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Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Israel has agreed to formalize and broaden localized pauses in the IDF’s fighting in Gaza for the first time since the outbreak of the war against Hamas, a senior Israeli official told The Times of Israel on Thursday.

The “tactical, localized” pauses that Israel agreed on Thursday to implement each day will build on the humanitarian corridor that it began operating on Sunday to allow Gazans to evacuate from northern to southern Gaza, away from the most intense areas of fighting, the senior Israeli official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Since Sunday, the IDF has been holding its fire along the humanitarian corridor on most days for four to six hours to allow Gazans to evacuate south. It also agreed to humanitarian pauses on October 20 and 22nd in order to allow for the safe passage of two pairs of hostages that were released by Hamas.

(full article online)

[ Next time someone in the news says that Gaza is one of the most densely populated placed on the planet......]


It was a simple message to the Huthis, We managed to bring down the entire internet throughout the country of Yemen and attached is documentation of one of the major communication providers that we managed to hack which holds 324 thousand users, we will not elaborate on that operation and what we currently hold, the next blow is tougher.

We will continue to act and together we will win.

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Israeli actress Gal Gadot organized screening of terror group's atrocities at venue dedicated to Holocaust victims​

What happened: A mob of pro-Hamas hooligans attacked peacefully protesting Jews on Wednesday outside the Museum of Tolerance-Beit HaShoah in Los Angeles.

• The venue, dedicated to victims of the Holocaust, was hosting a screening of "Bearing Witness," a short film comprising "extremely graphic and violent" footage of the murderous rampage Hamas terrorists perpetrated against Israeli civilians on October 7.

• Israeli actress Gal Gadot reportedly helped organize the screening but did not attend.

Why it matters: The attack took place amid a dramatic surge in anti-Semitic violence across the country and throughout the world following the Hamas attack on Israel, which took the lives of more than 1,400 Israelis, mostly civilians.

• An elderly Jewish man died this week after being "struck in the head by a megaphone wielded by a pro-Palestinian protestor" in Ventura County outside Los Angeles. Police are investigating his death as a homicide.

• Two weeks earlier, Los Angeles police arrested a man who allegedly broke into a Jewish family's home and threatened to kill them. The suspect, Daniel Garcia, was filmed yelling "Free Palestine" as police took him into custody.

Crucial context: The pro-terrorist goons were enraged by a film that provides irrefutable evidence of Hamas atrocities that many of the group's supporters have dismissed as Israeli propaganda.

• Journalist Jotam Confino, who viewed the footage last month, recalled the "indescribable" scenes of children running for their lives as Hamas terrorists chase after them with a hand grenade, terrorists executing civilians in their cars while yelling "Allahu Akbar," and another terrorist screaming "Allahu Akbar" as he "frantically tries to behead a dead man with a shovel."

The Central Committee of Fatah met on Thursday evening , and issued a statement that read in part:

The Central Committee of the “Fatah” movement held a meeting, this evening, Thursday, at the mobilization and organization headquarters of the “Fatah” movement.

Palestinian presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeinasaid almost identical words about the Gazan and west Bankers' "steadfastness."

OK, so Gazans ae steadfast in not leaving their land, and West Bankers are steadfast in not leaving their land. Fine.

But aren't they both "Palestine?"

They say that the Gazans cannot go to Egypt because, somehow, it would be a new nakba. (Their being in an intense war zone is far better, it seems.) But why can't the West Bankers take in thousands of the Gazans for the duration? They would still be in their homeland, right? No nakba! No ethnic cleansing! Steadfastness on their land!

What's the downside?

Once again, we see how the zero-sum mentality works - and how much Palestinian leaders treat their own citizens with contempt.

With this example, we can calculate a formula to see exactly how little Palestinian lives are worth to their leaders.

Their calculus is, if something helps Israel at all, it must be resisted at all cost. Includiing sacrificing their own people.

