It absolutely MUST happen: The Presidency of the US has to become FAR less profitable


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
When you have people willing to lie, cheat and steal and even murder to gain or remain in power, something is so off that drastic measures need to be taken to make sure being president of the US is not so profitable (as it is now).

The left has tried everything to stop Trump. Here is one story about a HUGE injustice done to Trump just because he is running for president.

and I'd be here all day if I were to get links to all the other cases. Then we had this assassination attempt which we still do not know much about...

Gee... wonder why we don't know much?

TRUMP did not take a salary when he was president. Take a clue, leftist scum
How about a law prohibiting former presidents and their family members from accepting speaking fees or any other form of compensation after leaving office?
How about a law prohibiting former presidents and their family members from accepting speaking fees or any other form of compensation after leaving office?
sounds great.

We have people who start out making the "public servant" :rolleyes: income of about $177,000

and then when they leave DC, they are millionaires several times over. Harris is a good example of this.

Get the pigs out
Trump's coming after our democracy. You can really tell by the left's way of counting votes under covid exploitation, and how Harris is in the general election without a single democratic vote. The Democrats also prevented anyone from challenging Biden, similar to they pulling Bernie out of the race in 2020. And they weaponized the justice system to hold Trump in court, so they could interfere with his election campaign.

But Trump's coming after our democracy.
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When you have people willing to lie, cheat and steal and even murder to gain or remain in power, something is so off that drastic measures need to be taken to make sure being president of the US is not so profitable (as it is now).

The left has tried everything to stop Trump. Here is one story about a HUGE injustice done to Trump just because he is running for president.

and I'd be here all day if I were to get links to all the other cases. Then we had this assassination attempt which we still do not know much about...

Gee... wonder why we don't know much?

TRUMP did not take a salary when he was president. Take a clue, leftist scum

A President gets about 550,000 a year with the base pay of 400K. tRump made that much just by forcing the visiting dignitaries to stay in places he owned. tRump walked away with well over 4 million per year while he was in office.
A President gets about 550,000 a year with the base pay of 400K. tRump made that much just by forcing the visiting dignitaries to stay in places he owned. tRump walked away with well over 4 million per year while he was in office.

He lost money due ramped up TDS. 4 Million a year to a billionaire is pennies. Fuck, NY figures he owes them 350 M billion trillion dollars. That's going to flop BTW, it was all a charade.
He lost money due ramped up TDS. 4 Million a year to a billionaire is pennies. Fuck, NY figures he owes them 350 M billion trillion dollars. That's going to flop BTW, it was all a charade.

I don't know of a single billionaire that would turn down making a free 4 mil per year. That's how they got to be billionaires. He made money. What he lost due to "TDS" resulted from his own lousy business practices and mistreatment of those people around him in those businesses.
When you have people willing to lie, cheat and steal and even murder to gain or remain in power, something is so off that drastic measures need to be taken to make sure being president of the US is not so profitable (as it is now).

The left has tried everything to stop Trump. Here is one story about a HUGE injustice done to Trump just because he is running for president.

and I'd be here all day if I were to get links to all the other cases. Then we had this assassination attempt which we still do not know much about...

Gee... wonder why we don't know much?

TRUMP did not take a salary when he was president. Take a clue, leftist scum
absolutely on removing the "profit motive.". what do you think of the supreme court ruling that politicians may accept gratuities?

the rest of that post was 1/2 baked at best.
Trump's coming after our democracy. You can really tell by the left's way of counting votes under covid exploitation, and how Harris is in the general election without a single democratic vote. The Democrats also prevented anyone from challenging Biden, similar to they pulling Bernie out of the race in 2020. And they weaponized the justice system to hold Trump in court, so they could interfere with his election campaign.

But Trump's coming after our democracy.
I know.. it's disgusting how they always accuse the opposition of doing what THEY do or plan to do.. What a bunch of LIARS.

And libs here defend the lying, the cheating.. stealing elections.. Yeh, let's steal elections to save democracy!

A President gets about 550,000 a year with the base pay of 400K. tRump made that much just by forcing the visiting dignitaries to stay in places he owned. tRump walked away with well over 4 million per year while he was in office.
well, I don't believe libs so w/o any documentation of what you're saying

might as well not be saying it, far as I'm concerned.

And besides, it sounds legal... unlike bribum and his influence peddling and fake businesses, raking in $$ from America hating countries.. THAT is not legal
I know.. it's disgusting how they always accuse the opposition of doing what THEY do or plan to do.. What a bunch of LIARS.

And libs here defend the lying, the cheating.. stealing elections.. Yeh, let's steal elections to save democracy!

no elections have been stolen. we prevented that (barely) on jan 6.

until you can explain how so many incumbent repubs were reelected on the same bamboo ballots that said "biden" we got 2020 right and you guys are merely another violent mob of azzwholes
I know.. it's disgusting how they always accuse the opposition of doing what THEY do or plan to do.. What a bunch of LIARS.

And libs here defend the lying, the cheating.. stealing elections.. Yeh, let's steal elections to save democracy!

They defend it, but they can't dispute the facts, such as in this case, Their kind are the threat IN ACTION. It's really worse than projection. In Trump's case it's always what's going to happen, not burdened by what has occurred. Kamala speak🤮
They defend it, but they can't dispute the facts.
Why should they? They "win" regardless.

The Rs need to start disciplining the out of control "children" They'd better not forget about this assassination attempt and what it appears to be telling us.. (and there are other things they may ignore..)

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