It Begins. Owner of Historic US Clothing Company Pulls Ads from NFL Games

Watch all the snowflakes whine that this is fascism. It won't be long now until the owners ban players from taking the knee. However, I doubt you will ever see them admit it.

Allan Jones, CEO of Hardwick Clothing and Check Into Cash payday loan company, announced on Tuesday he is through with sponsoring the wardrobes and advertising on the NFL.

Hardwick Clothing is America’s oldest suit maker.

In his statement Jones said, “Our companies will not condone unpatriotic behavior!”

The Times Free Press reported:

Two years ago, Cleveland, Tenn., businessman Allan Jones was proudly showing off his newly acquired Hardwick Clothing-brand suits by providing the wardrobe for NBC’s on-air talent during the network’s broadcasts of NFL football games.

But after NFL players and coaches challenged President Donald Trump and many took a knee during the national anthem played before their games over the weekend, Jones said he is through sponsoring the wardrobes or advertising on stations that air the National Football League.

Jones, CEO of the payday lending chain Check Into Cash and owner of Hardwick Clothes — America’s oldest suit maker — tweeted his criticism and change of heart Tuesday.

the NFL has been a force for leftism for decades. Like the Democrats, they have simply overstepped now in exposing themselves. They watch the Emmys and think "hey of all the best and richest people hate Trump and America then let me jump on the bandwagon". More millionaires against Trump.

I have to keep saying this...we do not have a government problem so much as an institution problem. We can root the marxists out of government but they remain in our institutions like vile infections waiting to reinfect.

The answer is to buy nothing NFL. That is the vote you have in this battle.
I still think this entire controversy is an unbelievably stupid waste of time and energy.

I do as well, I’m not sure why players being paid millions of dollars a year to entertain think they are oppressed.

There lesson to others should be, if you work hard, practice and apply yourself everyday, set goals, you can make good in this country. At least their example of getting there has showed that.

They are not protesting their plight in life but the plight of all blacks

The easiest thing for a millionaire to do is say....I got mine, who cares about anyone else?
I still think this entire controversy is an unbelievably stupid waste of time and energy.

I do as well, I’m not sure why players being paid millions of dollars a year to entertain think they are oppressed.

There lesson to others should be, if you work hard, practice and apply yourself everyday, set goals, you can make good in this country. At least their example of getting there has showed that.

Good point! A man who gets paid millions to simply toss a ball around like a nine year old kid...has a complaint? But then again look at see the same thing. of oppressed millionaires!
Watch all the snowflakes whine that this is fascism. It won't be long now until the owners ban players from taking the knee. However, I doubt you will ever see them admit it.

Allan Jones, CEO of Hardwick Clothing and Check Into Cash payday loan company, announced on Tuesday he is through with sponsoring the wardrobes and advertising on the NFL.

Hardwick Clothing is America’s oldest suit maker.

In his statement Jones said, “Our companies will not condone unpatriotic behavior!”

The Times Free Press reported:

Two years ago, Cleveland, Tenn., businessman Allan Jones was proudly showing off his newly acquired Hardwick Clothing-brand suits by providing the wardrobe for NBC’s on-air talent during the network’s broadcasts of NFL football games.

But after NFL players and coaches challenged President Donald Trump and many took a knee during the national anthem played before their games over the weekend, Jones said he is through sponsoring the wardrobes or advertising on stations that air the National Football League.

Jones, CEO of the payday lending chain Check Into Cash and owner of Hardwick Clothes — America’s oldest suit maker — tweeted his criticism and change of heart Tuesday.

the NFL has been a force for leftism for decades. Like the Democrats, they have simply overstepped now in exposing themselves. They watch the Emmys and think "hey of all the best and richest people hate Trump and America then let me jump on the bandwagon". More millionaires against Trump.

I have to keep saying this...we do not have a government problem so much as an institution problem. We can root the marxists out of government but they remain in our institutions like vile infections waiting to reinfect.

The answer is to buy nothing NFL. That is the vote you have in this battle.

Was the NFL support for hurricane relief leftism?
They are not protesting their plight in life but the plight of all blacks
The easiest thing for a millionaire to do is say....I got mine, who cares about anyone else?

Then why aren't they spending some of those MILLIONS helping blacks rather than buying up mansions like baseball cards and throwing lavish parties night after night?
Too busy snorting and lefting?

You make it sound like we're still in the 1800's. Do you have ANY clue how many black millionaires there are in this country today? Obviously not. Don't blame the right for self inflicted wounds.

Yeah, they "care" about the plight of's obvious
Yes, referring to the overpaid, uneducated players themselves who started all this...of course....agreed
I'm referring to the extremist right wing, trump supporters and religious right. Sorry.

Your reference would be misguided. The PLAYERS started this. Sorry.

I realize you've been programmed to hate Christians, Conservatives, Trump, America etc....
Yet, you're never really sure why. If only you could think.
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I still think this entire controversy is an unbelievably stupid waste of time and energy.

I do as well, I’m not sure why players being paid millions of dollars a year to entertain think they are oppressed.

There lesson to others should be, if you work hard, practice and apply yourself everyday, set goals, you can make good in this country. At least their example of getting there has showed that.

They are not protesting their plight in life but the plight of all blacks

The easiest thing for a millionaire to do is say....I got mine, who cares about anyone else?

