Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

During the October 7 Hamas massacre on Israel, Palestinian youth and tomorrowā€™s Fatah leaders were busy showing their support for the atrocities.

The Student Union Council and Fatah's Shabiba Student Movement at Palestine Polytechnic University posted pictures in support of the Hamas attack. Fatah students praised Hamas terrorists shooting at an Israeli police car in the Israeli city of Sderot during the launch of Hamasā€™ massacre with the text ā€œAllahā€™s lions roarā€:


Text on image: ā€œAllahā€™s lions roarā€

Fatah's Shabiba Student Movement further quoted the Quran, clearly calling for more terror against Israelis who would ā€œbe powerlessā€ against Allahā€™s ā€œsoldiersā€:
Posted text: ā€œIn the name of All Merciful Allah
ā€˜Return to them, for we will surely come to them with soldiers that they will be powerless to encounter, and we will surely expel them therefrom in humiliation, and they will be debasedā€™ [Quran 27:37, Sahih International translation]
Allah spoke truth. Continue and Allah will protect youā€
[The Student Union Council and Fatah Shabiba Student Movement at Palestine Polytechnic University, Facebook page, Oct. 7, 2023]​
Ten days later, Palestine Polytechnic Universityā€™s Fatah students not only applauded Hamasā€™ terror but encouraged all Palestinians in the West Bank to carry out terror themselves ā€œat all points of frictionā€:


Posted text: ā€œO rage of the West Bank, do not calm down, declare a revolution (refers to Hamasā€™ terror war on Israel; see note below -Ed.)
The [Fatah] Shabiba Student Movement and the student councils at the homelandā€™s universities call on the masses of our people to set out to the streets, call for general preparedness, and call for a confrontation at all points of friction, and declare a comprehensive strike tomorrow [Oct. 18, 2023] that will include the distance learning.
The Al-Aqsa Flood revolution (Hamas' name for its terror war against Israel -Ed.)
We are responding to your call, O Gazaā€
[The Student Union Council and Fatah Shabiba Student Movement at Palestine Polytechnic University, Facebook page, Oct. 17, 2023]​
Palestine Polytechnic University enjoys numerous international academic partnerships, among them with colleges and universities in Haifa in Israel, the Middle East, Germany, Austria, Cyprus, Italy, France, Russia, and the United States.

By no means are the Student Union Council and Fatah Shabiba Student Movement at Palestine Polytechnic University the only Palestinian students expressing support for the Hamas massacre.

Previously, Palestinian Media Watch reported that the Fatah Shabiba Student Movement at An-Najah National
University clearly showed support for Hamasā€™ attack[IM1] in repeated postings glorifying the atrocities.

  • The genocide message was included in the PA Ministry of Religious Affairsā€™ instruction sheet for all preachers for this past Friday

The PA Ministry of Religious Affairs posted guidelines for mosque preachers on Thursday instructing preachers what content they should include in their Friday sermons. The most horrific part of the instructions was a quote from a Hadith (Islamic tradition attributed to Islamā€™s prophet Muhammad) that teaches that the End of Time, the Redemption of humanity, is contingent on Muslims killing and eventually exterminating all Jews:

ā€œThe Hour [of Resurrection] will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, and the rock or a tree will say: ā€˜Muslim, O servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill himā€™; except for the Gharqad tree, for it is the tree of the Jews.ā€
[PA Ministry of Religious Affairs, Facebook page, Oct. 18, 2023]
Following so close to the atrocities by Hamas, this PA religious message to Palestinians is first and foremost elevating the horrific massacre of nearly 1,400 Jews to constitute Islamic worship. In addition, it is a clear message that Allah/Islam wants Palestinians to leave their mosques after Friday prayers and set out to murder more Jews.

The PA religious establishment is notorious for teaching Palestinians that it is their destiny as Muslims to exterminate the Jews. For example, already a decade ago, the PA Mufti, the highest PA religious figure, explained at a Fatah event that the current Palestinian conflict against Israel is not a nationalistic fight for Palestinians but rather the Muslim destiny to exterminate Jews:

PA Mufti Muhammad Hussein, at a Fatah event in Jerusalem:
"47 years ago the [Fatah] revolution started. Which revolution? The modern revolution of the Palestinian people's history. In fact, Palestine in its entirety is a revolution, since [Caliph] Umar came [to Jerusalem, 637 CE], and continuing today, and until the End of Days. The reliable Hadith (tradition attributed to Muhammad), in the two reliable collections, Bukhari and Muslim, says:
"The Hour [of Resurrection] will not come until you fight the Jews.
The Jew will hide behind rocks or trees.
Then the stones or trees will call:
'Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'
Except the Gharqad tree [which will keep silent]."

