It Doesn't Make Any Sense To Attack The US About Climate Change When China Is Killing The Planet

In another few years, we will not be a majority white nation, either. Maybe you think that we should give up our leadership as a nation then, I do not.
Funny....most Americans have native-American you think that bringing in millions of brown people is going to rid the country of whites, you racist bastard????
That little lady really gets under your hide. LOL She is smarter than you, Trump, and ten other Trumpanzees put together. And telling such silly lies only shows how shallow your thought processes are.
Thanks for the worthless commentary, Old Cocks!!:th_Back_2_Topic_2:
Strange how you want to blame Trump for shit that happened in the BRandon Adm.....considering the fact that everyone that was running shit under TRump are still running things now.. The only thing different is Trump is gone now.....and Biden has vaccines....whereas Trump never had them until the last month of his adm.....yet Biden has gotten a bigger kill total than Trump.
A dumb fuck and a liar would post that kind of twaddle. In 2018, Trump withdrew the people that Presidents Bush and Obama had stationed in other nations just to watch for such pandemics. And then fired the skeleton general staff those Presidents had created so when a pandemic occurred we could react quickly to it. Then, when he was informed of the Covid in December and January by our intel agencies, he lied to us about it's dangers. And constantly lied about masks, social distancing, and every other aspect of the pandemic for months. That resulted in the very rapid spread of the Covid. Yes, Trump is responsible for a very large percentage of the American deaths from Covid.
Scientists aren't writing these articles....dipshit....journalists are writing them.
Ever hear of scientific journals, dumb fuck? That is where I get my science, not from newspapers or Newsweek. Yes, scientists do have lectures on Youtube, and they write many articles for peer reviewed journals. Intelligent people look for science there, not in papers or magazines written for the general public. The AGU publishes lectures every year from it's annual convention, here is one;

Maybe you can see your way outta here.....because all you've got is Trump bashing.
I would be embarrassed about supporting such a lying bastard were I supporting him. But you can say your support was mistaken any time, that will partially make up for your being a fool.
That little lady really gets under your hide. LOL She is smarter than you, Trump, and ten other Trumpanzees put together. And telling such silly lies only shows how shallow your thought processes are.
Oh we should listen to your confused pompous ass? You called the "Orange Monster" senile. Sorry chump, compared to really senile old Joe Trump looks and sounds like a true genius.
Oh we should listen to your confused pompous ass? You called the "Orange Monster" senile. Sorry chump, compared to really senile old Joe Trump looks and sounds like a true genius.
Next you will be telling us how athletic the treasonous fat senile old orange clown is. And so strange you kiss the ass of someone that wears more makeup than a downtown whore.
China is installing more wind and solar than any other nation. And is planting more forests than all the other nations put together. They are in an energy bind with rising expectations of their populace, and are taking a bad course to fix that. Their nation will suffer, and is already suffering, more that most nations from climate change. However, we are not in a good position to be throwing stones as we are #2.
In the last 20 years we have lowered our GHG's by 25%. More than every other country. I find it hard to believe you believe China's reporting, idiot. By the way the earth is now the "greenest" it has been in recorded history, more food for more people.
China is installing more wind and solar than any other nation. And is planting more forests than all the other nations put together. They are in an energy bind with rising expectations of their populace, and are taking a bad course to fix that. Their nation will suffer, and is already suffering, more that most nations from climate change. However, we are not in a good position to be throwing stones as we are #2.
Yeah....and you can prove this?

No you can't.

As bad as they are, the particulates will settle out. The GHGs will not for centuries.
No....the most prevalent GHG is water vapor. And CO2 is a gas that plants need to survive.

No....we're talking about poison being dumped into the atmosphere by Chinese factories and millions of internal combustion engines that China didn't have 30 years ago. Many of them burn Diesel....which is filthy compared to natural gas or gasoline.
Next you will be telling us how athletic the treasonous fat senile old orange clown is. And so strange you kiss the ass of someone that wears more makeup than a downtown whore.
You shouldn't talk about your old lady like that. I also never kissed Trump's ass, that seems to be a libatard custom, I can just imagine what you wanted to do to Broom Hilda, Barry and Lurch Kerry.

"China, the largest contributor, was responsible for 28% of these emissions, followed by the United States (14%), the European Union as a whole (10%), India (7%), Russia (5%), Japan (3%), Korea (2%), Canada (2%), Indonesia (2%), and Iran (2%). All other countries produced about 25% of emissions."
Jeeze....according to your math...China dumps twice as much into the air as we do. :eek:
A dumb fuck and a liar would post that kind of twaddle. In 2018, Trump withdrew the people that Presidents Bush and Obama had stationed in other nations just to watch for such pandemics. And then fired the skeleton general staff those Presidents had created so when a pandemic occurred we could react quickly to it. Then, when he was informed of the Covid in December and January by our intel agencies, he lied to us about it's dangers. And constantly lied about masks, social distancing, and every other aspect of the pandemic for months. That resulted in the very rapid spread of the Covid. Yes, Trump is responsible for a very large percentage of the American deaths from Covid.
Trump has said everything Biden has about masks......lying asshole.
Trump has firmly supported getting vaccinated.
Trump didn't fire anyone that was dealing with the pandemic....that was just another media hoax.
Dr Fauci is still out there front and center spinning lies like he was under TRump.
Ever hear of scientific journals, dumb fuck? That is where I get my science, not from newspapers or Newsweek. Yes, scientists do have lectures on Youtube, and they write many articles for peer reviewed journals. Intelligent people look for science there, not in papers or magazines written for the general public. The AGU publishes lectures every year from it's annual convention, here is one;

Yeah sure.
Course all science is theory.....which means most of it is just an educated guess that they spend their entire lives trying to prove.
That's why it's important to keep politics out of discussing our climate.....because there are no absolutes in science.
Give a scientist a big hunk of money and that can shade his findings to whichever direction the donor wants them to go.
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Cars, even I.C. vehicles run cleaner than they did when I was young. Are you saying that is really a problem?
What you posted is exactly the point...
The items we use are much cleaner than even 10 years ago.
I asked an actual Environmental Engineer who designed factories and he told me this after 6 months of studying the subject.
What you posted is exactly the point...
The items we use are much cleaner than even 10 years ago.
I asked an actual Environmental Engineer who designed factories and he told me this after 6 months of studying the subject.

That's great. That doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for even cleaner.
That's great. That doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for even cleaner.
It means we are always striving for cleaner because cleaner is less expensive.
As clean becomes part of the process, the expense and liability insurance drops.
But we all know that businesses are evil.
Obviously you are one silly turd for even posting such dumb nonsense. We can power this whole nation with wind and solar, we do not need to pollute our nation and the world now. We have the technology to be completely energy independent, it is only the greed of the fossil fuel corporations that will keep us from achieving that goal.
You need to live in a yurt and burn bison dung for heat and leave the rest of us alone. We like civilization.

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