It doesn't matter who wins the election -- we can't survive as a nation when so many anti-Americans live amongst us

Happened on this thread after being tied up for a few days and here I find the glue and doom dumbasses. I can understand Blackrook, He has problems of faith, self indulgence and personal matters and usually seems bummed out these days. Bootney says kill all the commies, which typical for Bootney. Joining in the to indulgence in morbid lack of hope come Bluzman. I Typsy is also on a tear tonight also. One of you needs to get your shit together and the rest just need to settle down. Biden will win and things will start to settle down. It will not be over nite, even after he takes office. America will get back more toward normal. Our government will get back more toward normal. The cabinet will not be a kitchen cabinet of crooks nutballs, and people picked for how much damage they can do to a department or institution with an anything goes attitude. We will re-affirm ties to allies and show our disapproval of commies, dictators, Russian strongmen. Not over nite, but it will happen. I am very optimistic at the moment.

How weird, you forgot about all the other things you'll'll wave in all of Mexicos human cockroaches, you'll encourage negroes to burn shit down because whitey, you'll steal more from productive folks to feed your pet human bottom feeders, you'll bust your asses trying to destroy everything that is is America / American, you'll continue to denigrate whitey.....the shit goes on and on.
Happened on this thread after being tied up for a few days and here I find the glue and doom dumbasses. I can understand Blackrook, He has problems of faith, self indulgence and personal matters and usually seems bummed out these days. Bootney says kill all the commies, which typical for Bootney. Joining in the to indulgence in morbid lack of hope come Bluzman. I Typsy is also on a tear tonight also. One of you needs to get your shit together and the rest just need to settle down.

They love America and weep for the harm that has been caused by the Marxist in our universities propagandizing our students into little MArxist puffballs, dude.

If you loved America, you would be downcast about it too.

Biden will win and things will start to settle down. It will not be over nite, even after he takes office. America will get back more toward normal. Our government will get back more toward normal.

Biden is not going to win, doofus.
In the past Democrat candidates lost the Electoral College by
1) pissing off NRA members, 34% of whom are Democrats.
2) Alienating moderates by going full pro-abortion on demand which most people do not want. They want abortion access, but with normal restrictions that would be had for any medical procedure.
3) Alienating the great majority who do not want their taxes increased
4) Alienating pro-business community with higher regulations
5) Alienating the energy industry with tighter restriction. Biden says he is going to cause the unemployment of the entire fossil fuel industry.

And I could go on with another dozen points or more.

All these historic losing policies are bundled together in the Biden plans/platform.

If Biden wins, America is hopelessly lost.

The cabinet will not be a kitchen cabinet of crooks nutballs, and people picked for how much damage they can do to a department or institution with an anything goes attitude. We will re-affirm ties to allies and show our disapproval of commies, dictators, Russian strongmen.
Lol, the Tammany Hall political machines the Democrats run are the epitome of crooked politics, come on man, are you a junky?

This country is never again going to go back to a system where the only profit one can make is to tie into a Global economy that sells off American jobs and manufacturing capability.
using those Walmart tunnels to fill all those FEMA prisons
Democrat government employees are hard at work in that direction. They have an emergency standby shadow government in place, with their own last ditch bug-out plans in case the general population rebels against them.

You bet. More reason why you should go ahead and keep that tinfoil hat tight and head for your bunker.
We don't have a future.

Either way its just a matter of time
Between crony capitalism and the fed reserve..we're heading for a brick wall and reset anyway..