Therefore it is no wonder that you see Gharqad [trees]
surrounding the [Israeli] settlements and colonies.."
[Official PA TV, Jan. 9, 2012]​
Aside from the promotion of murder of Jews, this Fridayā€™s instruction sheet also included the current prominent PA libel that misrepresents the Islamic Jihad missile that landed in a parking lot near a hospital killing 50 Gazans, as an Israeli attack on the hospital killing 500.

The following is the text of the PAā€™s instructions to the preachers in the mosques:

Text: ā€œIn the name of All Merciful Allah"
The State of Palestine ā€“ the [PA] Ministry of Religious Affairs
[Document] No. 1664, Oct. 18, 2023
Friday sermon for Oct. 20, 2023 ā€“
The Al-Mamadani Hospital crime is ā€˜the crime of the timesā€™ (refers to libel accusing Israel of bombing Baptist Hospital in Gaza City, which was done by Islamic Jihad -Ed.)
Main points of the sermon instructions:
  • Palestine, the land of the Night Journey and Ascent to Heaven, adheres to its principles and is standing firm in the hardships; the one who abandons it will not harm it, it believes in its Godā€™s promise of victory.
  • The crime that was committed at the Al-Mamadani Hospital against women, children, elderly, sick, and medical teams, and the number of Martyrs caused as a result of it ā€“ more than 1,000 Martyrs ā€“ is one of the greatest crimes in the modern age (sic., a double lie; a failed rocket launch by Islamic Jihadterrorists struck a parking lot near a hospital killing approx. 50).
  • What our people is undergoing ā€“ collective annihilation directed against women, children, and elderly ā€“ is a crime against humanity.
  • The childrenā€™s organs and the sighs of the bereaved and wounded [in Gaza] are a mark of shame on the foreheads of those who whine about the [suffering of the] occupation (i.e., Israeli civilians massacred by Hamas)
  • Our Palestinian people, in spite of the wounds and disasters, cannot wave a white flag until defeating the occupation (i.e., Israel) and establishing the independent Palestinian state, whose capital is sublime Jerusalem.
  • Our message to the occupation ā€“ this land is an inseparable part of our faith, and it is impossible under any conditions or circumstances that the 1948 Nakbawould repeat itself (i.e., ā€œthe catastrophe,ā€ Palestinian term for the establishment of the State of Israel), and we will remain on this land until Allah enables the victory.
  • The time has come, more than any other time, for our people to be united against the occupationā€™s arrogance.
  • We call on our Palestinian people to be alert to the settlersā€™ crazy attacks, and particularly in the distant areas.
  • We must all understand that this land and the holy sites in it are a deposit imposed on us until the Day of Judgement.
  • Our national unity is the rock on which all the plots against the Palestinian national project will be shatteredā€¦
Proofs from the sources:
6. ā€œā€˜The Hour [of Resurrection] will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, and the rock or a tree will say: ā€œMuslim, O servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill himā€; except for the Gharqad tree, for it is the tree of the Jews.ā€™

7: [The Hadith:] ā€˜A group of my nation will remain on the side of truth, and it will not be harmed by those who abandon itā€¦ until Allahā€™s word will come as they overcome the people.ā€™ā€
[PA Ministry of Religious Affairs, Facebook page, Oct. 18, 2023]​
Libel on Baptist Hospital Bombing in Gaza City, October 2023 - A failed rocket launch by Islamic Jihad terrorists fell short of Israel and hit the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in the Gaza Strip on Oct. 17, 2023, during Hamasā€™ terror war on Israel. The PA and Hamas rushed to libel Israel as being responsible for the bombing and claimed approximately 500 people had been killed, and global media outlets including Reuters and the BBC picked up the Palestinian libel without confirming it. Israel proved with video evidence, including from Al-Jazeera TV, that it was an errant Islamic Jihad rocket that fell on the hospital during a barrage of rocket fire. Having seen the Israeli evidence, the US later confirmed the Israeli assessment that an Islamic Jihad rocket had caused the damage. A senior European intelligence source estimated that the true death count from the bombing was no more than 50 people.


Over 800 terrorist rockets have exploded inside Gaza so far

The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center has always been the best source for information during Israel's wars in Gaza. They have connections in the IDF that the media generally do not have.

