnation of Palestinian positions and activities and operations is to appear in Palestinian (or other Muslim-centric) press.

The built-in condemnation of non-believers within Islamic society (and its manifestations, such as its press) is what makes that an apples-to-oranges comparison, and that shaky contraption just ain't gonna fly, Wilbur.

Or, alternatively, you should respect our intellects by NOT expecting us to take your judgment of 'crap' or your judgment of 'hate site' at face value, given your extreme prejudices and bias.[/QUOTE]

I have never seen the supposed condemnation of non-Muslims, and after all I lived there for quite awhile with a cross around my neck.

I think all those non-Zionist Jews and Israelis have a lot to say to you that you would do well to heed. Israel is not nearly monolithically Zionist to pull off what you would like.
You wrote "evil Jew music."
My sides are still sore from laughing.

So if you actually believe Palwatch, then find some of this in the Arab media. If it exists, and if it is NOT fabricated, then it will be there somewhere. Write to them and ask them to show you where it is....

because the Palestinians are laughing at you.

I believe that aenmity directed the above incomprehensible post
to me---(irosie) if she did---I never wrote "evil jewish music" either

as to "so if you actually believe Palwatch"-----I do not remember ever
accessing "palwatch" what is it about palwatch that is so interesting
to aenmity? "the Palestinians are laughing" ???? so??


You wrote "evil Jew music" and now you're too embarrassed to ADMIT IT.

That's MY phrase, you senile old coot.
How could you forget it?
It was one of the first exchanges we had concerning one of your posted videos about how the bastard fuck-off Jew "Rothchilds" bought land from Arabs who evicted their fellow Arabs.
NOBODY ascribes my wit to someone else!
I WAS going to respond to this point by point, but now that I notice who wrote it, i am not sure I will bother. You are an admitted racist, Kondor, so only worthy of contempt:...
You tell 'em, little Palestinian dove.

As to your phony-balony, self-righteous, indignant, self-serving and asinine interpretation of my values and intentions, well, given your propaganda shill status...

MEH, have at it, have a field-day with it, snookums.
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...I don't think very many people could fail to understand that website has a very hostile ax to grind, even if they can't see the fraud and phony 'journalism' involved...
You keep talking about 'fraud' and 'phony journalism', but you've yet to show us an objective third-party analysis condemning them in that fashion.

I don't know a damned thing about PalWatch, but I know that if it bothers you, that it has to be a good thing.

Anyone interested in learning more can begin with the obligatory Wiki...

Palestinian Media Watch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's founder and director, Itamar Marcus...

Itamar Marcus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...has testified before the US Congress regarding hate-mongering served-up over a Palestinian media supported in part by US tax dollars...

...and the US Liberal's favorite news-rag... HuffPo... carried an excellent op-ed piece by a well-respected British Muslim female physician and professional writer and world-traveler - Qanta Ahmed - about one of Marcus' presentations in 2011 in NYC...

Qanta Ahmed, MD: The Adventures of Itamar Marcus and the Hamas Bunny: Palestine at Play

...so, apparently, even HuffPo doesn't think too badly of the fellow or his watchdog group.

And folks can visit the website and make up their own minds...

Home Page|PMW

Personally, I see them as highly biased.

But that's OK; that's their job; and they make no pretense of objectivity.

And that's just fine, so long as they are telling and portraying the truth, when they serve-up those Palestinian Hate Videos.

You have shown us nothing from an objective, third-party source to discredit PalWatch nor its founder and director, so...

...More racism...
Only in your own mind.

...And obviously you can't dispute that Abbas said there will be NO third intifada. Meaning ... no uprising against Israel allowed on his watch...
Whatever in the world led you to believe that I disputed that Abbas said such a thing?

What Hamas does in the meantime, however, beyond Abbas' jurisdiction, is quite another matter.

A matter that Israel is taking into its own hands, as it slaughters Hamas fighters by the basketful.

...Shoot, honey, they'll take 1947 plan!...
I'll bet. Now. Trouble is, that offer has been off the table since 1967, due to the Arab's own foolishness and savagery. Actions have consequences. That goes for Palestinians, too.

...More racist Zionist crap...
Only in your own mind.

...I have never seen the supposed condemnation of non-Muslims, and after all I lived there for quite awhile with a cross around my neck...
The deficiency(ies) in your education are for you to remedy.

...I think all those non-Zionist Jews and Israelis have a lot to say to you that you would do well to heed...
They will say and do what they must, and time will tell where the dominant perspective lies.

...Israel is not nearly monolithically Zionist to pull off what you would like.
That's the beauty of a democracy.

Unlike the military dictatorship extant in Gaza, and, to a lesser extent, in the West Bank.
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