When a Gaza civilian (or someone they claim is a civilian) dies, that hurts Israel's standing in the world a minuscule amount. Hamas, Fatah and the PA are saying that this PR value is worth more than their lives.

Israel is trying to minimize innocent casualties. Hamas wants to maximize them. And the "moderate" Palestinian Authority fully agrees with Hamas.

Now, let's say that the Gaza health ministry claims that Israel killed 246 people today. How much worse does Israel suffer, in public relations terms, compared to if they claimed Israel killed 245 people?

What is the PR value of person #246?

Everyone can see that it is practically nothing. No one will be angrier, no additional resolutions will be passed, no extra letters to the editor or outraged tweets. Person #246's life is worth exactly nothing in terms of PR.

Even though the propaganda value difference between the claiming that 245 and 246 innocent people were killed in one day is practically nil, to the Palestinian Authority and Fatah, their lives are worth even less than that.

Person #246, whose death accomplished exactly nothing, is more valuable dead than alive to his or her "leaders."

Mahmoud Abbas could save the lives of hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands. He would prefer them dead.

And these are the people the Biden White House wants to control Gaza.

Egypt, Jordan etc have already taken in tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees.
Moments after The Times of Israel arrived in an area deep in the northern Gaza Strip this week, troops of the Israel Defense Forces’ Combat Engineering Corps found an opening to yet another tunnel belonging to the Hamas terror group — the 91st found in the area since Israel’s ground operation began.

In terms of its size, where it led and what it was intended for, the tunnel was much like the other 90 found in the area.

What set it apart, though, was its location. The shaft had been uncovered by soldiers of the Combat Engineering Corps’ 614th Battalion as they carried out a second round of sweeps in a single-family home — with an outdoor swimming pool — in an upscale beachside neighborhood.

Inside a bedroom scattered with brightly colored clothes, underneath one of three child-sized beds, soldiers had found a portal to where monsters were hiding.

“It’s not ethical, the way that Hamas works,” said a reservist engineering officer — whose identity is censored from publication — while showing The Times of Israel and another journalist the tunnel.

“They use a children’s room to hide a tunnel, below a child’s bed… This is the reality,” he said.

Being careful not to fall down the shaft, The Times of Israel was given a view of the tunnel, which had two branches — one heading west toward the coast, and the other southeast toward Gaza City, where Hamas’s main tunnel network is believed to be.

That network forms the Gordian knot of Israel’s Gaza offensive; it’s the key to crippling Hamas, but also a massively dangerous and complicated undertaking for the IDF.

With tendrils of underground fortifications running beneath crowded residential neighborhoods, the army says it has little choice but to bring the fight to the homes, hospitals, schools and clinics believed to shield the network. On October 7, Hamas terrorists forced their way into Israeli homes and turned bedrooms into war zones. In a sick twist, the terror group’s cynical use of civilians as human shields is now forcing Israel’s soldiers to do the same.

The IDF has indicated it does not have plans to engage in tunnel warfare, as the passages are likely to be booby-trapped. Instead, it is demolishing the tunnels as they are being found.

(full article online)

Egypt, Jordan etc have already taken in tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees.
In 1948, not now. Now they won't have them even if wrapped in a bow.

They have learned that the leaders are nothing but terrorists and are a peril even for them and their people.
Hillary Clinton, speaking on The View, lays out the facts surrounding the Israel-Gaza conflict, emphasizing Hamas’s consistent violation of ceasefires over the years.

She asserts Israel’s right to self-defense while drawing attention to the complexity of the situation, highlighting that over 240 innocent people, not exclusively Israelis, are effectively held hostage in Gaza, turning it into a multinational hostage crisis.

Watch the former Secretary of State as she dissects essential facts that demand the world’s attention.

A survey conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute showed a significant increase in the percentage of Israeli Arabs who consider themselves “part of the State of Israel and its issues”—while in June 2023, only 48% of Israeli Arabs considered themselves as such.In a survey conducted this month, 70% responded positively to the question asked.


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