It doesn't matter who writes the laws. What matters is who executes the laws.

Obozo should have been impeached and removed for his amnesty policy. How can a president give millions of people (who aren't even citizens) a certificate telling them they can break our laws??

The same way he gave hundreds of people the freedom to walk out of jail after real American judges put them there.

I sure wish the media would tell us the race of those criminals obozo freed. I bet only 1% or so were white.
Obozo should have been impeached and removed for his amnesty policy. How can a president give millions of people (who aren't even citizens) a certificate telling them they can break our laws??

The same way he gave hundreds of people the freedom to walk out of jail after real American judges put them there.

I sure wish the media would tell us the race of those criminals obozo freed. I bet only 1% or so were white.

That was his goal because he believes blacks get the short end of the stick when it comes to drugs and prison.
Obozo should have been impeached and removed for his amnesty policy. How can a president give millions of people (who aren't even citizens) a certificate telling them they can break our laws??
What amnesty? You mean the amnesty given by Ray-gun?

Terrible thing ronnie did. And he flat out gave them CITIZENSHIP!!! 4 million or so.
That was his goal because he believes blacks get the short end of the stick when it comes to drugs and prison.

And obozo may be right about that. Drunk driving is the worst drug crime of all, but those criminals seldom go to prison since it's a crime that rich white people like to commit.
That was his goal because he believes blacks get the short end of the stick when it comes to drugs and prison.

And obozo may be right about that. Drunk driving is the worst drug crime of all, but those criminals seldom go to prison since it's a crime that rich white people like to commit.

I would disagree with that. We have an epidemic with drugs here in the Cleveland area. Record high drug overdoses and deaths that seem to keep on climbing. True, people do get killed in DUI accidents, but I would be willing to bet nothing like the amount of people getting killed because of drugs. Also drinking alcohol doesn't promote gang activity--another factor responsible for a lot of deaths. I believe during the Christmas weekend alone, it was 50 some shootings and nearly a dozen deaths due to gangs in the Chicago area. None of it related to alcohol I'm sure.
American corporations are why many are there, you have for profit prisons trading on bondage and a return to convict leasing. Anything can be made "illegal", and the jobs coming back is fantasy.

Yeah, I heard about that. Corporations running the streets picking people up to take to jail for no reason. Somebody should do something about that.

My friend.....87 percent that is serving jail time has committed a victim less crime by simply violating one of their acts, statutes, codes or ordinances...we don't have laws because a corporation cannot pass laws. We are not under Common Law...we are under the UCC/admiralty law which is why every crime has a monetary value......

Where is it written that jails should only be for crimes of victimization? Let me ask: my cousin's son died from an overdose about a year and a half ago, were they victims of the person that sold her son the drugs?

The kid didn't have free will? And BTW, the CIA brings in 90 percent of all drugs into this country....and that is a fact. Is Anhuieser Busch responsible because someone drinks themselves to death??? If there was no market for drugs,m we wouldn't have that problem and it boils down to parenting....sorry to hear about your cousin's son...that sucks mightily.

You avoided the question.

Nobody forced the drugs into his arm, but the fact remains that drug dealers are killers and yes, causes victimization. Bush may not be responsible if somebody gets drunk and kills somebody, but the law says the bar tender or establishment that served him is.

" but the law says the bar tender or establishment that served him is."

Yeah, after raking in the taxes the drunk guy provided them, they pin it on the small businessman. Phuggin' phenomenal this "system".
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That was his goal because he believes blacks get the short end of the stick when it comes to drugs and prison.

And obozo may be right about that. Drunk driving is the worst drug crime of all, but those criminals seldom go to prison since it's a crime that rich white people like to commit.

I would disagree with that. We have an epidemic with drugs here in the Cleveland area. Record high drug overdoses and deaths that seem to keep on climbing. True, people do get killed in DUI accidents, but I would be willing to bet nothing like the amount of people getting killed because of drugs. Also drinking alcohol doesn't promote gang activity--another factor responsible for a lot of deaths. I believe during the Christmas weekend alone, it was 50 some shootings and nearly a dozen deaths due to gangs in the Chicago area. None of it related to alcohol I'm sure.

And still we are told we have this "war on drugs", decades old now. Hmmmmm. But we have also returned to private prisons who trade on Wall Street and lobby for legislation that keeps prisons full in a post industrial society with ever diminishing living wage jobs. And we have also returned to convict leasing of incarcerated labor for corporate cannibalization. Then the phone companies move in and take advantage, then Aramark moves in and takes advantage, and everyone comes out of the system owing the system money. It’s a positive feedback loop and anything can be made “illegal” just as surely as anything can be made “legal”. This is america’s growth industry; bondage. Private prisons must be full, it’s just business. As we’ve all heard; 5% of the planet’s population, 25% of the planet’s incarcerated population. This is just another method of siphoning societal wealth into the hands of private corporate power.
That was his goal because he believes blacks get the short end of the stick when it comes to drugs and prison.

And obozo may be right about that. Drunk driving is the worst drug crime of all, but those criminals seldom go to prison since it's a crime that rich white people like to commit.

I would disagree with that. We have an epidemic with drugs here in the Cleveland area. Record high drug overdoses and deaths that seem to keep on climbing. True, people do get killed in DUI accidents, but I would be willing to bet nothing like the amount of people getting killed because of drugs. Also drinking alcohol doesn't promote gang activity--another factor responsible for a lot of deaths. I believe during the Christmas weekend alone, it was 50 some shootings and nearly a dozen deaths due to gangs in the Chicago area. None of it related to alcohol I'm sure.