We're all tax slaves until the current system implodes ...ride it till the end baby!
Or the left and the establishment does something really stupid ...yes besides thier current rate of daily stupidity
Happened on this thread after being tied up for a few days and here I find the glue and doom dumbasses. I can understand Blackrook, He has problems of faith, self indulgence and personal matters and usually seems bummed out these days. Bootney says kill all the commies, which typical for Bootney. Joining in the to indulgence in morbid lack of hope come Bluzman. I Typsy is also on a tear tonight also. One of you needs to get your shit together and the rest just need to settle down. Biden will win and things will start to settle down. It will not be over nite, even after he takes office. America will get back more toward normal. Our government will get back more toward normal. The cabinet will not be a kitchen cabinet of crooks nutballs, and people picked for how much damage they can do to a department or institution with an anything goes attitude. We will re-affirm ties to allies and show our disapproval of commies, dictators, Russian strongmen. Not over nite, but it will happen. I am very optimistic at the moment.
You do realize that neither side will accept the election results no matter who wins.

That is just where we are as a nation.
Anybody that thinks there is going to be a revolution is not thinking straight. You are better off think it will be a normal transition that will occur in January. So keep going to work if you still have to work. Keep paying your bills. Don't start hoarding gold (gold because Dollar bills would be useless within 6 months in the revolution scenario) for medium of exchange. Plan on the government not dissolving. The Constitution has worked since 1788. It ain't over yet. If I am wrong, at least I am will provisioned, but I have stayed provisioned for years and a go bag is packed. I'm just like that, not because internet people are going crazy over the election.
We don't have a future.
I'm really starting to believe this may be true. If Trump wins the election, and he SHOULD win it, liberal lunatics will go nuts, riot, loot, destroy property, and maybe murder those they don't agree with. If Biden somehow steals the election, our country WOULD be f*cked. A win by him would send our country further down the road to becoming a globalist and socialist sh*thole. At least if Trump wins, the path to our country becoming a sh*thole WOULD be averted. But there WOULD be MUCH unrest and violence from the Lunatic Left if Biden loses. It WILL be interesting, to say the least.

Riot, loot, destroy property?

That's what they are doing right now.
I do not know what anti American is but everyone has an opinion. I am against anti opinion as that means we would all hold hands and sing in perfect harmony and drink Coca Cola. Of course those Pepsi fiends would just yell that its fake. The doctor peppers would still be so miss understood. Royal Cola would just go back to where it came from.

IF the melting pot was to boil over then we need to get a bigger pot with Coca Cola the national drink.
Happened on this thread after being tied up for a few days and here I find the glue and doom dumbasses. I can understand Blackrook, He has problems of faith, self indulgence and personal matters and usually seems bummed out these days. Bootney says kill all the commies, which typical for Bootney. Joining in the to indulgence in morbid lack of hope come Bluzman. I Typsy is also on a tear tonight also. One of you needs to get your shit together and the rest just need to settle down. Biden will win and things will start to settle down. It will not be over nite, even after he takes office. America will get back more toward normal. Our government will get back more toward normal. The cabinet will not be a kitchen cabinet of crooks nutballs, and people picked for how much damage they can do to a department or institution with an anything goes attitude. We will re-affirm ties to allies and show our disapproval of commies, dictators, Russian strongmen. Not over nite, but it will happen. I am very optimistic at the moment.

How weird, you forgot about all the other things you'll'll wave in all of Mexicos human cockroaches, you'll encourage negroes to burn shit down because whitey, you'll steal more from productive folks to feed your pet human bottom feeders, you'll bust your asses trying to destroy everything that is is America / American, you'll continue to denigrate whitey.....the shit goes on and on.
I am really sorry about where you live, but I am in Tennessee. The last large group of Mexicans (definitely not cockroaches, just typical H1B people) I waved in were coming onto my property to build me a swimming pool, and working for a good old American local small business entrepreneur, here in Jackson. Nobody black or white burning things down, here. I certainly am not destroying anything. Wrote my huge ass check to Uncle Sam in January, before ski vacation in February. Doofus look at that Avatar. That's me 4 years ago on another ski trip. Do I look like the type to denigrate whitey, or blacks either for that matter. Sure would be a surprise to everyone I know, black and white and of course all my Irish ancestors. You should spend less time denigrating others and more time getting you act together and making something of yourself. Make sure you kids get an education and accreditation in something that they can make a life for themselves with and go on about your own life. See you on the beaches, rivers, hiking trails, and slopes! :cool:
Happened on this thread after being tied up for a few days and here I find the glue and doom dumbasses. I can understand Blackrook, He has problems of faith, self indulgence and personal matters and usually seems bummed out these days. Bootney says kill all the commies, which typical for Bootney. Joining in the to indulgence in morbid lack of hope come Bluzman. I Typsy is also on a tear tonight also. One of you needs to get your shit together and the rest just need to settle down.

