Israel's New Mossad Chief Threatens More Assassinations & Attacks Inside Iran

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"The true start of this affair occurred on a day in 458 BC which this narrative will reach in its sixth chapter.

"On that day the petty Palestinian tribe of Judah (earlier disowned by the Israelites) produced a racial creed, the disruptive effect of which on subsequent human affairs may have exceeded that of explosives or epidemics.

"This was the day on which the theory of the master-race was set up as 'the Law.'..."

"The creed which a fanatical sect produced that day has shown a great power over the minds of men throughout these twenty-five centuries; hence its destructive achievement.

"Why it was born at that particular moment, or ever, is something that none can explain.

"This is among the greatest mysteries of our world, unless the theory that every action produces an equal and opposite reaction is valid in the area of religious thought; so that the impulse which at that remote time set many men searching for a universal, loving God produced this fierce counter-idea of an exclusive, vengeful deity.

"Judah-ism was retrogressive even in 458 BC..."

lol you could just as easily apply that to Chinese, Indians, Vietnamese, Kenyans, French, etc., etc, etc. They all considered themselves superior to others. Not that a dumbass like you really wants to discuss history, you're just here to peddle your commie cult crap.
The so called Iranian threat is essential to Israel.. Up until 1979 Israel bought all their oil from Iran and there were NO problems.
Umm yea, that’s because the Iran government was overthrown and turned into a radical anti-Israel regime.
lol you could just as easily apply that to Chinese, Indians, Vietnamese, Kenyans, French, etc., etc, etc. They all considered themselves superior to others. Not that a dumbass like you really wants to discuss history, you're just here to peddle your commie cult crap.

The Jerusalem to which a few returned was far from Babylon, in those times, and after their first coup (the repulse of the Samaritans’ offer of friendship) the Levites apparently found themselves unable, from a distance, to restrain the normal impulses of human kind. The Judahites, in their impoverished fragment of land, began to settle down and intermarry with their neighbours for all that. They broke no law comprehended by them. The books of the Law were still being compiled in Babylon; they knew about Solomon’s hundreds of wives and Moses’s Midianite father-in-law, but did not yet know that Moses had been resurrected in order to exterminate all the Midianites save the virgins. Thus they married their neighbours’ sons and daughters and this natural intermingling continued for about eighty years after the return.

During that period the Levites in Babylon completed the Law, the impact of which all nations have felt ever since. Ezekiel of the High Priest’s family was its chief architect and probably all five books of the Law, as they have come down, bear his mark. He was the founding-father of intolerance, of racialism and vengeance as a religion, and of murder in the name of God.
Iran, the Democrat Party’s favorite nation, is ruled by corrupt authoritarian barbarian theives that persecute, torture and kill their own people, and threaten their Sunni Muslim neighbors while spreading terror throughout the region and the world. But of course, to the antisemites and those who want Israel destroyed, they’re angels.
Wow.. Race became supreme after Ezra.
The Big Lie has been around for a long time.

"Judah-ism was retrogressive even in 458 BC, when men in the known world were beginning to turn their eyes away from idols and tribal gods and to look for a God of all men, of justice and of neighbourliness.

"Confucius and Buddha had already pointed in that direction and the idea of one-God was known among the neighbouring peoples of Judah.

"Today the claim is often made that the religious man, Christian, Muslim or other, must pay respect to Judaism, whatever its errors, on one incontestable ground: it was the first universal religion, so that in a sense all universal religions descend from it.

"Every Jewish child is taught this.

"In truth, the idea of the one-God of all men was known long before the tribe of Judah even took shape, and Judaism was above all else the denial of that idea."
Iran, the Democrat Party’s favorite nation, is ruled by corrupt authoritarian barbarian theives that persecute, torture and kill their own people, and threaten their Sunni Muslim neighbors while spreading terror throughout the region and the world. But of course, to the antisemites and those who want Israel destroyed, they’re angels.

LOLOL. You don't know anything about Iran. Israel used to buy all their oil from Iran and it was piped in via TIPLINE.

The Iranian narrative is useful for Israel.

Shame really .. Jews lived in Iran for more than 2000 years since it was Persia.. until the European Zionists came along.
The overthrow of the Shah had nothing to do with Israel. It was about student protest and land reform.

Israel is NOT the center of the universe.
The overthrow of the shah was about OIL. The Shah was a US / Western puppet gone bad. The “protests“ were a covert joint Western intelligence operation launched to remove him from power. The world was undergoing a severe economic crisis and shah was making it worse. He was also turning his country into becoming an economic and military power.

LOLOL. You don't know anything about Iran. Israel used to buy all their oil from Iran and it was piped in via TIPLINE.

The Iranian narrative is useful for Israel.

Shame really .. Jews lived in Iran for more than 2000 years since it was Persia.. until the European Zionists came along.
Idiot, EuropeanJews had nothing to do with Iran. Iran suffered a a Democratic Party inspired revolution. Jimmy Carter did to Iran what that moron Biden just did to Afghanistan. The Iranian Jews were just another religious minority like the Armenians, Bahaais, Christians etc. that fled Iran From the Islamist animals, the Shiite version of the Taliban and Al Quueda.