In their update from October 19, they show exactly how many terrorist rockets have been shot since October 7 - and how many have exploded in Gaza.

About 10% of rocket launches have been unsuccessful, according to their analysis. Moreover, the percentage of failed launches has been increasing in recent days: 25% on 10/14, 18% on 10/18.

By now the number must be closer to 900 failed launches.

While some of these failed launches explode on the ground, hundreds clearly get airborne and then fall inside Gaza. And as we've seen, not just from the Al Ahli hospital incident but from previous wars, Gaza civilians are often killed by these rockets.

And the media usually doesn't even consider that possibility when they discuss fatal "airstrikes" in Gaza.

The percentage of failed rocket attacks has always been in the 15-20% range in previous wars as well.

I really don't give a crap one way or another but looking at it objectively as an outsider I can see why the Palestinians are pissed. Isn't Gaza kind of a prison? To the South is Egypt where they can't go, the east is Israel where they can't go, the north exit is controlled by Israel and the west is all water. Does anyone think, hey that's kinda fucked up? People here scream how Israel is surrounded by Muslims but Gaza is in the same situation. Except they have two million people, something like half are kids, in an area that's hardly big enough for a small portion of that population. No sympathy for human beings here? Sure, they're raised to hate Israel, but let's be real, the Jews aren't exactly the nicest people to the goyim. Both sides need Jesus.
Arabs Israelis have not perpetrated violent incidents in response to the war, Israel Police Insp.-Gen. Kobi Shabtai said Sunday.

ā€œThereā€™s a connection to the local leadership at the territorial level, and we are in talks, while at the same time, weā€™re ready for every eventuality,ā€ he told the Knesset National Security Committee.

The committee meeting was held to discuss police readiness for a situation similar to that of Operation Guardian of the Walls in 2021, which was accompanied by multiple violent incidents and lynches of both Arabs and Jews.

(full article article)

This past Friday, a 10-year-old Arab boy from the Palestinian territories made headlines when he entered the settlement of Shema, only to be apprehended with a large knife in his possession. In the subsequent investigation conducted by security personnel within the settlement, it came to light that the boy had been sent on this troubling mission by his father. According to the young boy's account, his father, armed and determined, had been roaming the roads of Samaria with the intention of launching an attack on Jewish residents.

The incident unfolded just a few hours before the commencement of the Sabbath when a resident, returning from IDF reserve duty, stumbled upon the young boy and initiated a swift search. This search revealed the concealed knife. When questioned by the security forces, the boy revealed that his father was armed with a more formidable weapon and was waiting for him. Shockingly, the boy disclosed, "Father wanted to enter the settlement with me, but when he saw that there were military forces present, he sent me to carry out an attack and, in his words, 'die a martyr's death.'"

The Israeli forces operating in the area managed to apprehend the father. However, due to the status of the child as a minor, he was ultimately released. This turn of events raised concerns among residents. One resident stated, "This child terrorist came with one thing on his mindā€”to carry out an attack in the settlement." The fact that a child could enter the settlement in broad daylight without detection is deeply unsettling. While it is acknowledged that this is indeed a young child, it underscores the continued interest of certain individuals in infiltrating settlements and perpetrating terrorist attacks. Residents of Shema expressed gratitude for what they deemed a "great miracle."
Since the onset of the conflict, a total of 584 individuals designated as wanted have been arrested throughout the Judea and Samaria region. Of this number, more than 375 are associated with the terrorist organization Hamas. Security forces have also confiscated over 50 weapons during their operations.

(full article online)

When you see a poster about a missing person, do you feel an overwhelming urge to tear it down? When you are confronted with the victims of a racist pogrom, do you think to yourself ā€˜ah, stop going on about it alreadyā€™, and start telling everyone nearby to stop their blubbing?

Of course you donā€™t. Because youā€™re not a monster. But on the streets of London over the past two weeks an alarming number of people have been carrying on exactly like this, in response to a poster campaign aimed at highlighting the plight of the 200 predominantly Jewish Israelis who have been kidnapped by Hamas.

Jewish and Israeli activists have been putting posters up across central London and other cities. Each one bears the name and photo of an innocent man, woman or child who was taken by the anti-Semitic terrorists of Hamas two Saturdays ago. The aim seems to be to ensure that the world doesnā€™t forget about these missing civilians, whose devastated families currently fear the worst.

A humanistic, heartfelt initiative, you might think. Not according to the string of people who have been filmed ripping the posters off walls, defacing them and lecturing the Jewish activists who put them up about the supposed evils of Israel, in a series of sickeningly similar encounters that have now gone viral on social media.