Why not teach youth that hard work, goals and perseverance pays off, like it did for them instead of sending a message that you are oppressed and will never get any where.
Watch all the snowflakes whine that this is fascism. It won't be long now until the owners ban players from taking the knee. However, I doubt you will ever see them admit it.

Allan Jones, CEO of Hardwick Clothing and Check Into Cash payday loan company, announced on Tuesday he is through with sponsoring the wardrobes and advertising on the NFL.

Hardwick Clothing is America’s oldest suit maker.

In his statement Jones said, “Our companies will not condone unpatriotic behavior!”

The Times Free Press reported:

Two years ago, Cleveland, Tenn., businessman Allan Jones was proudly showing off his newly acquired Hardwick Clothing-brand suits by providing the wardrobe for NBC’s on-air talent during the network’s broadcasts of NFL football games.

But after NFL players and coaches challenged President Donald Trump and many took a knee during the national anthem played before their games over the weekend, Jones said he is through sponsoring the wardrobes or advertising on stations that air the National Football League.

Jones, CEO of the payday lending chain Check Into Cash and owner of Hardwick Clothes — America’s oldest suit maker — tweeted his criticism and change of heart Tuesday.
"Historic us clothing company" nobody's heard of.....:lol:
I still think this entire controversy is an unbelievably stupid waste of time and energy.

I believe you just made a statement that it was TOO HARD for you to boycott all those companies that are sponsors of the NFL and you want to talk about real Americans?
Odd how liberals absolutely have no problem setting out to target someone like Bill O'Reilly by assaulting his advertisers and get him removed off the air but mock a conservative effort to do the same.

Interesting. Typically hypocritical.
The conservative efforts are just so damn laughable. Remember when Starbucks cups weren't Christmassy enough a couple years ago? :rofl:

So dumb.

Talk to Target.

"The swift and fierce blow-back from consumers against the company's liberal activism hit the company – hard. Business Insider reports:

The boycott cost the company millions in lost sales and added expenses. Shopper traffic and same-store sales started sliding for the first time in years after the blog post, and the company was forced to spend $20 million installing single-occupancy bathrooms in all its stores to give critics of the policy more privacy.


Sales fell nearly 6% in the three quarters after the post compared with the same period last year, and same-store sales have dropped every quarter since the post.

A petition rebuking Target's new policy was signed by over 1.4 million people, who accused the retail giant of putting women and children at risk in order to promote their liberal agenda.

The anti-Target movement gained even more momentum in large part due to corporate watchdog group 2ndVote. The conservative group launched an #AnywhereButTARGET campaign in November, asking conservatives to cast their second vote with their wallets by abstaining from the store."

Conservatives Boycotted Target After Trans Bathroom Policy Stunt. That Boycott Cost Target BIGLY.

Conservatives Boycotted Target After Trans Bathroom Policy Stunt. That Boycott Cost Target BIGLY.
Target's doing just fine.
Funny blacks used to moralize about boycotting x y or z cause. Boycotting is GOOD, it cuts both ways. let's boycott the NFL or their sponsors. Put the shoe on the other foot, BOYCOTT the NFL and their sponsors.
Nothing wrong with boycotting. No one says not to boycott. In fact, boycott all you want. Enjoy.
I liked him even way back when he played Meathead in All In The Family.

Odd how liberals absolutely have no problem setting out to target someone like Bill O'Reilly by assaulting his advertisers and get him removed off the air but mock a conservative effort to do the same.

Interesting. Typically hypocritical.
Dittobrain still doesn't know why Bill OReilly was fired.
Funny shit.
The greasy loan shark that bought this failing suit company paid a measly $1.9 million. The NFL is resting easy tonight.
Look at the snowflakes focusing on the irrelevant.

What else can they do when 60% of America despises their position on this issue?
So glad you're out of the closet with your abhorance to the first amendment.
The truth will set you free.
The greasy loan shark that bought this failing suit company paid a measly $1.9 million. The NFL is resting easy tonight.
Look at the snowflakes focusing on the irrelevant.

What else can they do when 60% of America despises their position on this issue?
So glad you're out of the closet with your abhorance to the first amendment.
The truth will set you free.
The first amendment doesn't allow me to have an opinion about scum who despise the American flag and the National anthem?

Does it allow so-called "white nationalists" to march in Charlottesville?
The greasy loan shark that bought this failing suit company paid a measly $1.9 million. The NFL is resting easy tonight.
Look at the snowflakes focusing on the irrelevant.

What else can they do when 60% of America despises their position on this issue?
So glad you're out of the closet with your abhorance to the first amendment.
The truth will set you free.
The first amendment doesn't allow me to have an opinion about scum who despise the American flag and the National anthem?

Does it allow so-called "white nationalists" to march in Charlottesville?

The 1st A. allows you to express whatever feeling you may have about anyone, as long as you do not attack them with lies (calumny can be punished civilly) or violently. Of course people must be careful in how they express themselves, otherwise they can find someone's fist on the end of their nose.

Fortunately the vast number of Americans are civilized, and understand that people such as bripat are not; we who are civilized do not attack or threaten haters like him, we tolerate their disgusting and deplorable behaviors no matter how unsavory they may be.

As to the question above, of course the neo nazi, white nationalists, neo fascists and antifa have the right to express their hate, but not violently; nor can they do so by carrying weapons or wearing masks. They must abide by the necessary permits and restrictions a local community can impose in its efforts to make such events peaceful.

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