And still we are told we have this "war on drugs", decades old now. Hmmmmm. But we have also returned to private prisons who trade on Wall Street and lobby for legislation that keeps prisons full in a post industrial society with ever diminishing living wage jobs. And we have also returned to convict leasing of incarcerated labor for corporate cannibalization. Then the phone companies move in and take advantage, then Aramark moves in and takes advantage, and everyone comes out of the system owing the system money. It’s a positive feedback loop and anything can be made “illegal” just as surely as anything can be made “legal”. This is america’s growth industry; bondage. Private prisons must be full, it’s just business. As we’ve all heard; 5% of the planet’s population, 25% of the planet’s incarcerated population. This is just another method of siphoning societal wealth into the hands of private corporate power.

I have some bad news for ya, and that is we struggle with the prison space we have today. Judges let violent offenders to probation or house arrest because there is simply no room for them. They can only imprison the worst of the worst due to lack of prison space.

Locally, many jails are beyond full. Here in Cleveland, the county lockup puts 9 or 10 people in a cell only designed for 5 or 6. There are prisoners who sleep on the floor because there just isn't enough room for cots or beds.

Incarcerated labor? Good. Let them help offset some of the costs. If it were up to me, all prisoners would be out there with a sledge hammer breaking big rocks into little rocks. Good for them. Want to know what we lack in prison today? Watch the classic movie Cool Hand Luke. That's what prisons should be.
And obozo may be right about that. Drunk driving is the worst drug crime of all, but those criminals seldom go to prison since it's a crime that rich white people like to commit.

I would disagree with that. We have an epidemic with drugs here in the Cleveland area. Record high drug overdoses and deaths that seem to keep on climbing. True, people do get killed in DUI accidents, but I would be willing to bet nothing like the amount of people getting killed because of drugs. .

I personally do not feel threatened by the druggies since i don't live in a ghetto. But the DUIs are inescapable and i'd much rather see a war on them than a war on crack-heads.
Incarcerated labor? Good. Let them help offset some of the costs. If it were up to me, all prisoners would be out there with a sledge hammer breaking big rocks into little rocks. Good for them. Want to know what we lack in prison today? Watch the classic movie Cool Hand Luke. That's what prisons should be.

Prison labor is slave labor. But i agree CHL was a great movie. Luke is prolly my fave screen character.
And obozo may be right about that. Drunk driving is the worst drug crime of all, but those criminals seldom go to prison since it's a crime that rich white people like to commit.

I would disagree with that. We have an epidemic with drugs here in the Cleveland area. Record high drug overdoses and deaths that seem to keep on climbing. True, people do get killed in DUI accidents, but I would be willing to bet nothing like the amount of people getting killed because of drugs. .

I personally do not feel threatened by the druggies since i don't live in a ghetto. But the DUIs are inescapable and i'd much rather see a war on them than a war on crack-heads.

I guess it's a matter of what your experiences were in the past. I have a cousin that lost her son of 28 years old to drugs less than two years ago. When I seen her at the store months later, she still looks like she was crying just before she went inside. I had a tenant messing around with druggies. They almost burned my house completely down. My insurance dropped me and I couldn't get coverage for three years due to the cost of my claim. Not long afterwards, I rented to a friend of a friend who "used to be" hooked on drugs. He had a prison record so I gave him a chance. Bad move on my part. He was a remodeler and wanted to redo his apartment. He ripped out some walls, removed plumbing and electrical wiring, then went back on the drugs and left it that way until I kicked him out for not paying rent. It cost me a ton of money to get the place fixed back up.

Drugs are not restricted to the ghetto. They can rise up anywhere. Some of our worst problems are in affluent areas in very nice suburbs.
I guess it's a matter of what your experiences were in the past. I have a cousin that lost her son of 28 years old to drugs less than two years ago. When I seen her at the store months later, she still looks like she was crying just before she went inside. I had a tenant messing around with druggies. They almost burned my house completely down. My insurance dropped me and I couldn't get coverage for three years due to the cost of my claim. Not long afterwards, I rented to a friend of a friend who "used to be" hooked on drugs. He had a prison record so I gave him a chance. Bad move on my part. He was a remodeler and wanted to redo his apartment. He ripped out some walls, removed plumbing and electrical wiring, then went back on the drugs and left it that way until I kicked him out for not paying rent. It cost me a ton of money to get the place fixed back up.

Sounds like YOU made a lot of bad choices. I stay away from druggies.
I guess it's a matter of what your experiences were in the past. I have a cousin that lost her son of 28 years old to drugs less than two years ago. When I seen her at the store months later, she still looks like she was crying just before she went inside. I had a tenant messing around with druggies. They almost burned my house completely down. My insurance dropped me and I couldn't get coverage for three years due to the cost of my claim. Not long afterwards, I rented to a friend of a friend who "used to be" hooked on drugs. He had a prison record so I gave him a chance. Bad move on my part. He was a remodeler and wanted to redo his apartment. He ripped out some walls, removed plumbing and electrical wiring, then went back on the drugs and left it that way until I kicked him out for not paying rent. It cost me a ton of money to get the place fixed back up.

Sounds like YOU made a lot of bad choices. I stay away from druggies.

Good choice, but the thing about drug users is sometimes they are impossible to identify.
I really hate to see comments by a freaking monster like Stalin, who probably authorized more mass murder of his own people than Hitler, used in a political forum about American politics. There were no laws in Stalinist Russia but plenty of executions.
I really hate to see comments by a freaking monster like Stalin, who probably authorized more mass murder of his own people than Hitler, used in a political forum about American politics. There were no laws in Stalinist Russia but plenty of executions.

Nevertheless Uncle Joe was right. The vote counters are who's important, not the voters.

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