They really need to be seen to be believed. ā€˜Oh, fuck offā€™, says one poster-ripper, as she is confronted by the activists. ā€˜Theyā€™re kidnapped!ā€™, shout the activists. ā€˜Yeah, yeah, whatā€™s happening in Palestine?ā€™, she responds. She then claims the posters include ā€˜inaccurate informationā€™, because they mention women being raped by Hamas. ā€˜Do you have any evidence of that?ā€™

This is a recurring theme of the videos. Not only are the poster-rippers offended by any reference to the Jewish suffering in Israel and Gaza at the moment, they also seem to think itā€™s being sexed up. After a young man and his girlfriend were filmed ripping down posters of kidnapped kids, an activist confronted them, telling them he knows one of those kids. ā€˜Really, whereā€™s your proof?ā€™, comes the cocky response.

Others have been filmed launching into impromptu, historically illiterate lectures about Israel and Palestine, as if that explains why they are destroying posters about missing innocents. ā€˜75 years of genocideā€™, says one young woman in a hijab, repeatedly, as she is given a dressing down. One man scrawled ā€˜coloniserā€™ over the faces of missing children.

When all else fails, they resort to foul-mouthed mockery. ā€˜I donā€™t care, fuck Israelā€™, says a woman in another video, ripped posters in hand, as she flashes her middle finger at the camera. ā€˜Youā€™re pieces of shitā€¦ go cry, go cry.ā€™

The inhumanity, the smugness, the constant insinuation that these sneaky Jews are making stuff upā€¦ There have been some disgusting scenes on the streets of London these past two weeks, from protests celebrating Hamasā€™s slaughter of 1,400 Israelis to a surge in anti-Semitic hate crime, but there is something about these poster-rippers, with their casual, chuckling disregard for kidnapped Jews, that really hammers home the scale of the bigotry weā€™re dealing with.

Worse still, it isnā€™t just racist passersby who are stopping Jews from campaigning for the return of Hamasā€™s victims. The Metropolitan Police have been getting in on the act, too ā€“ albeit for different reasons. Last night, the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism released footage of police in Westminster telling its activists to turn off their billboard vans, bearing the names and photos of kidnapped Israelis, and leave central London for their own safety. (The cops feared the Jewish activists would clash with pro-Palestine activists down the road.)

Shameful doesnā€™t come close to it. Thereā€™s the Jew-hatred, then thereā€™s the cowardice. There are those who are so marinated in Israelophobia that even the image of an imperilled Israeli child mortally offends them. And then there are the authorities, who last night unwittingly became the armed wing of the poster-rippers, telling Jewish activists it would be better all round if they took their images of kidnapped Israelis elsewhere.

We gentiles cannot turn away from this bigotry, purely because we have the privilege of ignoring it. Our Jewish brothers and sisters have no such luxury. They canā€™t even campaign on behalf of their missing friends and loved ones without being sworn at and mocked in the street. The time to stand up to this is now.

I really don't give a crap one way or another but looking at it objectively as an outsider I can see why the Palestinians are pissed. Isn't Gaza kind of a prison? To the South is Egypt where they can't go, the east is Israel where they can't go, the north exit is controlled by Israel and the west is all water. Does anyone think, hey that's kinda fucked up? People here scream how Israel is surrounded by Muslims but Gaza is in the same situation. Except they have two million people, something like half are kids, in an area that's hardly big enough for a small portion of that population. No sympathy for human beings here? Sure, they're raised to hate Israel, but let's be real, the Jews aren't exactly the nicest people to the goyim. Both sides need Jesus.
You need to get some facts and perspective on the situation. Do you think Jesus would approve of that?

It is not true that the Gazan civilians can't leave Gaza, they can and do leave, but they can't enter Israel or Egypt without permission from the Israeli or Egyptian governments. Every day, tens of thousands of Gaza civilians go to their jobs in Israel, and others enter Israel for medical care, and still others who have legitimate business in Israel or Judea or Samaria get permission to go there.

Since Hamas is committed to the destruction of Israel, for security reasons, the coast of Gaza is blockaded, but Gaza can receive shipments from anywhere in the world through either Israel or Egypt as long as they don't contain weapons. "Open air prison" is clearly just a propaganda term with no basis in reality.
[ They take the posters down so that people are not allowed to feel any sympathy for the Jews, much less for any non Jew kidnapped by Hamas ]


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