They love America and weep for the harm that has been caused by the Marxist in our universities propagandizing our students into little MArxist puffballs, dude.

If you loved America, you would be downcast about it too.

Biden will win and things will start to settle down. It will not be over nite, even after he takes office. America will get back more toward normal. Our government will get back more toward normal.

Biden is not going to win, doofus.
In the past Democrat candidates lost the Electoral College by
1) pissing off NRA members, 34% of whom are Democrats.
2) Alienating moderates by going full pro-abortion on demand which most people do not want. They want abortion access, but with normal restrictions that would be had for any medical procedure.
3) Alienating the great majority who do not want their taxes increased
4) Alienating pro-business community with higher regulations
5) Alienating the energy industry with tighter restriction. Biden says he is going to cause the unemployment of the entire fossil fuel industry.

And I could go on with another dozen points or more.

All these historic losing policies are bundled together in the Biden plans/platform.

If Biden wins, America is hopelessly lost.

The cabinet will not be a kitchen cabinet of crooks nutballs, and people picked for how much damage they can do to a department or institution with an anything goes attitude. We will re-affirm ties to allies and show our disapproval of commies, dictators, Russian strongmen.
Lol, the Tammany Hall political machines the Democrats run are the epitome of crooked politics, come on man, are you a junky?

This country is never again going to go back to a system where the only profit one can make is to tie into a Global economy that sells off American jobs and manufacturing capability.
Donnie will not win.
Biden will put us back on the road to better government.
Happened on this thread after being tied up for a few days and here I find the glue and doom dumbasses. I can understand Blackrook, He has problems of faith, self indulgence and personal matters and usually seems bummed out these days. Bootney says kill all the commies, which typical for Bootney. Joining in the to indulgence in morbid lack of hope come Bluzman. I Typsy is also on a tear tonight also. One of you needs to get your shit together and the rest just need to settle down. Biden will win and things will start to settle down. It will not be over nite, even after he takes office. America will get back more toward normal. Our government will get back more toward normal. The cabinet will not be a kitchen cabinet of crooks nutballs, and people picked for how much damage they can do to a department or institution with an anything goes attitude. We will re-affirm ties to allies and show our disapproval of commies, dictators, Russian strongmen. Not over nite, but it will happen. I am very optimistic at the moment.
You do realize that neither side will accept the election results no matter who wins.

That is just where we are as a nation.
There will be riots no matter who wins.
Happened on this thread after being tied up for a few days and here I find the glue and doom dumbasses. I can understand Blackrook, He has problems of faith, self indulgence and personal matters and usually seems bummed out these days. Bootney says kill all the commies, which typical for Bootney. Joining in the to indulgence in morbid lack of hope come Bluzman. I Typsy is also on a tear tonight also. One of you needs to get your shit together and the rest just need to settle down. Biden will win and things will start to settle down. It will not be over nite, even after he takes office. America will get back more toward normal. Our government will get back more toward normal. The cabinet will not be a kitchen cabinet of crooks nutballs, and people picked for how much damage they can do to a department or institution with an anything goes attitude. We will re-affirm ties to allies and show our disapproval of commies, dictators, Russian strongmen. Not over nite, but it will happen. I am very optimistic at the moment.
You do realize that neither side will accept the election results no matter who wins.