Good news for you ignoramuses is their neighbors the Taliban and the Sunnis in general hate the Shiite mullahs of Iran even more than they do Israel and the Jews. So you can look forward to many years of these two slaughtering each other.
Iran will never attack Israel.. This is a ploy by Israel. The end game is Iran is forced to get nuclear weapons to offset the threat. Its all stupid beyond reason.. The ayatollah issued a fatwa against nuclear weapons when the threats began in the 1990s.
can you cite the "threats" that "began in the 1990s"? Iran has
already attacked Israel. Germany did not "attack" Austria----the
german armies marched in to LIBERATE Austria circa 1938. Then
the islamo-nazi hero, adolf, turned to Poland etc etc
The overthrow of the shah was about OIL. The Shah was a US / Western puppet gone bad. The “protests“ were a covert joint Western intelligence operation launched to remove him from power. The world was undergoing a severe economic crisis and shah was making it worse. He was also turning his country into becoming an economic and military power.

LOLOL.. Nope.. the overthrow of the Shah was NOT about oil. US intelligence was very poor because everyone the US had in Iran was in the Shah's circle. They were blind-sided because they never took the student protests seriously.

Iran was NOT an economic power. You don't know anything about the oil business either.

Iran: Revenue minus production cost of oil, percent of GDP, 1970 - 2018: For that indicator, we provide data for Iran from 1970 to 2018. The average value for Iran during that period was 21.29 percent with a minimum of 3.94 percent in 1986 and a maximum of 49.32 percent in 1974. The latest value from 2018 is 20.41 percent. For comparison, the world average in 2018 based on 184 countries is 3.05 percent. See the global rankings for that indicator or use the country comparator to compare trends over time.
Glad to hear they're finally going to terrorize the terrorists and gangsters. They never should have stopped; all thy got in return was a lot more terrorism; same with the Eurotards who thought appeasing them was a great idea.
Terrorists kill children for money which probably explains why most of the world regards the US as the primary source of instability and terror.
Idiot, EuropeanJews had nothing to do with Iran. Iran suffered a a Democratic Party inspired revolution. Jimmy Carter did to Iran what that moron Biden just did to Afghanistan.

The Iranian Jews were just another religious minority like the Armenians, Bahaais, Christians etc. that fled Iran From the Islamist animals, the Shiite version of the Taliban and Al Quueda.

Good news for you ignoramuses is their neighbors the Taliban and the Sunnis in general hate the Shiite mullahs of Iran even more than they do Israel and the Jews. So you can look forward to many years of these two slaughtering each other.

LOLOL.. You have never set foot in Iran.

Before the Zionists there were 200,000 Jews in Iran.. They left in waves in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973... and more in 1979.
The so called Iranian threat is essential to Israel.. Up until 1979 Israel bought all their oil from Iran and there were NO problems.
for the record----there were lots of problems. There was a huge EMIGRATION of Iranians to the USA ---both muslims and jews because
of the rise in the stench of ISLAMISM in the 1960s 1979 marks the
the success of the murdering animal AYATOILET KHOMEINI and the
beginning of the filth which is Iran today
for the record----there were lots of problems. There was a huge EMIGRATION of Iranians to the USA ---both muslims and jews because
of the rise in the stench of ISLAMISM in the 1960s 1979 marks the
the success of the murdering animal AYATOILET KHOMEINI and the
beginning of the filth which is Iran today

Were you ever in Iran in the 1960s or the 1950s or 1970s?
I love how Surakhara claims to know “everything” about things she he it knows absolutely nothing about. It is now claiming that the Iranian revolution had nothing to do with oil. :lmao:
LOLOL.. You have never set foot in Iran.

Before the Zionists there were 200,000 Jews in Iran.. They left in waves in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973... and more in 1979.
LOLOL you have to "set foot" in Iran to know that? They left after a history in that land that exceeds the entire history
of both islam
and christianity. As to islam----never accuse an Iranian muslim of
knowing arabic or HAVING READ THE KORAN----he might vomit.
DO not offer him "arabic food" He might drop dead. And do
not play "arab music" There are only a few zoroastrians left in
Iran too. ----a few christians too. Even the ethnic arabs and
kurds are dying minorities
LOLOL.. You have never set foot in Iran.

Before the Zionists there were 200,000 Jews in Iran.. They left in waves in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973... and more in 1979.
The Jews of Iran did not leave in 1948 or 1973. Those were the Jews of Arab nations that fled because the Arabs could not handle the reestablishment of a Jewish state in the region and decided to take it out upon their fellow Jewish citizens. The Iranian Jews fled only after the 1979 revolution. The Shah of Iran was tolerant and a friend of Iran’s Jews and other minorities. You are an ignoramus of epic proportions.
Were you ever in Iran in the 1960s or the 1950s or 1970s?
no ----I lived in the area of the USA to which the migrants ---
migrated. and in the late 60s began working with
lots of the young doctors from Iran who came to the USA
to GET OUT OF IRAN and do their obligatory post grad
The Jews of Iran did not leave in 1948 or 1973. Those were the Jews of Arab nations that fled because the Arabs could not handle the reestablishment of a Jewish state in the region and decided to take it out upon their fellow Jewish citizens. The Iranian Jews fled only after the 1979 revolution. The Shah of Iran was tolerant and a friend of Iran’s Jews and other minorities. You are an ignoramus of epic proportions.
Surada is a well educated baathist type. She knows the propaganda

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