That is just where we are as a nation.
There will be riots no matter who wins.
Yes, but there are riots when somebody wins anything big these days. Luckily not where I live. I suspect, not where you live either. I am not planning on attending one.
Happened on this thread after being tied up for a few days and here I find the glue and doom dumbasses. I can understand Blackrook, He has problems of faith, self indulgence and personal matters and usually seems bummed out these days. Bootney says kill all the commies, which typical for Bootney. Joining in the to indulgence in morbid lack of hope come Bluzman. I Typsy is also on a tear tonight also. One of you needs to get your shit together and the rest just need to settle down. Biden will win and things will start to settle down. It will not be over nite, even after he takes office. America will get back more toward normal. Our government will get back more toward normal. The cabinet will not be a kitchen cabinet of crooks nutballs, and people picked for how much damage they can do to a department or institution with an anything goes attitude. We will re-affirm ties to allies and show our disapproval of commies, dictators, Russian strongmen. Not over nite, but it will happen. I am very optimistic at the moment.
You do realize that neither side will accept the election results no matter who wins.

That is just where we are as a nation.
There will be riots no matter who wins.
Yes, but there are riots when somebody wins anything big these days. Luckily not where I live. I suspect, not where you live either. I am not planning on attending one.
There is only one black family where I live and they keep their heads down. I have been through two major riots, several small ones and months of general unrest.. It's quiet here but close enough to Los Angeles to be prepared to smash heads and slit throats if necessary.
If Biden wins there will be an explosion of savagery and violence unseen since 1865. Communist democrats will accept success as license to Burn Loot and murder. They will be right.

Oohh, feel the Hate and the Fear in this one. Thank you for your Pro Biden post.
Thank Biden when your city is in flames. I know I will.
the Founders knew exactly how to handle this very problem: They deported the vermin. Why people seem to think that isn't an option is just sad, since it is the only option short of killing the scum. They are so unhappy here they should have the opportunity to try their phony Social Justice Warrior scam somewhere that needs them, like Red China or Somalia.
Happened on this thread after being tied up for a few days and here I find the glue and doom dumbasses. I can understand Blackrook, He has problems of faith, self indulgence and personal matters and usually seems bummed out these days. Bootney says kill all the commies, which typical for Bootney. Joining in the to indulgence in morbid lack of hope come Bluzman. I Typsy is also on a tear tonight also. One of you needs to get your shit together and the rest just need to settle down. Biden will win and things will start to settle down. It will not be over nite, even after he takes office. America will get back more toward normal. Our government will get back more toward normal. The cabinet will not be a kitchen cabinet of crooks nutballs, and people picked for how much damage they can do to a department or institution with an anything goes attitude. We will re-affirm ties to allies and show our disapproval of commies, dictators, Russian strongmen. Not over nite, but it will happen. I am very optimistic at the moment.

How weird, you forgot about all the other things you'll'll wave in all of Mexicos human cockroaches, you'll encourage negroes to burn shit down because whitey, you'll steal more from productive folks to feed your pet human bottom feeders, you'll bust your asses trying to destroy everything that is is America / American, you'll continue to denigrate whitey.....the shit goes on and on.
I am really sorry about where you live, but I am in Tennessee. The last large group of Mexicans (definitely not cockroaches, just typical H1B people) I waved in were coming onto my property to build me a swimming pool, and working for a good old American local small business entrepreneur, here in Jackson. Nobody black or white burning things down, here. I certainly am not destroying anything. Wrote my huge ass check to Uncle Sam in January, before ski vacation in February. Doofus look at that Avatar. That's me 4 years ago on another ski trip. Do I look like the type to denigrate whitey, or blacks either for that matter. Sure would be a surprise to everyone I know, black and white and of course all my Irish ancestors. You should spend less time denigrating others and more time getting you act together and making something of yourself. Make sure you kids get an education and accreditation in something that they can make a life for themselves with and go on about your own life. See you on the beaches, rivers, hiking trails, and slopes! :cool:

I see, you think America happens in your tiny little box in Jackson, TN?
"The twisted anti American policies the Dems are pushing doesn't affect me so fuck it"...right?
Happened on this thread after being tied up for a few days and here I find the glue and doom dumbasses. I can understand Blackrook, He has problems of faith, self indulgence and personal matters and usually seems bummed out these days. Bootney says kill all the commies, which typical for Bootney. Joining in the to indulgence in morbid lack of hope come Bluzman. I Typsy is also on a tear tonight also. One of you needs to get your shit together and the rest just need to settle down. Biden will win and things will start to settle down. It will not be over nite, even after he takes office. America will get back more toward normal. Our government will get back more toward normal. The cabinet will not be a kitchen cabinet of crooks nutballs, and people picked for how much damage they can do to a department or institution with an anything goes attitude. We will re-affirm ties to allies and show our disapproval of commies, dictators, Russian strongmen. Not over nite, but it will happen. I am very optimistic at the moment.

How weird, you forgot about all the other things you'll'll wave in all of Mexicos human cockroaches, you'll encourage negroes to burn shit down because whitey, you'll steal more from productive folks to feed your pet human bottom feeders, you'll bust your asses trying to destroy everything that is is America / American, you'll continue to denigrate whitey.....the shit goes on and on.
I am really sorry about where you live, but I am in Tennessee. The last large group of Mexicans (definitely not cockroaches, just typical H1B people) I waved in were coming onto my property to build me a swimming pool, and working for a good old American local small business entrepreneur, here in Jackson. Nobody black or white burning things down, here. I certainly am not destroying anything. Wrote my huge ass check to Uncle Sam in January, before ski vacation in February. Doofus look at that Avatar. That's me 4 years ago on another ski trip. Do I look like the type to denigrate whitey, or blacks either for that matter. Sure would be a surprise to everyone I know, black and white and of course all my Irish ancestors. You should spend less time denigrating others and more time getting you act together and making something of yourself. Make sure you kids get an education and accreditation in something that they can make a life for themselves with and go on about your own life. See you on the beaches, rivers, hiking trails, and slopes! :cool:

I see, you think America happens in your tiny little box in Jackson, TN?
"The twisted anti American policies the Dems are pushing doesn't affect me so fuck it"...right?

That's exactly how they think. As long as 'Somebody Else' is getting screwed, they're all for it, no matter what.
Yeah, I agree that it doesn't matter who wins. Either way, we're on a sinking ship. And most people are busy re-arranging deck chairs.
We don't have a future.
I'm really starting to believe this may be true. If Trump wins the election, and he SHOULD win it, liberal lunatics will go nuts, riot, loot, destroy property, and maybe murder those they don't agree with. If Biden somehow steals the election, our country WOULD be f*cked. A win by him would send our country further down the road to becoming a globalist and socialist sh*thole. At least if Trump wins, the path to our country becoming a sh*thole WOULD be averted. But there WOULD be MUCH unrest and violence from the Lunatic Left if Biden loses. It WILL be interesting, to say the least.

trump's approval rating has been in the 30s and 40s. How would it be "stealing" the election if a majority of people simply vote for Biden? trump did not win the majority vote last time. We've had almost four years to assess his conduct in office.
all things cons
We don't have a future.
I'm really starting to believe this may be true. If Trump wins the election, and he SHOULD win it, liberal lunatics will go nuts, riot, loot, destroy property, and maybe murder those they don't agree with. If Biden somehow steals the election, our country WOULD be f*cked. A win by him would send our country further down the road to becoming a globalist and socialist sh*thole. At least if Trump wins, the path to our country becoming a sh*thole WOULD be averted. But there WOULD be MUCH unrest and violence from the Lunatic Left if Biden loses. It WILL be interesting, to say the least.

trump's approval rating has been in the 30s and 40s. How would it be "stealing" the election if a majority of people simply vote for Biden? trump did not win the majority vote last time. We've had almost four years to assess his conduct in office.

all things considered-----in comparison to the presidents of the past 50 years, I consider Trump
to be, COMPARITIVELY, very good

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